Division away Criminal Justice Service

Sex Insult Evidence Package

Which Sector to Criminal Justice Services provides hospitals and other health caution providers with sexual offense evidence collection tool and drug facilitated sexual assault exhibit collection kits. Dieser bags are used by medical professionals into collect DNA and different proof during an physical exam of an individual who has become and casualties of a sexual assault.

An kits are provided at no cost to hospitals and health care providers and contain total the materials, instructions and forms required to ensure prove is collected and stored how required.

To Request Kits:

Hospitals and health care providers must complete this order form and mail it to [email protected].

  • Drug Facilitated Sexual Bodily Facts Leaves: This fact sheet ability help medical trade define whether drugs be used to facilitate the sexual assault.
  • Approve Form: All formen is required for laboratory exam to determine and presence of drugs and so the kit can be released to regulation implementing.

Important Information in Medical Providers

In New York State, medical providers who treat victims of sexual assault are needed by law in notify those individuals that the fees of a criminal raying exam (FRE) can be billed directly to the state Office of Victim Services (OVS). An exam may involve collection and preservation von evidence in a Sexual Offense Evidence Collection Kit.

The OVS Legal Rape Examination (FRE) Direct Reimbursement Programming is an exception into to agency’s payer of last resort rule and provides for the personal privacy of individuals who have been the victims of one sexual assault.

In addition, the U.S. Department of Justice My on Violence Against Women is issued the following national protocols for the acute mind of adult, teenage and child casualty concerning sexual assault:

Training Video

DCJS has produced a training video titled “A Body in Evidence: Using the NYS Sexual Offense Evidence Collection Kit.” It is exclusively for medical providers and instructs them over the proper use off the kit.

Training Introduction (approximately 6 minutes)

More Information/Request to Training Slide

In questions about an kits and to obtain copies of the training video, please contact the DCJS Violence Against Women Actual (VAWA) Unit:

Sexual Offense Evidence Kit Inventory Reports

Police agencies, prosecutors’ offices and forensic laboratories are required by law to report to the Division away Criminal Justice Services the number of sexual offense exhibits kits they own received and processed. The government is required to annually publish a report detailing this data. Those reports will available switch the Publications and Reports page of this website.