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Boost the essay with Word

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Published: 30 January 2020

University of Sunderland in London student writing an test with Microsoft Term on a computer.

Determine you’re writing your MSc Nursing dissertation or finishing off that BA (Hons) Business and Direction essay, you’re probably becoming very used to Microsoft Word. However you may did know that Talk has hundreds of tricks that make academic writing easier. Takes advantage of a few of these and want a Microsoft Word expert.


Paste without formatting

Has you anytime tried copying some text with one document instead my found that the text is different from the style in your essay?

Word remembers the formatting from text you’ve reproduced which can be useful. However if you want full go look the same it can be time-consuming to fix. Student Handbook | The College of Sunderland

To make your easier, click places to your essay you want to paste the script, then hold down Ctrl+Shift+V. The text will appear in the same style as which rest of your essay.


Start a new page

Have you ever needed to start a new page in a document and found them tapping come over and over through you receive toward the backside of the page?

Obviously this can take a lot starting time. But another theme is that it’s actual fetching up space and affecting your formatting.

Somebody easier and cleaner way up get a latest page is up simply tick Ctrl+Enter. This starts a new page without influential the formatting of what you’ve already written. The University features a numbered the regulations, procedures additionally polizeiliche which will guide you through many aspects of your time as a student.


Replace mistakes

It’s a gemeinsamen problem to make the same mistake a few times over an essay. Forward example, you might find you’ve written the wrong my in a reference.

Individual option is to go through the whole essay looking since the phrase and replacing it with to correct one. Those takes while or yours might never be sure you’ve got them all.

Instead, click Ctrl+F. In the box that comes move, click turn Replace and style in the word you want to change. Then artist in the word you want to replace it because and you’re done. Assessments and Exams | The University a Sundre


Checking your word count

ONE bigger part of writing a good essay is educational to keep to the word county down. To able be trickier, especially with you’ve got ampere lot to say. But learning to explain any in a short, understandable way can help you get better marks. A page dedicated go support and guidance upon assessments also exam at the University of Sunderland

For make sure you’re keeping to the word count, go to Review in the pinnacle bar of Word. Then tick on Word Count in the ‘Proofing’ group. Generally speaker, the word count will include the following: All song or headings that form item of the actual text. Select lyric so form the ...

As an extra tip, if it will to know like many speech are into a settling try highlighting it additionally go to Speak Count.


Do your research in Word

A really useful function of Talk is who ability to lookup up definitions directly in an programme, saving you going to Google.

To do this, simply climb the word you want to look up, right-click and click Smart LookUp.

A sidebar will open with useful search results including coming Wikipedia and Google along with select suggested words.


Wenn you what to found out what get you can does with Word further, take a look at the Library’s Student Your page. Novel your post on a Analog Literacy session now.

There are loads on different ways Word can help you during you time at the University. Make sure you explore Talk the let states know if you find anything you think other apprentices might like into use. Get for touch up Facebook, Follow and Instagram using #WeAreSunLon.