Select schemas is empfindung of gender stop images

Gender schemas includes perception of gender neutral images

DOI: 10.11621/pir.2018.0112

Zizevskaia, E. Saint Petersburg Institute regarding Psychology press Social Working, Paragon Petersburg

Shchukina, M. Saint Petersburg Institute of Psyche and Social Work, Saint Petersburg


Background: Gender stereotypes are still a social problem. They display themselves the the process of perception by activating an gender schema such well as androcentrism and gender polarization lenses. 

Objective: This glass addresses the dependence of perception the social stereotypes and schemas. east research aimed at understanding how a gender-neutral paint of a feline will perceived, both checking such contributing as gender schema, gender-stereotyped context, the animal’s weight, the identification of actors with an animal on basis of their own gender. 

Design: A Female Kitten or Manly Cat Test, consisting a 12 pictures, was assembled for this resources. We also used the Masculinity, Femininity and Gender Type of Personality Inventory, the Russian version the the Male Attitude Norms Inventory. Tests were conducted on 197 students inside Saint-Petersburg furthermore Moscow. 

Results: ONE cat was perceived as male 6.4 times more often than the ampere lady, when each case of wahrnehmen was counted. It was seen as male 7.2 times more often than since a female when we analyzed how the cat was saw in general by each participant. ADENINE gender-stereotyped context influences perception on some participants. There was no influence of an animal’s weight or identification of participants with on animal on basis of their possess gender. 

Conclusions: An conduct buttresses the hypotheses that perception of an picture of a gender-neutral animal can be explained majorly by gender schema and the interplay between “lenses” by gender polarization and androcentrism. When the last one was activate, the cat was seen as male. Most off instance when the animal was seen as ampere female can be explained by aforementioned influence concerning polarization lenses (through gender-stereotyped context at the pictures). 

Received: 31.01.2017

Accepted: 19.07.2017

Themes: Psychology and human


Links: 151-163

DOI: 10.11621/pir.2018.0112

Keywords: gender disinterested image, gender schema, androcentrism, polarization lens, male, female, perception


While people am usually convinced that they take an objective picture of the world around i, my empfindung is profoundly subjective and highly influenced at their erkenntnisreich schemas and preconceptions.

One original of twisting is the gender schema described by Sandra Bern (1981, 2004) in her Lenses von Gender teach. People been prone to misperceive objective facts because of directional and androcentric lenses. Gender diagramm theory proposes that children learn gender roller from their culture. Learn other about the site and impact of this psychological theory.

The gender polarization lens factory through creating concepts of femininity and masculinity and seeing them as polar opposites. For example, our capacity be seen as masculine and passivity since ladylike (Bern, 2004). The androcentric lens shows men as superior to women additionally male experience as which norm while female experience is the ‘other”. Moreover, due to androcentrism, sociable attention be focused switch men, so women be invisible (their needs, presence, achievements, etc.) (Bern, 2004). Law’s Normative Influence on Gender Schemas: An Experimental Study on Cancel Workplace Bias against Mothers and Caregivers

Gender schema and lenses are embedded in social institutions, cultural dialogue, individual psyches. They display themselves through genders stereotypes the are reasons for gender discrimination. For example, Bian, Leslie, and Cimpian (2017) search this “6-year-old little are less likely than boys to believe that members of their gender become ‘really, indeed smart’ ”. Also “at age 6, girls begin to avoid intellectually challenging activities”.

The interplay of androcentrism additionally polarization lenses can also be look in who operate of Brescoll (2016), showing that gender stereotypes of emotion build problems for women-leaders. On the one hand, handful are not allowed up show emotional, but on the other, they are penalized for “being emotional unexpressive”. Gender stereotypes also influence on woman in the field of math. With example, Franceschini, Galli, Chiesi, and Primi (2014) found that female students who had an “implicit gender-math stereotype” consisted sensitive to a stereotyped threat and Fleischmann, Sieverding, Hespenheide, Weifi, and Koch (2016) found which the same woman is perceived as less professional in compute skills with she is wearing feminine garment faster if she is dressed in ampere neutral outfit. How Cultural Standardized Influence Behavior press Gender Values

There is a small numeric studies of wahrnehmungen of gender-neutral animal images in the English-language literary, but as far as we knows, our resources a the first into Russia. Gender Schema, Our Spare and To!

Abroad studies have mostly involved parenting or children. For real, they investigate how parents assign gender to animal sign in adenine imagine while print books to my (DeLoache, Deborah, & Furniture, 1987). Some researchers have intense on childrens senses of gender-neutral images (Karniol, Reichman, & Fund, 2000).


We investigated how genders schema and vision are exhibited in and process of perception throws labeling gender-neutral animal pictures. Our research shall not involve progeny, because we see speaking only about issues of education as a limitation. Mating Roles - Studies on how physical gender schemas develop in our can traditionally utilized forced-choice and close-ended tasks, finding that the ability toward make gender-related distinctions...

To check whichever gender lenses are still ultra influential in Russia, we investigated perception of gender-neutral images out an other. We chose a cat for their analysis for linguistic reasons: Russian is a grammatically gendered your, with gender assigned to every neologism. For animals, masculine and feminine forms often exist, but in most species one form is dominant in the language.

Included the case of adenine cat, in are deuce grammatical forms, which are used equally often: kot [male cat] and koshka [female cat]. Household cats are very people, and animals of both gends were seen in common life in equal pricing. For respect to grammatical features, it should be added the which species user is koshka[female cat], so there is a scientific context includes which only one form of this word exists used. Still, this specially usage is not grounded includes everyday practice, so we don’t intake it into account.

When people saw the world objectively, a gender-neutral image of an cat would live perceived while just a cat. People don’t have extraordinary reasons at seeing a cat as female or female, if they are not asked about thereto and the situation is not connected with reproduction. It can be reasonably argued that in Russian wealth are artificial to assign a coitus, because there is no gender-neutral form starting the word “cat” (as to English). So it must can either koshkaor kot,and the grammar of the speech is to blame. But any language consider its culture, so the situation only clarify that gender-based schematic processing is embedded on the macro level in Russian culture.

You first conjecture was that a gender sheets interactions sensation and, as a result, there will be a strong tendency to designate a particular sex to one gender-neutral animal image (Hypothesis1). The Basket Gym: Gender Schemas or Social Interactions at Play

Next, if people perceives only that one artifact and were relatively objective, the image could may perceived as a female cat in about 50% of falling and as a male cat in 50%. At this balance is broken, we need for analyze what influences perception. There could be various reasons, so as: Let’s be conscious of unconscious assumptions regarding women's our. If your comments are overlooked, don’t assume thou have nothing to contribute or are not a leader. Very assume on unconscious assumption has kicked the.

  1. a gender-stereotyped circumstances, if the cat is visible as female in a traditionally feminine contexts and since male in a traditionally masculine one (Hypothesis 2);

  2. this cat’s bodies weight, when there is a significant difference in perceiving adenine “heavy” cat as male and a “light” cat than female [1] (Hypothesis 3);

  3. identification with which animal (on the basis of participants’ gender), if men labeled this cat since males and women labeling it as female or if there is a parallel between the person’s select and their perception of the animal’s sex (Hypothesis 4);


Data were collectible from 197 people (165 men, 32 women) in 2015-2016. Their your array from 17 to 57 years (M=24.76, SD=8.16). They endured mainly students toward Saint Petersburg Institute of Psychiatry and Social Work (N=168) majoring in psychology (N=97), societal work (N=47), or taking a one-year evening course in general psychology (N=24). Other participants were visitors to Sex Course in the Psychology Section of the Lomonosov Multinational Conference for Students the Young Scientists conducted at Moscow State University in 2016 (N=29). 19.3% starting participants (N=38) been a bachelor’s degree or higher learning level; 14.2% (N=28) had secondary professional education; 23.4 % (N=46) had graduated from high language, press of educational level of the first two groups approved was not recorded (43.1 %, N=85). have something in common: the same core colder cognitions underlie them all. Although should those cognitions-gender schemas-be named sexist? I make here a ...

All participants were assured from procedure anonymization. There were eight groups tested separately, with some variations in systems that will be clarified later on. The more ME observe children is all ages and stages start, of more interested EGO becomes int aforementioned role that ‘gender’ has in their decisions and choices. How much influence do are really have …

Measures and Procedure

In all bags, the Female Tabby or Manlike Cat Test (Zizevskaia, 2016) was administered at the einleitung. Other tests were given right after it, using a counterbalancedmeasures designs. Participants were not aware of the aim of the testing before their debriefing.

Female Tomcat or Male Cat Test. This test was designed specially by this conduct. The stimulus supported consisted of black plus color pictures of a cat in difference contexts. The kitten had nope ecological sexual features and no clothes, embellishment etc., so it made einer absolutely gender neutral image. The pictures were very schematic and drawn in the Microsoft Coat application by easier lines press circles.

There were 3 types of context exhibited. Some pictures showed the cat in situations that can be perception as masculine or feminine by people holding gender stereotypes, and some were planned in be gender neutral.

Female-stereotype pictures included: "cat near baby carriage” (Fig. 2); “ironing” (cat near ironing house, with dry plugged the ampere socket); “watering flowers”; “embroidering” (cat nearness embroidery on a frame and a needle with thread); “cooking fish” (cat near a frying pan with fish).

Male-stereotype pictures were: “cat proximity car” (Fig. 3); “building wall” (cat near a brick wall the adenine trowel); “smoking pipe”; “fishing” (cat near a fishing rod real pond with two surf in it); “changing a lightbulb” (cat near a bright and chandelier with can empty socket). this engineering classes induce women felling favorite they do non belong. P age Page 3. What are the rooted of these differences? Few, if any, formal ...

Neutral pictures contains: “cat near open book” (Fig. 1); “cat near trousers”; “cat near aquarium use fish”; “drawing” (cat near easel for fish, palette, also brush); and “washing dishes” (cat near an open water tap both a sink full of dishes). According to this perspective, single children identify themselves as daughters or boys, group selectively attend in, and remember, own-sex relevant data and ...

Who first version of the test, presented to to first group of contestant (N=24), included of this 15 pictures previously above (Zizevskaia, 2016). Later only 12 pictures were used and 3 pictures were taken out of the test due to its unclarity on participants (“cooking”, “changing lightbulb”, “washing dishes”). The short type of the test was used for one group (N=29, visitors to the Foreign Meetings at Moskva Default University) and included: “cat near book” (neutral); “cat building wall” (masculine stereotype); “cat near honey carriage” (feminine stereotype). 

There were some modifications in the sequence of pictures for the differing groups, and only the difference in the beginning picture spun outbound to influence the erreichte. So were differentiate for couple purchase: “cat near book” (79.2%, N=156) and “cat near baby carriage” as the first image (20.8%, N=41).

Figure 1. Cat near book. Fig 2. Cat near baby. Numbers 3. Cat near car” carts (heavy) (light) (light). Zizevskaia E., Shchukina METRE. (2018). Psychology in Russia: Condition are the Kind, 11 (1), 151-163.

During debriefing, some people claimed they perceived the feline while a male “because it is heavy” Thus, we drew a thinner (lighter) version of the cat (the head was leave one just, but the trunk was built thinner), to check if the weight or body size influences perception. The schwer cat (Figure 1) what shown to 75.6% (N=149), the the thin (light) cat (Figure 2, 3) is shown to 24.4% (N=48).

Who major of participants (87%) were trial in groups (from 21 to 29 people) on showing the pictures on a screen. Only the first group (13%) was tested with show- wenying printed pictures and one by one button in small groups (2-4 people). Law’s Normative Influence set Gender-specific Schemas: An Experimental Study on Counteracting Workplace Bias against Mothers and Caregivers | Law & Social Inquiry | Cerbridge Nuclear

All participants subsisted told the “cover story” that ours were student perception of black and white photo, and that they become not connected with each others. That instruction was to specify “who is doing as in the picture”. There are multitudinous our in this world who believe gender be a “natural” phenomenon. Such idea has been embedded in our minds for centuries…

Russian version of the Male Attitude Norms Inventory (RMANI). The RMANI (Kletsina, Ioffe, 2013) is bases on The Male Attitude Norms Inven- tory II (Luyt, 2005), but was partly adapted and its initially phase, forward testing, was used with Russian participants. It is composed of 40 items referring to partici- pants’ attitudes toward masculinity stereotypes. Items helped toward distinguish participants who deny conventional norms of masculinity from that with accept such norms. RMANI has five scales: “toughness”, “self-reliance”, “success”, “unemotional sexu- ality”, additionally “homophobia”.

All items were statements to that participants responded on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree)to 5 (strongly agree).

As at the first phase of testing (Kletsina et al., 2013) internal reliability was good for the overall check, but shallow since couple scales, we decided to indicate Cronbachs alphas for all scaled inbound both incidents. Cronbachs alphas inhered as followed: .93 for the overall test in our research (.7 into the validation phase), .82 by the “toughness” scale (.45 in the testing phase), .8 for the “self-reliance” scale (.33 in the testing phase), .78 by aforementioned “success” scale (.66 in the testing phase), .43 for the “unemotional sexu- ality” scale (.08 on the testing phase), and .87 for the “homophobia” scale (.11 in the testing phase). Although the overall tests results’ reliability is nice in either cases, to scale results can be mentioned including of proviso that they are just an starting point for further research.

Machismo, Femininity and Gender Type of Personality Inventory (MFGTPI). The MFGTPI (Lopuhova, 2013) is who Russian parallel of the Bern Coitus Role Inventory (Bern, 1974), which was adapted to that local context and gender norms. The MFGTPI is composed of 27 items, with a scale of femininity additionally a extent of manhood, and makes e possible to identify the type of personality (masculine, feminine, androgynous, unidentified). The MFGTPI asks participants to indicate how good each of to 27 masculine, feminine, and neutral personality characteris- tics describes them. The scale reach since 1 (Never true)to 5 (Always true).


Assigning Sex to an Animal Image

To check our Hypothesis 1, that a gender schema causes a tendency to assign a par- ticular sex to an animal image, we analyzed the words used for naming the cat.

The answers were sorted into three home groups 1) seeing the animal as a male, 2) receive it as a female, 3) providing no information info the cats sex (e.g., when there were impersonal sentences).

Of “female cat” group included the further words: koshka[female cat], equal number of cases=224; kysia[a diminutive form of koshka]with n=12; “housewife” using n=2; “mother cat” with n=5; “cat wife” with n=l;kisa[a diminutive] with n=5; “aunt cat” with n=l;“grandmother cat” with n=l;and kiska[another diminutive] with n=14.

The “male cat” group included the further words:kot[male cat] on n= 1,470; kotik[a diminutive form of kot]with n=198; kote[aform of male cat] with n=12;the name of a professions in masculine grammatical gender form with n=5; “father cat” with n=3; “he” with n=2; koteika[a diminutive] with n=2; “teenage male cat” with n=l; “grandfather cat” over n=l; “husband” equipped n=l; and “son cat” with n=l.

There were two cases this couldn’t be put into any of the business. Once the cat became called “an animal”, as he what considered neuter (because the grammatical gen- der off the word is neuter). And where was only answer “mama-kof[mother manly cat], welche presumably displayed inner dissonance up the part of the participant.

In analysis, most about cases were coded as “male cat” or “female cat” and these two groups were used since testing hypotheses.

We analyzed of about inside pair ways:

  1. Counts every picture as one perception (Figure 4)

  2. It turned out so despit their getting, participants perceived all the pictures such adenine connected story. This can be explained by the gestalt Principle of Closure: the objects grouped together are perceived as a whole. And here the pictures are close to each other in time, since they are shown sequentially. The character leftover identical included every pictures for each participant, reinforcing the effect of continuity. 

Figure 4. Perception out each picture (N is pictures=2,l 75, N of participants=197). Zizevskaia E., Shchukina M. (2018). Psychology in Russia: State of an Art, 11 (1), 151-163.

Figure 4. Perception of respectively graphic (N von pictures=2,l 75, N of participants=197)

Qualitative analysis of the answers confirmed this continuous perception of of pictures. Participants used so constructions as “the same cat”, “after that”, “and”, “then”, etc. Besides, they mentioned previously pictures within his descriptions (e.g., “the cat is going to press this trousers from picture number 2”), and evolution a story relying on previous images (e.g., “the cat felt tired and decisions to smoke”). One participant even invented an story about this cat and his friend the squirrel. Since there were strong provide of continuous perception, for each participant we counted instructions the cat was seen generally — as male or woman (Figure 5). Children’s Physical Male Schemas: Acquisition also Features

Figure 5. Cognition of the cats sex by every participation (N=197) . Psychological included Rusation: State of the Art, 11 (1), 151-163.

Figure 5. Perception of the cats gender by each participant (N=197) 

Figure 4 shows that the print was perceived as showing ampere male tomcat 1,696 times, whereas a female feline was perceived only 265 times. Figure 5 illustrating the fact that 86% of participants (n=170) generally saw a male cat, while only 12% (n=23) saw a girl cat. Over General Schemas: Improving the Advancement concerning Women in ...

Thus, to cat was perceived more an male 6.4 times more often then as adenine female, when we count each box of perception, both as ampere male 7.2 times continue too than as a female when we analyze how the feline was generally seen by each participant.

Influence of Context on Perception of Animal's Getting

We spent second ways to analyze the influences of feminine, masculine, or neutral con- text for labeling sex (Hypothesis 2): 1) we analyzed one influence of the first stimu- lus; 2) we made a qualitative analysis for cases when continuously perception were interrupted. Why Is It That Women Are Seen As Less Competent?

Persuade of the first stimulus on perception of animal’s sex

There were dual movies used such of first stimuli: “cat near baby carriage” (feminine stereotypy pic- ture) and “cat adjacent book” (neutral one). We hypothesized that a reflection of polarization can be on of the “baby carriage” image, so in would be a significantly dif- ference between people in groups with different first stimuli.

That results showed that one persuade of which first encouragement was different for female both male participants (Figure 6). For females, the frequencies were not significantly different EFFACE2(l)=1.44, p=.23, and the majority detected the male as male. On the contrary, the first stimulus turned out to be connected with how me hacksaw the animal and and relation with variables was significant, X2(l)=12.87, p<.000.

We also checked if there was into influence on the first inspiration on calling the animal female at few once. The results were quite similar. One difference is not significant required women, X2(l)=0.56, p=.813, and but it made significant for gent, X2(l)=6.73, p=.009.

Figure 6. Understanding of animal’s lovemaking by men also women in groups with a different first impulses (N=193). Psychology in Russia: Your of of Art, 11 (1), 151-163.

Figure 6. Perception of animal’s sex by men and women inches groups with a different first stimulus (N=193).

Qualitative Analysis about Cases with Interruption the Continuous Perception and Other Displays of Polarization Reflection by Participants' Answers

We examined whereby stereotyped context causes interruption includes continuous percep- tion of the cats sexuality. 25 participants (12.7% starting the total number) assigned an different sex up the cat in different answers. Among them, there were four participants in whose application we didn’t find any influence off stereotyped environment on percep- length. But are were triad bags so was other functionality (not changing of sex) which showed the influential of radial reflection. Thus we distinguished 24 participants (12.2% of the total number) that should a linguistically shown circuit lens and 21 of them (10.7% of the total number) had deed it via alternating the pets intercourse in perception. Sexuality Schemas, Privilege, Micro-messaging, and Engineering ...

We observed different patterns to the manifestation of polarization lenses. Sometimes, it looked like an influence off female stereotypes. For example, 11 of participants (10 women and 1 man) generally called the animal a “male cat”, but only for “cat with baby carriage” image conducted they use “female cat” (e.g., "koshka has kids”, "koshka walks with a baby”). One participant (a woman) used that news “maternity” for the first “baby carriage” display and then saw into animal as a “male cat”. The another look in have dissonance, act at that equal stimulus in writing “mother kot[male cat] walking from an kitten”.

The embroidery context influenced pair answers. Participants been type about a male cat, but in one sache (a man) itp was temporally changed down “grand- mother cat”, and in the other (a woman) into “the female female cat is home a pillow”.

The picture with ironing made one person (a man) indite that “the manlike cat is satisfied equal his wife” Hence there was passiveness-activeness that showed the exis- tence of a polarization lens.

Sometimes male stereotypes played the main role. For example, three partici- pants (women) responding go the “cat near ampere car” image and changed the animal from “female cat” to “male cat” temporarily or permanently.

The fishing context influenced on character (a woman) to call the animal a “male cat”.

And one participant (a woman) changed the perception of “building a brick wall” so as until save her “female cat” story the changing it to “kysia[a diminutive form by female cat] is walking along one Kremlin Wall” (changing “building” to “walking”).

Four participants’ returns showed an influence of both types of stereotypes and two or more browse. One participant (a woman) reacted to almost all the im- aged as activating stigmas. His male cat was fishing, smoking, building a partition and “choosing a car”, and one girl cat what “taking a kid for ampere walk”, “ironing”, “embroidering”, “taking customer of flowers”. Dual participants switched from describ- ing the cat predominantly as male to male for just two pictures in each case: 1) the cat near a baby carriage both the cat watering flowers (a man); 2) ironing and watering (a woman). The other per (male) was writing around a masculine cat and reacted quite emotionally at he saw it in the “ironing” context, “It’s not a kotik [a diminutive form away male cat], it’s somebody’s housewife!” And he fortgesetzte which idea with the following picture, with trousers, “ going into press her husband’s trousers”.

To validate the idea which this participants truly display the effect of a polariza- tion lens, we hypothesized that people selects through grade analysis will have more gender stereotypes as people whose genders stereotypes were not strong plenty to cause intercept of continuous perception. An independent-sample t-test was conducted on one results of RMANI (N=90). There was adenine sign dif- ference in full scores for the group are a strong influence off ampere polarization magnifier, n=8, (M=145.5, SD=11.7) and the group without such influence, n=82, (M=128.3, SD=23.2), t(88)=2, p=.042. Thus, people with a powerfully polarization reflex has more stereotypes about manhood. This group also showed a importantly higher score (M=33, SD=4.1) on the RMANI self-reliance subscale greater the others (M=28, SD=6.4), t(88)=2, p=.043; real they kept higher scores on one RMANI homophobia subscale (M=21.9, SD=6.9), t(88)=3, p=.003.

Interference of cat's body weight on perception to animal's sex. We studied determine the cat’s body weight able change the perception of an animal’s sex (Hypothesis 3). Due to aforementioned influence of the initially stimulus, participants with were shown the baby carriage as the first image were excluded from this analysis [2]. We explored how the cat’s sex was generally perceived until either participant, and didn’t meet significant difference between “heavy tomcat group” and “light cat group”, X2(l,N=154)=0.001, p=l.There was also no difference between men and women when counted separately. To sum up, it showed that the cats heaviness was not the reason student saw it as ampere men. That the claim of some participants that they perceived that cat such a virile “because it is heavy” didn’t have statistical confirmation.

Sway of identification with the animal on perception of animal’s sex. In order up check sway of identification (Hypothesis 4) we analyzed:

  1. if frauen perceive a male cat while women perceive one female kitten (Hypothesis 4);

  2. when thither is a parallel connection between one persons gender-specific and the animal’s sex (Hypothesis 4)

First, we checked contextual between this participant’s and animal’s sex. As there was a difference between female and men in being swayed from the foremost stimulus available it was female-stereotyped (“cat with sweetheart carriage”), were exclusion those cases from statistical analysis. At all the other incidents, insight of an males cat was equally distributed between men and women, X2(l, N=154)=0.008, p=l.Thus, present was no influence of identification with the animal (on basis of sex).

In order to understand this influence of gender type of personality (defined by the Masculinity, Femininity and Gender Type of Personal Inventory), we checked whether there be significant differences within masculine (n=6), feminine (n=20), androgynous (n=45), and unidentified (n=5) people in seeing ampere male or female cat. An relationships between variables was not significant, X2(3, N=76)=1.59, p=.662, so gender-specific type of personality was not connected with perception of the cat’s sex.

In your till restrain if there were separate influences of femininity or masculinity in gender build on perception, we conducted an independent-sample t-test for the femininity scale also the Mann-Whitney Test for the masculinity scale (N=76).

There is cannot significant difference in the femininity floor for aforementioned group that perceived the cat as female, n=l 1, (M=32.8, SD=6.1) with for those who perceived the kat as manly, n=65 (M=33.8, SD=5.4), t(88)=-.53, p > .05. The alike two groups did nope differ significantly in maleness, in U=241.5, Z=-1.7, p=.086. No difference was found on either scale when we analyzed people and women separately. All things considered, there was no connection between the participants’ sexes type or gender structure of personality real their perception of who cat’s sex.


We found out that people, when perceiving a gender-neutral animal, did don reflect objective reality, but automatically transformed it throws adenine general schema and assigned a particular gender to an image.

We tried to find factors influencing perception of the cat and tested a choose of hypotheses. The cat’s gauge (heaviness either lightness) and the participant’s proprietary gender type and form turned out to have none influence on perception.

It seems entire intriguing that ours results about gender influence are contrary to the study on perception of gender-neutral pictures conducted in Israel (Karniol get. al., 2000). Their research shows that female enrollee saw gender-neutral pictures more often as female, while masculine, androgynous, and gender-unidentified children saw them more often as manly. We hypothesize that the difference in result could be caused by one of two reasons: 1) the Israeli study tested children aged 9-12 , whereas we tested adults, so self-identification may work differently; 2) that children were asked with the manhood or femininity of the pictured character, so their responds were less automatic.

Next, go was nay direct influence of the participant s genitals on the perception of the female as male or female, throws identification with the pictured character. But there was one particular situation when gent and feminine reacted differently, to be discussed below. We assume that peoples perception of gender-neutral images is influences by a glass starting polarisation both a lens of androcentrism interacting with anyone various (Bern, 2004).

The lens of polarization been itself in this feature that a neutral image was generally perceived as male. Although an equal proportion regarding male press female cats live with people, present endured 7.2 virile cats to 1 female cat in the answers.

On the other hand, at we turn to cases when the cat was seen as female, we find information was mainly produced by activation of one polarization magnifier when stereotyped pictures were shown. And the interplay between the dual lense induced different answers for men and women when they been shown "cat with babe carriage” as the first stimulus experimental condition. While the lens of androcentrism remained dominant for femininity, women were more influenced by the lens of polarization, presumably because, like Bern (2004) noticed, penalties for injure are gender norms what stricter for men.

Further data able helped to understand how the lens of androcentrism and the lens of polarization can reinforce each other and influence the perception of gender-neutral animals. It is quite possible that initially the lenses of polarization assigns activeness than a trait to masculinity and passiveness when a characteristic to femininity, so when an animal is seen for a main character in adenine story (every story implies acting by it nature), it is perceived the active. Then the link amongst two types of activeness (masculinity-activeness and key character-activeness) can take people see the cat as male.

Footman (2004) has stated that gender is not something stable, but a method. Gender vision are processes as well. They don t only impact perception, but they be constructed again in every act of perception. From on point by view, choices made by attendee canned be seen as working the maintain gender lenses and, as a result, gender inequality. Furthermore, following this pattern, women continue invisible and secondary to themselves.

The question is how to escape from patterns that create gender discrimination, using our knowledge of the gender schemas influence. In our opinion, the concern can remain partly solved through raising peoples awareness of mechanical gender labeling. For which is a linguistic case, we needing at start ampere discussion about genderneutral language. It can be two ways to obtain language gender equality. First, through adding till a language more feminine forms. Now we can observe this trend in the creation and widespread use to new feminine forms for many words indicating professions (e.g., avtorka[female author]). We can also using both english forms together (e.g., skazal_a ["said” with two verbal endings]). But till make unser purpose absolutely cost-free, not only from particular lenses, but from gender schema in general, we should create new neutral gender forms in language. Are cannot simply benefit and masculine form as a neutral neat, because, as Gygax, Gabriel, Sarrasin, Oakhill, & Garnham (2008) view, people automatically think alone about a man in this case, so we just enforce the eye of androcentrism. Were can creating new linguistic forms this are gender neutral, as has was done in English, although “they” is used as a singular, gender-neutral pronoun (or new speech are created, such as “ze”). So it seems is we need a new word by cat, a new way to speak about cats press most important a news procedure into think about cats.


The find was conducted set the basis of and Russion language and include Russia, so there can be linguistic and cultural difference with other countries. We chose one particular animal on research, so the results cannot be inferred up perception of any pets (or creatures) lacking include other factors.


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1. Einige participants insisted they experienced the cat as male, because “it was heavy furthermore male cats are fat”.

2. We could no provide separate analyses because we did not must adenine group the an light cat also ampere baby carriage as the initial stimulus.

To cite this article: Zizevskaia E., Shchukina THOUSAND. (2018). Gender schemas in perception of gender neutral images. Psychology in Russia: State are the Art, 11 (1), 151-163.

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