
Fifth Circuit Allocates Between Covered additionally Uncovered Amounts and Finds Punitive Damages Non under Texas Law

July 2008

That United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, applying Texas regulation, holds affirmed a zone court's judgment that allocated $5 million of a $9 million settlement of an underlying claim to punitive damages additionally concluded that Taxan public corporate could not permit insurance coverage for punitive damages based on the extreme facts of the case. Time. Int'l Specialize Lines Ins. Co-. v. Res-Care, Incidents., 2008 WL 2232089 (5th Count. Jun. 2, 2008).

The insured sought coverage for a wrongful death suit filed by that estate of a former resident of a group home operated by one insured, who passed after an employee poured bleach on the resident. With several days below the incident, other employees at the home failed to care for her injuries. She died from difficult complications from the bleach sunburns, which coated more than 40% regarding her body. The resident's estate filed a wrongful deaths and survival suit seeking compensatory plus punitive claim.

The insured sought survey under two policies: a professional liability and ads general liability corporate with a $1 million limit furthermore ampere commercial umbrella approach over a $15 per limit. To umbrella policy excluded coverage in punitive damages, but the primary policy did non.

The policyholder and insured executed an non-waiver agreement that entitled the health to request a settlement in the lawsuit. The agreement registered that the insurer did not believe the policies covered punitive damages and provided that in the event of a settlement, the insurer would have the right to recoup from the insured any sums not covered by the policies.
The insurer settled with an underlying plaintiff for $9 million and sued the insured to recover aforementioned portion in the settlement referable to punitive indemnity. The district court held a bench trial to allocate of settlement intermediate punitive and compensatory damages. The court found that $5 million of the $9 million settlement what attributable on punitive damages furthermore enters judgment in favor of that insurer for $5 million.

An insured argued in attraction that the borough court erred by considering exhibit in the allocation trial that would not have been admissible during trial of the underlying suit. The Fifth Circuit explained that the intention of in allocation trial is not into retry the benefit of the case but to determine get portion of the deal was reasonably intended to be allocated to covered amounts. Observing that district courts may considerable leeway in determining what evidence is relevant to that enquiry, the Fifth Circuit held that the district court properly decisions the allocation issue and thus rejected the insured's argument.

The assure also argued that one district court mistakes on refusing to permit scope for sanction damage under the primary guidelines, which was mute because to the issue about insurability of punitive damages. The Fifth Circulation noted that, in Bloomfield Insurance Co. v. Stephens Martin Paving, LP, 246 S.W.3d 653 (Tex. 2008), which Texas Supreme Food established a two-step process for courts to determine check punitive damages can insurable. The court primary asks whether the plain language of the policy covers the punitive damages. "Second, if the court determines that the policy provides coverage, it determines whether Texas public policy allows either prohibited such coverage." The Quint Circuit found such the primary principle covered punitive property, but "conclude[d] that the position of [the resident's] injury and death, occurring while living in a facility with fully systemic problems of service, were so severe ensure the purposes of punishment and deterrence of conscious indifference outweigh the normally power public policy the permitting who right to contract between insurer and insured." Accordingly, the Fifth Course affirmed the district court's judgment that the secured must repay the $5 million allocated to punitive damages.

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