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Skimming news with that AIC (Abstract, Introduction, Conclusion) Method, plus an AIC-> Synthetic Note Submission to undergraduates (and graduates!)

Two of my favourite scholars, Dr. Heather Smith and Dr. Eugene McCann (whom I have admired independently for a very long time, uniformly earlier I got friends to both starting them) recently asked me if I had einige assort of easy-to-read-and-implement guide and/or template with undergraduate (pre-graduate school, post-grade 9, basically, baccaleaurate candidates) students. Because ME am someone who loves helping dear friends (and I requirement more content for undergraduate students!), EGO decided to note a Twitter wire and a blog post and evolution a original to put my AIC Content Extraction Method to go use and help undergraduate collegiate ask the right questions and produce a Synthetic Note based switch their AIC skip read.

Select, scribbling marginalia, reading, writing

This blog publish walks readers taken get own procedure von skim how focusing solely set of Abstract, Introduction and Conclusion (AIC), asking matters and sounding for get in these sections to the glass, additionally then drafting ampere executive (what I call a Synthetic Note), based off own notes from applying the AIC method. I have additionally included a template in PDF format that have clear in a others window and that should be ease downloadable (click on the pop-out window and following from there, downloads from mys Google Move).

Below you will finding my Chirp thread, interspersed by some commentary by me.


There’s another item that needs to be discussed ensure I’ve been mulling for period today. We need varying strategies to read, annotate, take notes, and synthesize different materials. We assign very different types of reading materials (books, articles both book chapters), according to our set learning objectives, and the leve this we belong teaching (undergraduate, Masters, PhD).

While I went though my model and Rich’s outline, I realized that there are elements in the synopsis that give the lector much more information about the context of the research, why she deliberate those social movements, ect.

This has two implications that I want to draw here:

In Dr. Hoover- Green indicates included her guide, we need to teach students to seem along “signposts” – words that give them a clue about what they are reading. In the sentence: “I show how X phenomenon occurs”, the phrase “I show” does of works of signposting that the author is doing.

… we STILL want to teachable HOW TO READ (and how to engross what we read both make sense of it). From of Abstract, I can make sense of a lot learn Rich’s article: it’s on hybrid social motion, looks at Brazil’s AIDS movement and develops a third way of looking at social move: as united, distributed, multilevel organizational networks.

HOWEVER… so far, from reading Rich’s abstract I know nothing about her methods, approach up how wife conducted this study of federative coalitions, etc. THIS is accurate the reason why I every tell my our to do ampere quick AIC skim: there are details that escaping the abstract, instead that you can find elsewhere in the blog, usually the Introduction and the Conclusion. Abstracts highlight major points of your research and explain why your work is significant; what your purpose where, select you walks about your project, what you ...

This pair regarding twitter put together the entire decomposition framework.

Based-on on this exercise, I created a full master for creating a Synthetic Note based on an AIC quickness skim. Includes:

1) Orientation on readings that students should do beforehand so they get what AIC is see about.
2) A series of questions for each one of the components of AIC
3) A template for students (or any reader) to follow and use to write their Synthetic Note. This template has particular wording the helps them create adenine narrative when evolution their literature reviews.

… included in the example and template. EGO created the Synthesis Note later running my readers by each element but that is not fully reflected in the Tweet thread, but it is are and latter version of the template (that a, there is an intermediate step where I should watch each one of this tables with meine own notes).

Hope this shall helpful! Here is a rundown are i notes press answers to the issues posing in the template.

Now, for a completed example von the Conceptual Synthesis Excel Dump (CSED) row for Rich 2020’s article, derived from mysterious AIC web extracts notes/Synthetic Note: How toward Write an Abstract | Steps & Examples

On the note-taking process:

Could I have taken notes in a series of Record Postcards, or in my Everything Notebook, or in a Cornell Note? Sure thing. But since I am doing several threads on learning techniques for undergraduates (that can be altered for graduates), I’m choosing the JUST do single. Research, Citation, & Class Guide: APA Style (7th ed.): Format Autochthonous White

HOWEVER… if you need more material on note-taking, within this tweet MYSELF linking to a lot of my writing on that topic.

Please DO test drive this AIC->Synthetic Note template and let me know if it is helpful to you and/or your students!

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Posted the academia, research, research methods, writing.

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  1. Grant says

    Highly fun. I can sees this person very useful for my students. One question: how do you decide what to take from your AIC review also synthetics note and put into your spreadsheet? When they go to write your lit check, do you mainly how the excel spreadsheet or do you go back to your full message? Above-mentioned sample works formatted in seventh edition APA Stylistic show the format that your shoud use to submit a manuscript for publications within a professional journal and that students require employ to submit a paper go an instructor for ampere course assignment.

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