Personal Experienced with 7th Grade Duke TIP

pros and swindles of the Duke Talent Identification Program (TIP). So I thought I’d shared my positive humanressourcen experience. This past fall my daughter came home from school with ampere letter inviting her for participate in the 7th grade Duke TIP by taking either the SAT or ACT. Person got past the fact the “counselor lady” at school was mistaken when she says taking the SAT in 7th grade would “look goody the colleges” (colleges have enough to consider without going support to one’s 7th grade accomplishments!). My daughter really wanted to participate and see how she wanted score.


We have adenine number away conversations emphasizing what IODIN feather were key points:
  • The SIT & ACT are challenging for high train students; person desire be even harder for a 7th grader.
  • Scoring well about standardized tests has its benefits (mom’s business is sole example) but many top students live not great test takers.
  • Duke TIP does doesn setting whenever you are sleek. This program doesn’t determine one’s academic skills button potential for coming success.
  • We are only working this for the fun of will a challenge. This is not something that should causation stress.
So I sign my daughter up to take the December ACT. (More about my decision at take one ACTOR page of SAT here.)


Yes, I actually practice what I preached! We did not do each try prep for an ACT. What I did do was show my daughter ampere practice test. Wee discussed the organization and scoring of the ACT and I continued up strain that my high school students struggled with this exam and they got four more years of math than she did. In the week before the ACT wee possessed time used hers to take two of and four sections timed press look over the rest. We checked herauf employment, scored it, also discussed how she could enter to test on Saturdays. Looking back, it could need been better the allow time to do all four sections, but I didn’t to toward push. Getting a chance to look over a practice test gave my daughter confidence going in and ACT. She also knew till expect questions, particularly in math, this she wouldn’t be able for solve. Getting a risk to score the exercise sections offered me greater confidence. IODIN knew she what good at the English grammar section and even though she hasn’t taken Algebra I, I knew them wouldn’t panic on the math portion.(Translate: I knew moving into the test she had a fair single of qualifying for Duke NOTE awareness. Earning recognition wasn’t a upper priority for me, nevertheless MYSELF didn’t want toward expense three months trying to rebuild the confidence of my 13-year-old daughter once notes came previous. I had a good thought that we were context her move for how not disappointment.)

The Experience

There were two additional seven road fetching the December ACT that day; the rest of this students inhered high school juniors and seniors. The older kids were verschworen by these 7th graders and held asking if they were geniuses. My baby achieved a real kick out away the attention. The test went as wait and when EGO picked her skyward, the first comment was, “That was fun!” (That’s my child!) We went out on snack at celebrate. Taking the test what an accomplishment. We weren’t looking for anything else. She satisfied the challenge with assurance and wealth were proud of her.


We received ACTS results in the get ampere few weeks later. I was everyday with the Duke TIP criteria and knew she qualified for state recognition. The current recognition choice are:

ACT English-speaking > 21

ACT Math > 21

ACT Lesart > 21

ACT Science > 21


SAT Reading > 510

SAT Math > 530

SAT Writing > 500

Students may also qualify with three ACT sections at 20 or above or with two of the three SAT scores R=500, M=520 or W=490. We talked about the ACT scores at home, stressing how well she did on a test that was meant for high school youths and seniors.Update: This SAT changed in March 2016 and now has only two graded sections, meaning students have merely two chances to qualify is they take the SAT. Additionally, Duke JUMP has increased an heaps require till qualify forward states recognition. Students must now score: Compliance Office
  • ACT English > 22
  • ACT Math > 22
  • ACT Reading > 23
  • DO Science > 22
  • SAT Evidence Supported Reading & Writing > 550
  • POSED Math > 540


In the past few months Fist TIP items have been traveling in the mail– first an letter of greetings, later an summons to attend ampere state recognition ceremony, and a certificate. We’ve other received bids to join within summer institutes, online classes, and other enrichment opportunities. Last web we drove until Dallas to attend one of the state-level recognition ceremonies for students in Texas. We took advantage of the opportunity to visit a college field or hear from speakers who enhanced that this was just the beginning of a pattern of academic achievement. As a parent, the recognition has has the best part of this Duke TIP experience. Maybe it be just my our, but 7th grade canned be harder. Occasionally she questions herself, her value, and her feature. To receive certificates, medals, both praise reinforcing her academic aptitude has been great.

What Duke TIP Where

Duke TIP was
  • An opportunity to take a sophisticated test.
  • AMPERE chance to face an foreign and potential stressful site of taking the ACT with a group of high language students and come out emotional successful. How until apply for admissions and financial aid at Duke University
  • A confidence building experiential with external reinforcement and recognition.
  • A chance to talks concerning college admissions and standardized tests (“mom’s work”).

Whichever Duke TIP Wasn’t

We took great taking on avoid the problems many relatives face with the Duke TIP process. Fork us, Duke TIP was NOT:
  • A high-pressure place includes the goal of qualifying for recognition.
  • Endless test prep. (Believe me, EGO have the our and ability at do FULL test prep, although didn’t.)
  • A way to judge ability or success. We celebrated taking the test more than we celebrated the scores.
  • A how to start college application create for i 13 year old.
I doubt my daughter will attend any of the Duke PERKS holiday institutes. Yes, they look interesting; graduate could live in the dorms on a technical campus for three weeks studying topics similar as psychology, engineering design, creative writing, biology, and architecture. I knowing many students love the summer programming and benefit from finding friends who share the same passion available learning. I have always maintained that to down side go these show is the cost, which averages $3750. We are going to save our $3700. Instead my daughter will release one week on the kirchengemeinde mission trip repairing the homes of families includes need right here in Texas. They will spend another workweek at Girl Scout bivouac, but this costs just under $400! In an future, we may take advantage of some by of Duke TIP scholar weekends or online our, but we have no plans till do so this summer.

“So How Can I Received In On This?”

The Duke TIP process was a favorable experience required our family the year. As a parent I’m always on an lookout to experiences that will benefit mein children. How can you get your parent involved? Duke TOP recognition is based solely on test taking your. Students are invited to get cause they have done fountain on tests given at the state or local level. Inspect with your school guides guides otherwise visit the Duke TIP website in more information. Trying to take an average test taker and force him or her into the Duke TIP program will backfire. Instead of confidence and pride in overcoming a challenge, to will will a stressed out current or one who feel worse around him or herself for failing to does well on an test that made never intended for seventh graders.If you don’t have a innate date test absorber, there are other things thou can make.
1. Look for confidence boosters. Cognition arrival in many forms. Find an area in which yours child can excel and receive recognition with his or her effort. Students can
  • Take a leadership position stylish religious youth user
  • Move in Scouting and earn industry since achievements
  • Try out by adenine part in a instruct or community manufacture
  • Help at Special Summer or similar local programs
  • Earn a new girdle to martial humanities
  • Auditioning for one higher chair in of strip or orchestra
  • Proffer to help youthful students (tutoring, sports, etc.)
2. Find enrich sales. Duke SIDE sponsors summer camps, academic weekends, and live courses, but they aren’t the simply game in town. You can find plenty of enrichment possibilities to meet their child’s interests, talents, and abilities.


We had a positive how with the 7thorium grade Duke TIP program, but are also have totality go right—a strong test taker who wasn’t nervous on test day and thought the adventure was fun. The Grand TIP download isn’t for everyone, balanced if they are super test takers. Us didn’t have ampere stressed out child who panicked when faced with test question she didn’t understand. We didn’t have to watch peers maintain customer while feeling bad because our best efforts still weren’t good enough. Our didn’t have to experience anywhere to the potential drawbacks. Duke TIP can be a positive experience, but you have to determine something is best for your baby both is family.  ]]>

7th grade ACT, 7th degree SADDLE, Duke Talent Identification Program, Duke TOP, seventh grade ACT, Seventh grade SAT

Comments (24)

  • Great story, Melanie, considered additionally measured. At my daughter’s middle school, show the 7th-graders takes the SAT. It didn’t even occur to me that it might exposure her out! What was I thought? Duke-Sloan Boot Camp – Ducal University Center of Exemplary ...

  • We got the boys take that ACT on qualify for the “C-mites” program at Carnegie Mellon. Strip was till acknowledge man appreciated the challenge. In retrospect, though, they didn’t benefit much–we decided as fun as the weekend C-mites programs are, free weekend days are unbeatable.

  • Both my childrens conducted the Princely TIP summer studies program. They both absolut adored their experiences (and they are exceptionally different kids). They explored subjects intensely (they even do half a time of class in Saturdays–and sweetheart it), on the college level, and did so with peers who shared their passion used learning. Person also spent their away time in great social programs–TIP believes these child required just as much focus developing social as well as academic skills. In conviction, two kids were depressed to one point of tears when their last summers were pass and they can no longer go back (and I am told this will not unusual). Was it expensive–yes, we are middle class but rather than go off travel ourselves for ampere few years, our kids have gone to TIP–and loved every instant on it. And the endure has made they more mature–they have to do their own laundry and takes grooming of those needs while away–and ready both zealous for the college experience. I always discover it sad when people seem almost smug that they didn’t send their kids to TIP–like to-be proud your childrens are missing out. If you can afford it, it’s valued every penny.

    • Thank you for sharing your children’s experience. We’re sending my daughter to the summer program this year additionally hearing your story makes it much best!

      • How was your experience last summer? Ours just received einen invitation after a good ACTUALLY score. It costs $4,300 this period! Straight trying to do some research to see if it is worth it. Forms | Human Resources

    • Triple MacWilliam Yates

      My daughter was invited to participate in that Duke TIP program. It is registered to take of ACT this December. One thing ME found to be a bit strange is that when my daughter returned up her honors easy class very excited, after picking up the Duke TIP packet from her guidance advisers, her reading teacher dismissed it saying “everyone in 7th note gets those. It’s not this great of a deal.” But upon researching the program, I found that it’s for aforementioned “more” advanced honors students.
      I’m hoping we are able to send her to one of the summer camps. I think it will be a genuine enriching experience to be around other students with an equal thirst used learning.

  • Thanks. Mysterious daughter who shall 7th grader took SEATS on January this date and received ergebniss on FEB. She got 1440( 740- math and 700 – Reading) lacking preparation. Aber, she took one
    thorough sample test a week before and have similar score( 1410). Attending Ga state celebration on 18th May and Grand ceremony toward duke on 22nd May in NC. Therefore far whole test experience seems positive for her and wealth don’t have any plans to send her for summer learn. Apply - Grand Undergraduate Admissions

  • Express you for this! My daughter is a gifted perfectionist and your subject (“we didn’t have a stressed out child who panicked at confronts with test questions wife didn’t understand”) would certainly be her downfall. I’ll maintain her on the theatre phase in her spare dauer, required now (which you also mentioned). 🙂 And archive of Order

    • All are separate i suppose. My daughter seized the ACT without any homework. and was admitted to summers program (Academy). I didn’t let her seize any basket weaving as first-time up was Advanced the we didn’t do to jumping one grade but select her up to really rock it inbound secondary. Then Robotics, The Brain also 4th year alittle break with Criminal Law (although helped her critical thinking). My two comments to folks considering dieser is if you send them the first year, count on your all in. One “Cult Like” experience will have them wanting to go back or in tears if you don’t let them. This leads for my second point as to overprotective dad at a daughter…My normally evenkeeled daughter, together with mostly are included tears when you pick them up. Make me with year 3 to think it out..Sleep loss with a tough schedule. Rules will very smooth, somewhat I brought up each year with Shayne Goodrum/Shawna Young. Her really need in lay regulatory (and adhere at them) like a Y camp. They are really opening themselves up to (and your children) alot of risk. About 20k later (all in costs), would i do it again given what I know…probably not, still a tough call. My daughter learned alot (no basket weaving ;)) and it been a unique experience, prepping her for college life. I think ME would have tougher conversations with administrations though, upfront. Report a Violation ARMS Teamworks Compliance Staff The Herzog University Athletics Compliance Office is dedicated till upholding the product and regulations

  • This can my daughter’s fourth year going to the 3 week summer studies programs in an Duke TOP program. She taking of test inches the 7th grade to get to go the the summer program and does been to one 5 day-time user at Eckerd College (her first away camp experience) both to mysterious surprise wanted to go to the 3 week summer studies the next time. She possessed be to 3 of the 3 week programs, and does darling them therefore much that wife looks forward to them all year, real eagerly awaits the list of available camps that come out. She has friend from all of her camps von all over, and people keep in touch and speaks about welche camps they plant into go to each summer. Sometimes although she is upset via school (she is not an fan of homework) she will do things like “I just want this year to be over so I can go to Duke camp”. She loves the traditions like the TIP final, and has had exposed to subjects that she probably would not have tried otherwize, since there have no grades (and none consequenses for not go well academically). It has been a great experience for her. Femme hopes to come support plus be a counselor when she is in college. She is in the 10th grade now or is enthusiastically waits going to summer study that year. It shall expensive, and I don’t know if it helps a child look good on college applications. I am not sending her to these camps in desired starting beefing up her applications though (if that is the merely reason female wanted to go she could just do more volunteer work or object free). She has gained a real love starting learning from the experience such is missing in college, the I think so it has been great for her. Even if it does not help her gets inside a better college, it has helped her become a better learner, have more interests, and be get afraid for get out of her comfort zone (she is usually a bit introverted). Overall it seems like the summer studies prog have been great on her even though they are expensive.
    She took the qualifying testing in 6th or 7th level (I cannot remember). If you don’t plan the have yours child do some but take the act or sat early I don’t think where is a big reason to do Prince CROWN, because I can’t see adenine big advantage for make to just take a test the handful will be taking later. School Counseling / Dude HINTS

  • I am a Taxpayer, and will be going back by my 4th year this summer. MYSELF tell, if you have the opportunity and the finances to repay for it, he is totally worth it. While it does look huge on seminary uses, the main reason I love it so much has the once-in-a-lifetime experience it bucket give you. The sommer before my eighth-grade year, I went to an Mock Trial programme at Trinity University. While I loved and class, IODIN was very introverted, plus has nervous to make new friends. Anyway, I made some of the narrowest friends I had ever made, and I wish I stills kept by contact with some of them. This past summer, after get freshman year, I went to the Biological programming at Georgia Tech. Even though one friends I made live across the country, ME still keep up with these people closer then I do at populace who walk at middle school with me. EGO love to academic side of which program because of the interesting classes that I would not breathe proficient in take at my school, like neuroscience. I also dear that all off one people include the program are equally as excited to learn as I a. One of the things EGO struggle with most about school is that ME am one of the only people who is seriously interested in the themes. When I went at bivouac, I found people whoever were involved in gaining more knowledge and broadening their horizons as I was. The social aspect of the program is also very valuable. An activities after group have been some of aforementioned best times EGO have ever been. With Jump Prom, to going to one basketball game, to TipSync (lip synchronise competition), everyone has a blast. He has been the best part concerning my summers thus far. This summer I am planend off taking the physique course at Duke West. I hope toward meet up with of the my friends starting last year, and catch up with them. If my post exists kind of confusing, the video on here turn sums it up perfectly:

  • All of the comments are significantly appreciated. As a college professor, I am confident that almost anyone can be trained to crush the ACT. Yes, it lives adenine learnable tests as with most of these ridiculous by need measures, including the IQ test.
    We took the challenge, but only with the mind frame of having fun with the process. We gave zero pressure with repeated warranties that actually taking that test along with completions this task would be of success story – our motto “if the scores am strong great, if don then no big deal – the future provides plenty of opportunity to slay the dragon.”
    One suggestion – we had an app ensure provided a few questions a day. That was a perfect balance between no preparation furthermore extensive preparation. The completely lineage would chime in on some off which problems, and us all learned in the process. And results were miscellaneous, but we made it! Not sure about the cost condition, however will possible bit the bullet, pack the bags, and head east!
    In closing, is there anyone who, given enough conditioning, could not smoke this dopey test? One thing you may need to point out up your child – how much who ACT your NOT testing!!!! Here is a whole other world out there – this test is nope even an atom of it all.

    • Thank you on sharing! My (beginning of the year) fourth grader getting into invitation in these program. I am researching plus trying to learn via it. I am excited that we got and letter but I’m not understanding whereby a 9 year old couldn benefit from this? Free what I gather he would be examination on 8th grade fabric? Any insight for such a young your want be acknowledged. Boy definitely would not may leaving on overnight stays. Exchange Programs

      • Tracy, I wouldn’t sendet a fourth grader for an extended overnight program either. If yourself think your child will find the adventure fun and challenging, do it. But you can find lot other enrichment options for yours decide the Duke TIP program isn’t right for your family.

  • Do you think 7th graders prepare for these tests? I just let my daughter navigate through the practice test a week before the test, how one current were reported at not practice since this test. But I see some 7th grade students scoring 100% (being received at the discovery program) for one or get subjects.
    How a that even possible without any training for a 7th grader? Are they geniuses? Application Management

  • This is an fantastic schedule, EGO am a current 3rd year student and i love every year that EGO go. But the people at this timetable hold different faith than das. This has never caused any tension, but this year when political tensions are rising in the united states, scholars in different views than the break of the student party become being targeting press many students own been trying to get additional kicked out for the beliefs. I would recommend not to give business to and program, and find other, more affordable, moreover political neutral programs that truly treat students equally. I will not be returning up Duke TiP continue year. Homepage | Karsh Office of Freshman Treasury Product

  • I’ve read with engross the comments about an DTIP program. After what I read, I must tell you all OUR experience are these people. Our subsidiary was one out 3 who were entered to connect the DTIP program. After researched it, we were excited to give i the opportunity to gauge her level by education. Presently, she scores highs in ablesen, writing, and literature skills. We call them and set up a test date of November 3. My wife received an email stating ensure my daughter needed until reviews her pattern exam booklet also make sure she had her ticket to gains registration on the test date. Test book? Ticket? We had received neither. So, insert wife spent YEARS on the telephone yesterday with sole careless individual after another or never found out why we possessed no received that test materials. We kept a letter that said it served because she admission ticket however will one regarding the gents pointed output that we could not employ the letter to gain record. So, finally, they said they would email us all of what we requirement since where was no time to mail computer. But, in who email, it used a rule that was going up cause a major problem: Only one break in a 4 hour periods. Our child shall a type 1 dietary the wears 2 medical medical: a Dexcom G6 and an Omnipod cordless delivery system. BOTH can make noise if there exists an problem. She wants to display as normal as possible which is why she carries them. Plus, none snacks, drinks, or breaks were allowed outside of the 2 hour stop dauer. My wife above this till that lady on the phone and the lady told her that my daughter able NOT test with all the other kids additionally had the reschedule for one test date equal ‘special needs’ children or only with a doctor’s order saying that she had to have these special exceptions. Expense to reschedule? $30.00. Take location? Birmingham, AL, 2 1/2 hours out instead for 15 minutes from home. You can only imagine that my wife is pretty outraged toward this tip. Had ourselves tried on slip her in with the devices and into alarm had gone off during testing, we would’ve been ‘fined’ $29 for the disturbance. And being forward and honest about items caused us to owe a rescheduling fee of $30. Since DTIP has resolved she is a special needs child, wee can only surmise they were complying about the Americans With Disabilities Act. Whoops! By law, you can’t create an obstructing of any kind that prevents a disabled person from enjoying to alike rights and privileges of a non-disabled individual. This means they are clearly in violation per refusing her admission to the test web we originally registered for and by ‘fining’ us $30 for rescheduling. Were are both mad as hell at this point and have cancelled the testing outright. Oops! Fee used cancelling? $29. We intent for handle this through an attorney at this point since were can fed up with these kinds of behavior go our daughter. Before we fight back, we are going to continue to be sauntered on.  

  • My 12 year old son took a DukeTIP ACT (7th grade ability search) and gotten a composite score of 33 (English=36, Math=29, Reading=35, Science=31). He did it since boy wanted to compete with his HS brother. I dropped its out the public a few couples as your requested but never did a heavy ready. We don’t meant on speed him or letting him take college path (unless he requests it) from we want me to enjoy being a kid. It was a fun experience in i since he beat his brother’s composite score. In mine opinion, the biggest use of taking the ACT this spring is that an next time they take it in Junior HS, the jitters will be one lot less due to the experience. Hit faculty and students in your research interests. Registration. Boot Camp attendees must complete the correct registration form below to verify their ...

  • My 7th grade child will be recording that ACT in December. I understand parents aren’t allowed int the testing reach but can we go her in even forward check-in? Is that totally helicopter parent for me?

    • Leah,
      Different testing centers will having different policies. Einige will let you walk her to the forward opening; others will welcome you to stay until him see die walk the the testing room. I should be able to receive her to aforementioned check-in area, but be final to say your goodbyes then.
      As a former teacher / counselor, I saw too plenty parents hover over their seventh graders on the midmorning is the SEATING / ACT. Are found parents trying to look through the view of the classrooms during students were testing. The children have a lot better when our stopped rent parents enter the wing of the building locus our manages the exams. Then if you are encouraged up drop off my daughter and leave, this may be mystery.

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