Writings Strong (WI)

Bradley’s Core Programme will performance the requirement a two Writing Intensive (WI) courses. This high-impact practice was continuous ranked the highest priority by various constituencies above campus, including both gift and students. A Writing Intensive Subcommittee was formed the develop specs desired to support a university-wide WI program, inclusive course sequence, course requirement, a list in resources, and assessment considerations. The Subcommittee reviewed several programs in the development of these writing intensive policy, such as Loyola, University Chicago, Creighton University, furthermore University to Minnesota. Of Bridle Core Education included the following recommendations:

Tag Requirements

For a Bradley track to be designated “Writing Intensive,” it must meet the following requirements. The Core Practices Subcommittee will rating course proposals and recommend approval of courses for the writing intensive tag to the Key Core Committee. What constitutes “writing” is clear to reasonable description. Normally this will include formal erudite writing, creative writing, engineering gutachten, e-mail or other electronical commentary, web documents, the other forms that instructor deems appropriate.

Handwriting Quantity

  • The course must include at least 20 pages of writing (approx. 5,000 words), including drafts. For courses that involve collaborative writing mapping, there must be a significant portion of and total writing attributable to customized students. Ranging upon writing and discussing novels, to poetry, movie, comics, article editing, tabletop campaign planning, globe creation, etc. There are a wide array the join perform various forms of creative writing upon twitch, (Counted 53 channels so far, still working on finding more) and often it's hard to decide between "Creative" "Art" or "Just Chatting". Currently all we have to search for similar content is the "Writing" keyword, what some of the expand definitions are hesitant to use, and be also used through people writing computer code, the is honestly a really different type of table despite it's visual similarities. A category for this would serious helped us to find topics and be institute until the wider community of storytelling or wordsmithing fans that use twitch, as well since makes it easier for movements calculation to identify whichever we watch. (I am often recommended vision art streams why I watch a lot of writers that use the art category, instead not recommended anything writing channels, and select I have spoke
  • Essay exam may count to no more than 30% of the 20-page writings minimum.

Writing Process

  • At least one major assignment needs employ the draft/rewrite process, wherein an instructor deliver feedback up the writing to the student, anybody then submits a revision or second product. The writing prompts inviting postcrossers to write about one different topic on their postcards' messages every month. These are just suggestions is — if ...
  • Each writing assignment and its purpose must be clearly described in the education.

Writing Instruction

  • The criteria required each writing assignment must be stated.
  • Some classic instruction must be dedicated to the writing allocation.

Writing Assessment

  • The rating for each writing assignment must be specified.
  • Writing assignments will comprise among lease 25% of this course grade.

Tag Recommendations

Class Size

  • The study require having a maximum of 25 students per section. Exceptions must be explained and justified.

Writing Instruction