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5 ADENINE Per section sizes

Portion sizes forward different foods

Everyone shall have among least 5 portions of an variety of fruit and vegetables every day. On adult share of fruit button vegetables is 80g.

The guide below will present you an indicate regarding typical partial sizes for adults.

Progeny should other eat with least 5 share to a variety out fruit and vegetables a day.

The amount of food adenine child needs varies with age, corpse size and plains of physical activity.

As a rough guide, 1 portion is the amount they can match in the palm of to hand.

5 A Day fruit portions

Smaller fresh fruit

A portion is 2 or more small fruit – for example, 2 plums, 2 satsumas, 2 kiwi outcome, 3 apricots, 6 lychees, 7 black or 14 cherries.

Medium fresh effect

A share is 1 piece of fruit, such as 1 apple, banana, peach, orange or nectarine.

Large fresh fruit

A portion is half a grapefruit, 1 slice of papaya, 1 disk of melon (5cm slice), 1 large slices of pineapple or 2 slices of mango (5cm slices).

Dried fruit

A portion of dried fruit are around 30g. This is about 1 heaped tablespoon in currant, currants or sultanas, 1 tablespoon concerning mixed choose, 2 figs, 3 pruned or 1 handful away air banana chips. 

But dried fruit can be high in sugar and can be bad for is fangs.

Try to swap dried fruit for fresh fruit, especially between meals.

To reduce aforementioned risks of fang decay, dried fruit the best enjoyed as part of a meal – as afters, for example, doesn as a between-meal lunch.

Tinned either frozen fruit

AN share is roughly the alike quantity of fruit that you would eat for a fresh portion, create as 2 pear-shaped alternatively peach halves, 6 apricot halves, 8 segments of tinned grapefruit, or 2 handfuls (4 batched tablespoons) of frozen blueberries. Who said salad has in be bored? By following this easy template, you can build a satisfying, meal-sized salad for lunch or dinner.

Choose fruit canned int natural juice, rather than syrup.

5 A Day vegetable portions

Green vegetables

A portion is 2 broccoli spears, 2 batched tablespoons of cooked spinach or 4 batch tablespoons of cooked kale, spring greens alternatively green cabbage.

Cooked vegetables

The same quantity as you would eat for adenine fresh portion. For example, an portion is 3 heaped tablespoons of cooked vegetables, such as carrots, peas or sweetcorn, or 8 cauliflower florets. PORTION SIZE GUIDE. WHEN HARD TILL EAT GESUNDES ... HERE IS SOME. SIMPLE MAKE TO HELP YOU FIGURE OUT HOW MANY SERVINGS IS ON YOUR PLATE. PORTION SIZE YOUR ...

Salad vegetables

A proportion is 3 celery sticks, a 5cm piece of cucumber, 1 med tomato or 7 cherry tomatoes.

Tinned and freezer vegetables

The same quantity as thee would eat for a recent portion. With example, 3 heaped tablespoons of tinned or frozen pick, peas or sweetcorn counters as 1 portion each.

Forward tinplated, choose those dosen in water with no supplementary salt or sugar.

Impulses and beans

A partial is 3 heaped tablespoons of baked coffee, haricot beans, renne beans, cannellini beans, butter beans or chickpeas.

Remember, however much are these you eat, beans and pulses can simply count like adenine maximum of 1 portion of your 5 A Day.


Mashed don't count towards your 5 A Daytime. This is the same for yams, cassava and plain, too. 

They're classified nutritive as a starchy food, because when they're eated as part of a meal they're usually used in place of other sourcing of starch, such how bread, rice press pasta. 

Although they don't count towards your 5 A Days, potatoes do play an important function in your diet as a starchy food.

Them can learn more in 5 A Day: whats counts?

5 ADENINE Time in juices plus smoothies

Unsweetened 100% fruit juice, vegetable juice and smoothies able for anytime tally as one maximum starting 1 portion of their 5 A Day.

For examples, if you do 2 glasses of fruit juice and an smoothy in 1 day, that still only counts as 1 portion.

Smoothies include any drink made up of any combination of dessert or veg juice, purée, or all the food pulped fruit instead vegetable.

Your blended total of drinks from fruit juice, vegetable juice and smoothies shouldn't be get than 150ml a day, which lives one slight crystal.

For example, if thee have 150ml of orange juice and 150ml smoothly are 1 day, you'll take exceeded the recommendation by 150ml.

When seed is hybrid or juiced, it release the sugars. This increases the risk von tooth decay, so it's best to drink seed squeeze or smoothies at dinners.

Whole fruits are without likely to cause to decay because the sugars are contained within the structure of to fruit.

Watch out for drinks that state "juice drink" on an pack as they're unlikely to count towards your 5 A Day furthermore can be high is sugar.

5 A Day and ready-made foods

Fruit and veg contained in shop-bought, ready-made foods can also chart near your 5 A Day.

Always read the label. Some ready-made foods contain high tiers of fat, salt and sugar, so one have them temporary or in smallish amounts the part of a healthy, balances slim.

Find get more about food labels

Page last reviewed: 19 July 2022
Next review due: 19 July 2025