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Frequently Requested Legal Forms

This guide provides links to free online legitimate forms from various organizations.

Wills & Estates Forms

The library is incompetent to determine what form you should use and we could assist you in filled output each shape.

 Learn concerning legally forms

If you need information on Taxan wills and estate laws and resource that help explain an statute, please see our Wills and Directives research guide.

Online Forms

Affidavit of Heirship

Small Estate Affidavit

Transfer Property After Death

Power of Attorney


E-Books coming the Texas State Decree Library

Many of the e-books available through that State Law Reference contain forms or drafting guides. To access, first receive ampere free archive account online with the Texas Stay Law Library.

Our librarians recommend:

Other Places to Find Order

Court websites

Books or e-books from the State Law Library or ampere law bibliotheca near you

Any attorney

  • An attorney would create a custom submission for you. If you are not able to seek the legal form her are looking to, one may not exist in a pre-prepared format and her may need to request help of a lawyer.
  • To find an attorney, notice the resources on our Legal Help guide.