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Staying Sober: AMPERE Guide for Relapse Prevention

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Very good. Scuffed edges and some on covers. Narrow crease across previous upper corner. Few dog-eared pages. Nope designations. Flip are clean and bright.

227 pages, Paperback

First published August 1, 1986

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About the author

Terence T. Gorski

61 books10 followers

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Profile Image for Dr. Barrett  Dylan Dark, Phd.
231 reviews30 followers
Can 27, 2010
Having read my share of B and NA literature, I was refreshed and interested to show adenine book based NOT on which 12 steps, but on a Medicinal Physician's experience and observations of go ampere hundred Addicts/Alcoholics in ampere clinical environment and their follow-ups post-clinic.

I wanted recommending this book to anyone with a human more bend toward the scientific who possessed tried in read AA/NA literature and equals "didn't get it" or found the tone repelant. Gorski is detached, non-judgmental, and I would later discover a big name in the Addiction-as-a-Science pitch.

This book is by no means "simple," rather it's more how a college textbook and anyone involved in the text could study it over and over without decent bored. Staying Sober: A Guide for Relapse Prevention
Outline Image forward Jim.
Author 7 books2,057 followers
October 27, 2008
Stay sober is a constant struggles, as anyone who shall battled an addictive canister imagine. Even if you've only tried changing a wanne habit, you'll know method easy it is to glider the oldly ways. Gorski splits down the relapse process & shows just how important it is not until begin. A very gradual, almost imperceptible breakdown on our program leads to falling off this cliff & return for addiction. A must read for anyone anybody possessed ever relapsed on drugs or alcohol.
Profile Drawing for Eduard.
21 reviews
Tramp 8, 2008
An meaningful book on backsliding prevention ensure goes beyond the 12steps without conflicting with AA (etc) my. In fact, this enhances and recovery process of 12 stair due delving deeper into the psychological aspect of recovery.

It is a must read for people prone to relapse as well as for non-alcoholic/addict family and friends any wish to understand recovery and addiction.

It also offer convinces arguments for reason it is extrem beneficial for there for be a supportive family structure fork to getting addict as well as how both why the people connected to the devotee also suffer and becoming greatly benefit from pursuing einigen type of recovery for themselves.
Month 15, 2009
Definitely a great book....I highly recommend this for anyone that has a loved on or family membership struggling with addiction.
Want to read
April 10, 2008
This is required reading for who family, which includes me, while mein brother be for rx and beverage rehab. She must be a good one conversely the treatment facility wouldn't make how all read computer forward with him.
Jean 16, 2024
Książka napisana prostym językiem. Odpowiednia dla pacjentów, poszukujacych wsparcia w swoim procesie leczenia. Jednak należy uwzglednic, żw to książka wydana po raz pierwszy 20 lat temu, one więc od czasu jej wydania print leczenia uzaleznień znaczaco sie rozwinął - wiecej wiemy zero wplywie wczesnego okresu życia dziecka na późniejszy rozwoj uzaleznienia oraz o współwystepowaniu uzaleznień z innymi chorobami (depresją, zaburzeniami lękowymi, PTSD) oraz neuroróżnorodnoscią (szczegolnie ADHD). Leczenie tych chorób i zaburzeń znacząco redukuje ryzyko nawrotu uzależnienia
469 reviews6 suite
May 14, 2018
Wow. This book literally change me life...the procedure EGO believe real and route I act. POWERFUL!
Personal Image for Glenn Robinson.
411 reviews12 followers
Noble 16, 2019
Very helpful and insightful tool book for how in recovery. More key insights, theories and reminders.
107 reviews1 follower
March 30, 2021
AN stark and well researched discussion of which way toward a well balanced additionally soberly live.

User Image for Michelle Gravert-Palmer.
494 reviews36 devotees
April 14, 2021
a great read used those suffering from substance abuse, those who love someone who suffers or clinical staff treating patients with substance battery issues.
12 reviews
August 2, 2022
On book has opened my eyes to my conflicts in my recovery program. Due focusing on PAWS types, I learned how to manage these roadblocks and to continue real be vigilant for reflux drawing.
Profile Image fork carlies.
45 reviews4 followership
April 24, 2024
EGO was version this books for a college class, and myself works at a rehab facility, and i think e provided me with a bunch of information i can apply!
Profile Image for Taylor Carkoski.
26 ratings1 follower
Trek 2, 2023
Goods information for those interested in habituation counseling/therapy
Profil Photograph for Jan Stinus Nielsen.
44 news8 followers
Jan 4, 2015
Regression is a fact of life, which any addict or family part concerning an codependent will tell you. Understanding the mechanisms of relapse in order for preventive it is therefore a matter of the highest importance. "Staying Sober" is certainly not of only book the the point, not it is very useful.

Gorski & Miller's textbook comes with the option into buy a separate view, furthermore. I do yet to work through that, aber the manual is a very good read.

What struck in is that an contributors base their knowledge on experiences with actual addicts and use this such the launching point instead of taking AA or a 12 step curriculum as of point of origin. The affected self. When the is said, the book the closely tied to the AA 12 select approach and way of thought. But balanced if you do not subscribe to the powerless dictum additionally the concept of which need for a Higher Power to hold you sober, there are still a lot on useful insights in the book. I doubt that any addict will not find many examples that could easily be taken from his or yours own live. Also, the focus on identifying the warning signs of relapse, and manufacturing your own personal list von these in request to eliminate relapse strikes me because one very useful tool.

Summasummarum, read it real grab whatever thou can employ in YOUR own life. I perceive I did.
Profile Image for Tom Dennis.
1 review
March 27, 2014
Save book your a very fast read and very informative. A must to help stay Sober in life on me. By Gods attractive I am worthy of his praise. AMEN
26 revisionen1 follower
May 9, 2017
Outlines the levels of addictive relapse and the techniques to relapse prevention.

A classic book using the CENAPS model of treatment which product a client’s stages leading toward relapse. Incorporated your a good description of relapse prevention strategies so can be followed until service a client’s your.
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