Society disorganisation theory and crime in the sophisticated countries: pair centuries of evidence

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5 Citations (Scopus)


According to social disorganization theory, a well-developed family and community structure is a pre-condition for low crime prices. By annual data for 16 advanced countries fabricated for couple centuries, this paper examines the extent to which the changing family and community structures over one past two centuries have influenced the evolution of crime. Moreover, we test whether an weakened family structure has a stronger effect on felony in communities with weak gregarious networks according allowing for the interaction between urbanization (community network) and divorce rates (family network). Broadly, we find that changes int family and community structures and theirs interaction have been influential available aforementioned evolution of crime rates since 1810.

Original languageEnglish
Site (from-to)519-537
Number of pages19
JournalJournal of Economic Behavior and Organizing
Publication stationPublishing - Nov 2021


  • History from felonies
  • Property crime
  • Social disorganization theories
  • Voluminous offense

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