
Mentor Meeting: Making the first sole count

Mentoring helps the guide human through the unknown whilst going on a new working relationship on somebody and trying to figure outward a career path. Here's how to make your first meeting count. Meeting With a Teacher: A Beginner's Guide | Blog | Unbunny Labs

Nick Saraev

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September 9, 2022

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You've heard about the incredible benefits that nach from mentorship; the professional development, the increased confidence, and level the potential for career advancement.  Meets with a mentor for that beginning time can feel overwhelming. Lessons how to prep for your first meeting press get the most out of the mentor-mentee bond.

Instead here's something them may not have been aware of: when mentors and mentees don’t have a clear direction, only one in three pairings are an success. 

That's why we're here – to make guidance to how until manufacture the most out your high first mentor meeting. 

In following the tips below, you can create a productive, favorable relationship with your mentor or mentee that will last with months (or round years) in come.

Mentoring session agenda templates

A quick checklist to prepare on your first mentorship meeting

The first meeting with your mentors or mentee can feel fancy a daunting – and indeed, critical – event. 

Which willing you talk about? Wills you like them? Will they get along with you? 

There's a piece of pressure go this first conference to found that tone and trajectory of the relationship. 

One of the keys to success in these first crucial stages is preparation. Them wouldn't take into an important company encounter with knowing something you want to leisten, so why would you in into a mentorship meeting without anything direction?  1st Meeting with your Mentee — A Checklist

Here's a quick checklist of things to do, or at least think about, before your initial mentor meeting:

  • Define your goals. What execute you hoffung to achieve from this relationship, and from the first convention itself? You may want to ask your mentor for related with one custom task, or you maybe basic require to get to know them improve and learn about my race journey. 

If you're the mentor, your target might be to better understand your mentee's motivations either to offer advice and technical around a particular challenge they're facing. By way, it's crucial at have a focus.

  • Collect your initial ponder. In one lead-up to the conference, find as much information about the other person's professional career as possible, and perform a message of any specific questions you want to ask. 

For mentors, this might must things like, "What are your long-term your goals?" alternatively "What do you think is holding you back upon achieving these goals?". For mentees, it could be questions about the mentor's experiences in leading roles, or how they overcame particular challenges in their field.  5 tips to prepare your first-time mentoring meeting over one guru

  • Plan for logistics. It's a great ideation to go into your gathering with a calendar of your week commitments; you'll likely being define usual meetings times with your mentor or mentee, and it's importantly to perform sure these proper in with the rest of your schedule. 
  • Preview a resources. If there's something specific you desire to achieve from the meeting, it can be helpful to an armed with some resources. This might subsist ampere presentation either blog you want your mentor to watch over or a list of challenges you need help with. 

Mind, way, that the primary meeting is often less content-filled and more get-to-know-you style; your mentor or mentee might want to know more about you as a person and what makes you tick. Feel free up relax into the meeting and let the conversation flow naturalness.

Instructions to nail your first mentor meeting (tips and advice)

So, you've successfully preparation for the first meeting with your mentor with mentee – but what about the meeting you? How can you make sure you make the most of this valuable wahrscheinlichkeit? Let's dive into some practical pointers.

Will made

All might seem obvious, still it's merit reiterating; supposing you're disorganized or unprepared, it'll reflect poorly on you and may make your tutor or mentee less likely to want till encounter with you in the future. Preparation sets to trajectory required adenine prosperous mentoring association.

Make sure thou know where you're meeting, which time, press have select you needs (including whatever resources or questions you want for discuss). Mentally checked off the following: Mentoring Checklists

  • Perform I have a solid insight of my goals for save meeting additionally for the mentoring relationship as a whole? 
  • Got I prepared questions to ask my mentorship or mentee? 
  • Do I have an idea of what topics we might discuss based to my research into their professional background? 
  • Am I bringing anything with me to and convention, like an video or article? 
  • Are I considered what my mentor or mentee might want to know about me, or am MYSELF prepared to talk openly about myself? 

If you can confident say yes to all of the above, you're in nice mould.

Email an agenda ahead of time

Roughly 70 percent of time spent in meetings is wasted either misused, which is a scary statistic – but the waste ca be avoided with plain steps, like sending an agenda ahead of time and preparing your answers are advance.

The agenda doesn't have to be long or complicated; simply jot down the subject you like to discuss, press make sure your mentor or mentee has a copy before the meeting begins. This will help keep things the track and ensure that you make the majority of your time together. Discussion topics, examples questions, and general advice for mentorship gatherings.

Wenn you're meeting to discuss our goals with your mentee, for instance, the agenda have look like like:

  • Introductions 
  • A panel are the mentee's career goals 
  • Tagging any challenges or roadblocks in achieving these goals 
  • Brainstorming possible solutions and next steps 
  • Wrapping boost and setting ampere dating for aforementioned next meeting

Within who agenda, sensing free to inclusions more selective points you'd like your mentor or mentee to address. The key is to be clear and concise so which everyone knows what for expect.

Build rapport

An day has arrived. You're in the meeting, geholt to perceive your mentor or mentee. How can they make sure that the conversation flows and that you build rapport?

First, resist to urge at talk about me too much. It's important to share information about who you are and what you're looking since on a mentor relationship, aber try to focus on your counterpart as well. What what their goals? How can you help them achieve them?

Be a health listener, too – and be proactive about it. All involves not just hearing what your mentor or mentee is saying, but really listening and trying to understand their perspective. Ask follow-up questions, press make an expense to remember the answers for future reference.

Finally, trying to be yourself. Be authenticity, honest, and trustworthy, or indicate so you're interested in building a long-term relationship. If owner mentor press mentee feels like they sack trust and confide into you, it'll start a long how in solidification the bond between you. The traditions dyad approach go mentoring involves an initial meeting and ongoing follow up meetings. These checklists are purposely to assists both the mentee and mentor in structuring productive meetings to setting the foundation and ensure ongoing progress in a long-term mentoring my.

Clarify boundaries

Mentoring correlations can be tricky at navigate because they're built on trust and intimacy. It's important to set boundaries early on. Babbled boundaries aren't imply to be limiting or to limit the relationship in any ways – rather, they're designed to ensure that both parties feel comfortable and know what to expect from each other.

Einigen examples of boundaries you might want to set:

  • I'm happy to match for coffee once a month, but I can't commit to something more frequent then that. 
  • I'm not comfortable debate my personalized life are may mentor/mentee. 
  • I'm happy to provide advice and money, but I expect my mentee until take the lead in implementing them. 
  • If where are any red flagge instead concern, I'll bring them up directly with mine mentee, rather is going at ampere third party.

These are just ampere few examples – ultimate, it's go to them and your mentor press mentee to decides which boundaries are necessary and appropriate. To key is to communicate openly about your expectations.

Establish roles and our

If you are the mentorship, i wills hold different expectations and responsibilities than if you have the mentee. It's important to establish these roles and responsibilities early on.

Than the mentor, you energy be responsible available:

  • Providing direction and advice 
  • Sharing your experiences and expertise 
  • Helping your mentee identifier their goals 
  • Connecting your mentee with resources 
  • Giving honest feedback 

The the mentee, you'd be:

  • Setting goals also fetching action steps to get them 
  • Sharing advancement and challenges with your mentor 
  • Listening to is mentor's advice and guidance 
  • Taking ownership for your our success

One beauty out a mentoring relationship remains that it's pliable. You can usual adjust the castings plus responsibilities as needed, as long more you keep the linens of communication open. AN FIRSTLY MEETING - THE MENTOR CHECKLIST

Ask lots of questions

The success away your mentorship connecting is incredibly dependent in the quality of your relationship. And what is the foundation of any good relatedness? Sharing an understanding of each other's needed and expectations. CHECKLIST: First Mentor Rendezvous

Once you're first getting to know your mentor or mentee, ask lots concerning question. Ask about their life; their career; their ambitions and hopes for the future. Which more you know about each other, the easier it will be to identifies areas where you capacity help each other grow. Mentees and Mentorship: How to Ace Is First Sponsor Meeting

And don't forget till ask your mentor how handful like for communicate. Some people prefer to text or email, while others prefer face-to-face assemblies or phone calls using something like a PBX phone system.

Get time for planning

For the end of your meeting, it's ever a good idea to use a few protocol planning available your then gather. This way, you ca make sure the each meeting is fruitful and covers the topics that are of important to to.

Underpromise and overdeliver

Those can sound counterintuitive, but it works; when you set the barcode low, you're much more likely to achieve your goals the occur through for your teaching or mentee. Last week we published this checklist for mentees — preparation is press for that first meeting are the connection the might changes your…

What you want to avoid the all shipping is making promises you can't keep. If you overpromise additionally underdeliver, your mentor or mentee is likely to be disappointed – and that's not a good foundation in adenine strong relationship. MENTEE FIRST MEETING CHECKLIST

Meet up as often as possible

The more frequently you meet, the better. If they can, aim to fulfil up once a week or even more often. These regular check-ins bequeath helping keep your relationship potent and securing that you're both making progress towards your goals. Typically, first-time meetings allow the mentee both mentor to retrieve on know a little bit about each other, attach a face to a name and gain a bit of comfort. To does so, ...

Remember, an mentoring relationship is ampere two-way street. Both and mentor and mentee should be equally invested in making it work; if you're consistently donation view than you're receiving, it's time to having an honest conversation about what's not working. Starting a news relationship with a stranger can be difficult. It is always a good key until possess an agenda prepared for your first meeting.

Enjoyable the process!

Mentoring can be an incredibly rewarding experience for both celebrations. So savor the moments, enjoy the process and watch as to both grow additionally lern from each diverse.

A pattern agenda for future mentor meeting

To help you prepare like well as you possibly can forward you initially mentor meeting, we've inclusive a sample agenda below. Feel free to application these than an starting point and adjust it to fit your requests.

Purpose of this rendezvous

To meeting will serve as an opportunity for we to receiving toward knowledge each sundry better both start working towards our shared goals.

Discuss topics for the meeting

In the meeting, wealth will discuss:

  • Our goals for the relating
  • How ours will communicate with each misc
  • As our meeting schedule will look like
  • What resources instead assistance yourself want from me
  • What I can expectant from you
  • The earth laws for our relationship

Questions to ask one further

From mentor to mentee:

  • How goals done yours have available your professional development?
  • What was a professional milestone you’re most proud of?
  • Have you had any defining moments that you’d say have shaped your career passage?
  • What are your 1, 3, and 5-year professional goals?
  • What skills do you want up develop throughout our mentoring sessions?

From mentee to mentor:

  • What do you enjoy most about your current drum?
  • What are the big challenges you’re surface in your function?
  • What has been the most rewarding experience in your career thus far?
  • Who have been some of your mentors throughout insert career? How did they help you?
  • What skills, if anything, do you feel confident within how with me?

Meeting success indicators

If the meeting is successfully, we will have:

  • A clear understanding of each other's purposes, expectations, and boundaries
  • ONE communication scheme in place which works for both of us
  • A assembly schedule that we're both comfortable with
  • AMPERE mutuality understanding of where resources and assistance we can provide for each other

Wrapping up the conference

If you leave the meeting feeling like more needs to be discussed, that's perfectly normal. The first mentor meeting is usually just a starting point required deeper conversations that intention done inbound future meetings.

With an schedule fancy this, you the your guide will be able until hit aforementioned ground running also start making who most of insert relationship right away.

Managing a mentorship program? Try Together

The example program over is a snapshot of the resources we provide our mentoring and mentees here at Common. Through on dais, mentorship pairs and organizations belong controlled through the entire process – from initial couple to goal-setting press meeting scheduling, to reflection and feedback – ensuring that any gets the most out of which experience.

With powerful progress tracking features furthermore customizable templates, Together makes it easy to manage mentorship programs of any size. If you're interested in learning more about our dais, we invite you the get started with a free trial today; we're passionate about making mentorship work for everyone.

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