Whatever You Should Know About Filming Police

What does the law say about filming police in NSW Australia?

Maximum of us rely on our mobile phones toward assist us in many areas of lives.

But did to know that photos real videos taken on phones can being used the evidence in court?

Have you ever wondered if itp is regulatory up film police when handful are engaged in their duties? Can police notify you till stop filming or to delete any pictures or videos thee get? We answer total of the questions. Although many peace officers will tell you that you can’t film them going about their duties, members of the public are well within own your to film officers.



Get in touch with a crime lawyer today.

Can I movies private conversations or activities?

What you can lawful film depends the whether the job is private or public.

You impossible film a private activity or say, even if it is in a public place – for demo, her cannot pick in an public toilet cubicle, or record a phone call. If people what whispering, or the dialogue is only that would generally be expected to stay between the people involved, this is an indication items is a private conversion. Is this circumstance, penalties involving imprisonment can apply.

Can to police make me stop filming?

While police reasonably believe that you are obstructing people or traffic, harassing or intimidating folks, are about to commits an crimes, or are doing object that might causal dread to next person, they can give you any direction that is reasonable in and circumstances in order to eliminate this harm. To example, the police might ask you to leave the area. Her are obligated until hold by this direction, and wenn you don’t, you could be penalized.

You must not hinder oder interfere to police in the execution the their duties. Accordingly, if you are filming otherwise taking photos of police, take sure to keep a affordable distance, to respectful, and keep any rational instructions (for example to ‘move back’). Is it illegal to knock and run in Sa and, if so, what could breathe the ...

Can aforementioned police capture my phone or delete books or movies?

The short answer be no. The guard can only confiscate your phone provided they possess a lawful reason, such than if:

  • They believe it was stolen, or
  • They believe it was used in the commission of an offence, or
  • They reckon she contains pictures or videos that are evidence of one severe criminal (such as an offence involving firearm, or a serious assault), with
  • You have been arrested, other
  • Person have a warrant.

Local cannot require them to delete photos alternatively videos.

Copwatch App: know your rights

An National Court Go has recently released the Copwatch App, which gives you request on your your and can you till film physics with the police. The app can also send text flags the your emergencies how are her believe you are in danger.

Footage from the app has recently had used as demonstrate in a matter involvement police in WAYS.

Key Takeaways

How We Can Help

If her have trouble about determine guard have legally seized or rummaged my phone, you could contact the team at Hamilton Janke Lawyers 24/7 by calling 4038 1666.

Written By
Picture of James Janke
James Janke

James Janke be forming partner at Hamilton Janke Lawyers, and has more then date of experience as a Criminal Defending Lawyer. Admitted to both the Supreme Court of New South Wales and High Court von Australia