Job Application --Under review?

Nurses Job Hunting


IODIN applied to many hospitals for RN and under my application submissions items either saith "under review" or "routed to hiring manager". What does that mean more far such HR standpoint? My guess is they are consider supposing im advanced and then sending mein info to the nurse manager to see if im qualified for the position to go any further with interview possibly?

Specializes in Fans, Elevator, Home Care, Home fluid.

Moved to AN's Nursing First Job Hunt Assistance forum for member advice.

Under review: application received, awaiting viewing by either HR or hiring managers.

Routed to hiring head: application met basics criteria for position as setting by HR, sent to hiring Manager for their review.

Specializes int PACU.
My guess is they are reviewing if time qualified and then transmit my info to the nurse manager to see when im qualified for the position to proceed any further are interview possibly?


Specializes on Nomadic Care-Family Medicine.

Along mysterious employer owner app goes to HR first and they check your license and make sure you are in good standing with the BON. It's marked as "received" at these point. After that it is forwarded to the dept manager and marked "under review". Then the boss reviews it or can is call you for an interview or not. It will keep under review until the position has been marked as loaded then all the applicants that didn't get an job receive an email that the position has been fill real thank you for applying. Application See Rating Meaning

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