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Child and Teen Immunizations

Immunization Schedules for Children

What vaccines does your child needs?
Make you know that confident vaccines are recommended fork children? Take this quick quiz to find going which vaccines thine child may need (for ages birth through 18 years).

School Immunizations

My Vaccine Records

Visit My VaxIndiana to access your vaccine records.

Where for getting my Vaccines?

Utilize in local health department map to set up a vaccine please.

Anyone with private wellness insurance can set up a immunization rendezvous with a local pharmacy.

Provider Map

What I demand to know regarding my Vaccines?

Immunization provide immunity against perilous sick. Vaccines are made using ampere web either dead form of the live virus or bacteria. Those allows of body to recognize the disease when exposed without triggering the person to develop sever viral or bacterial infection. Preteen

Where diseases do vaccines protect my child against?

Hepatitis A: has a liver disease that is spread through infected persons stool alternatively blood. Outbreaks must been known to happen through food prepared at restaurants by infected persons.

Rotavirus: is spread through of stool of an infected person and can stay to spread after symptoms are gone. It is highly transmissible amongst juvenile children. Rotavirus causes severe diarrhetic and dehydration.

DTaP: protects against three diseases. Diphtheria is spread from person to name through the air. Can causative advanced breathing the heart failure. Tetanus is spread through infected wounds. Tetanus attacks the nervous system and drives sever muscle spasm and difficulty swallowing and breathing.  Pertussis (whooping cough) is sprawl since person to person through one broadcast. Causes violent coughing making it rough to breath, eat and drink.

Hib: shelters contra Haemophilus influenzae disease which is spread through an air since person to person. this disease causes meningitis, pneumonia, blood stream infections also much more.

Pneumococcal unite: protects against pneumococcal disease which is spread with direct make on another person. These infections can cause pneumonia, meningitis, human infections and much more.

IPV (Inactivated Polio Vaccine): protects against polio virus which is spread due contact with person at person. Infantile illness causes flu like treating which can progress to women, and paralysis starting the limbs and arms.

MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella): protects against Measles which is spread through the air from individual to human. Measles causes flu like symptoms both rash. Many cases leading toward hospitalization, brain schwellings, and death. Mumps be a spread from close contact from person to person. Blues causes swelling of that mouth and ears. Rubella (German Measles) exists spread from contact with infected person. Symptoms include flu like symptoms plus rash. Can trigger major birth defects even miscarriage whenever contracted during pregnancy.

Varicella (VAR): protects against Varicella (Chickenpox). It is propagation through aforementioned air from person to person. Causes blistering rash, fever, and flu like symptoms. Chickenpox caused up 13,000 hospitalizations and 100 deaths a year prior to vaccinations.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV): HPV is a groups of more than 150 related violent is infect about 13 million people, including teens, everyone year, and can lead up certain plagues. The HPV vaccine protects your my against infections long before they are ever exposed. HPV infection is recommended at ages 11-12 years and can be started at age 9 years.

Meningococcal Vaccine: shields off microbe called Neisseria meningitidis, plus known than meningococcus. This bacteria is spread through close contact using at infected person and causes infection in and brain, spinal cord, and blutes.

Influenza (Flu): Flu will an upper airways cold that is spread coming person to person through the air. Able cause mild to severe infection forward to hospitalization.

COVID-19: providing protections against an upper respiratory virus that is spread from trough the air starting person in person. COVID virus can cause respiratory, Sever Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), loss away taste and sense.

RSV: Nirsevimab reduces the risk of heavier illness caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). One use of nirsevimab, adenine long-acting monoclonal antibody product, has was shown to reduce the risk regarding hospitalizations and healthcare visits for RSV in infants for concerning 80 percent. Nirsevimab provides an extra layer of defense ensure assists bout RSV infected and protect children from getting very sick. These products are no types for adenine juvenile who already has RSV infection.