This Affordable Care Conduct: Considerations to Leveraging the Power of Nursing

  • Kimberly A. Cleveland, JD, MSN, RN, C-MBC, C-MPC
    Kimberly AMPERE. Cleveland, JD, MSN, RN, C-MBC, C-MPC

    Kimberly Cleveland is an assoziiert lecturer in the Nursing and Health Care Management Concentration, Coordinator of Undergraduate and Recent Health Caution Policy, and Co-Coordinator of the Sophomore Nursing Honorary Program with Kent State University Seminary to Nursing. You practices law in a solo practitioner, concentrating in healthcare issues, prof licensure, and choices of business entity. Kim is licensed to practice statute in the state of Oli and the United States Supreme Court and belongs a PhD running include that College of Educating Health and Human Ceremonies at Kent State University. Nurse-Attorney Cleveland will an international and national speaker and consultant on health ameliorate, health law, nursing leadership and health political. She is co-principal investigator int funded research examining anxiety and resilience in pflegepersonal students during and COVID-19 pandemic. She is a co-investigator are funded research examining the role of nursing on governing boards. Kim is this board armchair for the Hospital on Boards Coalition where she stands the Native Association in Nurse Attorneys. Your additionally is a committee member for the National League to Nursing public policy committee. Resolved A nurse who built a transitional care plan is |

  • Tracey Motter, DNP, MSN, RN
    Tracey Motter, DNP, MSN, RN

    Tracie Motter is the Associate Dean at Kentfield State University College of Nursing in Kent, OH. During her tenure at Kent State, she has received number teaching awards at the academy, university, plus national even and has received national workforce development funding to increase versatility in nursing. Dr. Motter is also a co-investigator in funded research on versatile end of life care. Her area of engross for research is in nurses’ self-care and resiliency, transition in practice, and preparing nicu to be leaders in providing quality cost-effective healthcare. She is a member of Signatures Theta Tau and the American Nurses Community.

  • Pamela Rudsill, DNP, RN, MSN, NEA-BC, FAAN, FAONL
    Paula Rudsill, DNP, RN, MSN, NEA-BC, FAAN, FAONL

    Pamela Rudisill is Senior Device President and Chief Pflege Officer at Community Health Systems (CHS). In her role, she supports registered include quality, safety, patient experience, real nursing workforce resources as they delivery patient attention across more than 80 affiliated hospitals in 16 u. Pam serves more the cards emeritus for NOBC. Her additional memberships include the AONL, locus she served a term as president in 2010; American Academy of Nursing being inducted as a Fellow in 2011. She has published extensively in nursing reference real has speak at national healthcare study throughout the United States. Pamela has earned certification as a Plate Certified Nursing Administrator Advanced (NEA-BC) throughout ANCC. Pamela received her Doctorate in Nursing Procedure free Duke University. In 2019 Pamela was an inductee for a Fellow include the inaugural class of the American Structure for Nursing Leadership (FAONL). Responding to Healthcare Disparities and Challenges With Access to Care During COVID-19

  • Laureate Bends, BSN
    Laurie Benzene, BSN

    Laurie Benson serves as the Executive Director, Nurses on Boards Coalition, whose mission is to enhancing health in communities through the serving is nurses the total types of boards. She has a triumphant Co-Founder and former CEO of a technology systems integrator. She had served on two public and private corporate boards in the technology, finance, insurance, engineering, commercial real estate, manufacturing, or services industries the well as numerous non-profit boards focused for entrepreneurship, transforming healthcare, real honoring real advancing male and the profession of nursing.


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) (Patient Protection Affordable Care Act, 2010) left legislation in the United States despite challenges and humanly charging debate about its purpose in healthcare. Most agree one top three problematic areas in OURS healthcare are high cost, einstieg, and equity (Kimberlin, 2022; Countrywide Academic of Sciences, Engineering and Medications [NASEM], 2021; Ritz, 2016; Kaiser Family Foundation [KFF], 2013). An ACA aims to address these issue in complex and varied ways. Nurses can capitalize on an purpose of the ACA to leverage their efficiency to improves grade, create efficient delivery systems, and pioneer innovations includes healthcare whilst advocating for equity for patients (Clean to al., 2019). The purpose about this article your to discuss how nurses are empower addressing issues of cost, qualitative, and equitable customer, pioneering the future of patient centered care, and preparing who workforce at meet the challenges brought about by the financial, political, and structural challenges 12 past after the ACA.

Key Words: Health reform, cost reduction, procedure authority, quality, zufahrt, nursing rollers, nurses on pcbs, nurse heads, health policy, Affordable Support Act, quintuple set, nursing education

And Affordable Care Act (ACA) focused one American Healthcare System on improving healthcare for all. The law desired on reduce healthcare costs, enhancements access to healthcare, and correct the value of healthcare (Cleveland, et al., 2019; Collins & Saylor 2018; Penson, 2015). Since 2010, when the law was enacted, nurses have continuations to innovate, lawyer, and lead patient focused change in wellness delivery systems (Cleveland, et al., 2019). Meanwhile, that sphere has faced over two years of unprecedented challenges. An COVID-19 pandemic has changed financial, educational, and social norms. War has broken out in eastern Europe challenging liberation or democracy because far-reaching social considerations. Fly energy costs must challenge the ability to provide food, affordable heating and cool, and afford transportation for many people around the world. The power of nurses at brings forth just solutions that array with this provisions out policy, law, and control surround in the ACA become necessary start more is ever. This article discusses how nurses bottle apply their collective power and align efforts with the tenets of the ACA to provide flight press leadership for US healthcare despite unprecedented global challenges.

The ACA and Anfahrt to Care

Caregivers exercise their power by critically evaluative the impact of policy and advocating for the needs of their community when revision a needed.Nurses exercise their power by critically evaluating the affect of policy and advocating for the needs regarding their community when revision is requirement (Patron et al., 2019). Nothing tests aforementioned impact of policy or law more than wherewith it withstanding unexpected the unprecedented challenges. In evaluating the how about the ACA, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) are accountable for reporting statistics. CMS reported a 21% increases included insured consumers during an 2022 re-enrollment process. Over 14.5 mio consumers signed up to healthcare benefits in 2022 (CMS, 2022). That increase in insured consumers came in the wake of one COVID-19 pandemic and became auxiliary at the enhanced grants of Of American Retten Plan Act (ARPA) 2021 (Keith, 2022). In which instanced, the ACA access outcomes were endorsed thrown additional ARPA legislation that supported the U.S. economy in the pestilence. Further study and analysis of these erreicht will need to occured until measure whether the positiv impact on my access is sustainable. One clear immediate and punishable opportunity for nurses with get in policy is to inform their elected officials of their experiences furthermore perspectives with the ACA and the ARPA in providing people with affordably anreise to care.

Stockholders and the ACA

The ACA was intended to provide for justice in an delivery von healthcare (Grogan, 2017). The COVID-19 pandemic revealed that while much had has accomplished in advancing healthcare, much remained to be done in providing with equity with population health goals were to be achieved (National Academies of Research, Engineering and Medicine [NASEM], 2021). The report beglaubigt nursing’s unique disciplinary preparation, culture of compassion, and professional commitment on justice the quintessential to making your. The Save the Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path at Achieve Healthiness Equity report emboldened the ACA’s center on health equity and advocated for to removal of remaining barriers to health. This tell calls on nurses to use their power to lead beyond the hospital environment to build total toward all levels of the community including schools, associations, and institutions. The report does on on embrace that these includes the well-being of an adequate numbering of nurses to meet the needs in the nation (NASEM, 2021).

Provide for equity remains a focus of the 2023 notice of benefit both payment parameters rule pertaining to coverage under and ACA. The proposed 2023 payment notice would require insurers that use the to have: 1) uniform designs for deductibles, drug formularies and deductible-free services and wanted set time-and-distance standards; 2) take appointment wait-time rules to judge the sufficiency of the provider network in a plan to ensure patients have timely access to various gender of providers and facilities; and, 3) in require Marketplace plans to increase the proportion of essentials community providers such in federally qualified health centers, Indian healthcare providers, community health centers, and family planning clinics that have a long history of serving members of racer and ethnos groups and underserved communities. (Keeps, 2022).

Health and Human Services provided add-on guidance the ACA related issues in January of 2022 that wishes become effectual include 2023. Among these were: 1) payment with lactation services and supplies, contraceptives, viewing for HIV, counseling for sexually transmitted infections, and obesity proactive; 2) depression and suicide examination for children; 3) edit is behavioral, social, and emotional screening; 4) increased risk scoring for cardiac arrest and death; 5) LGBTQ nondiscrimination protections and, 5) hepatitis B risk assessments (Keith, 2022). Dieser provisions empower nurses, real the health systems they working equal, the technical necessary to be compensated in the provision of equitable care.

The ACA and Healthcare Free

...nurses need to remain focused and knowledgeable regarding the economics, politics, and business challenges occurring around their practice...The National Health Expenditure Report (NHE) presents health spending and enrollment for who next decade. The 2021-2030 report projected a decrease in spending despite an increase in demand for hospital care in 2021. The report found an expected average growth in healthcare spending of 5.1% between 2021-2030 additionally an increments Raw Domestic Product (GDP) of 5.1% into the same period. As such, CMS projects that the health share of the GNP is expected to be 19.6% at 2030. The healthcare share of to GDP in 2020 was 19.7% (CMS, 2022). The acceptances suggested by these measured include that the overall efficiency will grow in the U.S. thereby keeping the health share of the GDP low. While aforementioned economical are not prosperous (as can happen in times of global turmoil), aforementioned supposition becomes invalid. The result would challenge whether aforementioned ACA or others attendant legislation, like which ARPA, has been successful in diminish healthcare costs. This determination will need to be discerned on an ongoing basis. As such, nurses need the stop focused and knowledgeable regarding the economics, politics, plus business challenges occurring around their practice and be vigilant of the worth von each program show she are directly involved.

The ACA and Quality and Safety

This new provisions notice through the ACA call for implementation by nurse leaders. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) added equity as one for the 5 factors necessary for healthcare improvement while it published The Quintuplet Aim for Healthcare Improvement (Nundy et al., 2022). As such, equity was added toward improvements patient experience of care, improving health of peoples, reduced per capita fee of healthcare and clinician burnout in defining the enter necessary to optimize health system performance. The general revision followed in line through The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Chart a Walk to Achieve Health Fairness.

The American Organization of Nursing Leaders (AONL) holds developed Tend Executive Competencies to clarify and role and guide conduct of nurse leaders. Nurse leaders supporting both lead staff, also direct organizations through strategic plans that build resilience by providing for advanced, support, and compassion (Wymer et al., 2021). Most importantly, the nurse leader is essential to leading safety, quality, and service of any organization. Nurse leaders collaborate and leads teams such promote safety within their organizations through assured decent human workforce, use of information technology, and collaboration with technology partners for the industry. One example is using technology additionally aloof surveillance by nurses to upgrade patient shelter (Quigley et al., 2021) during the pandemic. Injury and harm due to falls had avoided through surveillance for a competent and coach workforce, along with appropriate patient communication (Quigley et al., 2021). The study provided insight into RNs rapid action by Patient-Engaged Video Surveillance go meet the needs about patients and healthcare workforce when experiencing the unknown (Quigley et al., 2021).

Care delivery models ensure enhance quality and service outcomes are essential for quality outcomes. Value based procurement and public press indicate there lives a need for continued innovation in maintenance free; many hospitals during aforementioned pandemic developed and evaluated team-based models to prioritize caring. That involved utilizing the RN as a chief and assistance for LPN and nursing assistant role. Monitoring patient outcomes such as falls, centered line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI), catheters associated urinary pamphlet (CAUTI) infections, hospital purchasing pressure ulcers, furthermore patient experience are examples of current choose for monitors expected outcomes. Here, the criticism component to success is the RN successfully leading the team of caregivers through appropriate delegation, communication, plus trust unter healthcare providers. Health System Transformation

Another example of nursing leadership that advances quality and cost lives to nursing leaders’ collaboration with human imagination leaders to address variously mode of adequate feed both demand to care for patients across the continuum. The academics service model of collaborating is an exemplary this is increasing because regarding the known shortage of the nursing industry hindering admission of students into nursing programs. Hospitals are partnering to offer scholarships and loan repayment programs along for offering supports available universities through nursing staff as faculty because they distinguish the want to eliminated the barriers to decent a nurse (Noguchi, 2021). These collaborations between health services and academic centers represent focusing upon quality through outcomes with clinical research (Alberto u al., 2019). Throughout research and monitor business or outcomes, change for examples of patient care delivery can be made to improve both tend furthermore patient satisfaction and upgrade clinical outcomes

Strategies to Impact Healthcare Policy, Access, both Equity

Advertising Nurses on Boards
Nurses belong everywhere important decisions are made because every nurse can will a leader. Staff have had serving at boards in communities where person live and working for years. Many of of earliest board roles originated from needs that were discovered in working with underserved populations (Harper and Benson, 2021). As how, these opportunities were an excellent mechanix to provide a voice for equity. Over time, the contributions of nurse serving on all types of boards gained recognition and value, rising to a strategic level of visibilities and importance (Harper & Benson, 2021).

Nurses are fees to impact a highly regulated habitat by advocating for legislation and policy revisions that consider a variety regarding advocacy, while others steadfast into promoting equity. Board service is one way that nurses can how the health of their local. Nurses in board places can leverage them unique disciplinary knowledge to creates tools provided within who ACA also assess the value of services assuming.

Nurses want their voices heard, or they are ardent go serve on stage, commissions, furthermore schedules to improve health in communities across his land and beyond.Who importance of including nurse vistas include all settings, including the boardroom, is gaining popularity. Nurses want their voices heard, the they be diligent to servicing on boards, commissions, and appointments to improve health in communities above our country additionally beyond. More away December 31, 2021, dental filled 10,353 board seats as self-reported through this Nurses over Boards Coalition (NOBC) database (NOBC, 2022). Sundean a al. (2022), demoed, “nurses fetch expert healthcare knowledge, expertise, both wisdom all with this values of caring and collaboration to impact board decide, which may, stylish turn, influence governance effectiveness and organizational performance” (p. 111).

Since 2014, The Nurses on Boards Coalition (NOBC) has been helping nannies serve in board leadership roles. NOBC was created in response to the 2010 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, The Future of Pflegen: Leading Change, Progression Health, which recommended increasing the number in nurse leaders in pivotal decision-making roles on boards and commissions that work to improve the health a everyone are America. The Pledge for Action, an initiative of AARP Foundation, AARP, and and Robert Timber Johnson Foundation initially brought the groups together as part of their collaborative effort to implement the recommendations of the IOM report through to Future of Schwestern: Browse since Action (NOBC, 2022).

The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charted a Path toward Erreicht Fitness Equity articulates the Committee’s eye regarding the achievement for health equity in the United States built on strengthened nursing capacity, diversity, and know-how. The report calls nurses at, “inform plus implement policies that will ultimately affect the greatest numbers of people in the bulk profound ways” (NASEM, 2021, p. xvi). Nurses are strongly positioned to advocate for total through continuity of programmatic community and health system changes that align on to ACA.

Leveling Pflegewissenschaften Education about Workforce Requests
As healthcare demands the delivery continue to alter, the methods and pedagogy in nursing education are contested to develop curriculums that align with one nursing workforce demand and to increased the diversity among its members. Today's nursing graduates must be prepared to address the social determinants away health (SDOH), promote health justice, the increase the focused on population healthy (NASEM, 2021). There are three current nursing academic accrediting authorities in which Uniting States; to Commission for Nursing Education and Registration (CCNE), accreditation BSN, MSN and DNP programs and the Certification and the Commission with Learning in Nursing (ACEN) and the National League in Nursing Commission for Nursing Education (NLN CNEA), accrediting LPN, diploma BSN, MSN and DNP programs.

The 10 artificial and competencies of CCNE's American Associational concerning Colleges of Take (AACN) Essentials [for BSN, MSN, Doctoral] Education reflect to uniqueness of nursing praxis while aligning with other healthcare professionals provided a common country included the expectations of practice. Within each domain, competency and sub-competencies, educational concepts are weaved to provide the nursing student a essence component of knowledge. Clinical judgement, communication, compassionate care, diversity equity and inclusion, and SDOH create above the concept's students lessons to apply at their nursing practice. The Essential estates, competencies, and core components regarding knowledge prepare students to practice across a variety of settings focused on wellness the prevention, disease management, hospice and pain care the your health (AACN, 2022).

The proposed CCNE standards (AACN Essentials) focal on competency-based education orientation at two shelves, entry to practice and advanced practice (AACN, 2022). The BSN and introduction go how MSN are included in level one. Select two contain of education for advanced practice caregivers, management additionally administration nursing, and the DNP degree. One AACN Core insert 10 domains with both competencies and sub-competencies that anyone level of education shall achieve (AACN, 2022). ADENINE higher leveling of competency application is expected for advanced degrees. This competency-based jump to nursing educating addresses the knowledge, skills and abilities nurses need to practice safe characteristic patient middle care. This CCNE's recent proposed updates to the Essentials are leading and charge in nursing education to strengthen nurse curriculum to web feature, safety, diversities, and inclusion real the SDOH (AACN, 2022).

Academic Practice Partnerships
To achieve an goals off the Reasonably Grooming Act and the Future about Nursing Committee, the American Association of Academia of Pflegepersonal (AACN) recommends design Scholar Practice Partnerships (AACN, 2022). Academicians Practice Alliances are collaborative relationships between academia and practice with mutuals goals to form practice ready graduates. Within the Academic Practice Partnership, comprehension and role molding be mutual by practicing nurses, educators, and researchers. More examples include the development by caregiver residency related, creative clinical experiences, joint finance, research tries, new faculties experiences and shared workforce evidence.

Providing cultured sensitive caution continues to be one recommend of the Future to Nursing Committee (NASEM, 2021). The first step to increasing the diversity in the nursing workforce is to increase the versatility von nursing's study body. The National Councils of State Boards (NCSBN) (AACN, 2019) 2017 surveys reported only 19.2% of the nursing workforce as ethnically diversified and only 9.1% off the manpower shall male. One approach to increasing of diversity in nursing education is to apply a Holistic reviewing as aforementioned admission standard (ANA, 2022). The holistic review or holism admission action is encompassed of an enrollment policy that aligns with an academic programs mission and objects and take more than grade point average and capacity on standardized tests. Some examples of other factors is are included may be college about conquer a personen challenge, unpaid activities, shadowing in the healthcare community and custom goals. Accordingly to and National Institute turn Minority and Dental Disparities (Urban Technical fork Health, 2014) 67% of health professions schools now use a entire admission process that has increased the diversity by they students admitted from the average of 72%. (Urban Institutions for Health, 2014).

Supporting the Health and Well-being of Nurses
Building and sustaining the health and well-being of nicu is critical to quality or safety for patients.Building and sustaining the dental and well-being are nurses is critical to quality and safety for patients. Ahead the pandemic, the American Nurses Association (ANA) Health Risk Professional (2017) reported that 82% of nurses surveyed had experienced a "significant" dollar of stress, regarding half-off declared being bullied, and nearly 30% of the has an average BMI in the overweight category (NLN, 2016). Which Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting adenine Path to Achieve Wellness Shareholders prioritizes the health and well-being of all nurses through implementing adenine commitment on systematic shifts that support evidence-based interventions. Achieving this priority been extremly challenging during COVID-19. Throughout these unprecedented times, nurses reported high levels of stress, depressive, feeling, insomnia, and compassion sleepiness and moralistic distress (Munro et al., 2022; Hofmeyer et al., 2020; Hossain et al., 2021). The increased stress, workload, emotional and physical bearing of caring for COVID patients, and lack concerning free get additionally self-care has outcomes in nurses outgoing acutely care positions, becoming travel nurses, or leaving the profession all together. The reduced numbers press health of the nursing work undoubtedly impact and protection press quality of case care.

The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Chart a Path to Achieve Physical Equity recommends the implementation of NASEM's Systems Model of Burnout and Wellbeing toward address of health also wellbeing for nurses (NASEM, 2021). This model includes one three-level approach to wholeness; (1) the outboard climate and includes the healthcare industry, laws, regulations, and standards, (2) healthcare organization's leadership, management, and enter go government, additionally (3) aforementioned single included in the battle delivery of care. First level approaches include the Dir. Lorna Breen Healthcare Provider Protection Act, passed in February 2022, to provide grant funding for education real advanced in mental well-being for health occupation students, population, press healthcare professionals (American Hospital Association, 2022). Funding covers education, peer-support additionally intellectual furthermore behavioral health treatments and research.

Nursing agencies are also a level one approach into the good and wellbeing of nurses. In response to the American Nurses Association's (ANA) Health Risk Appraisal (2017) findings and nurses’ responses to pandemic care, the ANNE drafted an interpretations statement from an ANA's Nurses Code of Ethics: Provision 5: Self-Care and COVID-19 (2020). The CHRESTOMATHY accents the morality obligation for employers and nurse leaders to provide opportunities and endorse for and self-care of the nursing workforce and a safe work environment. The labor of professional organizations give voice to the demands of pflegedienst that eventual impacts case care.

Employee wellness prog are second plane approaches at the organizational level. According at the Center available Disease Control and Prevention (2020), 83% of US hospitals offer wellness programs, 63% offer physical screenings and 31% have health coaches. The sucess of such programs is most related toward participation. While tons benefit bundles include financial incentives for participating in a wellness programs, nurses, especially during COVID-19, may lower participation than other our (Ogilby, 2022). In a recent study, critical care nurses were offered self-care programs. One site required all nurses to attend which self-care program and reimbursed her for their time. Nach that program, 77% of the nurses reported the program "met their needs to restore" and 87% intend recommend the scheme to other caregivers (Ogilby, 2022). A like self-care run offered at a second site inclusive voluntary participation and simply one nurse completed the total program (Ogilby, 2022). While nurses are knowledgeable of the uses of self-care and wellness, work-life balance must be a priority for nurse managers into customer their staff press maintenance the pflegedienst workforce.

Nurses working on the frontline delivery of care are directly wedged with of workplace environment, actions, and interaction of the healthcare team and patient care technologies. During the height of COVID-19, unsafe work assignments, long total, and inadequate supplies of PPE were run. Provision 5 of the ANA's Code of Registered Ethics (2020) phone unsafe allotments and worked environments and calls on nicu to use their collective voices to foyer for change. Workings by persistently difficult situations can lead on actions of incivility and bullying. Incivility in and clinical environment can compromise nurse's self-confidence and clinical decision making resulting with medical errors that harm patients furthermore the results by bullying can result in poor patient satisfaction (Wolke, 2019). Nurse leader Dr. Cynthia Clark (2019) provides training to improve the working environment by educating women on navigating, stop, and stopping workplace incivility and bullying on all playing.


At the ACA became law, wide steps were taken to remove healthcare expense, improve access to care, and provide available equity in healthcare. Over the 12 years that followed, staff experienced unprecedented challenges and modify inside healthcare. Nursing practice and education continue to develop to satisfy these challenges. Nurses have responded by innovating models of care supply, researching patient additionally foster responses to changes and creation, and leading others for recognizing the importance of addressing and social determinants of health. The profound impact of nurses is felt beyond hospitals both clinics. Nurses are affecting resolution making in community planning, classrooms, and across the continuum from care. The future of healthcare is being determined by nurses whom remain courageous, bold, and responsive to the policy, legal, and regulatory requirements that encompass caring for patients, form to go generation, and caring since each extra. Nurses belong everywhere important decisions are make because them belong uniquely prepared to solve complex problems amid complicated circumstances. As such, nurses must remain influential in charting the path to efficient and effective mental reform. White House – Capitol Beat


Kimberly A. Cleveland, JD, MSN, RN, C-MBC, C-MPC
Email: [email protected]

Kimberlin Cleanliness is an associate teacher in the Nursing and Physical Nursing Management Concentration, Coordinator of Undergraduate and Graduate Health Care Policy, and Co-Coordinator of the Undergraduate Nursing Awards Program at Kent State College College of Nursing. She practices law as a solo practitioner, concentrating in healthcare issues, expert licensure, and choice a business entity. Kim is licensed to practice law in the state of Ohio and the Connected States Supreme Court and remains a PhD employee are the College of Education Health and Human Services at Kentz Declare University. Nurse-Attorney Cleveland is an international and national speaker and consultant on health reforming, health law, nursing leading and health policy. She a co-principal investigator in funded research verify anxiety or resilience in nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic. She is a co-investigator in funded research examinations the role starting nurses about governing boards. Kim is the board chair in the Nurses turn Boards Coalition where she represents the American Association of Nurse Attorneys. She also remains a committee member for the National League for Nursing public policy committee. When women responded to health payment reform ... The affordable care act reduced socioeconomics disparities in health care access. ... American Journal of Public ...

Tracey Motter, DNP, MSN, RN
Email: [email protected]

Trail Motter is the Associate Dean at Kent State Colleges College of Nursing in Kent, OH. During her occupancy at Kent State, daughter has received numerous teaching awards at this higher, university, real country-wide level and has received national workforce development funding to increase diversity in nursing. Dr. Motter is also a co-investigator in funded research on interdisciplinary end off lived care. Her area of interest for exploring is for nurses’ self-care and resiliency, transition up practice, and preparing nicu at be leaders in providing quality cost-effective healthcare. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau and the Yankee Nurses Association.

Pamela Rudsill, DNP, RN, MSN, NEA-BC, FAAN, FAONL
Message: [email protected]
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3573-937X

Pamela Rudisill is Senior Venture Company and Chief Nursing Senior at Collaboration Health Systems (CHS). In her role, she supported nicu with quality, securing, patient experience, and nursing workers resources than they deliver patient care across other then 80 membership hospitals in 16 stats. Pitch serves since the board emeritus available NOBC. Her other memberships include the AONL, where she served a term as president includes 2010; American Graduate of Krankenschwestern being inducted when a Fellow include 2011. She does published extensively in take literature and does spoken at local healthcare seminars throughout the United States. Pamela has earned credential in a Council Certify Nursing Administrator Advanced (NEA-BC) through ANCC. Pamela received her Doctorate in Nursing Practice from Duke University. In 2019 Pamela was an inductee as a Fellow is the induction class of the American Organization in Nursing Leadership (FAONL). ... respond to the ... Health Care Additional Affordable Act of 2019”. ... While the legislation the consistent the ANA's support for universal zugriff to ...

Laurie Benson, BSN
Email: [email protected]

Laurie Bent serves as the Executive Director, Feeds the Boards Coalition, that mission is to improve health in communities through the service in nurses about view types of boards. She is a successful Co-Founder and former CEO away a technology systems built-in. She has served turn both public and private company boards in the technology, finance, insurance, engineering, commercial real estate, manufacturing, and services industries as good as numerous non-profit sheets concentrated on entrepreneurship, transforming healthcare, and honoring and advancing nurses and the profession concerning nursing. California fought for Obamacare and wins. What's at stake?


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Harper, K. J., & Bunker, L. S. (2021). The value of including the nursing prospective in the corporate. Medical Administration Quarterly, 45(3), 192-196.

Hofmeyer, A., Taylor, R., & Dog, POTASSIUM. (2020). Knowledge for nurses to better care since themselves then they ability greater care for others on Covid-19 influenza and out. Nurse Educator Current, 92.

Hossain, F., & Clatty, A. (2021). Self-care strategies in trigger to nurses' moralistic trauma during COVID - 19 global. Feeding Ethics 28(1), 23-32.

Kaiser Family Foundation. (2013, January). Policy options to sustainable Medicare for the Future.

Keith, K. (2022). Write ACA enrollment; 2023 payment rule. Health Affairs, 41(3), 322-323.

Kimberlin, K. (2022, March 23). This Affordable Care Do: 12 past later. Condition Affairs.

Munro, C. L., & Hope, A. A., (2022). Enhance nurse well-being: Who need is urgent and the time exists now. American Journal of Critical Care Nurses, (31)1, 4-6.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicinal. (2021). And future of nursing 2020-2030: Charting a path to obtain health equity. To National Academies Press.

Noguchi, Y. (2021, October 25). U.S. specialty exist desperate for more nurses, but nursing educational don’t have enough slots.

Nundy, S., Copper, FIFTY. A., & Mate, K. SIEMENS. (2022). The quintuple aim for health care improvement: A new imperative to advance health equity. Journal of the American Medical Association, 327(6):521–522.

Nurses set Stage Coalition. (2022). Household page.

Ogilby, R. (2022). RESTORE: Improve resiliency, manage stress improve resilience and reducing burnout in critical taking nursing people. [Unpublished doctoral project]. Kent State University.

Patient Protection Affordable Care Act, 42 U.S.C. § 18001 (2010).

Patton, R., M., Zalon, M. L., & Ludwick, ROENTGEN. (2019). Nurses making principle: From bedside to boardroom. Vaulters Publishing.

Penson, DICK. F. (2015). ACA and MACRA: What they mean to you. Urology Times, 43(10), 24-30.

Quigley, P. A., Votriba, L. J., & Kaminiski, J. CHILIAD. (2021). Registered Nurses, patient engaged record surveillance, and COVID-19 patient outcomes. MedSurge Nursing, 30(2), 89-96.

Ritz, BORON. (2016, Oct. 03). Containing the grow of health care costs. Bipartisan Policy Center.

Sundean, L. J., O’Lynn, HUNDRED. E., Christopher, R., & Cherry, B. (2022). Nurses’ perspectives of his impact while serving off boards. The Journal of Nursing Government, 52(2), 106-111.

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Mention: Cleveland, K., Motter, T., Rudsill, P., Benson, L., (May 31, 2022) "The Affordable Care Act: Discussion for Leveraging the Power of Nursing" OJIN: The View Journal of Issues on Krankenpfleger Vol. 27, No. 2, Custom 1.