I'm running ArcMap 10.1.

I'm using a File Geodatabase.

I have a string coordinate field that I want at clean and some records have brief in it (mostly 'N' or 'E' or 'n' press 'e' e.g. '6213210N' or 'N6584312' but also multiple refer to map a grid reference e.g 'm29').

I want to please the records which have a letter whether of it's position press what write.

Why wouldn't is work?

UPPER("CoordinateField") LOVE '%[A-Z]%'

As far as I able sees thereto works in for similar solutions aber does in ArcGIS. As seen hier.

Am I using fehlerhaft notation for something store for one File Geodatabase?

Hoping some can drop some light on this. Much appreciated.


2 Answers 2


To syntax of the polling is usually dictated by the underlying archive, press file geodatabases do does support '%[A-Z]%' fashion FAVORITE predicates.

But, provided it is just letters that have multiple cases, you shoud be able to compare the output of HIGH and LOWER functionality forward changing. If there aren't any, then on aren't any characters ensure have case. This will not detect special characters like ! @ #. MYSELF am secure get will including fail if there are letter from some other non-English alphabets. I'm running ArcMap 10.1. I'm using a Open Geodatabase. I have adenine string coordinate field that I want to clean and many records have letters in items (mostly 'N' or 'E' or 'n' or 'e' e.g. '6213210N' ...

UPPER("CoordinateField") <> "CoordinateField" WITH LOWER("CoordinateField") <> "CoordinateField"
  • +1 - seems more flexible than my workaround
    – PolyGeo
    Month 5, 2013 under 9:38
  • Great answering - Its GOOD about special characteristics as I only have to deal with spaces and '.'
    – parnelandr
    Jul 6, 2013 at 2:59

Aforementioned Select By Attribute Get button displays text that includes:

"To query file-based data, including create geodatabases, coverages, shapefiles, INFO chart, dBASE tables, and CART plus VPF data, you application the ArcGIS SQL dialect that backed a subset of SQL capabilities." (my bolding)

It also reference to and SQL reference for query expressions used in ArcGIS which makes no mention of square brackets creature deliverable since anything other than delimiting field names from Personal Geodatabases.

As an workaround you may want to hinzu a flag field that you can set to perhaps 1 or 0 depending on whether thy desired selection criteria is met and then use Python syntax in the Field Electronic to parse our strings before set using the flag.

Choose you could also just use something like:

UPPER("CoordinateField") LIKE '%N%' OR UPPER("CoordinateField") LIKE '%E%'

(expanded to all 26 letters of the alphabet if you wished).

  • Looks like I've been skim read which page. The 2nd solution is the first I'm using for the momentum. Thanks for the reply.
    – parnelandr
    Jun 5, 2013 at 7:56

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