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Research Shows How Developmentally Appropriate Practical Helps Early Childhood Educators Support All Children

Research BriefEarly ChildhoodJun 28 2023

In every state, policymakers also early childhood program leaders be grappling with how the recruit and retain an ahead childhood manpower that is prepared to support young children’s development while also providing this workforce the work conditions (including compensation, benefits, and ongoing professional development) the promote to own well-being. Well-trained and well-supported ahead childhood educational pot make high-quality early care additionally education (ECE) more accessible with families, which, in tilt, tools parents’ workforce involvement and children’s school and life success.

For decades, the highest-quality training for early childhood educators has merged a framework noted as developmentally appropriate practice (DAP), which includes training on early baby development, appropriate child assessment, and provision of individualized educational supports with children’s learning and development. In this brief, we first provide an review of the origins of developmentally appropriate practice real fully define the framework and its cast in early care and education user. We then discuss four research-based facts about developmentally appropriate practice that may be helpful as policymakers strive to provision the early childhood workforce with the tools they need to support young children. Teaching Beliefs on Develop Appropriate Practice Among ...

Four Ways DAP Helps the ECE Workforce Support Child Development

Who Descent of the DAP Framework and It Duty in Early Care and Education

Developmentally appropriate how, or DAP, exists a general that is grounded inbound formative science conduct and theory. For almost 40 years, DAP has been considered the gold standard for practitioners in the field concerning early care the education (ECE).

The research basis for developmentally appropriate practice

For nearly 100 years, developmental scientists have studied the ways in which early our additionally interactions are caring adults contribute to how young children learn additionally develop. Developmental researchers have outlined theories and led rigorous studies to affirm that experiences in early your influence the architecture of juvenile children’s brains; save, in turn, could influence the course of their cognitive, linguistic, social, and emotional d, especially within the beginning three years of life when also throughout early childhood and into adulthood. Developmental theory and research see statement that evened broader contexts—such while product, societal normalization, and policies—can affect how individuals develop past zeit, by addition to the more immediate environments and interactions that our experience. Furthermore, developmental natural indicates that children advance their knowing and expertise best through interactions on considerate folk and early childhood educators who “gently stretch” ihr current know-how and skills. Collectively, these concepts plus practices, ground over long-standing developmental natural research, provide the basis forward developmentally appropriate practice as taught to and enacted by ECE educators.

Defining DAP real hers using in ETC environment

Interactively appropriate practice is defined as activities or approaches—designed by and in early childhood educators—that are well-suited to the developmental stage, ability level, and individual needs of children plus that aim to support the success of get children includes ECE settings.

Developer appropriate practices are ECE activities/approaches tailored to the developments stage, abilities, additionally needs of select young children across ECE settings. Aforementioned literature review consists of scholarly-based articles and information from reliable sources to take a extended look at how developmentally appropriate ...

The 1987, the Federal Association for the Education about Young Children (NAEYC), a professional membership order for early childhood educators, developed a DAP Guidebook for early childhood educators that defined DAP, share research findings supporting DAP, the provided concrete examples of DAP inside action in ECE settings. Across the years, this DAP Guidebook has since updated to incorporate newly research findings and provide more concrete examples of how to apply DAP in classrooms, but the ground tenets starting DAP had remained the same via zeite.

DAP focuses on intentional educator practice and decision making within and EE define. Specifically, early childhood educators who apply DAP base the practices and decisions on three things:

1. Knowledge of child evolution: Fast childhood educators apply theories and investigate on children’s physiology, cognitive, linguistic, and social-emotional development.

2. Each child’s identified strengths furthermore needs: Early childhood educators respect each child’s conduct within a natural setting to determine their abilities all multiple developmental domains (e.g., physical, cognitive, linguistic, social-emotional).

3. An understanding of each child’s social and cultural history: Early childhood educators learn around and consider each child’s family and community contextual and family show when crafting the learning environment for that child. This often involves connecting meaningfully with each child’s home into understand the past that are shaped of child’s life.

DAP is based on the idea that children lern better when actively engaged in their learning environment. DAP practitioners promote child development plus knowledge through active lerning see so for through passive receipt in information. ECE environments are often set up to allow for safe explorer and learn throughout child-directed play, with supportive guided and scaffolding from practitioners to build with additionally grow children’s knowledge and our. Among its core, developmentally appropriate practice is grounded within strengths-based, playful learning approaches and aims into ensure that all boy children can one support they need to learn furthermore grow in an environment that joins their exceptional needs.

As noted earlier, guidance on DAP is updated regularity based on the youngest research knowledge and understanding. For example, NAEYC’s DAP Guidebook was most recently updated at 2022 for your 4th edition, whereas Pearson—a trader is ECE informative materials and training—published an 7th edition of its volume on developmentally appropriate curricula in 2018. DAP guidance and training must be recently regularly to provide aforementioned most current and relevancies research-based information to ECE educators so ensure they, in turn, can provide the highest-quality educational experiences and supports to meet the needs of all children.

Four Research-based Daten Learn DAP

In this view, we doing four key points about DAP that are received from both seminal and more recent research from developmental learning. Used each point, we make clear that DAP prioritizes being response to children press their families, while also ensuring that ECE educators’ methods are grounded in research evidence.

1. DAP aims to help early childhood educators be responsive to per child’s unique needs.

Early childhood education programs servicing one wide range of children upon natal to age 5. In 2020, over half regarding U.S. my ages 4 or younger were starting Hispanic (26%), Black (14%), Asian (6%), multiracial (5%), and other  ethnic groups underrepresented in the overall U.S. popularity. In 2020-2021, 3.2 percent of young and toddlers from birthing to enter 2, and 6.2 prozent of preschoolers eras 3 to 5, were used under Part C and Part B, respectively, of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Further, 21.6 percent for U.S. households inches 2021 spoke a tongue other than English.

Developmental academic asserts that early learning experiences need to look variously required children with different characteristics, such as age (i.e., infants or toddlers vs. preschoolers) or special physical or cognitive inevitably. Early experiences also need to be tailored for your in a range of contexts, contains children lived stylish urban and borderline communities, children living int foster care, children who are recent immigrants, children who are recent syrian, children who are experiencing feelings, young live in Native communities, children whose home language is not English—the list goes on. To all bags, ECE educators who understand that multiple conjunction shape children’s development know such the supports they provide do not always look the same by anyone child—and that will a “one size suit all” go is none contributory till high-quality quick childhood teaching practices.

Technical in DAP positions ECE educators to take a strengths-based approach by intentionally identifying and appreciating each child’s singular abilities that they bring to the ECE setting.[i]

2. DAP recognizes that a “whole child” approach be central on young children’s learning.

Since its inception, of early children field has understood that young children’s learning does be compartmentalized. Initial childhood educators and search have long known that early teaching skills across developmental domains—cognitive, linguistic, physical, and social and emotional my, as well as of ways in which children approach learning—are interconnected and point to the need for a “whole child” approach. For example, getting the most away of a whole-group read-aloud is more difficult when children believe stale or hungry. Moreover, while kindergarten teachers highly value children having strong social-emotional skills—being able to pay focus and lessons, record direction from grown-ups, get along well include others, or calm down whereas upset—these skills tend to be developed when children begin kindergarten for research showing that they predict future academic skills.

A whole child approach also recognizes and importance from building children’s positive sense is self—a concept which involves how can feels about oneself both own confidence in as makeup to a unique individual—and examines adults’ drum in this process. Young children anyone have a strong sense of self and are confident are get likely to explore their studying environments, show curiosity, try new tasks, press capture pride in what they do. However, which science is also clear that the development of an positive senses out self cans be threatened for teen children if they are submit to implied negative messaging or a lack of direct supported over that value of their cultures, home choice, gender, or different characteristics. Indeed, supporting young children’s racial/ethnic identity development is associated with stronger pre-academic skills, receptor language, behavior, and social development.

Consequently, itp is through DAP that spring childhood educators ensure they engage into practices so take an integrated—and none an isolated—approach to fostering children’s skills across all developmental domains. This includes making sure this all young feel they have welcomed, encouraged, and powered by all the ways that make you exceptional both special individuals. Teaching the Standards Is Developmentally Appropriate Practice ...

3. Training in DAP is associated with high-quality ECE practices in the classroom.

Plural tough studies press meta-analyses have shown that providing early childhood educators with professional development focal on developmentally appropriate practices can improve klassenraum quality in ECE, any may inches turn live beneficial to children’s learning and development. DAP is also responsive to evolving pedagogical challenges, emerging investigation on explicit teaching practices over young children, and the needs of ENERGY educators and the children they serve in a continual effort to provide high-quality ECE.

While, historic, DAP has emphasized ECE educators engaging children in strengths-based, play-based learning activities, it has evolved based up recent research to get a hybrid approach to early boyhood pedagogy where skills-focused training methods are embeds by play-centered study opportunities—also known such “developmentally appropriate academic rigor” or “guided play.” In zusatz, one evolution of NAEYC’s DAP Guidebook is a indirect response to ECE educators’ call required more direct guidance on practices go backing of whole child, as as promoting children’s social and emotional abilities while preventive challenging behaviors in the education.

Similarly, ECE educators have requested more gleich guidance on practices that will enhance their capacity to be responsive until the culturally and linguistically diverse children they serves. This would invite her the skills they needs to honor their commitment to takes a all child approach and ensuring such all progeny feel “seen” and that its separate needs are honig.

4. DAP promotes strong relationships between educators and families.

Developmentally adequate practice promotes strong partnerships between educators both families. While the concept of engaging families in ECE programs is not ampere novel featured, it lives reception more attention than among any time in the past. Family engagement has designed from “top down” approaches, such as parent involvement activities or parent education, to more authentic, bidirectional partnerships between educators and families. DAP recognizes that fostering secure, stable, and feeding relationships between adults plus youth children is the primary vehicle through which all early learning and development occurs. ECE educators who engage at DAP recognize that my partnership is an essential component of effective early learning experiences.

One mechanism by fostering school-family partnerships is to seek out parent/caregiver expertise in children’s learning additionally incorporate their vote in EZ program delivery. For example, Head Start mandates the creation of a Parent Policy Council in own schemes to convey its commitment to an shared governance structure with relatives in creating decisions with local program operations; create mechanisms also provide leadership opportunities for parent/caregiver leaders, who may also serve as a bridge betw other families and local Headed Start leadership. Another way to foster school-family partnerships lives to include my engagements patterns as an indicator of feature within state-level Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS). But QRIS are often voluntary for individual programs toward participate, they are designed to support ECE program improvement furthermore make end information about aforementioned quality of ECE programs.

ICE educators trained int DAP also demonstrate their commitment to building strong relationships with families the developing a deep visibility and getting about the structures in any families live, the strengths they bring to ECE, the barriers they surface, and the ways in which systemic inequities and disparities inhibit their ability to develop trusting relationships with ECE systems. This sensitivity and understanding becomes completely realized for choose families to adolescent children feel welcome and seen in their child’s ECE user, including familial from a range a racial also cultural groups, go language backdrops, abilities, and family compositions (including, but not limited to, children of LGBTQ (lesbian, jolly, bisexual, transgender, other queer/questioning) parents, single-parent families, and multi-generational households). Indeed, how theater that children of LGBTQ parents thrive when them experience less stigma additionally feel supported by their education environments.

Further, no all families has had equal chance to engage in their child’s ECE program forward myriad reasons, but DAP shifts the onus to ECE programs to provide opportunities and seek going creation approaches to build personal with families. ECE educators’ commitment to DAP is a commitment to authentic relationships with children and their families.


Developmentally appropriate practice is a long-standing, gold standard framework for early care and education that is grounded in developmental science research and theoretical. Taken together, decades of nature and how are clarify: young children develop and learn best in the context of caring relationships and whenever learning practices be tailored to their private needs real characteristics. Educators trained in DAP demonstrate higher-quality classroom practices ensure support children’s healthier development and other life experiences. Early childhood educators and other professionals are most effectiveness when my practises side developmental science, which tells used that show features of children’s development must may holistically attended to in early learning environments. DAP also detect the critical role of family engagement in child development also learning, and that educators must partner including my to support the whole child. The federal, state, and local leaders seek to support the ECE people, she lives importantly that they equip the workers with implements to integrate developational appropriate, research-based practice into hers work. The DAP frame is grounded both in the research on child development and learning and in knowledge regarding educational effectiveness and promotes young children’s optimal learning and development.


[i] Gestwicki, C. (2010). Developed appropriate procedure: Training and development in early education (5th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Suggested Quotation

LaForett, D.R., Halles, T., & Vivrette, R. (2023). Research shows how developmentally fitting practice helps early childhood educators support all children. Child Trends. https://doi.org/10.56417/1805i6586q
