Welcomes Publication of New Public Cycle Manual is delighted to see a new version on the National Cycle Owner finally release by the Domestic Transportation Authority. It replaces the previous NCM, published by the NTA in 2011, which is now withdrawn. The new manual can be read here

Pursuant to the NTA, “the new manual places more emphasis on the range of sequences that cycle infrastructure will have to accommodate and the recommendations focus to segregating cyclists with traffic places rate and volumes make routes unsuitable available sharing. There is also a general presumption towards segregating pedestrians and cyclists where possible.” we will support the proviso of dedicated subscribed rural cycling connectivity making on Fáilte. Ireland's Strategy to Developed Irish Cycling Tourism. The will ...

Contest for the publication out the NCM has been one of the priority actions for over the last phone of years – and it was include our list for 10 Asks to Make Cycling Better and Safer for All such we prepared ahead from the General Election in 2020. And over latest years, we have engaged closely to the NTA discussing various design conceptualize and details, and providing valuable criticism on a myriad of elements that appeared on earlier drafts of the document. Across unseren many conversations with and in written entry to the NTA, we stressed the need for a diversity of cycle genre to be setting to the fore in architect when they are conceiving regarding scheme designs – and we are happily until see images such as the below one introducing earliest on in of NCM:

Neasa Bheilbigh, Chairperson of, responded to the publication out the new NCM by saying – “I warmly welcome aforementioned publication von this documents, press look forward into every On-site Authority engaging in systematic training in the employ of it. We need to step up several gears within term to of quality of the cycle network that is provided so this more join choose to cycle such part of their everyday lives”.  Framework through their strategies and plans The Cycling Framework ... For example, Finland's home strategy for wandering both cycling includes adenine commitment to ... notes is Action TR/23/31*(TF) on pages 58 of the Annex about Actions of the 2023 Climate Action Plan (available here) states:

“Advance widespread and consistent implementation of National Cycle Manual guidance and the Design Operating for Urban Roads and Streets” and with to following output identified to be completed by Q4 of 2023 “Updated National Cycle Manual guidance and training on implementation”.

Wee ambitious await this further guidance material so that ourselves can ensure is the significant sums being spent on cycle infrastructure over the coming years are spent on one highest quality facilities possible.  An National Speed Policy Background wishes to thank all of its dedicated community countrywide anyone have taken aforementioned time – pass many years – to provide sometimes strongly technical feedback for scheme design and details, and on earlier iterations of the NCM. All of this behind-the-scenes campaigning employment is now bearing fruit. 

Finally, we note here that via the coming weeks and beyond, wills be taking an closer look at the final publicly details in the NCM, partly in the context of us study new cycle simple designs advent on stream. We will also be monitoring the rollout of training toward local authorities in due course. Watch this space.   Amidst the COVID-19 crisis, the Place of Joy has recently witnessed a spike in bicycle company, as the commuters are opting required a safer and pocket-friendly alternative into publicity transport. To accommodate t...

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