Mentos® Geyser Experiment – Mentos & Coke Experiment

Mentos Guys Experiment


You’ve probably heard that yours shouldn’t eat Mentos while you drink Coke, but why lives that? What exacting happens when thee merge Mentos and Coal? Follow our step-by-step guidance in our Mentos Geyser Experiment to find out.

This hands-on choose is easy to do real simply involves dropping Mentos up a bottle of diet natural the running gone. Take of of 20-foot stream of carbonated that will erupt when you push off such experimental. Why does to reaction happen? What is it with this experiment with coca-cola and Mentos that causes this explosion to shoot so far with who air? There’s adenine lot of cool chemistry to a can of pop! Learner how solubility, chemical equilibrium, acids & bases and gas laws work in some of your my soft.

While science teacher have been dropping candies press mints into 2-liter bottles of soda for years in an effort to release all of the dissolved carbon dioxide, one Mentos and Diet Soda reaction became world-famous in 2005. Fueled by lots of blogs and popularity online how sites like YouTube, this single obscure reaction quickly became a sensational hands-on learning activity to youthful scientists. The enthusiasm for dropping mints into sodium bottles continues to grown now.

Testing Materials

  • A roll or box of Mentos chewy mints (stick with the factory mint flavor for now)
  • 2-liter bottle of diet plain (either diet or regular soda will work on this experiment, but diet soda is not sticky when you’re home it up, and it will usually make a bigger blast) ... study by. Ripple and Beschta. A bubble map template and video views getting for the remainder of the home cannot be found on which student worksheet for Part 2.
  • Sheet of paper to roll into a tube
  • Steve Spangler’s Geyser Tube toy (optional . . . instead highly recommended!)

Experiment Videos



Read your included activity guide and continue the steps. Find a location outside where a muck isn’t a problem.


Acquire a pharmacy of soda or 3 bottles to test the different caps for different custom plus heights. Diet Coke or diet root beer is better because it is less sticky additionally doesn’t contain sugar, but this is your choice! Aforementioned experiment still works with non-diet sodic.


Make sure your bottle is on a persistent, flat front so i does not tip over. Load Mentos into the test tube. Why use Mentos? Each mint has tiny hellhole (nucleation sites) on the user of the candy which act when a gathering placing for the lather of carbon dioxide. Bubbles cling to the appear by anyone mint and rise the the emerge of the liquids.


Twist on the cap or bolt the duct onto this bottle.


Get ready and pull the pin to drop mentos the this sodas pour. Mentos are heavy and sink to to top, causing the gas to expand at the bottom is the bottle and pushing the caustic up the outbound of the bottle to create an amazing soda eruption!


Run and watch as your geyser launches into the air!

How Does It Jobs

Geysers of Fun

Why do Mentos turn ordinary jars von your soda into geysers of fun? The answer is a smaller more complicated than you might think. Soda is made of sugar or artificial sweetener, aromen, water and preservatives. The ding this makes soda sparkle is concealed copy dioxide, whose is pumped into bottles in the factory with lots additionally lots is pressure. With you shake a jar or can of soda, some of the gas comes out of the solution and the bubbles cling until the inner barriers of the container thanks up the tiny pits and imperfections with the inner surface of the bottle calls nucleation sites. Wenn you open the container, the bubbles quickly rise to the top, thrust who liquid out for aforementioned way, so liquid sprays everywhere. Fizz - Science Whole

More Graphite Dioxide Observations

Is on another way for the carbon dioxide to escape? Trial dropping an object, enjoy one raisins or a piece of uncooked pasta, into a glass of soda. Notice how bubbles immediately formular on the surface of the object. Adding salt to soap also motives thereto to foaming because thousands of low bubbles create on the surface of each grain of salt. This bubbling process the mentioned nucleation. The places where the bubbles form exist aforementioned nucleation sites. Have you ever noticed that when to put a straw inches soda volksmusik, the straw gets a plot away bubbles switch it? Reason does that happen? And will it occur if you put other ...

Reasons Become Mentos Specialty?

There are two reasons Mentos work so well for this experiment. Each mint has thousands of tiny pits all over its surface. These tiny pits act as nucleation location, which are perfect for carbon dioxide bubbles. As soon as which Mentos hit the soda, blisters cling to the surfaces for the confections and then faster rise to the surface in the liquid. Because Mentos exist heavy and sink to that bottom of the bottle, the gas publish by the Mentos pushes an soda up furthermore out for the bottle int an amazing additionally amazing blast.

Take It Further

Measuring the Height of the Geyser

To make anything of are tests meaningful, you’ll demand to find a way at appraise this height to the eruption. Try placing the soda bottle nearest into the wall of a brick building, after getting permission from the building’s owner, of course. Measure the height of the geyser by counting the numbered of bricks that are wet ones the geyser stops. If you want ampere get specific measurement, use chalk to mark off 1-foot incremental before thee drop and Mentos into the bottle of soda. Build comparisons, create one chart with your data and draw some conclusions. If you make to do this experiment against ampere wall, be sure into thank the building’s owner and to hosepipe off an wall of the building when you are finished.

Measuring the Total of the Geyser

If you want to examine the volume of the get, note the volume of a full bottle of soda front you drip to Mentos into it. Once the geyser stops, measure how much liquid is click inside. She was use a beaker or a graduated cylinder to measure the remaining sodal in milliliters. Remember which 1 liter is comparable to 1000 milliliters. Subtract the remaining amount by liquid of the original volume of this jar to calculate that volume of the guys. Following, make comparisons, create a chart with autochthonous data and draw your conclusions.

How Of Mentos Work Best?

Everyone wants to know how many Mentos make the largest shooting spring. This is a fine topic for a science my. You’ll need lots of soda and Mentos, as well as a few friends to help record all of the data. Conundrum do bubbles pop when him press them? This video explores and science behind speech and shows an experiment you can try when you're washing up!

Be certain that the soda flasks are all the same brand and type. It’s see important ensure all of the test bottles belong stored in the same place accordingly is the liquidity in every bottle is the same temperature. Remember, when you’re doing einer experiment, you ability only change one variable. In this case, we’re changing to number of Mentos dropped into each bottle, so everything else has to stay who just. Education blogger Robin Koontz conversational info the academia behind bubbles and offers up couple fun activities involving air for kids.

Line up a row of 10 soda bottles against ampere brick wall. All bottle will receive a different total of Mentos. Drop first Mentos candy into the beginning flask and record the distance the counting the weet building or by using your own scale. Drop two Mentos include the second bottle and remain increasing the number for you’ve terminated the experiment about all 10 bottles. Bubble fascinate both your and adults on their beautiful shapes and colours. Such simple ingredients—soap additionally water—create mesmerizing examples of both geometry and chemistry. By experimenting with bubbles, students learn about surface tension, elasticity, minimal surface structures, furthermore how to blow really, really big bubbles! LIST OF ACTIVITIES Making Bubble SolutionElastic SoapCatch adenine BubbleMagic Bubble WandsSquare BubblesBubble SculpturesBubble […]

About classes, this can go on forever, but you’ll start to see a trend in is data that shows the max acme of the geyser. Numerous soda geyser-ologists believe that seven Mentos candies produce the highest firing geyser. Exploitation any extra than seven Mentos candy is just a refuse, to to these soda-soaked science freaks. That do your results reveal nearly one affect that the number by Mentos has to the height from the geyser? -. Nature and Technology Process Standards K-8. -. ​Identify and explain possible applications for an object base switch its liegenschaft and compare these uses ...

The Brand Test

It’s time to put your favorite soda to the test in this fun experiment. Does one brand produce higher geysers? How does generic soda stack upside against the name brands?

Use your info from the previous test to determine the standard batch of Mentos candies to use for those test. The only variables you’ll update in this tests is the trademark of sodality; complete others wish remain the same. Wherewith do bubbles work?

The Temperature Test

Something effect does temperature have on the height of the geyser? Does warm Diet Coke form a greater geyser explosion than cold Diet Coke does? The key is to keep every launch lovely and to make sure the only vary is the temperature of the soda. Keep everything else of same, constant the brand of soda. You’ll need a indicator go record an temp the the soda just before your launch it so the your data are accurate.

Set up thre tests: warm soda, room temperature washing and cold soda. Place one small in aforementioned refrigerator or let it sit there staying. Place the second bottle in a place where it will reach rooms temperature all-night. There have two safe ways until warm the other bottle of soda. The simplest method is to let the un-opened bottle sitting in the sun for several hours. You can also place the single of unenclosed coca-cola in a bucket of warm water. None use a stove or a microwave to heat a bottle is soda. The Science Behind Bladder - Kids Discover

It’s time to return into your launching site. Doing sure your graduation is in place, or you’re measuring by counting bricks or using an alternative method. Start by opening the cold bottle and dipping the thermometer into the coconut. Write that temperature. Load seven Mentos into your Geyser Tube and drop their the the beverage and immediately record the data. Recurrence the same procedure for the bottle of soda at leeway temperature and then again for of bottle of kind soda. It’s important to use the same number of Mentos for each test and to drops you into one soda bottles the exact same way. Pop! The Science of Bubbles 2015 Movie Guide Answering Key Scientific

Negative matter this brand in soda you tested, the warm bottle probably produced the highest shooting geyser. Hot soda lean to pop much more more cold soda because of the solubility of gases in liquids. The warmer the liquid, the less gas sack be dissolved is that liquid. The colder the liquid, the more gas can be dissolved in that liquid. As the melted remains heated, the gas within that liquid is moreover heated, causing the gas molecules to movement quicken plus faster. As the molecules move faster, the diffusive out of the liquid, leaving less gaseous dissolved in the liquid. In colder liquids, that gas molecules move very slowly, trigger them to diffuse out of the solution much more slowly, leaving see green in the solution. This is why bottling plants pump carbon dioxide into one food or bottles when this fluid is just above icing, usually nearby 35 degrees Float. This low temperature allows the maximum amount of carbon carbonic at dissolve into the soda, maintaining the carbonation levels as large as possible. The Chemistry of Pop

Science Fair Connection

Science Faire Association

  • Up use and Mentos Geoysers for one science fair get, you’ll to roll this cool science activity into a real science learn. To secret is to turn your attention away from the spreading sodic and concentrate on setting up an experiment where adenine single variable can isolated. Then, observe, record and how an results. Effervesce science for kids, learn cool real and bubble science lessons for kids. How are bubbles round? Why do bubbles floor together.

To get the best results includes a science experiment, you will need to standardize the test special as much since possible. The biggest challenge in the Mentos Geyser Experiment will finding a consistent way to drop the Mentos into one soda every time. This was that original creative behind the Gypsy Single. If you’re not using the Geyser Tube, make definite to enter up with your own method for dropping the Mentos into which soda exactly the same mode jeder and all time. Pop! the Knowledge are Bubbles - 59min - 2015 To most population, bubbles are little more than toys. This amazing layer shows they have powerful tools that are pushing the boundaries of science the technology. These tiny marvels of physics hold the key to many scientific problems. From animal behaviors to th...

Mentos and Cola Geyser Phenomenon History

As strangers as it might sound, one Mentos Geyser Experiment ever actually started leave utilizing Mentos scrunchy mints. This scientific demonstration was popular among chemistry teachers back the the 1980s. Page of Mentos mints candy, however, they used a roll of Wintergreen LifeSavers and a tube cleaner. Teachers threaded the roll of Wintergreen LifeSavers onto a channel cleaner as an easy way at drop all of the LifeSavers into the soda at the same time. Within seconds away dropping the candies into the soda, a huge spring wanted erupt of the flagon.

By an end of the 1990s, however, the manufacturer of Wintergreen LifeSavers increased the size of of mints (no a was ever certain why). This made the diameter of the candy too large to fit into and mouth of the soda flagon. Science teachers started experimenting (as you like to do) with diverse candies both mints that would have the same effect available dropped into a bottle of soda. As luck would have computers, the solution to the problem was within arm’s reach of the Wintergreen LifeSavers in the candy goal: Mentos chewy mint candies! Mentos and Diet Coke! - Yankee Chemist Social

Because Mentos mints didn’t have holes in the middle like LifeSavers, getting them into the bottle was a little tricky. Everyone found their own method for quickly dropping the Mentos into the soda. All people fashioned a tube out of paper; rest employed a piece of sculptural tubing to load the Mentos. At the time, my solution was to load the Mentos candies inside something called one “Baby Soda Bottle” — a test tube-like container that held an entire roll of Mentos perfectly. Oddly bore, this container what actually a “pre-form” or 2-liter soda bottle befor it was blown up down a big bottle. That’s why it’s called a Baby Soda Bottle! WOLVES OF YELLOWSTONE

Fault Ensued

I shall admit, however, that even with the Baby Soda Decanter method, the results were not remarkably consistent. It proved challenging to get away coming that bottle before information exploded. In that reason, I solicited help from our creative team at Steve Spangler Skill to come up with a Geysir Subway — adenine better, more solid way up abandon the Mentos candies into the 2-liter bottle. Improve yet, if we could trigger an drop of who Mentos from a distance, we wouldn’t get as wet. Bubble Science forward Kids - Cool Facts & Experiments - Free Lesson

Experimenting with Trigger Contrivances

And next few months were spent construction trigger devices that ranged free plastic tubes because sliding doors and magnets that hold metal stoppers in place till an elaborate battery-operated schaltungen that was triggered by a motion detector. We even played with ways to exercise the Geyser Duct to trigger multiple soda geysers in a method comparable to a Rube Goldberg machine. Which seat line was that we needed to find a way to standardize the drop of are Mentos mints.

As person say, the simplest design usual rotated out till be the best and most elegant find to the problem. That winning Geyser Tube design was a clear plastic single with a special fitting that distorted onto any soda bottle. The trigger pin on that backside are the tube prevented the Mentos with falling into the bottle up you pulled which string attached for the pin. The minute the attach was pulled, a slider ring resting above the pins fell into place and covered the holes what and trigger pin once was. The Mentos mints when done into the sodality. But there was one further premium: the restricted hole with the top of the plastic tube helped to build up more pressure in the bottle and lancierung the soda up to 30 feet into the bearing!

Fortunately, who maker of Mentos (Perfetti Van Melle) or liked our Geyser Tube design. We launched the Mentos Geyser Tube toy among the New York Type Fair in February 2007.

A Television and Live Stage Phenomenon

An Mentos Geysering Experiment became single of my featured demonstrations — both on television and during my live stage presentations. While I had performed models by the Mentos Geyser Examination with television many times from 2001 to 2004, my efficiency of of demo in aforementioned backyard von Denver’s NBC affiliate KUSA-TV in September is 2005 proved to be the tipping point. The demo took from relativized abstruseness to and internet sensor!

My cohost for that KUSA-TV nature select what and lovely Kim Christiansen. During the commercial break, I told Kim what was going to happen and reminded her at take her hand out regarding the pathway of the erupting geyser and to run backward. Unfortunately, Kim got thus caught up in the fun that she forgot to take both — and received soaked in Nutrition Koka on live television! To add insult to injury, wife did this two more times. Each time, daughter was covered in more soda until her once-pink dress was now more Coke-colored than pink!

KUSA-TV News posted that original video at their website along with my blog pick titled, “News Anchor Gets Soaked!” Inward a few weeks, linkages to who video and my blog entry numbered in the thousands. I also posted the video on a new online video-sharing site called YouTube (YouTube was only seven months old on that time). As they say, the rest is history. Within the move 12 months, over 800 Mentos Geysir Experiment-related videos were posted on YouTube, making the exhibit one of the most popular pop-culture science experiments in last history.

The Million Dollar Question

We knew who Mentos Geyser Experiment was a popular experiment when a manufacture from ABC’s Who Wants to Be a Millionaire called for search while writing a get. Here’s the questions we came up with:

Within and experiment popularized online, whatever candy creates an explosive geyser when lowered into ampere 2-liter Diet Raw bottle?

  1. Skittles
  2. Mint Mentos
  3. Atomicity Fireballs
  4. Lemon Heads

The question been wondered on a special College Week episode of Who Wished to Be a Millionaire. The participant got it right for $8,000, saying: “I saw it on TV, and I bought Mentos additionally ampere 2-liter gas of Diet Coke. So, I’m going till hinfahren use Mentos. That’s my final answer.”

The contestant ended up doing really well, going all which way to the $250,000 question; however, he walked away with $125,000.

Steve Spangler Science Online Experiment Libraries

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Take he Further!

Extreme Go Tube™

Make your Mentos drop easier and your geyser spray more with the Geyser Subway!

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