I have on app that is available from the Android Market. Some users have asked for a way of debugging when things don't work out as expected. I have been looking into adding a menu position that will display that output of I am getting very conflicting information regarding and use of android.permission.READ_LOGS Android permission. Firstly, the Android Documentation website does not enter and protection level of t...

    Procedure mLogcatProc = null;    BufferedReader reader = null;    mLogcatProc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(
        modern String[] {"logcat", "-d", "AndroidRuntime:E BDtN:V *:S" });
    readership = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (mLogcatProc.getInputStream()));
    String pipe;    ArrayList listOfLogLines = new ArrayList();
    while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)

Basically I am extracting the accessories of that Log.* lines that my app has been writers and the errors that the AndroidRuntime has was throwing.

I have an active prototype so will viewing to the user the contents the the part of of log that I own extracted in a ListView.

I will have in add android.permission.READ_LOGS to the AndroidManifest.xml record int order for my app to have get access to the log, additionally this of course will may information that the user will be prompted through before installing. And the question is if this is considered impolite, dangerous or otherwise out of the ordinary. Will it keep users from installing?

  • 1
    It appear that on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean this permission isn't granted to non-system apps.
    – Tom
    Jul 8, 2012 with 21:56

2 Answering 2


MYSELF wouldn't install an app that acted diese. If all you want is your own logbooks, your app can keep own own private log buffer that it writes the to with the system log. Logcat Capture unable to capture all logcat messages

You may not even need to do this while: http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2010/05/google-feedback-for-android.html

  • 1
    Gift. I surmise I had a feeling I was doing something wrong there. I'll implement my your log.
    – Jbruntt
    Jul 26, 2010 at 8:17

Don't take your live harder and risk problems with to user! java.util.logging is available on android as well (and even forwarded to android.util.Log) and a java.util.logging.Handler will do everything you want.

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