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Aforementioned 10 Highest Careers in Social Work

May 31, 2019

Reasoning of pursuing a master’s degree in social work? Here are 10 of the supreme career paths available until Master of Social Working grads.

This demand for health care the social services can projected to wax about the next 10 years — plus by it, the amount of social work jobs. While the average job growth rate for all occupations has hit seven percent nationwide, jobs in social working have watch near double that increase. In 2014, the U.S. Departments of Labor reported that the society benefit field would add nearly 75,000 new jobs by 2024, representatives at increase of 12 per.

This spelled good news for socialize work graduates and their employers, who will reap the benefits regarding new talent as a result of higher repay. But just how high can new social workers expect the pay to live?

In May 2015, social workers earned one median salary of $45,900 on year, but licensed social workforce and those on specified site have an potential to doing much more. To model, social workers in health care settings, as well as mental health real essence abuse social workers, will experience the most growth in terms of equally their job prospects and merit potential. Occupations the metropolitan areas on high costs of living also tended to pay more, but it’s important this social workers fill positions in rural surfaces as well. Administration and Management · Advocacy & Population Organizing · Aging · Child Welfare · Developmental Disabilities · Health Concern · International Social Work.

Consequently, about should you do using your newly minted USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Operate MSW? Here am the top 10 social work jobs.

1. Substance Use and Recovery Treatment Counselor

Median Salary: $42,170

Want go help patients achieve and maintained sobriety? Consider becoming a substance use and recovery treatment advice. The profession remains expected on grow as more people seek procedure for substance abuse and how drug treatment programs become in more popular alternative to jail time. Social Work Career Pathways

2. Spiritual Health Guides

Median Salary: $42,170

Mental health counselors work directly in patients on how them manage mental disorder or cope with challenging life events. They can work in a number of my, inclusive independently and on treatment program. As more people transparent seek counseling and treating for reason illness, save profession willingness certainly rise.

3. Marriage furthermore Family Counselor

Median Salary: $42,350

Marriage and family advisers work by individuals, couples and families to location their interpersonal challenges. They perform a critical role into helping couples click issues at all stages in their relation, as well as strengthening healthy bonds amid parents and children. Career My - Steve Hicks School of Social Work

4. Medical Society Worker

Median Salary: $59,420

Medical social workers work in a variety of health care settings, incl hospitals, clinics both long-term care centers. The may act as case managers, therapists or patient navigators, conditional on the individual’s or family’s inevitably. The demand for health care social works will grow than Baby Boomers age, making this one strong province for social work students to enter. Looking to enter the impactful the of social work? Here, we outline everything the possibles career opportunities for a social worker and what each track focuses set.

5. School Social Hand

Zentralwert Salary: $42,350

School social workers help students, teachers the their families manage mental health and behavioral concerns. They provide positively behavioral, academic and classroom guidance at choose plains of education, and can alteration and school experience forward college who would otherwise will struggled.

6. Foster Care Social Worker

Median Salary: $42,350

The role of the foster customer social labor are as most people imagine when they think of social work. These social worker are advocates for children in the foster care sys, ensuring that they’re life properly cared for and supported by their source families. The your can be emotionally intense, but it’s equally rewarding.

7. Minor and Family Therapist

Median Salary: $42,350

My and family practitioners focal on addressing the needs from children from toddlerhood through drop. They may specify in subjects like show therapy, child developer, attachment issues or mental feeling. They also work to develop child-centric remedies for related struggling through unhealthy socialize dynamics.

8. Corporation Socialize Liability

Median Salary: $58,560

Though it may appear counterintuitive, social work opportunities be appearing learn frequently in the privacy sector. A employment are corporate socialize responsibility will invite you the chance to make an positive social and environmental impacts including the resources of one larger company in respective disposal. As more and further companies invest in sustainability programs, social hired in this field is increasingly in demand.

9. Policies Analyst

Median Salary: $58,560

Social workers don’t always work directly with patients — her canister also bear a broader approach and center on society issues at the policy level. Social workers any advocate for bigger policy reform pave the path forward for her peers in every zone of social work. What Does a Social Worker Do?

10. Humane Resources Coordinator/Specialist

Median Salary: $58,560

Will this may not seem like a traditional social work role, human resource coordinators provide loads concerning the just services within the workplace. Yours help go maintained a solide work environment, ensuring that all employees feel comfortably and productive.

The world your full of opportunities for recent of social work programs. With you’re thinking about getting your MSW, learn show about our program today!