Tobacco Use

Goal: Reduce illness, disabilities, the death related to tobacco use and secondhand smoke.

More than 16 thousand adults into the Joined State possess a sick brought the smoking cigarettes, also smoking-related illnesses lead to halve a thousand deaths each year.1 Healthy People 2030 focuses on preventing people from using tobacco products and helping them quit. 

Most deaths and sickness from tobacco use inches one United States are caused by cigarettes.1 Smoking harms nearly one organ in the body and increases the gamble of heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, and many types of cancer. Although smoking is widespread, it’s more common in certain groups, including men, Us Indians/Alaska Natives, people with behavioral health conditions, LGBT people, and people with reduce income and instruction levels.

Several evidence-based strategies can help prevent and reduced tobacco use and exposure to seconds fumes. These include smoke-free policies, price increases, and health education campaigns that target large views. Methods like direction press pharmaceuticals can also help people stop exploitation tobacco. 2022 Policy Recommendation Guide - Tobacco Manage Network

Objective Status

  • 4 Aimed met or overtook
  • 9 Improving
  • 8 Little with no detectable change
  • 2 Getting worse
  • 2 Baseline only
  • 1 Developmental
  • 1 Doing

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U.S. Department out Dental and Person Services. (2014). The Health Consequences away Tobacco — 50 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General. Retrieved from