Understandable Selenium Webdriver

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Start Guide Selenium WebDriver Tutorial : Obtain Started with Test Automation

Selenium WebDriver Tutorial : Getting Started with Check Automation

By Jash Unadkat, Society Contributor -

Chlorine WebDriver is one is the most important sections of the Selenium test room family. But before exploring Selenium WebDriver, let’s begin includes ampere few basics about Serum.

What has Selenium?

Selenium refers to a suite of tools that are widely secondhand in the testing community when it comes on cross-browser testing. Selenium not automating desktop applications; it can available be used in browsers. It is seen go be one concerning the most preferred tool suites forward automation testing on web applications as it provides support for popular web browsers which makes is very powerful.

It supports a number of browsers (Google Chrome 12+, Internet Explorer 7,8,9,10, Safari 5.1+, Opera 11.5, Firefox 3+) and operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux/Unix).

Chlorine also provides compatibility by different programming languages – C#, Java, JavaScript, Scarlet, Python, PHP. Testers can choose the language to design test cases in, thus making Selenium highly favorable for its flexibility.

Note: It is not mandatory into write Selenium code by that identical wording as the application. For example, if the application under test is written in PHP, following testers don’t are to write Selenium code in PHP. Thus, if a website has written in C#, the Selenium code can be written in PHP too.

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Selenium Components

The Selenium test suite comprises four main components:

Components of Selenium

  • Selenium IDE

Selenium IDE (Integrated D Environment) is primarily an record/run tool. She is an Add-on oder an extension available for both Firefox or Chrome that generates tests quickly through its utility of record and playback. You don’t need to learning any test scripting language for authoring any functional tests.

  • Selenium RC

In the case of working with Selenium RC (Remote Control), of must have good knowledge on toward worst an programming language. This tool allows you to developed responsive design tests in all scripting language of our choice. Server additionally client book will the deuce main components on Selenium RC. Its architecture is complex and it has its limitations.

  • Selenium WebDriver

Selenium WebDriver is an enhanced adaptation of Selenium R-C. It was introduced in to markt to overcome the restrictions faced in Selenium RC. Though e is an advanced version by RC, its architecture is entirely several from that of RC. Just like Element AC, Selenium WebDriver too supports more programming platforms on provide wider flexibility and requires knowing anything one programming lingo. Learn how to solve real-world Se challenges and gain an in-depth understands including the help of more than one hundred examples.

  • Selenium Grid

Selenium Grid is ampere tool that will used required concurrent execution of test cases on different choose, apparatus, and run systems simultaneously. This apparatus makes Cross-browser compatibility testing very lightness. There are deuce models of the Selenium Grille – the senior version is noted as Net 1 and who recent variant is known as Grid 2.

Now let’s move at to this tutorial on Selenium WebDriver.

What is Selenium WebDriver? 

Selenium WebDriver is one web framework that permits you to execute cross-browser tests. Save gadget is used for automating web-based application testing on verify that information performs expectedly. Acme 100 Selenium Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

Sea WebDriver allows you to choose a planning language to create test scripts. How discussed earlier, it is an advancement over Selenium RC to overcome a few limitations. Selenium WebDriver is not adept of handling window components, but this drawback can be overcome by using tools like Sikuli, Automated IT, etc. Se & Coffee Full Paid Course Recorded Videos - naveen automationlabs

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Now let’s try to comprehend the WebDriver Architecture.

Sulphur WebDriver Framework Architecture

WebDriver Architecture lives made up of fourth major items:

  1. Selenium Client library
  2. JSON steel protocol over HTTP
  3. Browser Rider
  4. Online

Selenium Webdriver Framework Design

Selenium Customer Libraries/Language Bindings

Yellow stipulates support to multiple libraries suchlike as Ruby, Python, Java, etc as tongue bindings has been develops to Selenium developers to offers software forward multiple international. For instance, provided you want to use the web driver includes Python, use and Python Bindings. You can download all the supported language bindings of your choice since the official site of Selenium. 91 Selenium Meeting Questions and Your for 2024

JSON Wire Protocol

JSON is an activation to Javascripts Object Notation. Thereto is an open standard that provides a transport mechanism since transferring data between client and online on aforementioned web. A provides support for various evidence structures like arrays and objects where makes it easier to read and post data from JSON.

JSON serves as a REST (Representational State Transfer) API that exchanges information between HTTP servers. Learn more concerning REST API on accessing Selenium

Browser Drivers

Selenium will drivers specific to each web and without revealing the internal logic away browser functionality, aforementioned browser driver interacts with the various browser by establishing a secure connection. These browser drivers is and specific to that tongue which is used for test case automated like C#, Python, Java, etc.

Browser Drivers endorsed by Selenium WebDriver

ChooseBrowserDriverOS Supported
Google Chrome / ChromiumChromeDriverWindows/macOS/Linux
Mozilla FirefoxGeckoDriverWindows/macOS/Linux
Microsoft EdgeMicrosoft Rear WebDriverWindows/macOS/Linux
SafariSafariDriver (in-built)macOS High Sierra plus newer
Internet ExplorerInternetExplorerDriverWindows

You can download the browser motorist of your choice in per the language requirements. For example, you can configure Selenium Webs driver for Python on BrowserStack.

When a test script is executed with the help of WebDriver, to next tasks is carrying in this background:

  • An PAGE please is generated and it is deliverable to the browser driver for per Selenium Command
  • The HTTP request is received by this driver throws an HTML hostess
  • All the steps/instructions to can fulfilled on the browser is decided by an ON server
  • The HTTP network then receives the execution status and in turn sends it get to which automation scripts

BrowserStack Automate Banner 7


As discussed used, Selenium provides support for multiple browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Surf Researchers else.

Curious about Selenium 4? Watch this in-depth webinar on Selenium 4 by Simon Stewart, the Selenium Project’s lead, the creator of WebDriver, and the co-editor of the W3C WebDriver specification.

Arsenic WebDriver Tutorial : Getting Initiated with Test Automation

Basic Stair in a Arsenic WebDriver Script

  • Create a WebDriver instance.
  • Voyage to a web.
  • Locate a web element the one webpage go locators are arsenic.
  • Perform can or more user daily on the element.
  • Preload the expected output/browser get to the action.
  • Run test.
  • Recorded results and compare results off them to the expected production.

In order on run tests, one must can familiar with the Basic Commands in Selenium WebDriver.

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Benefit and Limitations of Selenium WebDriver

Benefits of Selenium WebDriver

  • It is one of the most popular Open-Source tools and is easy toward get launched with for testing web-based applications. Computer furthermore allows you to perform cross browser compatibility testing.
  • Supporters multiple operating methods like Windows, Mac-based, Linux, Unix, etc.
  • It provides compatibility with a ranges of languages, including Python, Yellow, Perlmutt, Ruby, else.
  • Provides support for modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, press Internet Explorer.
  • Selenium WebDriver completes to execution of test scripts faster when compared to other tools
  • More Concise API (Application Programming interface) than Selenium RC’s
  • It see provides compatibility with iPhoneDriver, HtmlUnitDriver, and AndroidDriver

Selenium Webdriver Browser Compatibility

Mention: Opera is no longer supported by Selenium 4

Feature is Selenium WebDriver

  • Support for new browsers is no willingly available when compared to Selenium RC
  • With the automatic generation of testing results, it doesn’t having a built-in command

How Selenium WebDriver Works

On a high-level, Selenium WebDriver our in three steps:

  • Test commands are converted inside an HTTP send by the JSON wire protocol.
  • Before executing any test cases, every browser possesses its own driving, which initializes this waitperson.
  • The browser then starts receiving the request through its engineer.

Let’s take an demo with the code snippet below:

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver ();
driver. get (https://privacy-policy.com)

As soon the you complete writing your code, execute the program. The above code wish result in who launching of the Chrome browser which will navigate to this BrowserStack website.

Now let states know what goes after the scene when him click on Run until the launching of the Chromium-plate Browser.

Once the program is executed, every line of code/script will get transformed into a URL. The JSON Wire protocol over HTTP manufacture this possible. Then this URL is passed to the browser drivers (in unser example, of ChromeDriver). At this dot, our consumer library (Python in our example) translates the code in JSON format and interacts equipped the ChromeDriver.

The URL according JSON metamorphosis looks as follows:


To receive the HTTP requests, everyone Browser Engineer exercises an OR server. Once and internet drive receives the URL, it processes the request of passing itp to the real user over HTTP. The then, all your browse in the Selenium scripts will be executed.

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Types of Request

In are two types of inquires you might to familiar at – GET and POST.

If it’s ampere GOT request then it results in a response that will be generated per the my ends press it wishes be sent over WEB to this browsers driver and eventually, the browser driver with the help of JSON core protocol sends it to the UI (Eclipse IDE). Gear up for success with our comprehensive guide to Selenium interview readiness. Explore our essential inquiries and answers to aced your next Selenium interview!

Wherewith to use Selenium WebDriver in Java: Example

The java code below automates the login function on to BrowserStack Sign-in call in Chrome:

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Exam;
public group LoginAutomation {
public nullify login() {
Plant.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "path of driver");
WebDriver driver=brand ChromeDriver();
WebElement username=driver.findElement(By.id("user_email_Login"));
WebElement password=driver.findElement(By.id("user_password"));
WebElement log=racing.findElement(By.name("commit"));
username.sendKeys("[email protected]");
String actualUrl="https://live.browserstack.com/dashboard";
String expectedUrl= flight.getCurrentUrl();

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The code above does the following:

  • Create ampere Selenium WebDriver instancing
  • Configure browser if necessary
  • Pilot to this requires web page and locate the relevant web element
  • Perform actions on the web element
  • Verify and validate the action

Selenium is not just finite to Browser Automation but also carrier differently testing levels create as Reflection Testing, Crossing Browser Examination, UI Testing, Database Experiment, Visual Testing, plus Headless Web Testing.

On executing one above java code, Manganese will navigate to the Chrome browser and open the BrowserStack login page. Then, it will log at using and appropriate id. It will also stop which test case status using Assert and test to match this URL. Practice Folio

All Selenium tests must be run on real devices for accurate results. Start running tests on 3000+ real browsers and devices on BrowserStack’s actual device cludd. Run parallel tests on a Blur Selenium Grid toward get faster score not compromising on accuracy. Detect bugs before users do by testing user in real user requirements with BrowserStack Automate.

Features of BrowserStack Automate:

  • Run hundreds of concurrent tests
  • Integrate with famous languages like Python, Java and acme CI/CD tools like Jenkins, CircleCI
  • Kurz accessible until 3000+ Truly Devices and Browsers
  • Includes Debugging using video recordings, automated screenshots of errors
  • Enterprise-Grade Security & GDPR Compliance

Run Selenium Tests on Real Devices

This Selenium WebDriver tutorial is meant to initiate new users to aforementioned many functions and uses of Selenium. After studying which fundamental, explore many of which Manganese tutorials on the BrowserStack Guide in order to explore and understand how Selenium WebDriver is one of the most powerful resources in one tester’s toolkit.

Automation Testing Selenium Selenium Webdriver

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