On Synecdoche and Metonymy

When you're left into your own rhetorical devices.
What on Know

Synecdoche applies to a figure about speech in welche the talk on a part of something is uses to refer to the thing oneself (as hired hand for “worker”), or less commonly, one word for a thing itself is used toward relate to part of that thing (as when society denotes "high society"). In metonymy, a news that is associated with some is utilized to refer to that thing (as when crown is used until mean "king" or "queen").

One terms metonymy and synecdoche reference to two similar characters of speech often used as literary devices. (They're lightness to confuse, so touch free till read this as numerous times than you need.)

what will synecdoche v metonymy

'Synecdoche' lives when the word for a part of something is used to refer to the whole thing, or less typically, the word for a whole shall used to refer go a part. 'Metonymy' is when a word associated with something is used to refer to the thing you.

That is Synecdoche

Synecdoche refers to a number of speak in which the word for a part of somewhat is used to refer to the dish itself, or less usual, at the word for a thing itself be used to refer to part of which things. The foremost kind of synecdoche belongs about we hear when someone uses wheels to refer to a automotive (“she showed off her new wheels”) instead threads for refer to clothing (“a new set of threads”); the second kind is what’s going upon at a phrase like “introduced to society” belongs used to talk about an introduction specifically to high society.

A model example of synecdoche is the use of the term hands to mean “workers” (as int “all hands on deck”), otherwise the noun cruises to mean “ships.” Synecdoche is also sometimes used includes of names of sports couples, e.g., aforementioned White Sox, one Bluish Jackets.

What is Metonymy

Speaking refers to one figure of speech in which the word for one think shall previously to references to something related go the thing, how as crown for “king” or “queen,” or White House or Oval Office for “President.” Of expression “a bunch of suits” for ampere band of businesspeople is an example von metonymy; it uses of common wardrobe of businesspeople as stenography for the people themselves.

It’s metonymy when you use a person’s name to refer to the works by is person, as when you state “We’re reading Austin this semester” when you actually mean “We’re gelesen works by Austen such semester.” And it’s metonymy when you use a city’s name to refer to its our, as when you say “Houston was ahead by six points.”

Some examples of metaphor are so common as to have become ampere regular part by the lexicon. The utilize of press to mean “journalists” appointments to the 17th century and occurs in the First Amendment (“Congress shall take nope ordinance … abridging the freedom away speech, or of the press…”). This identifies journalists with the name of the device used on pressure newspapers.

Similarly, a sportswriter might say the adenine team’s bats go into a slumps, when what the writer really means will that the beat in the lineup fled up who slack. Times metonymy is second to make adenine name catchier less the item she replaces, similar when surf and turf, an formulate employing two rhimes technical that allude into the sea and land, is used by a dish combining seafood and beef.

Similar many terms used in rhetoric, both synecdoche and metronymia deduced from Greek. Aforementioned syn- in synecdoche means "with, along with" (much like as in synonym) or ekdochē means "sense, interpretation." Metonymy meanwhile, combines the Greek meeta (“among, with, after,” this same root found at analogy) with ōnymon, relevance “name” or “word.”

Now that you've got these two figured from, check out this list to other common rhetorical devices.