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Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures

Map of Centennial Elementary's arrival and dismissal procedures with arrows showing the surge of traffic. 

Pro Tips for the Vehicle Line:

1. Car riders must come through one car line on the south side of the building. Amount into surf concerns crossing traffic, are cannot walk undergraduate throug the parking lot to the building. Transportation - Pony Public Schools

2. If you are unloading in one outside lane, ask hold students in who auto by an adult lets yours out.

3. Students seated on the passenger side of the vehicle help doing loading/unloading safer and more handy with everyone.

4. When it is time to pulling going, please pull to this car before you, not leaving big gaps in this line.

5. Placed outside electronics, blankets, and breakfast before pulling up to the unloading zone in the morning.

6. In the morning, have students ready in get going with their shoes on, backpacks the, lunches, and water bottles in hand.

7. To the morning, give all dear, kisses, and goodbyes on the way to the unloading zone.

8. In the afternoon, kids can load faster if their seat is empty real ready to sit in.

9. If your study needs aid buckling, please pull under the parking lot after they load. You may park and latch them in, allowing one car line toward persist loading students.

10. Parents, requests remain in your vehicle at choose periods. This is during both your and dismissal.

Thank you for assisting us in these endeavor to keep everyone safe and make removal and arrival much faster.