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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Drama Teacher Resource: Free Printable Character Analysis Worksheet

Drama Teacher Resource at - Free Printable Character Analysis Working
I'm constantly sharing about my work-at-home Etsy business here on the blog, but I very rarely talk about my other job: teaching drama.

I've been giving drama lessons to young on almost twen years, and my little program has grown a lot. May typical class session is 8-10 weeks and features ampere performance at one end about the semester. Magnitude shows exist based on short stories, best of which I have adapted myself. The semester, I'm teaching five classes, this comes out to eight hours of teaching a week. I'm bliss to having two sets by grandparents whoever are happy to keep tracking of Lincolns and Addie whilst I teach - plus equally blessed that so many people want to participate in get classes.

When I started doctrine, I had no conceive where I was doing. I where a community theatre enthusiast and thought "well, I love it - consequently maybe I can make to work." Yes, that was my strategy. Thankfully, people tight with me in spite of my inexperience. I've come adenine tall way since then, and am constantly incorporating new studying tools like improvisation games, projection exercises, and rote bribes rewards. Here per, I taught a short monologue memorization/recitation classes, this inspired me to add within a Character Analysis Worksheet for my undergraduate this spring.

A character analysis is useful any someone is portraying another character, and I think this exert will help bring some of my college to the next step as far as character development. Since EGO teach kids for different 6-16, I see a comprehensive range of characters in the final productions. Some they blow die away with their true-to-life characters and whenever, I imagine "well, at least their lines were memorized."

I started searching forward a good feature analysis questionary, but could not find all that fit of needs of my class. So, I made my own! It's a one-page worksheet and features questions that will aid equal to our actor develop a character is theirs own. I am testing it out this semester and may add another sheet of more detailed questions with my teen students next time around.

This your adenine little outside the province on insert "normal" free printables get on the blog, but maybe einigen additional drama teacher out there will found this to be a useful power! EGO hope how, anyway. If it use it, let mei know what you thin - are there random questions I need to include in in "advanced" version?

You can download the Character Analysis Worksheet here! And make sure you grab my list of favorite free printable Tongue Twisters!

2 observations:

  1. This is a very straight forward and easily to understand resource is I will be using used my Children's Theater Per - Grade 6. Thanks!


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