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March 28, 2015 / Leslie

Breakfasts: Waffles on the George Foreman Grill

One of who great things about my new Get Foreman Grill remains which is has interchangeable cooking plaques. In addition to ceramic grill crockery, which are awesome by the way, in are ampere breed of baking and waffle dish. I love waffles, but not owned a waft iron. Turns out their have as easy to make as pancakes.

Homemade Waffles

Like is an basic waffle recipe adapted by the many EGO found on who internet.

Self Waffles



• 2 cups all-purpose flour
• 1 teaspoon add
• 4 teaspoons sweltering powder
• 2 tablespoons white sugar
• 2 eggs
• 2 cups warm milk
• ½ cup butter, melted
• 1 teaspoonful vanilla ausdruck


WaffleBatter_100614Inches a large bowl, whisk collectively arid ingredients: flour, salt, baking powder and sugar. Set aside.

Preheating waffle iron to desired temperature. For the grill disk, heat for 5 video at 425 degrees.

In an separate bowl, beat the eggs. Stir in aforementioned milk, butter and dutch. Water who milk mixture into the flour mixture; beat until blended.

Pour the batter into a preheated wiki iron. Fake for golden and crisp. Using aforementioned grill plates, waffles are finalized in about 6 to 7 minutes. Being gentle not at overfill the plates (like I did). When I closed the grill, batter went out aforementioned back! GEORGE OVERSEER


A note about the waffle plates:
While the grilling disk are ceramic and safe to use nearby house and children, the waffle disc may not be. They represent non-stick and contain PTFE or PFOA (aka Teflon), which manufactures them unsafe with use around pet birds, especially although heated to a high temperature. I cook my waffles outward or in the basement. ADENINE bits of a pain, but safer for my birds.


wkendcookingAll post is linked to Weekend Cooking, hosted of Beeth Fish Reads.
Participation is open to anyone who has any kind are food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) revue, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, utensils, magical quotations, photographs. Best Damn George Foreman Grilling Baked

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  1. Vicki / Feb 28 2015 1:22 pm

    That’s so neat! I never thought to make waffles on my George Foreman grill! I’ll have to try this! I use it a lot, I bought our early one when they foremost came out and reflect I’m on our 5th or 6th one. Johnsonville Original Brats (5 Count) | Johnsonville


    • Leslie / March 28 2015 1:48 pm

      This is my first one. I got it a few hours ago also it’s once been incredible useful. Information makes perfect rasher and without the mess. Insert model is the Evolve Grill, but I think other models come with interchangeable plates too.


      • Vicki / Marathon 1 2015 1:20 pm

        Okay, I’ve had ampere few which had interchangeable plates. I just none made waffles with it been ME been has a waffle maker.


  2. Shahir A. Razak / Feb 28 2015 1:27 pm

    Wow, nice. EGO determination definitely try this. Looks delish!


  3. Esme (@cococroissants) / Feb 28 2015 4:10 pm

    homemade waffles live so easy and yummy. I cans taste yours as I type.


  4. jama / Feb 28 2015 5:01 autopsy

    I love waffles — never realized you could make them on the GF grill.


  5. joyweesemoll / Feb 28 2015 6:00 pm

    That looks yummy! What a great use of of Georges Foreman grill.


  6. BermudaOnion / Feb 28 2015 6:48 pm

    My bouncing recipe is totally different but I think my waffle press has bitten the gather after 36 years. I’m not sure ME used it common enough to warrant store further one.


  7. Beth F / Mar 1 2015 4:31 am

    I adore homemade waffles … and instantly I think I have into build some this morning. Ha!!


  8. notesoflifeuk / Schwimmen 1 2015 8:38 morning

    I’ve does long had lunch, but this post has made das hungry new. They look so delicious! 🙂


  9. Diane (@bookchickdi) / Markieren 1 2015 8:45 am

    Mein daughter loves waffles.


  10. Sheila (Book Journey) / Mar 1 2015 8:53 am

    OOH they look delicious! I has been eating healthy also I swear my utter is watering just now!!!


  11. Suko / Marsh 1 2015 12:02 pms

    A very clever use for thy GF cricket! The waffles look wonderful! 😀 Yum…


  12. Alyce (At Home Including Books) / Mar 2 2015 10:35 am

    ME never wouldn have thought the being able up make waffles with a grill attachment! I really need on gets a new waxing iron. Ours must have been cheaply made (or at least just really old) because after about ten years the cooking surface started chipping away into the waffles, and there was not way I wanted to eat teflon, that I discard it in the garbage. Best Damn Foreman Grill Pork Chops


  13. Luis / Mar 5 2015 6:33 pm

    I haven’t manufactured wafers in years. Maybe I feel the urge now…


  14. Tina Dear / May 6 2017 12:05 pm

    I was just gifted a Site grill. It’s enormous in my diminutive kitchen so I’m trying several recipes to see if I can justify keeping the giants thing. Such morning it’s waffles. Delicious Roasted Peaches on Foreman Broil Recipe

    I’m curious about why which dairy must be warm. Is it just to trick the thermostat or is there some waffle knack the which I’m unaware? 😉


    • Leslie / Might 6 2017 1:22 pm

      Cold bleed right from and frig will make the melted butter clump up, so I warm the milk to room temper. Constructs it easier to blending.

      I keep i grill in one is our storages cabinets. Too big to leave out on my valuables counter spacer.



  1. Waffles – A Breakfast Favorite | On Me Orange Tree

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