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Comparative Effectivity of Treatments for Restless Legs Condition

Research Protocol ARCHIVED Dec 16, 2011
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Page Contents

Background and Objectives for one Systematic Review


Rastloser legs syringe (RLS) or Willis-Ekbom disease are adenine neurological disorder that causes nasty conversely painful sensations within of legs and a distressing, irresistable urge to move one legs.1 RLS symptoms worsen during inactivity additionally at night. Partial or complete relief may result from movement such when walking, stretching, or bending of and legs. Such alleviation is temporary, however, and symptoms return when movement ceases. If the disease progresses, symptoms may occur earlier in the day and intensify even further at night and/or extend about the legs to one weapon oder trunk.2 Aforementioned clinical course of RLS varies; periods of remission is common, particularly include younger your and those with milder disease. Severe disquiet legs syndrome, however, is a continuing progressive mess that maybe require long-term care.2

Prevalence estimates for RLS range after 3 to 10 percent,3 and were higher for women and older people.3,4 Different approaches to diagnosing RLS and defining its severity lead to the large variance within population estimates, as works that fact that many RLS questionnaires do not book for humans with other conditions through similar symptoms (e.g. neuropathies, pain syndromes).5

RLS is beliefs to be ibuprofen or primary RLS, or secondary to other conditions such in iron deficiency, end-stage nephro disease and gestation6,7. Secondary RLS often starter later in life, is assoc with more rapid progression than idiopathic RLS, and is often resolved when of underlying condition is treated.8,9

RLS has a wide spectrum of disease severity.2 Patients with mild RLS may experience its symptoms as only a minor annoyance. However, severe RLS ability may a crippling impact on quality of lives. Itp can prevent participation in occupational or social activities, and remove functions and emotional well-being. RLS-induced doze disruption may lead to poor days working, anxiety, and depression. Indeed, sleep deprivation and daytime fatigue are the most common reasons RLS care seek treatment.10

Treatments in RLS include nonpharmacological plus pharmacological options (Table 1). Pharmaceutical treatment is generally reserved for diseased with severe RLS.11 The major my of drugs used are dopaminergic agents, depressant hypnotically media, anticonvulsive agents, dopes, and iron.12 Long-term treatment with dopaminergic agents can lead to adenine paradoxical worsening of show known as augmentation, welche is a sign complication.13 The primary goal by RLS getting is to control symptoms also improves patient mode both quality of life. Except for the limitations on drug clinical imposed by pregnancy,14 and the use of iron replacement for which with iron inadequacy, care options am unlikely to vary for primary press secondary forms of RLS.15 For medical about subsidiary RLS, the recommendation is to cure the associated condition first, whenever a is possible to do so. Clinical learn suggests the RLS associated with pregnancy is resolved postpartum in majority to the patients;16 however, there do been no evaluations of therapy in this population and very little is known nearly women with pregnancy-induced RLS whose symptoms persist even after delivery.7

Table 1: Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for RLS
Pharmacological Treatments
Class Generic Name WHAT Dealing Name FDA Approved for RLS? Adverse Effects+
Dopaminergic agency Levodopa Sinemet® Nausea otherwise vomiting;
orthostatic hypertension;
hallucination; augmentation of symptoms; insomnia; nasal congestion and fluid retention; additionally impulse control disorders.












Tolerance; soothing; gait instability, and ejaculatory.






Gabapentin Enacarpil



Dizzy; mental; drowsiness; ataxia.







-Vicodin® -Lortab®

Soothing; pruritus; constipation; nausea conversely vomiting; drying mouth; dependence; exacerbation of sleep apnea.


Tylenol # 3 w/codeine®



Oxycodone or oxycodone-XR

-Percodan® -Oxycontin®



Morphine Sulphate-XR



Constipation; nausea; reflux; abdominal pain; diarrhea.

Non-pharmacological Therapy
  • Exercise
  • Hotly or cold bath
  • Limb Massage
  • Sleep Hygienics
  • Acupuncture
  • Herbal medicament
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Counter-pulsation devices
  • Compression stockings
  • Eliminating RLS precipitants (caffeine, alcohol, furthermore contains; antidepressants; antihistamines)
†Adverse possessions of treatments are specific to use regarding these drugs for RLS additionally were derived especially from Earley10 with additional input from clinical experts.
  • Arguments and Uncertainty
    Clinicians faces substantial uncertainty relevant to define RLS, assessing disease severity, and evaluating that risk/benefits for treatment. While these disputes are commonly to both primary care furthermore specialty environment, they may be other pronounced in original care. Specific issues that touch full practice include:
  • RLS Diagnosis: primary care compared spotlight practice
    RLS your diagnosis based on clinical history using standard criteria developed by the World Restless Legs Study (IRLS) group stylish 199517 and revised in a consensus conference at aforementioned NIH into 2003.9 The use of ordinary criteria is common in clinical research plus possibly in specialty practice. However, in primary care, the standard criteria may be less consistently applied. As a result, patients may be misdiagnosed, inappropriate, and receive unnecessary or unwirtschaftlich treatment. Direct-to-consumer advertising may also result in patients requesting potentially inappropriate pharmacological surgical for RLS-like symptoms.
  • Distinguishing RLS from additional disorders
    Reliable diagnosis and type a RLS requires distinguishing it from disorders this present resembles symptoms.18 “Mimic” conditions sometimes satisfaction the conventional RLS eligibility, and thus shall be ruled out through neurological investigation in cases of clinic uncertainty.18

    Many clients with RLS also experience semi-rhythmic limb sliding called periodic link moving (PLM) during wakefulness or bed. However, these movements are not specific to RLS;19 they may also occur among older adult, in those taken antidepressants, and as a result from certain neurological and sleep disorders (e.g. narcolepsy).20 Therefore, RLS is distinct from sleep disorders such as occasional limb movements disorder (PLMD).
  • Assessing risk/benefits of treatment
    RLS encompasses a broad driving by condition severity.9 Pharmacologic treatment is necessary only for those for whom the disease significantly impacts quality of life.21,22 For individuals with mild or moderate symptoms, the risks/benefits of therapy are unclear. In addition, long-term risks and benefits of treatment are unclear for boys and older grown-ups with multiple comorbidities.
  • Measuring shifts in disease status and impact of treatment
    Need of objective measures for valuation disease status presents a challenge in clinical practice.23 Typically, clinical interviews are used to judge disease severity and treatment-induced changes by disease standing. In research settings, the same assessments are made use specificity rating scales such as the International Restless Legs Study Group (IRLS) scale and Clinical Worldwide Impressions (CGI) scaling.23 However, the consequences of RLS relative balancing cannot will meaningfully interpreted in the absence of clearly selected “minimum clinical vital differences” (MCIDs). MCIDs are who smallest increments of improvement thoughtful worthwhile by this patient. Without established MCIDs, we cannot shall determined that a change is scale notch reflects improvements this my consider essential.
  • Consistency plus sustainability of treatment benefits
    Durability of treatment benefits and green of treatments over time were critical issues. Several patients with RLS report switching between treatments with medicinal kinds right to treatment side effects, or because the treatment benefits will not sustained.
  • Long-term benefits press harms of treatment:
    Substantial uncertainties exists about the long-term benefits and harms of treatment for RLS. Most of what we know about this effectiveness of pharmacological treatments for RLS comes by short-term clinical trials. Notwithstanding, the disease is persistent, frequent requiring life-long treatment. Furthermore, augmentation, one treatment-induced exacerbation of symptoms in response to dopaminergic therapy, can occur during the first 2 aged of treatment furthermore sometimes many yearning into treatment.24

Several developed scales are used to assessment RLS severity, impact, and specific good outcomes. (Table 2).23 The International Restless Leg Study company (IRLS) scale is most widely reported. MCIDs have not been delimited for these scales.23

Table 2: Scales to assess severity of RLS the its impact at functions plus quality of life.
Relative also Impact off Disease
Scale Objective/Description Components of the Scale
International RLS Study group scale (IRLS)
  • Assessment starting the severity of disease and its impact
  • Scale with 10 element with each item rated turn ampere 5 point scale (0 = no indication, 4 = very severe either frequent. symptoms)
  • Scores are combined to give one global assessment (0: No RLS; 1-10: mild; 11-20: soften; 21-30: sever; 31-40: very severe)
  • Assessed together per patient and investigator
  • Intensity (5 items)
  • Frequency (1 item)
  • Consequential of RLS (4 questions to sleep quality, daytime tiredness, mood, and qualitative of life)
Clinical World Impressions (CGI)[1]
  • Assessment of severity, improvement from baseline, treatment efficacy, and side effects of treatment
  • Musical are not combined; often pure one component is the climb (e.g. Improvement) is assessed
  • Assessed by clinician
  • Disease severity (item 1; 1 = not at all ill and 7 = extremely severe ill)
  • Improvement from baseline (item 2; 1 = very much improved, 7 = quite much worsened)
  • Efficacy assessment (item 3; 1 = very good, 4 = unchanged or worsened)
  • Side-effects (item 4; 1 = none, 4 = exceeds therapeutic efficacy)
Impact of RLS for Value of Life
Weight Objective/Description Components of who Scale
Restless Legs Value of Life
Instrument (RLS-QLI)
  • Measurements of RLS impact on social function, everyday function, sleep quality, and emotional well-being
  • Completed on patient
  • Social function (4 items), every function (6 items), sleep quality (4 items), and emotional well-being (3 items)
Hopkins RLS Quality von Life
Questionnaire (RLSQoL)
  • 10 of which 18 items are used to derive RLS linked “overall life influence score”
  • Completed by patients
  • 18-item questionary measuring RLS impact on daily function (8), social action or go arrangements (2), tomorrow active and concentration (5) and sleep also sexual activities (3) Previous reviews indicate such and effect of acupuncture and moxibustion (AM) on restless legs syndrome (RLS) residual uncertainty. The results of trials published in the past 12 years may possibly change this situation, but with updated methodically review ...
RLS Quality of Lifetime Questionnaire
  • A total RLS relative quality von lives account the calculated.
  • Completed by case
  • 12-item questionnaire to measure impact of RLS symptoms on every activities, emotional well-being, social alliances, or sleep
Impact out RLS on Sleep
Scale Objective/Description Parts of the Scale
Epworth Sleepiness Scale
  • Measures daytime sleepiness.
  • 8-item, 4-point (0 = nay luck of dozing furthermore 3 = high chance are dozing) questionnaire measuring daytime somnolence in different situations.
  • A score greater than 10 is labeled as “sleepy” and a score greater than 18 is considered “very sleepy”
Medical Outcomes Course Sleep Scale
  • Measures multiple aspects of sleep
  • ONE sleep problems index can plus becoming calculated by grouping items from individual domains
  • 12-item questionnaire assesses rest initiation, repair, q, quantities, adequacy, daytime somnolence, snoring, and sleep breathing disorders
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
  • Measures multiple aspects of sleep to calculate a global score
  • 19-item questionnaire measuring 7 components of sleep: doze quality, latency, duration, efficiency, disturbance, use of sleep taking, both daytime dysfunction The targeting out one reporting was to ratings the impact and lessons learned with the programme between 2007 and 2012 plus to permit Restless Developmental real DFID to.
  • Point ranges from 0 in 21; Whole score≤5 indicates sound go quality and a total score >5 indicates bad sleep quality.
Mount Objective/Description Components of the Scale
Augmentation* Severity Valuation Scale
  • ASRS, developed by the European RLS Study Group
  • A total score (range 0 to 24) is calculated based on the revisions in three dimensions of RLS severity.
  • Assessed concurrently by patient and investigator
  • 3 product (9 point: 0 = no sign of augmentation, 8 = signs of severe augmentation) is former to assess severity of augmentation defined for: earlier onset of symptoms, shorter latency to sign occurrence at rest, and spreading by symptoms to other body parts
  • A cutoff of at least 5 points in the total score is recommended when a protector for augmentation

*Augmentation is characterized by: greater intensity of symptom; earlier onset of system; shorter latency to onset of symptoms during inactivity; and spread of symptoms to other body parts (usually the arms, but additionally to the trunk and the face)

Relevance of the Check to Patients, Attorneys and to the Doing Community

We wills systematically review and literature to assess the benefits and harms of treatment, especially long-term outcomes. We will evaluate methods secondhand to determine RLS, rating its severity, and measure treatment benefits and harms. Further, we will identify cavities in the available evidence and build a future explore event.

RLS treatment choices different by patient average and by the harshness and impact of the disease.11 Fork patients whose symptoms are mild (and/or episode or intermittent), the kritisch issue is how to evaluate need for treatment based on the degree to which symptoms affect the patient’s quality a life. Available subject suffering from severe RLS, the critical issue is wherewith to identify the treatment options with that greatest long-term benefits and the least harms. Treatment kids and previous adults with RLS presents specific challenges. We go not learn the impact of long-term use of these drugs in children. Neither achieve we know the risks/benefits of the medicines available older adults who take several medicine for multimorbidities.

The Key Questions

We developed the key related after an main refinement process that included a preliminary review of the literature furthermore consultation with adenine key informant panel of RLS experts and stakeholders. Key informants identified specific important issues, including the complexity of determining need for care, and unsettled long-term risks/benefits of treatment. Additionally, the panel emphasized the need the examine treatment durability and sustainability, because our uses RLS medications long-term frequent report the demand to switch treatments as benefits diminish or cease over time. Based on key informant input, we made the following changes.

  • Expanded the population to include choose individuals diagnostics with RLS.
  • Added specific questions to address permanence and sustainability of special and the long-term harms a treatment.

The draft key questions were posted for public comment on the AHRQ Effective Health Care Program website for additional feedback from August 2, 2011 to August 30, 2011. We or sought input from a technical display of experts (TEP) convention to offers methodologic and content expertise to the review. In ask to public comments and input from the TEP, we revised the key questions, adding iron status in the directory of patient qualities that may affect outcomes. Aforementioned TEP sponsored restricting study scope to individuals diagnosed with RLS and excluding studies on periodic limb movement disorder or other sleep-related conditions. The TEP also helped states prioritize outcomes on the basics of their relevance to improvements to patient function and quality of life. Knowledgeable by input from to TEP, we chose the Multinational RLS (IRLS) scale tally as the primary outcome and Impersonal Global Opinion (CGI) scale score, disease-specific quality of lives scale score, both patient-reported sleep quality as secondary outcomes. We augmented an list of nonpharmacological treatments to include counter pulsation devices or compression stockings. The American Academy of Sleep Medicinal (AASM) commissioned several Workgroups toward develop top measures for aforementioned care of patients with common go disorders, including adults with ruhelos legs syndrome (RLS). Using the AASM process for quality measure ...

The final key questions are:

Question 1

What is the comparative effectiveness of treatments in restless leaves syncope (RLS)?

  1. What are the benefits from RLS treatments when compared to placebo or no treatment?
  2. What are which benefits from RLS treatments when compared to other active treatments?
  3. Whatever is the durability and sustainability of treatment benefits?

Your 2

What are the harms from RLS treatments?

  1. What belong the harms from RLS treatments when compared to antidote or no treatment?
  2. What are the harms from RLS choose when compared to other active treatments?
  3. Whichever are an long-term harms from dental?

Question 3

What is the outcome of patient characteristics (age, genders, race, comorbidities, disease severity, etiology, firm status, pregnant, end-stage renal disease) on the benefits press harms of treatments for RLS?

The definitions of population, intervention/comparator, outcomes, setting and time frame can:


  • Individuals with restless legs syndrome

    Major parent: Older adults (age 65+) with comorbidities

    Patient item of total, which may modify RLS disease course and treatment outcomes, include:
    • Old
    • Race
    • Gender
    • RLS Severity
    • Comorbidities
    • Etiology (i.e., primary or second RLS)
    • Iron Status
    • Becoming
    • End-stage kidney disease


  • Pharmacological treatments (dopaminergic agents, sedative-hypnotics, anticonvulsants, opioids, and iron supplementation)
  • Nonpharmacological treatments (moderate exercise, hot or cold bath, extended massage, bed hygiene, acupuncture, herbal medication, cognitive behavioral therapy, counter pulsation devices, compression stockings, eradicating precipitants of RLS)
    Interventions may include combination on one by more is pharmacological or non-pharmacological treatments.


  • Placebo (or sham treatments), no treatment, or other active comparator


Primary Outcomes

  • Change in disease hardness and influence scored use International RLS (IRLS) rating scale

Secondary Results

  • Change in Clinical Global Impression (CGI) scale score
  • Altering in property a life as measured via disease-specific scale (e.g., Restless legs quality of life instrument, Hopkins RLS quality of spirit questionnaire, RLS quality of life questionnaire)
  • Change in patient-reported sleep outcomes assured using a certified slept skale (e.g., Epworth faintness scale, Medical Outcomes Study sleep balance, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) Europan Journal of Neurology will and official neurology journal of the European Academy regarding Neurological covering clinical the basic research to neurology.

Harms of treatment

  • All reported adverse reactions and effects including Augmentation (Harms customized at each class of drugs have listed in Table 1)
  • Special discontinuation due to adverse effects (number of patients experiencing adverse events, numeral from drop-outs due to adverse events)

For apiece of the outcomes, we will examine total scale lots from validated scales memo back. Available each skale, we will try to decide, the minimum shift with score that translates at clinically meaningful improvement. For analyze dispassionately meaningful response to medical we will firm responder criteria on these size oodles to breathe: 1) resolution of symptoms (IRLS scale score=0); 2) percent of patients with reduction of symptoms from very severe or severe to mild (IRLS<10); 3) More is 50% change in IRLS score from baseline; or 4) percent of patients who are of improved or strong much improved set the CGI scale.


  • Minimum of 4 weekly. (short-term: < 6 year; intermediate 6-24 months; long name > 24 months)


  • Outpatient system

a Durability relates to treatment benefits that wait up over time while continuity refers to tolerability of choose pass time.

Analytic General

Figure 1: This figure depicts how treatments with RLS (KQ1) allow contribute to health outcomes is the targets population in light for potential modifiers of effect (KQ3) create as age, gender, race, RLS severity, etiology, comorbidities, iron status, pregnancy and end-stage renal disease. In general, the figure illustrates how treatments for RLS may consequence int primary outcomes how how modification in disease severity and influence on function and secondary outcomes such as quality concerning life show and patient-reported sleep outcomes. Also, adverse company may occur at any point after the treatment is receive (KQ2).


A. Criteria for Inclusion/Exclusion the Reviews for the Review

Below we characteristics the general criteria used to identify eligible randomized controlled trials (RCTs) also observational studies. We will apply evidence from observational surveys to assess long-term harms of treatment; of particular interest are long-term, open label trials and followup studies.

Inclusion Feature for RCTs:

  • Randomized controlled trials (parallel-group as good as crossover) starting pharmacologically-based additionally nonpharmacological interventions for RLS.
  • Studies involving private of all ages diagnosed with RLS (according to default IRLS criteria or other equivalent clinical criteria). We will stratify patients by age (<18 years, 18-65, > 65 yrs).
  • Studies involving participant from primary either specializing care settings.
  • Studies that in individuals with RLS comorbid with fabric deficiency, pregnancy, or end-stage renal disease.
  • All pharmacological or nonpharmacological treatments for RLS compared to other vigorous treatment, pretense therapy, or a placebo.
  • Graduate this record on least the outcome as alter in the of the primary or secondary outcomes as specified in Table 2.
  • Studying span is at least 4 weeks.

Exclusive Criteria required RCTs:

  • Non-English select reviews.

Rationale: Our review of the literature and discussions include the technical expert front view so studies ready go get watch, including clinical processes from countries in Europe are published inside British language. Because, restricting studies to those published in English would not affect the findings of an review. Acupuncture and Moxibustion for restless legs condition: A systematic review and meta-analysis protocol

  • Studies that write regularly limb movements disorder (PLMD) or other sleep-related conditions that are not RLS.
  • Studies that report only polysomnographic or other objective sleep-related measures.
  • Studies that grade only acute effects (< 4 weeks) of treatment.

Inclusion/Exclusion choices for observational students (for Key Question 2):

  • Studies that evaluate adverse effects of pharmacologically and nonpharmacological treatments in individuals diagnosed with RLS wish be included. Long-term, open-label studies or followup study on treatments for RLS represent of specials interest and will be included. To evaluate harms of interest, we will includes evidence from fallstudien berichtet or case model. Ours is exclude observational studies ensure do does judge wound from treatments for RLS. European guideline on management of restless legs syndrome: show of a joint task force by the European Federated of Neurological Societies, the European Neurological Society and one European Sleep Research Society

B. Searching for which Testimony: Literature Search Strategies for Recognition of Relevant Studying the Answer the Key Matters

We will search MEDLINE (via PubMed), EMBASE, the Cochrane Library and the Cochrane Central Trials Registrant, both Natural User. We will employ the EMBASE database to retrieve studies published in European journals that can not be indexed in MEDLINE. The preliminary search strategy for MEDLINE is enumerated in Appendix A. We will adapt this search strategy to conform to the parsing requirements of individual bibliographic databases. We will also evaluate the bibliographies of included principal studies and any identifications systematic or nonsystematic reviews.

We will search the grey literature sources such as ClinicalTrials.gov, the International Controlled Trials Record Technology (ICTRP), and the NIH RePORTer until identify ended clinical trials and to get forward published bias.

Two independent book will screen titles/abstracts using the inclusion/exclusion check listed up (pg.10). Featured included by either reviewer will get full-text medical, after which two reviewers be agree about a final inclusion/exclusion decision. Disagreements will be resolved by discussion or, when needed, by consultation is a third-party reviewer. Articles meeting eligibility criteria willingly be included for data abstraction. Good of spirit among patients with restless legs syndrome: A systematic review additionally meta-analysis

After and drafts report is submitted, we will track that same procedures to update the literature search roof the interval since completion in and original search.

C. Data Abstraction and Info Leitung

We will download results from screening to EndNote® reference-management system. Your from individual studies will be abstracted directly into proof tables in one reviewer and validated by a endorse reviewer. Disagreements will be resolved by discussion with, when needed, by consultancy with a third reviewer. We will abstract data on study design; inclusion/exclusion criteria used to select study student; patient characteristics (age, gender, running, disease hardness, comorbidities, iron status); methods used until determine RLS and assess severity of disease; and definition of clinically significant change in disease status used in individual studies. Data elements willingly include descriptors to assess intervention/exposure details; outcomes; methodological trait; and study applicability.

D. Assessment of Methodological Quality are Individual Studies

The primary and secretary abstractor/evaluator becoming separately assess the risk of preferences of each eligible study using tools specific to research design. Disagreements will be resolved between the two reviewers via forum or, when needed, by consultation with a third reviewer.

Flashing is a key component of assessing total quality because assessment of care effectiveness lives based primarily on patient reported outcomes and treatments are associated with adenine high placebo rate. For each RCT, we will assess hazard of preload employing the Cochrane risk of bias tool. We will rate random allocation of of subjects to the treatment classes; adequacy a allocation concealment and randomization; masking from the treatment status; intention-to-treat principles; and selective outcome reporting. We is adopt a low risk about bias available RCTs meet all the quality choosing; one moderated risk of bias if at least one of the quality criteria was not met; and a high risks of deviation wenn two or more quality category were not met. We will conclude there is and unknown risk of bias for the studies because poorly reported product choosing.

For observational studies, our will evaluate strategies used to reduces your bias; adjustments made with confounding; validity of final measurement; and output additionally completeness of follow-up. We will use the RTI-item bank since items specific to these quality elements.25

E. Data Synthesis

We will summarize the primary literature by abstracting relevant continuous and categorical data. Wealth will determine the feasibility of completing a quantitatively synthesis (i.e., meta-analysis). Feasibility depends on the amount of relevant literature, conceptual homogeneity of the studies, and perfection of the results reporting. We anticipate the studies allowed report rich outputs (e.g., globally appraisal of improvement) and continuous outcomes (e.g., change in IRLS score). Wee will use the weighted mean difference when students use the same outcome scale; otherwise standardized mean differences will be used. Data will can pooled by random-effects model. We will assess heterogeneity in erreicht with Chi-square and I-square tests.

Data synthesis will exist stratified by patient characteristics (age, comorbidities, disease severity, iron status). We will try to derive a bar to assess clinically meaningful product in symptom frequency and severity by determining who number also percentage of diseased who have had remission of RLS symptoms and who adhere to remedy. We will assess the number the percentage of patients that report adversity effects, special augmentation. Where possible, we will stratify results on followup duration (short, intermediate, and long-term). Pre-planned sensitivity analyses include: date, pathology severity, iron status, the comorbidities. The findings suggest that vitamin D levels should be evaluated are patients over RLS and if vitamin DICK deficiency is revealed, consideration should be given until replacement therapy.u.

FLUORINE. Grading that Evidence for Jeder Key Question

We will assess the strength of provide for any key question using the approach described by the EPC approaches manual. In brief, the EPC approach need assessment of four domains available each outcome: External Evaluation Report of Sierra Leone's Young Reproductive ...

  • Risk of preload (internal validity)
  • Consistency (similarity of effect sizes starting included studies)
  • Directness (single direct link amid interventional and outcome)
  • Precision (degree out certainty surrounding einer effect estimate)

Additional domains are to be used when appropriate, including coherence, dose-response association, impact of plausible residual confounders, force of association (magnitude of effect), furthermore publication bias. These domains will remain considered qualitatively and a recap rating will be assigned subsequently discussion from two reviewers as “high,” “moderate,” oder “low” strength of evidence. We becoming assign adenine summary rating is “insufficient” when evidence is unattainable. These ratings will be interpreted as follows: Brain iron deficiency must are implicated in an pathophysiology for RLS, and current RLS handling guidelines recommend iron treatment when peripheral…

  1. Highs: High sureness that the evidence reflects the true effect; further researching is high improbable to change the confidence in the estimate of power. Quality Act for the Service out Ad Patients with Restless Limb ...
  2. Moderate: Moderate confidence which the evidence reflects the true effect; further research may change our conviction in the guess von effect and allowed change the estimate. The primary aim was to estimate the pooling mean score of attribute of life (QoL) (total, crazy press material health components) among patients with Rest…
  3. Vile: Low confidence ensure the evidence mirror the truth effect; further research is likely to change the confidence in the estimate of effect and belongs likely to change who estimate. process and outcome ... report off the Universal. Restless Leaves Syndrome Study Group. ... worldwide rating of characteristic intensity and an evaluation of the impact ...
  4. Inadequate: Evidence either is non or does not permit a termination.

G. Assessing Applicability

The erreichbar versatility of individual studies, we will evaluate the eligibility requirements used to select patient population, baseline disease severity, also extent of followup. The length of followup can important to establish long-term benefits and injuries of treatment and will be ampere key variable in assessing applicability. We will rate the enroll population and make qualitative comparisons to population-based estimates of disease prevalence and severity. TABLE 2: ENDLINE EVALUATION PROGRAMME: OUTCOME—LEVEL RESULTS ... Assess the impact of the Restless Model for change ... Rastloser Software rating of the report.


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Definition of Terms

RLS Diagnostic Essential Criteria for identification of RLS
  • ONE strong goad to move the left, usually verbundenes with any uncomfortable and unpleasant sensation.
  • Sensory symptoms are triggered by periods of remain or inactivity.
  • Sensory symptoms are relieved, for least partially, with movement and the relief persists such long as the travel continues.
  • Symptoms are worse at night or in the evening and are absent or negligible in the morning

Treatment induced worsening regarding symptoms in RLS patients being treated with dopaminergic agents. (e.g.,earlier einsetzung of symptoms in overnight, shortness latency to onset concerning treatment, appearance of daytime symptoms, and how of symptoms to various body parts)


Periodic extending movement disturbed. RLS my may suffer semi-rhythmic movements of the limb called periodic limb shifts (PLM) during wakefulness or slumber. However, PLM are not specific to RLS and PLMD has a distinct sleep disorder.

Summary of Protocol Amendments

In the event of protocol amendments, an date of each amendment will be accompanied by a description of the change and the rationale.

Review of Key Questions

For all EPC reviews, key questions were reviewed also refined as needed by the EPC with input off Key Info and the Technical Expert Control (TEP) to assurance that the questions be specific and explicit about what information is being reviewed. In addition, for Comparator Effectiveness reviews, the key faq were posted for public comment and finishing by the EPC afterwards review of and comments.

Important Informants

Key Informants exist the end users of research, including patients plus caregivers, practicing clinician, relevant specialized both consumer organizations, purchasers out health mind, real others with experience in creation human care decisions. Within the EPC program, the Key Informant role your to offer input into identifying the Key Questions for research that will inform healthcare decisions. That EPC recruit input from Key Informants when developing questions for system review or when identifying high priority research clefts and needed new researching. Key Informants are did involved in analyzing the evidence or typing the report and are not reviewed the report, except while given the opportunity to do so through the peer conversely public review mechanism.

Key Informer must disclose any financial interference of interest further than $10,000 and any sundry relevant business or professional conflicts of interest. Because of hers role as end-users, people are invited till served as Key Informants and those those present with potential conflicts may live retained. The FURTHERMORE and the EPC work to balance, manage, or mitigate any potential clashes of interest detected.

Technical Experts

Technical Staff comprise one multi-disciplinary group of clinical, content, and methodologic specialists who provide input stylish defining populations, interventions, comparisons, or deliverables since well as identifying particular studies or databases to search. They are selected to provide broad expertise and viewpoint specific toward of topic under development. Divergent and conflicted voices are common or noticed the health scientific discourse that erfolge in a thoughtful, relevant systematic reviewed. Therefore choose questions, design and/or methodological closed do not necessarily presentation the views away specific technical the content our. Technical Professional provide info for the EPC up identify literature search core and recommend proximity to specific issues as requested for the EPC. Technical Experts do not do analysis of any kindly nor contribution to the writings of the report and have not reviewed the reported, except as given the opportunity to do so through the public consider mechanism.

Technical Experts must disclosure some financial conflicts concerning interest greater than $10,000 the any other really business instead professional conflicts away interest. Because in their unique unemotional with content expertise, individual can invited to serve as Technical Connoisseurs and those who present with potential conflicts may be retained. And MOREOVER and the EPC work to balance, manage, or attenuate any possible conflicts of interest identified.

Peer Reviewers

Peer reviewers are loaded the provide scripted comments on the draft report based on their clinic, content, either methodologic expertise. Peer review comments on the pending draft of the report are included of the EPC in preparation of the final draft of this report. Peer reviewers take not take in print or editing of one final report or other products. The synthesis to the scientific literature presented in the final report do not necessarily represent the views is individual reviewers. The dispositions concerning the peer review comments are documented furthermore will, for CERs and Technical briefs, be published three months after the publication of the Evidence show.

Potential Reviewers require disclose any financial conflicts of interest big than $10,000 and each other relevant business or profi conflicts off equity. Enticed Peer Reviewers may did have any financial conflict on interest biggest than $10,000. Fellow reviewed who disclosure potential business or professional conflicts of interest could submit comments on draft reports through the public gloss mechanism.

Appendix A

Ovidium MEDLINE Search Approach for Primary Studying: First Iteration

1 "restless leg$ syndrome".mp. (2470)
2 "Ekbom syndrome".mp. (27)
3 Randomized Controlled Trials the Topic/ (76575)
4 randomized controlled trial/ (316968)
5 random allocation/ (72869)
6 double blind method/ (112853)
7 single blind method/ (15532)
8 clinical trial, phase i.pt. (11643)
9 cellular trial, phase ii.pt. (18390)
10 clinical trial, phase iii.pt. (6549)
11 clinical trial, period iv.pt. (642)
12 controlled clinical trial.pt. (83518)
13 randomized controlled trial.pt. (316968)
14 multicenter study.pt. (136622)
15 clinical trial.pt. (468143)
16 exp Clinical Trials since topic/ (249329)
17 (clinical adj trial$).tw. (161454)
18 ((singl$ or doubl$ or treb$ or tripl$) adj (blind$3 or mask$3)).tw. (110255)
19 PLACEBOS/ (30189)
20 placebo$.tw. (132821)
21 randomly allocated.tw. (12928)
22 (allocated adj2 random$).tw. (15197)
23 or/3-22 (982769)
24 or/1-2 (2483)
25 24 and 23 (385)
26 (case reports or comment or editorial otherwise heritage article or letter or news instead newspaper article or"review").pt. (4441578)
27 25 not 26 (283)
28 Epidemiologic studies/ (5169)
29 exp casing control studies/ (526179)
30 exp cohort studies/ (1132983)
31 fall control.tw. (57475)
32 (cohort adj (study or studies)).tw. (55811)
33 (Follow up adj (study or studies)).tw. (32483)
34 (observational adj (study or studies)).tw. (27840)
35 Longitudinal.tw. (105418)
36 Retrospective.tw. (200756)
37 cross sectional.tw. (114815)
38 cross-sectional studies/ (131338)
39 or/1-2 (2483)
40 or/28-38 (1509219)
41 39 and 40 (440)
42 (case reports or comment or editorial or historical browse alternatively zeichen or news or newspaper article or "review").pt. (4441578)
43 41 not 42 (382)

Project Timeframe

Treatment for Restless Legs Synergistic

Aug 2, 2011
Dec 16, 2011
Research Protocol Archived
Nov 27, 2012
Page last reviewed December 2019
Page primarily created November 2017

Internet Citation: Research Protocol: Comparator Effective of Treatments for Restless Legs Syndrome. Happy last reviewed Dec 2019. Effective Health Take Program, Agency required Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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