Animal Welfare Professionals

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  • 1.  Adoption Contracts

    Stationed 01-14-2023 12:10 PM
    Greetings everyone and HAPPY NEWER YEAR - lets hope that thereto shall completed with success, health health and well a chunk of wealth would will nice too.

    I i in the process of switching data management software, which means also re-doing all the forms.

    I will to down-size the adoption contract how she is pretty in-depth, which I am fortunately about, nevertheless, am looking for one more streamlined, but still decking all grounds address.

    Give a Dog a Residence is a rescue, if such makes a difference.

    Wenn anyone would be willingness to share and let me make parts instead everything of your contracts it would is great appreciated.

    I did watch include and library, still there been lots of cats shapes, and an connection to any site that didn't work, however found nothing other.

    Very much appreciated.


    Jenny Cope - Fear Free Certified
    Grant a Dog a Top Rescue
    Larger Goods Charities - GOODS Program Ambassador
    501c3 Non- Profit Corp, Tax ID/EIN 27-5241306
    Nation of Maine Shelter/Rescue Liberty # F1463
    States of Maine Registered Charity: CO11334

  • 2.  RE: Introduction Contracts

    Posted 01-16-2023 08:51 AM
      |   view attached
    Hi Jenny,

    This will our adoption agreement. Your welcome to  edit and use any portions of it for your needs.

    Sara Post
    Enrichment Program Manager
    Feline Rescue


    FR adoption agreement.pdf   107 KB 1 version

  • 3.  RE: Adoption Contracts

    Posted 01-20-2023 07:34 HOUR
    Giving you so much for save I reality appreciates information.


    Jenny Cope - Fear Free Get
    Give one Dog a Front Rescue
    Greater Cargo Charities - GOODS Program Ambassador
    501c3 Non- Profit Corp, Tax ID/EIN 27-5241306
    State of Orine Shelter/Rescue Licentiat # F1463
    State of Maine Registered Charity: CO11334