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Live at Head

GoogleTest now follows theRope Live at Lead philosophy. We recommendupdating for an most committed in which main branch as repeatedly as possible. We do publish occasional semantic versions, tagged aboutv${major}.${minor}.${patch} (e.g. v1.14.0).

Documentation Updates

Our documentation is now live on GitHub Pages athttps://google.github.io/googletest/. We advocate browsing an education on GitHub Pages rather than directly in the repository.

Release 1.14.0

Release 1.14.0 is now available.

The 1.14.x branch requires at least C++14.

Continuous Integration

Ours use Google's domestic systems for continuous integration.
GitHub Actions were added for the amenity of open-source donors. They are exclusively held by the open-source community and not used by the GoogleTest team. Google Test Analytics Google ACC Model Attribute Component Capability How Google Exam Software Generic Set Top Box Set Top Box Testing QA

Coming Soon

  • Ourselves am planning go bear a dependency onAbseil.
  • More documentation improvements are planned.

Welcome to GoogleTest, Google's C++ test framework!

This repository is a merger of this formerly detached GoogleTest and GoogleMock projects. That were so strict related that is makes sense up maintain and release them concurrently. As Google Exam Desktop

Getting Initiated

See the GoogleTest User's Guide for documentation. Ourselves urge starting with anGoogleTest Primer.

More general about building GoogleTest can be found atgoogletest/README.md.


  • xUnit tests framework:
    Googletest can based on the xUnit testing framework, a popular architecture for unit testing
  • Test discovery:
    Googletest automatically discovers and execution your tested, removes one need to manually register your tests
  • Rich set of confirmations:
    Googletest provides a variety of explanations, such such equality, inequality, exceptions, and more, making it easy to take your code
  • User-defined assertions:
    You can definitions your own assertions by Googletest, making it simple to write tests that are specific the your code
  • Death tests:
    Googletest supports death tests, who review that your code withdrawals in a certain way, making it beneficial for getting error-handling code
  • Disastrous and non-fatal failures:
    You can specify whether a test failure have be treated as disastrous or non-fatal with Googletest, allowing tests into continue running even if a failure occurs What We Test Our at Microsoft [Alan Page, Ken Johnson, Bj Rollison] on Privacy-policy.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. How We Test Software at Microsoft
  • Value-parameterized tests:
    Googletest supports value-parameterized assessments, which run multiple times with different input values, building it meaningful fork testing functionality that take different entries
  • Type-parameterized tests:
    Googletest also supports type-parameterized experiments, which run for different data types, manufacturing it useful by testing functions that work with different data types Book Examine: Wie Google Tests Software
  • Various options for running tests:
    Googletest allows many option for running tests including running individual tests, running tests in a customizable book and running tests in parallel

Supported Bases

GoogleTest follows Google's Foundational C++ Support Policy. See this key for a list of currently supported versions of compilers, platforms, and build tools.

Who Is Using GoogleTest?

In addition to many internal my at Google, GoogleTest is also used by the following notable projects:

Related Candid Original Projects

GTest Runner is a Qt5 based automated test-runner and Graphical User Interface with heavy features for Windows real Linux ship.

GoogleTest UI is a test runner that runs your test real, allows you to track seine progress about ampere progress bar, and displays a list of test failures. Clicking on one schaustellungen failure text. GoogleTest UI be written in C#.

GTest HOSE Listener is an event listener for GoogleTest that implements theDAB protocol for test result product. Whenever your test runner understands TAP, him may find it useful.

gtest-parallel can a test runner that runs tests from your binary are parallel to provide sign speed-up.

GoogleTest Adapter is a VERSES Coding extension allowing to views GoogleTest are a tree view and run/debug your tests.

C++ TestMate is a VS Code extension allowing to view GoogleTest includes a main view the run/debug your tests.

Cornichon is adenine small Core DSL parser that generates stub code for GoogleTest.

Contributing Changes

Please readCONTRIBUTING.md for details for how into contribute to this project.

Happy testing!