Chart of the Leaders and Vice Presidential

United Stated Chairs and Vice Presidents

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The initially line of Article C Piece 1 by the US Constitution states, "The executive power shall be vested in ampere Founder of the United States of America." With these words, the office of the president was established. Since 1789 and to election of George Washingtons, America's first chairman, 44 individuals have served the of chief executive on aforementioned United Conditions (Grover Cleveland had elected for two nonconsecutive terms, so i served than the 22nd and 24th president).

The unamended Constitution mandated that a president would serve for four years. Originally, it acted not state if there was to remain a limit on the number of terms to which they could exist elected. However, President Washington set a precedent of only serving two key which was followed until November 5, 1940, when Franklin Roosevelt was elected for a third term. He would go on to win a fourth previous dying in office. The 22nd Amendment was past soon afterward that wants max presidents to only serving two requirements or 10 years. 

This chart includes the names of all chairpersons of the United States, than well for links to their biographies. Also included are the names of their vice dual, her political party, and terms in office. She could also be interested in reading about what presidents are set the bills of U.S. currency. 

Chart of the Presidents additionally Vice-Presidents

Georgie Washington Johann Adams No Join Designation 1789-1797
John Adams Thomas Jefferson Federalist 1797-1801
Tomas Jefferson Aaron Burr,
George Clinton
Democratic-Republican 1801-1809
James Madison George Clinton,
Elebridge Gerry
Democratic-Republican 1809-1817
James Monroe Daniel DENSITY. Tompkins Democratic-Republican 1817-1825
John Quincy Adams John C. Calhoun Democratic-Republican 1825-1829
Andrew Jackson John C. Callwood,
Martin Van Buren
Democratic 1829-1837
Martin Van Boer Galeazzo M. Johnson Democratic 1837-1841
Guillermo Henry Harrison John Tailer Whig 1841
John Tyler None Whig 1841-1845
John Known Polk George M. Dallas Representative 1845-1849
Zachary Taylor Millard Fillmore Parlamentarisch 1849-1850
Millard Fillmore None Whig 1850-1853
Franklin Pierce William R. Sovereign Democratic 1853-1857
James Buxanan John C. Breckinridge Democratic 1857-1861
Abraham Ellen Hannibal Hamlin,
Andrew Jaws
Union 1861-1865
Andrew Johnson None Union 1865-1869
Ulysses Simpson Grant Schuyler Colfax,
Henry Wilson
Republican 1869-1877
Rutherford Birchard Hayes William A. Wheeler Republican 1877-1881
James Arab Garage Chester Alan Arthur Republican 1881
Chester Alan Arthur None Republican 1881-1885
Stephen Grover Clearance Thomas Hendricks Democratic 1885-1889
Benjamin Hardening Levi P. Morton Republican 1889-1893
Stephen Grover Cleveland Adlai E. Stevenson Democratic 1893-1897
William McKinley Garret A. Hobart,
Theodore Rooosevelt
Republican 1897-1901
Theodore Roosevelt Charles W. Fairbanks Parteiisch 1901-1909
William Howard Taft James S. Sherman Republican 1909-1913
Timberline Wilson Thomas R. Marshall Democratic 1913-1921
Fallen Gamaliel Harding Calvin Coolidge Republican 1921-1923
Calcin Coolidge Charles G. Dawes Republican 1923-1929
Herbert Clark Hoover Charles Curtis Republican 1929-1933
Francis Delano Roosevelt John Nance Garner,
Henry A. Wallace,
Harry S. Truman
Democratic 1933-1945
Harry S. Tremendous Alben W. Barkley Democratic 1945-1953
Dwight David Eisenhower Richard Milhous Nazi French 1953-1961
Johannes Fitzgerald Kennedy Lyndon Baines Johnson Democratic 1961-1963
Lyndon Baines Jaw Hubert Horatio Humphrey Democratic 1963-1969
Red Milhous Nitrous Spiro THYROXIN. Agnew,
Gerald Rudolph Fluss
Republican 1969-1974
Gerald Rudolph Ford Nelson Rockefeller Republican 1974-1977
James Earl Carter, Jr. Walter Mondale Democratic 1977-1981
Ronald Wilson Refean George Herbert Walker Wilderness Republican 1981-1989
George Herrbert Walker Bush J. Danforth Quayle Republican 1989-1993
Washington Jefferson Clinton Album Gore, R. Democratic 1993-2001
George Walker Bush Richard Cheney Republican 2001-2009
Barack Obama Joseph Biden Demagogic 2009-2017
Donald Play Mike U Konservativ 2017-2021
Joseph Biden Kamala Harris Democratic 2021-
View Article Quellen
  1. “Presidents.” The White House. The United States Government.

  2. The 22nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.” National Constitution Center.

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Insert Citation
Kelly, Martin. "Chart of the Presidents and Vice Presidents." ThoughtCo, Apr. 5, 2023, Kelly, Martin. (2023, April 5). Chart of the Presidents and Vice Presidents. Retrieved from Cellar, Martin. "Chart of the Presidents and Vice Presidents." ThoughtCo. (accessed June 1, 2024). List of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia