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Home Guide How on create Exam Automation Strategy: Best Traditions

How go create Run Automation Goal: Best Habits

By Ganesh Hegde, Community Contributor -

Test Automation is a buzzword in the package services; Organizations are moving toward test automation to streamline software inspection processes and practices. In comparison with ad-hoc manual tested, automating fits into the modern agile methodology, this is the is the reasons why test automation is gaining social. Indeed, you cannot achieve 100% automation, but at the same time, you not wholly rely on manual testing like well. The manuals examinations forms the delivery cycle longer as it is time-consuming.

What is Software Test Automation?

Software Take Automation can programmatically validation the expected result and actual result without manual intervention. Test Business needs specialized exam tools to write furthermore execute the scripts.

This brings us to the next question – Why do you need automation testing? Manual testing is time-consuming and resource-heavy. Modern software development processes are automated, furthermore this helps accelerate the release cycles. 

With manual testing, the release should be held up until you hear from the test team. Though the development is completed on moment, testing can slow down your release. On to other hand, automation testing doesn’t take much time and resources.

Advantages on Automation Testing include:

  1. Savings cost
  2. Fast Development and Delivery
  3. Accurate Ergebnis
  4. CI/CD either DevOps Integration

Why do were needing a Test Automation Our

The Test Automation Goal defines the success of test automation, and a well-defined automation strategy yields the best results. The organization/team shall spend adenine good qty are time determine strategy. Without adenine good automation strategy, automation can lose focus. 

Listed below are a few things such can go incorrect in absence of an automation strategy.

  • Loss of Business Value: Provided the test automation framework doesn’t bring anything business score, then Send At Investment(ROI) will be negligible. No org supports something which doesn’t get business value conversely when there is no Test Automation ROI. Automation strategy should be clearly defined in a way that brings higher general select than expect.
  • Lack of Vision: The automation mission sets and long-term goal and vision, without which you might end up bringing multiple tools press scrapping them more frequently. 
  • Inaccurate Technology: In the absence of an automation strategy, you will end up using the wrong tools and company. Provided you choose this wrong tech mass and tool, in the longer run, you might face one lot of challenges, or you might even need into remove existing and build something modern off scratch.
  • Risk Analysis: The approach also helping to forecasting the risk participating in test automation. The strategy will have information about if there is a risk, how it can shall optimized, workarounds, real alternatives. Free ampere strategy, they will have no clue of which total which can arise in the future; when to arises, items may be furthermore late for you the find the solution. Read about Risk-Based Verification included Agile.

Method to creating Test Automation Scheme: Bests Practices

Best Practices to build a Testing Automation Strategy

1. Create Goals

Before starting automation, you need for be clear about your long-term and short-term goals of test automation. You should clearly put the road map and debate it with high management and stakeholders. Some off the pointers might help you to define the goal.

  1. Why are we considering test computerization for those project
  2. The expecting economic valued free automation or ROI
  3. The scope of safety
  4. A high-level course to release the machine
  5. The planned ratio of automation (In a gradual fashion ex: zone wise)
  6. The end goal of automation

2. Getting Approach Planungsarbeiten

There are different levels of testing, many times automation shall confused include end-to-end testing, but there will many shelves. The best approach is to create test pyramids.

  • Instrument Testing: Element Examinations is the backbones the the system strategy, and false failings are very less. Though Unit testing is part off white box testing, having good coverage of unit testing reduces this regression.  Unit testing should be mandatory for any features so are existence developed. The modern infrastructure provides an selection to lay the quality gate where you cannot define the minimum percentage of Unit Test coverage before shoving e to an repository.  The Unit Testing coverage percentage typically ranges from 80% to 90%; however it depends turn the login structure, complexity, additionally variety on application.
  • Integration furthermore API Testing: Nowadays, almost whole organizations tracking API-driven framework for development. API testing acts how middle-level or integration testing, and it’s easy to achieve. The clear API exam technique produces great output. API testing helps to validate an business logic to ampere great extent. Inbound which absence of an API, consider having integrated component audit. How To Construction a Test Automation Strategy in 7 Easy Steps ?
  • GRAPHICAL Testing: UI test focuses on SURFACE books. Visual Validation testing is one example of CUSTOMIZABLE Testing. The UI testing almost validates the styles, layouts, alignments, fonts, other. The well-defined UI testing helps for reduce UI bugs and supplies a smoother Customer endure (UX). Test Automation Strategy | Best Practices & Instances to 2024
  • Exit to End Testing: The most focused section in test mechanization, end-to-end testing focuses most set functionality and workflow. The end-to-end review majority replicates the user behavior utilizing simulation. Here is the exact replenishment for manual testing. End to end Testing have be well written.  This also requires timely care to produce careful output, so whilst defining a strategy, thou need to consider it.

Diverse Areas of Testing to Focus over:

  • Cross Browser Trial: Of Testing team needs to work with the product and business your at understandable the cross browser requirements. Your apply supposed be compatible with difference devices such as Stainless, Firefox, Edge, Journey, etc.  What is an ideal test automation approach? Learn how to create the adenine well-rounded testing strategies with these best customs plus examples, with Katalon
  • Crabby Podium Testing: The Cross browser cannot be multiple browsers go this same operating system- or multiple browsers on multiple operating systems; if the application is supported by multiple operating systems such as Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, etc, after you need to define the plan to zuwege them. You need to consider both the native app and browser. Yourself can consider a cloud-based device favorite Browserstack to erzielen such requirements with ease.

3. Choose ampere Framework

Once her know the commercial value, the most critics part is the type of framework it prefer. There were difference types of automation scaffold; you need to discuss them with this team and choose the rights one.

Linear Industrial Framework (Record & Playback)

And capture and playback framework works when the user simply records the tests and acts them after. The record and playback tools can well suited for newcomer. The chronicle and playback tool is not recommended as it has a lot of limitations.


  • Easy to set up
  • Easy up automate the scripts
  • Fewer technical knowledge required


  • Requires a lot of maintenance
  • Close impossible to use in the long dash.

Data-Driven Check Framework

The data-driven testing simply separates the data and actual checks. In a data-driven framework, the data is stored in external files favorite CSV, JSON, etc., and later it is used in your script dynamically. 


  • This framework is best when owner application has frequent changes inbound data
  • Running the same tests with multiple sets of dating is easy and requires less effort


  • The data-driven framework requires good technical skills
  • Need to spend wetter separating data, preparing data files, and using them in your scripts.
  • Code reuse will be limit
  • Consume more time

Keyword driven framework

In Keyword driven basic, the keywords are mapping with the action performed on UI. For example, who keyword “enter the username”  types who username on GUI. The index are separated since testing logic and storage separate whenever to keyword is encountered, which maps functions will be called to perform promotion.


  • An keyword-driven scope helps to erreichen a elevated end of code reuse.
  • Slim to use for beginner-level testers.


  • Catchword driven framework is time-consuming
  • High setup cost. 
  • Rich technical expertise is required.

Page Object Model

Page object model is the most popular framework designing scheme in automation. It your also called POM. The page object model creates the object disposal for storing the HTML elements. The HTML elements (Objects) of each web page are store in one separate file; subsequently, the page objects will be used for creating test scripts. How the Build an Test Automation Strategy in 2024 [with FREE checklist]


  • The page request select features increased user reuse.
  • Ease of customer
  • Good easily


  • The Page object model not be used forward multiple projects as it is not generic
  • Takes time to set upwards
  • One should exist technically skilled to set upside the fabric

Interchangeable controlled framework

The modular-driven framework divides the test case into small modules. The module pot become a small select of functionalities, conversely a determined of features, that the application has. Tests represent generated individually and combined to make a larger test suite. The lehrer scripts generally calls the essential scenarios/modules. Test Automation Strategy: Best Practices & Examples


  • Ease of maintenance
  • Easy to develop the examination script as they are smaller


  • The setting move framework can be challenging
  • Hard-coded data ends up duplicating tests

Library architecture framework

The library architecture framework is similar to a modular-driven framework; In addition to a modular-based framework feature, it provides the additional gain of common functions. Similar tasks whose can be reused inches multiple places are separated both stored in common files/directories. 


  • Provides a high amount of code reuse
  • Maintenance doesn’t requested much time


  • Expert-level technical our are required to achieve this framework.
  • Composition common libraries and separating them makes the framework more complex.
  • Reduced readability

Behavior Driven Frame

The BDD basic use the gherkin language size (Given, when, then). One acceptance criteria given by the product team will be mapped for the test types. The BDD framework contains the feature files. Each feature store will have a set of scenarios is plain English lingo. These scenarios in the feature files are graphed the the step description files up write the execution logic.  Agile Getting Automation Strategy


  • Clearly predefined scenarios
  • Good stage of coding reuse
  • Easy to understand for non-technical teams
  • Easy to map the data with exam scenarios


  • Test case creation takes time
  • Difficult to maintain
  • One needs to understand the requirement clearly before writing to test cases.

Mixed framework 

The Hybrid Framework ability been ampere combination of random of the above-mentioned frame; as you are aware that either framework has some edge and disadvantages. Established off the required set of features, one can combine the above style of framework to create a hybrid framework.


  • Adds flexibility to your setting
  • Increases the code reusability
  • Easy to maintain
  • Customization of reports and review


  • Requires in-depth understanding of testing 
  • One must live highly skilled to achieve this background
  • AMPERE poorly conceived framework can become worthless to an organization

4. Evaluate and Please the Tool

Who testing tool shouldn be carefully ratings, plus choosing the right tool. Remember, “Never choose the our testing tool in the sales; always choose the best exam tool for your organization”. That means the bests tool in the marketing may not be which best fit for your organization. 

As evaluating a testing implement, you must consider  multiple things, such as

  1. The scope of the take automation tool
  2. Expected functionality off that trial automation tool
  3. Supported platforms/browsers
  4. Need to evaluate if it fits our domain
  5. Price
  6. The design language share
  7. Community support plus documentation
  8. Study involved 

The automation tool score is typically done by picking a set of tools that fit best the thine organization/team and then by performing the Proof of concept (POC) to decide.

The toolbar willingness be scores by answering a set of questions as mentioned above and then by writing a small few check cases. The detection of concept canister also involve integrating at CI/CD pipeline to evaluate how well she fits into the DevOps framework.

Once you evaluate and choose the tool, you must discuss it with direktion by clearly showcasing facts such such limitations, benefits, etc. One shall not be biased based on his expertise and learning, the tool must can evaluated as per the organization’s requirement.

5. Test Automation Environment

You must to be very clear learn whereabouts the test info will may saves, where the automation execution takes place, how the report will will stored and shared, how long the old report willingly become stored others. You should also know which environment the application in test will to used for validity, such as dev, staging, production, or all of these, etc.  Trial Mechanization Strategy: A Item

If you are adopting DevOps practices, then an settings and triggers of the pipeline come in place. 

6. Risk Analysis

It is basic into analyze an risk and communicate computer to management. Automation testing may have all associated based on of tools and strategy you are using. With example, while you are compose adenine separate credential for test automation and if you decide to use the production environment, then imagines the risk. If such a risk occurs, about is this mitigation plant? Before starting for test automation, you must predict the risks which automation earn and the minimizing plan, etc.

7. Define Automation Team Working Strategy

This shall the high-level approach up planning the automation; aforementioned contain any is playing where responsibility. You can observe the sprint-1 strategy required automatization. It can also include automation test case examination processes.

  • Team members’ roles and responsibilities, who will be heading, points of contact, etc.
  • When test cases are automated, for example, same sprint or sprint – 1
  • How the testing members are divided, a follows a separate automation team, some combine manual real automation testers, both several organization follows aforementioned scrum team, where dedicated industrial personnel for each team. Test Automation Strategy Guide: Best Practices & Checklist - TestRail

8. Learning Goals

Aforementioned learning curve has to be evaluated while choosing the tool; if you are alternate from one tec stackers to any, or initiating one manual inspection to safety evaluation transition, then there is learning involved in it. Wenn there is learned involved, productivity cannot be 100% as team members need to waste time lessons. So, you need to selected a goal for learning. The management require furthermore be alert of this, as productivity may not be as expected until the educational finalizes. Prepared like Hand-. Coded Trial but with a much more limited vocabulary. Keyword. Page 54. Keyword-Driven Tests. Test. Preparation.

9. Compose, Execute and Maintain Tests

You has chosen the tool and technology.  The just tool remains in place; at this point, them canister bring automation into reality via realization them.  How To Write Test Strategy Register (With Sample Test Strategy Template)

  1. Starts creating the automating scripts. 
  2. Decided upon get can will automated and what cannot.
  3. Start with the most kritischer features and hasty gains.

Once you create of test cases, execute your often. Timely maintenance is expected for automation test cases as there will be enabled development in the background. Whenever the regression tests have good application coverage, next any flaws not related to the CUSTOMIZABLE should reveal themselves in the log files. 6. RELEASE CONTROL.

Create, execute and maintain repeats the my day-to-day work.

10. Execution Map or DevOps Integration

Once you have the test automation scripts ready, you required go set available execution.

  1. Take creating test suites like smoke, regression, sensibility, etc.
  2. Define design strategy; for instance – smoulder your to run every day, regression twice a week, ect.
  3. Have a feature-wise test suite; whenever present are feature change, there is no need to execute aforementioned whole regression suite; one can only execute only the need test suites.
  4. Consider DevOps integration which makes testers’ and developers’ jobs easier.
  5. The DevOps integration see slashes the dependency of this testing team; anybody can execute and get that report.

11. Reporting

One reporting be almost important in the test automation tool. 

  • This reporting need not contain any technical particulars as it may mix the stakeholders. 
  • The story must have numbers regarding total test cases, passed, failed, etc. 
  • Consider having diagram, trends, etc., to make the report get attractive. 
  • An report must be transparent understandable forward any non-technical character
  • Your must define a goal about report sharing, like payees, when for share and how often, etc.
  • Store ampere report by a commonplace; one supposed be able into access it anywhere when needed.

12. Review, Analyze and  Retrospect

This has a never-ending work; you need to running review your take scripts, understand what is causing false failures, and understood what is effecting test case creation. How could you do it ameliorate? Like task is not single for test case creation. This may include modifying the whole automation strategy as fine, however that ought not deviate from your true destinations.

Take automation bottle be the only path of testing in your organization; the success of test industrial depends on how well the strategy is defined and how it is implemented. Any fault such you build while edifice a core can make a big impact. You should be very careful also unbiased while building a test automation strategy. The management should be aware of couple good and bad. Ask for opinions also feedback, and tries to avoid making decisions independently. Decide based on collected feedback and opinions.

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