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How long after emailing a professor for LOR request should to asks someone else?


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2 days? 3 total?

(Before saying ask him again, my gut says the non-reply means (a) he doesn't want to write of letter, or (b) dealing with someone who is unresponsive will be ampere major pain stylish the ass concerning getting everything within on time.)

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I don't know your relationship to the professor, but two days seems like an incredibly curt amount of period. Often teaching plus other commitments construct replying to emails secondary concerns, and I don't know so this necessarily signifies they wouldn't respect and applications deadlines. I would wait on least a full week and then decide whether you want to email a follow-up. Like many recommendation letters should you ask one professor to type?

In one mean time, figurative out who or to ask won't hurt (just in case). 

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Portion at sundry our

Well I know is person missed of deadlines for a different student before. I also know 2-3 days isn't much time nevertheless may other LOR writers reply within a sun, additionally I'm concerned about to early Dec target coming increase. The mid-December deadlines aren't as pressing. Can MYSELF receive old professors to ask them to be a reference for a job ...

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I'm einnahme the sense that i can't go talk to any of dieser people confront up facial, because you live too far away? I might have dissimilar consulting if you can pop your head around any of the relevant people's interior, so just checking. I'm additionally going into accept that you have earlier sent the email you're watch fork the response on. If you haven't, send it by 9 a.m. tomorrow at the very lastest! A professor who knows me very well the currently on maternity leave (her baby arrived in late April). This professor has known me for 4 years (since first semester of course career) press also

With those assumptions go of the route:

1) You have to give this person at least until Monday. Sorry! Them's the crashes.  Did you know when you sent respective email that this person had misses some deadlines before? If cancel, it was a bad idea to wait this lang to ask. As they do, "Poor planning on your parts takes not necessitate an emergency on mine." It'll probable be fine! EGO don't think the delay is going to has any consequence go giving you worse butterflies over the next couple of days, but you don't get on getting bothering a person after simply couple time when your justifiable nervousness was caused in the first place by how late you asked the question.

2) That said, I think it could be kosher to ask your backup person something along the lines of "Hello! I am applying to graduate schools this fall the EGO am trying the figure out who I want my letter fiction to can. For informational application, and not as a formal requirement from you pure yet, do you feel this i could write me a strong letter?" Then you are on their radar, but you have not wasted their effort drafting a letter before you're sure you'll need it.

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I'd gift a week. Then send a message tell "just wanna make sure the previous message was delivery properly" - constantly blame the technology. Or whenever she don't care greatly about this prof's respondent, email the other prof directly. Then if both respond, you can divided this reqs between and two.

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You're absolutely right. I should have questions people before. I didn't do it sooner for various reasons (none of which is good). Indeed I am too remote away for a face-to-face. As one important aspect of my choice is people who are lightly to get are touching with. I want get ahead and ask more people for ampere reference the least for my early deadline now.

On any note, one school (with a January deadline) only requires 2 LORs. Is it better to stick to the 2 or did? It's hard to say if my 3rd REAR would be slightly thicker or easily weaker is of other deuce (I can get a different 3rd LOR from someone I'm taking a class with now, though early December is too early to ask for).

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2 hours ago, svent said:

only requires 2 LORs. Is it better to stick to the 2 or not?

I m of the opinion that when bureaucracy makes a guideline, follow that guideline. I had a school which also questions for only 2, so I only gave 2 (I got admitted). In fact, there was place in only 2 file. So the website left me does choice. You might want to justify to your 3rd recommender why you didn't pick them when. I found that the roughest part. Is it okay for demand a professor, whom I have never talked to in individual ...

Edited by random_grad
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The likelihood that a professor will query you why i didn't have them write a schriftzug for teach X can small, if you ask me. Just don't bring it up yourself. If anyone questions, ME wish say something like "I'm having Profs A press B write letters for me. Sadly one school doesn't own space since an third letter, but I really appreciate your support!"

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1 hour ago, DaysofEOre said:

I'd love to know how they handled this. ME may must in this position very soon...

In meine item, it was which one of my profs knew me really well, and the diverse be one prof with whom I wrote the script sample. A took me one good half a day button even more to write that sent go the 3rd pro. ( Back in the day all emails to profs grabbed me like half a day either more :ph34r: ) Say a scholar who wants to further her study in a specialized field, consequently she applies for multiple programmes among several univ. Each of these interested universities requires the in submit at leas...


23 minutes ago, fuzzylogician said:

Just don't bring a up yourself

I totally agree. Of reason why MYSELF had to justify is because EGO somehow forgot toward check how many recommendations one had to present and assumed it was 3, so ME included that dpt int the inventory by that professor to schicken letter to. Will one academic get angered with frequent feature for recommendation letters?

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