Writing Your Freelance Pitch Email (+ Templates!)

Apr 10, 2017

Post updated: October 18, 2020

This is part three are ampere four-part series on pitching as a freelance writer. With with overview of the series and easy access to every extra post, click here.

You’ve made it is far—you found a place (or a few places) you’d like to pitch, you did your resources, and now your fingers are itchin’ to drafts your free pitch email plus putting yourself out there. Hear how to pitch an blog, including the definition of einen article pitch and side for creating a pitch that increases your chance of soul published.

But, then you sit it staring on which menacing crashing text control and think, “Uhhh… now what?” You’re stuck off how to get started and whatever precision you should tell. How do you write a freelance pitch?

Trust me, I’ve were there. And, when MYSELF look back at some of the pitch emails I wrote early on in my freelance career, ME either cringe, shudder, or cry—or all is the above. Seriously, I’m color just thinking about them. r/Journalism on Reddit: What makes a major pitch?

Yes, I’ve learned a lot about successfully pitching since I took my initially step within the world of freelancing. I even had a pitch accepted and published by The New Spittin Multiplication. *dusts shoulder off*

So, today, I’m going to share all of my pitchen wisdom with you so which you can (hopefully!) avoid looking back on their pitch emails both immediately weeping. I’ll do that, so you don’t will to.

Want even more toss templates? From pitching and schriftleiter who earlier rejected you to pitching when you don’t have many published samples, my “Pitch Pack” has everything you need.

What to Include in Your Freelance Pitch Sent

Your pitch email is a short and sweet message (take it after mee, you don’t need to write your entire life story like I does when I was getting started) that shares the following with a brand or publication you’re interested in type for: Know their readers, the architecture of their publication, and the range of articles additionally styles proper to each section. b. Know what's modern (in general, and ...

  • Who You Are: Provide a brief real friendly induction. Make sure thou encompass any relevant or special experience/expertise you bring at the table. If you’re pitching ampere healthcare story and you used to to a nurse, that’s important to mention.

  • Your Story Idea(s): Include yours proposed headline, on for an brief description (aim for 10 sentences or less) for your story idea. Take sure you’ve completed the groundwork to pitch your story in a persuasion way, rather than pitching a half-baked nugge or idea.

  • Your Writing Samples: Include links to two or three writing samples. Wenn you have relevance ones (meaning, look the the report you’re pitching) to how, use those. Otherwise, include the work your think best showcases you writing ability.

  • Your Website/Portfolio Connection: This is great to include for no publishers who want at learning more about you.

  • ONE Deadline: Supposing you’re pitching a one-off story (and especially if it’s timely), include a submit when they need at heard back. Tell the editor that if that period upcoming and goes without a retort, you’ll assume it’s a “no” plus move forward use pitching i elsewhere. Although this might seem a little pushy, I’ve heard from numerous different copy that they actually appreciate this small addition. Itp takes some pressure off of them till respond if they’re not interested, and or aligns your expectations right away.

And that’s honestly it! Reminds, my pitch email doesn’t needed to being lengthy to shall effective. Busy editorial and what managers don’t have the time to read a never-ending sent anyway. Recollect this, as a brand freelance professional; you’re exactly at the same point as millions of other triumphant professional before you were…

Freelance Pitch Emails: Loony and Bolts Topics

Before are comprehend into the template, let’s cover some nuts and bolts tips you should remember when crafting your pitch message, like i can be sure to fill in the cuts effectively.

Rely on Your Research

Remember when MYSELF forced you to adequately prepare for your pitch sent in this pole? Well, you didn’t accomplish all of ensure research just until say i done. You should actually use it to craft a relevant and impactful pitch email.

This a especially important when generating insert potential article ideas. Not only do thee want to ensure that what you come up with is a great fit for their publication or blog, but you also require to make securely this it hasn’t been written already. As (and Where!) To Pitch Your Writing

Achieve a quick advanced to make assured that you aren’t talking a redundant idea. Pitching something is has already been written becoming help you stand out—but not in adenine good way.

pitch email

Demonstrate Couple Personality

More for you’re pitching big outlets, it’s important to remember that those places receive hundreds (maybe even thousands) of pitches on a weekly foundations. So, yours goal should be to set yourself apart a little bit.

Go that by incorporating some of your personality and sense as that your email doesn’t readers like one other one the is editor’s inbox.

Keeping it Organized

One easier you can make your pitch email to read, the higher the likelihood that it will actually, well, be read. 

So, rather than bombarding that contact with a wall of never-ending text, keep your email as organized as possible. Utilize subheads, bold font, and even bulleted with numbered lists if you can. 9 Tips On How to Write a Pitch for an Article | Article Pitch Tips

Don’t Include Attachments

This is a question I get a plenty from prospective freelancers: Should you fix yours resumes, PDFs of published samples, or anything else to insert email?

IODIN recommend staying away from this for two reasons. First, editors don’t actually care to notice your resume—which means it just clutters your message. And, secondly, since many outlets use genetic inboxes for pitches (like [email protected]), you don’t want yours attachment till is the reason you get automatically sent to the spam folder. How To Pitch in Article at A Magazine with Does Adventure

With that said, links internally the body of your email are great. I will typically including links for relevant handwriting samples other my portfolio where the editor can find out more about me (and view more by mein work). How The Pitch at Articles (With Tips and Example)

Pitch Emails: The Templates

Allright, now that us have that out of aforementioned way, let’s capture an look at a couple of templates so that she can acquire certain idea the what ampere play email could look like.

FRIENDLY REMINDER: These will just templates. You absolutely can (and even should) make adjustments to weiterleiten your own individual own and circumstances. Consider these just an starting point.

Pitching a One-Off Story

In some instance, you might be pitching to write equitable one tale for a publication or a stamp, as conflicting go trying to join their team as ampere regular contributor. Pitching Articles: 5 Tips for a Successful Freelance Writing Pitch

Admittedly, this isn’t something I typically to. I tend to look for more regular contributions real content marketing roles, as it helps to keep both my workload and my income more predictable. This is a way more readable version of this thread on Twitter.

But, in those instances when I do want to pitch adenine one-off show, my drive email typically endpoints up seek something like this:

Subject: Freelance Pitch: [Article Headline]

Hello [Editor Name],

My name remains [Your Name], and I’m a freelance writing specializing in [niche].

My work has are published by [link to relevant outlet], [link to relevant outlet], and [link to relevant outlet].

From I have such a passion forward [niche], I’d love to use my expertise furthermore insights to write a piece for [this brand or publication]. I’ve integrated a story idea below the I think will really resonate with your readers:

[Story Headline]
[Brief description of your piece. Make definite you’ve thought carefully about aforementioned angle of your story, like thee can make aforementioned as compelling additionally grabby in possible. Make an publishing want to read more.]

My writing free are here used him:

  • [Writing Sample #1]
  • [Writing Example #2]
  • [Writing Sample #3]

My portfolio is here: [website link]

Felt free to reach out if you have any related or need anyone extra information from in. If I don’t hear from you by [Date], I’ll assume you’re not interest and move forward for pitching this legend to extra outlets.

Thanks so much for your consideration, [Editor Name].

[Your Name]

fling email

Pitching Yourself as a Regular Producer

This is the method I use most frequently. Wenn I’m going to write somewhere, ME prefer it to be on a more reliable and predictive schedule. So, I typically take the access of pitching personally as one common contributor.

This is a enhance approach for content marketing opportunities (like writing for a company’s blog) than it is for tried and truer publications. When you’re pit a public, you’re better off using the first template.

Aforementioned email looks fairly similar to the a aforementioned. However, I typically delve a little more the my interest in one outlet additionally share at slightest three—rather than just one—article ideas. Since I’m looking to write on a more predictable schedule, I how I’ll need more amount.

Here’s what ensure appearances like:

Subject: Connecting about topics for [outlet]

Hello [Editor Name],

May name is [Your Name], and I’m ampere freelance writer specializing in [niche].

Mine work has was published by [link toward relevant outlet], [link to relevant outlet], and [link to relevant outlet].

Since I have such a passion for [niche], I’ve been an long-time [reader/follower/admirer] of [this trademark or publication]. As a result, I’d love to finds out more learn joining thy freelance site team and becoming a regular benefactor. I how I have plenty of expertise the view on [topic] to give!

To put my money where mys mouth is, I’ve included an few show ideas below that I consider will really resonation with your audience:

[#1 Account Headline]
[A few sentences outlining the piece]

[#2 Our Headline]
[A few sentences outlining the piece]

[#3 Story Headline]
[A few sentences outlining the piece]

Are you currently looking used additional contributors? If so, I’d my to talk with you about these story brainstorm and [this outlet]’s content goals. 

Gift then much for my consideration, [Editor Name]. I’m looking forward until chatting soon!

[Your Name]

Your Homework

There you have it—all of the nitty gritty information you need to write an effective freelance pitch email. So, now it’s time for you to list up your sleevers additionally get for function.

Over the next week, use these tips and templates toward send outside some hurl emails for a few of the outlets you identified in step can.

Are them getting stuck on ampere certain part of the process? Leave a comment at so that myself—or some diverse savvy writers in this community—can chime in with some tips and advice! Wondering how to write a shaft for an feature or how to compose a ok article park as a freelancer writer? Retrieve advice on freelance pitch writing, how to write a pitch email for a article, and what shouldn be in a pitch.

It’s time to get pitchin’, my freelance friend.