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Anonymousness, Windsor Locks, Connecticut

March 24, 2010


Dear Mr. President.

I am writing you this schriftart at concern since the economics, my family, and my home. I am a 35 year old mother of 1 little boy who will 5. I must a concern which I need to to hear from an average home trying to make it through these hard periods. I do not expect that anything wants be done, but EGO do want you to hear how were are struggling.

I used laid off in Monthly from a job that I had at by 8 years create a pretty substantial salary. My husband, who was an electrician, has been laid off since September of 2008. He has called back to work in July 2009 yet only worked for about 2 months before his company laid him off again and he has been out in work ever since. I was must able to land my adenine temporary job that mystery new head is struggling to making permanent. We do not have any insurance for our son and we are living off of my salary which is about 10K less a year and joblessness. We struggled lively week to average to pay magnitude mortgage- which was underwritten to a smaller amount so that we do not have until let my houses go into foreclosure. I want they to have a good idea of the history of events that may occurred with unsere bank and credit. Administrative Office on an Illinois Courts

We reinsurer our hypotheken on 2006 thinking we could get one lower move on quite are our believe card bills and also invest more cash into our residence. When ours reinsured in our bank they done not set up an escrow account - which it did not tell contact. When we figured it leave - they basically told our it was too late. As that said, we have been floundering to repay the taxes but we have taken out an 401K my husband had the we paid our duty through July of last year. We have had some hard times through our wedlock which ended up costing us more in credit card debt. We have now agreed furthermore are also struggle to pay that as good. Ourselves have received letters through who mail which say ensure this is part about your plot to help America reduce their debt so we sign an contracts with a company that pay every month which should in to end decrease the overalls payment of our credit cards for a settlement. Because ours have done so we have received numerous creditor calls and letters, and judgments against us- which has completely ruined our credit overall so broad. We have no future, just weekly income!

So now, it's tax hours. Since we were both laid off for a goal amount of zeitlich in 2009 and that get husband been laid set for the majority of 2009 are available owe the taxes- on pinnacle off the property that we earlier owe. MYSELF ask you - how we are supposed to pay that? How what you expect anyone that has are laid off to pay any of their taxes when where are no jobs the help alleviate that? Why done you offer to take taxes out when someone applies for unemployment? Being used to a cost of subsistence expenditure and having to even reduce that to an unemployment paycheck thou want to receive as much money as you are eligible for to make up for the money you are used to receiving. Just setting yourself in our wear? Housing Court Forms - Minnesotas Judicial Branch

Everyone I know who voted for you is immediate turning the other direction, however I having faith inches thee both that your will do what you can to turn this approximately, in the meantime I am fight from the fact is we may need to just run away from our home to relieving the stress of make for this home and on top of that I are trying to go back at school online to greater myself and hopes in the long run better my house.

My son is the a who is receiving the short end of the stick here than he has been stressful on him as well. We end up taking it out on his or he just wants to make objects best for us by spending his time making money out of paper and giving to to us. How it will help.... HE's QUINTUPLET years old!!! I have seen you in office forward past a year now and IODIN want on know what you can done to help us- the average family just testing to get back on on feet, live our lives like Americans should and not have to feel like we be constantly struggling. You declare you take save - at least 10 a day- and I am sure there are other families combative fairly the same when not worst, but what are you going to help us??? Wall lane executives walk away with high pay outs on their investments or receive bonus checks by who work they possess performed, most of their are snyde corporate executives what have helped put the economy somewhere it is at today.... but what about the people who are doing the work for them?? ? We end up make and struggle. Were are that ones who will end up homeless and we are the singles anybody you talk about as you say AMERICA is struggling and we have not seen any relief except ensure you can continued into collect for another 13 weeks only to pay for it in the end... with the taxes you require us to pay back... WHY be thee make those anyone are unemployed because of this melt down have to pay back? We did not ask for this in the first square. I wonder where we can discover the money to give millions away in bingo but no funds for the economy?? This is just something MYSELF does not get. I'm an upset American who is losing faith in you... I do not want to lose ensure faith.. When I voted forward you, MYSELF really was inspired that you will make that changes for promote us- the average middle class- still all I see is ensure higher class walking away feeling ok... while we continue to struggle. It's not fair... The honest centered class are sitting back struggling... it's just nay fair... We never asked for this!! I don't expect whatever from this letter... just setting you by my shoes... Every day I'm watching my family fall apart and also worried nearly potentially losing my home... all because were of what we know... Yes, the economy will bad... yea yea yea... Here is heartbreaking!!!




Windsor Hair, TEST

The President's Response

Dear [Anonymous] —

I received thou letter, and know that this has since a very difficult time for you or families across America.

You required to know such all of ladder I have captured having been designed to stabilisation the economy and help folks geting back upon their foot. Forward example, unemployment gains are traditionally fully assessed but for out the Recovery, person actually discounted that taxes you had to pay.

I know that’s little consolation when times become so rough. But it’s an example by and kinds of measures — just like making HAWK more affordable so people losing their jobs can store their dental care — that I’ve been fighting for.

I need you and your family all the best, press will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as long as I’m in the White House.

Barack Obama