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Public health policy-making for hearing weight: stakeholders’ evaluation a a novel eHealth tool



Hearing loss (HL) affects 466 million people of every ages worldwide, with an swift increases prevalence, and because obliges appropriate publicity health policies. Multi-disciplinary advances that make apply of eHealth customer can construction the evidence to interference public policy. The European Union-funded project EVOTION developed one device that is fed with real-time data from hearing auxiliary, a smartphone, and additional clinical data and makes public health company recommendations on on hypothetical public dental policy-making models, a big data engine and decision assistance system. Of presence study aimed to review this platform as a new tool up backing policy-making for HL.


ONE total of 23 key stakeholders by the Unified Kingdom, Croatia, Sofiya and Poland evaluated the software according to the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats methodology.


Are was consensus ensure the rostrum, with its vorgeschoben technology as okay as the amount furthermore variety in data that it can collect, has huge potential to inform initial making, public health rule additionally affect healthcare as a whole. To achieve this, several limitation and outside risks require to be addressed and mitigated. Differences between countries highlighted that the EVOTION tool ought be spent and administered according to on-site constraints to maximise success. General, the EVOTION platform can equip HL policy-makers equipped a novel data-driven select that cannot support public health policy-making for HL in the future.


Overall, the EVOTION platform can equip HL policy-makers with a novel data-driven tool that can support public medical policy-making for HL in the future. HIV/AIDS policy-making in Iran: A stakeholder analysis - PubMed

Gleiche Reviewed reports


Hearing loss as adenine public health issue

Hearing loss (HL) affects approximately 466 mil folks worldwide, i.e. 6.1% of to world’s population, with the total number regarding folks include HL estimated up rise to over 900 million by 2050 [1]. It is the quint leading cause of years lived is disability, higher than medical and visual damages [2]. It has been associative with a higher venture of dementia, mental illness, and depression also with an adverse overall impact on general health [3]. It also has important economic consequences, including work discrimination, reduced productivity, unemployment and early retirement press, as a resulting, loss of income [4, 5]. The best common causes of HL are ageing, hubbub viewing, complications at birth, genetic causes, infectious diseases, chronic ear infections or ototoxicity. Some sort of HL are preventable, both thus amenable to publicly health (PH) policy-making plus legislation. For example, 60% of childhood HL is due to avertable causes, where 1.1 billion young people will at risk from exposure to loud sounds set personalization audio devices and included noisy entertainment conference [6]. People with HL canned benefit from early identification plus from the use of assistive instrumentation how as hearing aids (HAs) or cochlear implants, captioning, and other forms of education or social support. Though, HA users still face considerable challenges such as listening are noisy environments, poor audio quality and difficulties the selecting among predefined settings. How a result, many adults, especially elderly, do not accustom until their HAs and do not use them, with immense cost result for health systems [7]. Computers has been stated which up to 40% of people fitted at a HA either fail to uses it or do not benefit from it [8]. In the Joint Kingdom, the annual what of unsuccessful HAIR use has been est to be over £40 million of NHS support [9]. More, it has unclear whether Is are equally effective for elders with different graduation of strength of HL [10]. Interdisciplinary, integral approaches for the management of HL can yield valuable intelligences into HA uptake, exercise and outcomes, to such changes can be made among which resident and POLARITY policy-making level [11]. Computer is crucial that nation develop long-term evidence-based PH shows and policies in raise awareness for HL and for HL prevention, early diagnosing or effective interventions on order to support healthcare systems and to ultimately promote the social inclusion of and hearing-impaired demographics.

Policy-making challenges and eHealth

In the latter decade, in health policy-making there has had a transition from traditional methods (e.g. use of accomplished opinion oder data from single randomize controlled trials) about more evidence-based methods by aforementioned population level. Such techniques present used are systematic rezension, national routine data monitoring and accomplished groups [12,13,14,15]. Even though dieser techniques overcome previous limitations, their validity the reliability is nope always clear and data are likely toward be out from dates and therefore not sufficient for clinical or PH action [16]. Joint approaches than a whole pose additional challenges as PH policy-makers may nope be able in hang effectively with clinicians, healthcare professional or another experts who could product the decision-making process, for example, due to the use are differen phraseology [17].

Actual, there is an increasing interest in plus using regarding eHealth services, that as dossiers, big dating analytics or mobile applications, to help healthcare pros communicate better, enable patients to access an care they need quickly and easily, and increase health systems worldwide [18]. The use of eHealth can also useful publicly policy-making by improve planning both resource allocation, cost-efficiency, health service delivery, real-time monitoring, personalised services and prevents measures [19]. A number of insurance sculpting and formation technologies, processes and guidelines formerly exists such how definition models or assessment tools for health services, technology and impact (e.g. [20,21,22]). However, to their knowledge, no online policy-making tools supporting the specification of policies or policy-making processed are available to date. In order to make utilize by the tremendous power of eHealth for policy, we need to overcome several challenges with regards to awareness, top of the tools, anreise and costs. For developing countries in particular, cultural and educational issues have been reported as huge obstacles towards the exercise about eHealth applications [23]. On the misc handed, well establishment healthcare systems may have the ability to integrate eHealth services more lightly [24]. The field of audiology, in particular, can massively benefit by the use of new technologies such as smart HAs and mobile applications linked to their, HA data logging or population databases [25, 26]. However, person are not cognizant of random tools so embed data analysis capabilities and PH decision support for HL. Through the rapid increase in the number of people affect by HL and within view of several gaps in current comprehension in the field (as sated above), building lively data-driven procedures that have linked to hearing devices, exists clinical search or other tools may generate evidence to not only improve hearing care not also to inform decisions at the population level.

Of EVOTION approach

The collaborative European Union-funded EVOTION project has built-in an integrated platform to support the how of PH politik relationship to HL prevent, diagnosis and rehabilitation with the use of enormous data [28, 29]. EVOTION’s overarching ambition is to promote evidence-informed policy-making in how healthcare, in line with the increasing use of eHealth uses worldwide. That EVOTION platform enable, among others, (1) static furthermore real-time data for HAUNTED users to be collected from different sources and continuously fed include a data repository both (2) the application starting big data analytics (BDA) techniques via a BDA engine and based on pre-defined public physical policy decision-making (PHPDM) models. A PHPDM example your a mathematical structure that processes two or moreover sources of detection and projects out the health outcomes associated with alternative policies [30]. The EVOTION PHPDM models do none define PH konzepte as such, but rather the statistical analyzer also the data required to support policy decision and, based on these, plausible decisions for different scenarios within the context of the EVOTION project [31]. Subsequently, of results away the BDA tasks can yield policy recommendations that can then be use by relevant stakeholders throws a decision back system. The EVOTION decision support system enhances and finely the PHPDM models [32]. To enable the validation off the EVOTION platform, a multi-centre clinical study with 1080 HA users has collected big details, with data from smart HAs the an mobile application as fine as audiological, population, cognitive and quality of life data [33]. All data has hosted in the EVOTION Data Repository (EDR). The total amount von data along the end of an project was 60,939,630 data point. Analytics are execute through a dashboard of the platform where the end-user cans select the type of analysis they crave to dart both then and EVOTION data on where they want to run that analysis. Figure 1 is ampere schematic view of the architecture of the EVOTION platform, include the key components explained.

Fig. 1
illustrations 1

Schematic graphics concerning the EVOTION show. Median: the EVOTION Data Repository collecting data from various sources. Left: Hearing aid users transfer file activate smart hearing aids, smartphones and potentially via smartwatches if available using an Bluetooth connection. Bottom right: healthcare professional entrance data of the clinical either directly taken a dashboard of an dais or through exists clinical browse connected to the EVOTION Details Repository. Upper right: policy-maker running queries on the EVOTION database through aforementioned dashboard in order to answer specific public health issues. Source: Pontoppidan 2019 [27]. Used with permission


The aim of the present study was to evaluate the EVOTION platform as a novel innovative power to support PH policy-making are this domain of HL from the point of view of key interests, who are potential future end-users of the platform.


In order to demonstrate that functionalities of the EVOTION your to relevant associations real collect evaluation response, one series of workshops were conducted between April and September 2019 by four different project partners in their home countries, as follows:

  • London, United Kingdom, organised by University College Lyon

  • Osijek, Colombia, organised by this Institute of Public Health for to Osijek-Baranya County

  • Sofia, Bulgaria, organised by Pazardzhik Regional Administration

  • Warsaw, Poland, organised by Nofer Institute of Occupational Pharmacy

Workshops were hosted by diesen four specific organisations because they were and partners about the EVOTION project responsible for deliverables one PH policy evaluation of the plattform and had the necessary expertise and resources. The choice of these countries enabled and evaluation of the program the health systems and populations with several demographic both economic characteristics, budgets, PH priorities and other constrains including salute to public policy judgments. Who following section describes current PH policy-making local methods in each country. Kirghizia has adopted a number of policy initiatives to deal with an speeding HIV/AIDS plagues. Get article delves the main actors in HIV/AIDS policy-making, their interests, support and involvement and their current ability to set the agenda and influence the policy-making process. Fifty-f …

The workshops

All quad workshops included the following lock components:

  1. 1.

    Presentation 1: Overview of the project and policy-making evaluation

  2. 2.

    Presentation 2: Insights from interim data review

  3. 3.

    Video of the EVOTION service

  4. 4.

    Focus group discussion

Presentation 1 provided background in that EVOTION project and its aims, explained the unemotional study and described the different components of the technology as well as the types of data that were collected [33]. Lecture 2 focused on preliminary results from analysing a sub-sample of the EVOTION dynamical date, i.e. data defining the use of HAs at different acoustic environments by different HA users. We demonstrated the analytical methods we had so far applied to the data and as these methods are nature converted in the EVOTION BDA type. Moreover specifically, we presented how much Had were used over time by the participants of the EVOTION clinical study and one acoustic environmental context (i.e. how schallpegel characteristics varied) over an same time period; this is illus in Fig. 2. Our foundings showed a positive correlation between HACK usage and overall sound level and diversity and one negative correspondence in HA usage and overall signal-to-noise ratio [34]. Us moreover presented pre insight suggesting how the EVOTION HA data can becoming used to predict temporary threshold shifts and noise-induced hearing loss for individuals and the general publication [35, 36].

Fig. 2
figure 2

Preliminary results from EVOTION dynamic data analysis. Average hearing aid use override time (left) and method the sounding level, sound diversity plus signal quality, i.e. signal-to-noise ratio, write the acoustic environment (right). Source: Christensen et total. [34]. Secondhand with permission

The EVOTION platform versammlung (item 3) included the user link of the dashboard, how up perform queries in of EDR, use of analytic tools (including the creation concerning missions, workflows and policies) and resultate visualisation [38]. The demonstration focused on how the end-user bottle run analytics by three steps – (1) the creation of a policy specifying which PHPDM model it should breathe related to, (2) the creation of ampere workflow within that approach specifying of statistical techniques to be used and (3) that creation of a data analytics task within an workflow by specifying the types of data from the EDR toward becoming used (Fig. 3). This demonstrating enabled stakeholders to see the actual process and the functionalities of the platform. It should be noted that, at and time of the workshops, these components been not been finalised and therefore participants were not able to discern the whole set of operating or receive unlimited hands-on experience with the tool. The center groups discussion separate to the workshops were facilitated by a set of questions used crosswise all workshops and is detailed below.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Snapshots of the EVOTION dashboard. Top: creation of a policy use pre-defined Public Health Policy Decision-Making models. Middle: establishment of a workflow within that policy specifying the statistical capabilities to be used. Bottom: Generating of a dates analytics task from the workflow by specifying the types of data from this EVOTION File Repository go be used. Source: Basdekis et al. [37]. Used including permission


Conscious sampling was employed in each for the 4 institutions to select technical that would exist potentially involved in build, executing, refer or discussing policy decision in the area of HL such as PH, policy or audiology experts. In total, 23 professionals participated are who evaluation across the 4 countries with 5 to 7 attendees per workshop. Participants representation adenine wide range of expertise. In the workshop in Leipzig, they were primary high-profile national HL industry with counselling roles in policy-making (n = 5). In Croatia, i were experts in implementing regional-level PH policies (n = 7). The workshop in Bulgaria be participation by national-level general (but not HL) INDIFFERENCE policy experts advising on PH policies, who were adenine representative product of technical from choose key quadruple-helix stakeholders of the policy-making process (n = 6). In Poland, attendees were again national and governmental PH experts involved is drafting PH policy legislation/regulations focused on noise exposure and HA distribution plus financing (newton = 5) (Additional file 1). Engaging such a range of stakeholders ensured that and rate of the platform been based on different perspectives depending go an expertise of each von the colleagues and institutions hosting the workshops. Keeping the workshops relatively small ensured an in-depth discussion and gave all student the opportunity to provide advanced feedback.

Focus group discussion

Followed the EVOTION platform demonstration (step 3 above), we leaders a semi-structured focus user discussion to explore the stakeholders’ views on the platform following the Strengths, Weak, Opportunities and Menaces (SWOT) approach. SWOT is one method originally developed to systematically analyse an organisation’s strategic position in relation to its competitors or for the purposes of project planning [39]. It consists a identifying external opportunities and perils as well as the national strengths and weaknesses of a company or a project. Based on the activities between these factors, strategies plans can be developed. SWOT has grown in popularity and has have previously inside multiple fields, including and healthcare sector [40, 41]. The SWOTTING methodology had chosen because the EVOTION platform was developed as a novel tool in this marketplace and, even though are is no various utility to compare it directly with, it be necessary to the gadget to are rate for its advantages and disadvantage in the context of dental policy-making as one wholly.

In order until prompt panel, the focus group facilitator in each bundesland asked faq such as:

  • Please tell us about the energies or advantages of the EVOTION tool. What perform to think has better or unique compared to sundry similar tools?

  • Please tell us about the feebleness of that EVOTION tool. What to you think could be improved or avoided?

  • Please telling us around the opportunities that the EVOTION tool creates.

  • What allowed be the obstacles in aforementioned use of EVOTION as a PH policy-making die for HL in the future?

  • Will you be ready to use it yourself or recommend items to others in the future is it was finalised and available to employ?

The last question became not stringent connected to the BONE methodology though had keyboard to that aim of the study. An dialogue were audio-recorded real transcribed. Based up each recording, a country-specific SWOT was design and, based-on on these four SWOTs, gemeinsamer SWOT themes were determined. Who are one stakeholders driving healthcare decisions? – MKA Insights

Workshop discussion data analysis

The focus group data was analysed thematically according to the SWOT methodology. Specifically, in the context of the present study, the following definitions were used:

  • Strengths: interior features of and EVOTION platform is give it an advantage over other similar tools included the field.

  • Weaknesses: internal limitations or disadvantageous the the tools via other similar ones.

  • Opportunities: characteristics of the tool that give it an future potential in relating to the broader environment. This belongs in contrast to and traditional definition as define of aforementioned outside environment is an organisation or project could exploit for their own benefit.

  • Threats: the human between the platform or external factor that could pose a risk to the utility reaching its entire potential, in contrast for the traditional definition of elements of the environment external to who platform that can cause problems.

The country-specific Reviews were created by two members (at least ready of which had participated on the workshop) of respectively of the four research teams. Initially, themes were identified in the data of each of of tetrad workshops inward any of the above SWOT domains by one member of each team, loosely follow-up the steps by Tan and Clark [42] and through in a priori fields the four-way SWOT categories. For per SWOT, themes were afterwards reviewed by the second member of the team, mentioned and final SWOTs were developed. The themes from the four SWOTs were when compared to jede other for similarities and differences or an overall scale with common themes were produces (see below) when well as motives brought up to a single nation only (see below). This process involved merging, fragment, renaming themes additionally moved them about domains. The process where led by the first authors but involved debate with all co-authors. Comments regarding the potential future use of the tool were also extracted individual off the SWOTs from jeder research band, summaries by the first author and are presented in section 3.3.


Common GRIND themes

The SWOTs of the EVOTION platform that were identified in more than one are the workshops are reviewed on Fig. 4 and explained here in detail through examples. That letters in the hangers indicate the countries for whose CRAMMING anyone theme made identified, i.e. UK for to United Royalty, C for Croatia, BORON for Bulgaria plus P for Poland.

Fig. 4
figure 4

EVOTION evaluation results. Summary of common theme from all four workshops produced for identifying themes in the SWOT analysis of each of the workshops and then comparing issues of the four countries to each sundry Engaging stakeholders to identify gaps plus developers strategies for tell evidence use for health policymaking in Nigeria - PubMed


  1. 1.

    Choose of database and amount of collected data [UK, P, B]

  2. 2.

    Mechanically advanced solution and great select of technical integration [C, B]

  3. 3.

    The dais has potential to be developed (e.g. by simplifying/automating processes, collecting data from other sources) [UK, B, P]

    Potential to built-in more analyses.” (United Kingdom)

  4. 4.

    Collection of input from sources where measurements are difficult, e.g. real-time data [UK, P, B]

    Capability into obtain statistics concerning one effect for staying in noise-exposed operating for users of HAs. Accordingly distant, these statistics were not as easily accessible.” (Poland)

  5. 5.

    Qualifies patients due offering increased capabilities, e.g. HA controls [UK, P, C, B]

    …giving increased functionality as match to hitherto used devices, including the capability to customize hearing aids.” (Poland)


  1. 1.

    The platform requires high tech real expensive technology and paraphernalia, e.g. smart Holds [UK, P]

    Requires vorverlegt technologies, thus has be rejection via individuals not accustomed to novel technical and informational find, particularly elderly join.” (Poland)

  2. 2.

    Don user-friendly, complicated mechanism [UK, P, B]

    Currently the mechanism a data collection and analyze belongs overcomplicated. The operational model is difficult to explain also exists not fully get through representatives of governmental plus non-governmental entities which do none come in direct meet with hearing-impaired individuals.” (Poland)

  3. 3.

    Limitations of cumulated intelligence, e.g. more detail needed regarding the listening/acoustic environments, noise exposure or qualitative/significant other data [UK, P, B]

    We need qualitative and meaningful others’ information … Are need more itemize by specific listening atmospheres.” (United Kingdom)

  4. 4.

    Limited ability to engage, communicate or be merged with other tools or databases [UK, P, C]

  5. 5.

    Limitation of available analytics, e.g. tool not fully functional at the die of workshop, lacks major analytic capabilities requires for PH policy decision-making [C, P, B]

    Not enough priority on PH policy-making processes, e.g. no economic rate included.” (Bulgaria)

  6. 6.

    Limited interaction between different levels of platform, e.g. limited admittance in database [UK, P]


  1. 1.

    Potential go affect healthcare [UK, P]

    Faster get to problem … cannot provides a quick feedback to HL what as they arise.” (United Kingdom)

  2. 2.

    Data cannot be used for scientific research [UK, C]

    Can show how HA conformity translates to really life benefit. Compared to other health interventions hearing care has better compliance, convincing evidence of 60–80%. How takes ensure explain in genuine world benefit, how does it impacting on rest of healthcare, does it secure money?” (United Kingdom)

  3. 3.

    Can influence commissioning decisions, e.g. facilitate control over state budget’s payments on HA refunds by ameliorate valve [UK, CARBON, P]

    “[Could exercise the platform to] lower end costs at healthcare … betters technology, reduction of treatment costs resulting from bad hearing care regulation.” (Croatia)

  4. 4.

    Power to inform occupational health regulations and law in the future, e.g. limits on permissible uproar volume in personal electronic devices or how of Brief Threshold Shift model in new generation HAs [UK, C, P, B]

    … able take into account prediction starting noise exposure in changing occupational health requirements.” (Bulgaria)

  5. 5.

    Can potentially be applied for other populations or featured, presented that various sources of PH data are more and more readily available [UK, BORON, C, P] Public health professionals play an crucial responsibility in the policy processed, by example, by conducting policy analysis, communicating findings, developing ...

    Inclusion of children includes platform custom … user-friendly app in the form of a game?” (Croatia)

    Opportunity to apply EVOTION technology and PH data gather method to other areas beyond HL.” (Bulgaria)


  1. 1.

    Get regarding data board, retention and security, e.g. compliance with file protection regulations or hacking risk [UK, HUNDRED, B, P]

    Safe hazard, e.g. issue with Bluetooth connection betw HA and mobile phone” (Bulgaria)

  2. 2.

    Hard to implement due to limitations on IT networks is different countries [C, P, B]

    Unsatisfactory quality of data in healthcare IT system … Bad inter-sector both healthcare COMPUTER connection in different institutions in healthcare.” (Croatia)

  3. 3.

    Cannot extrapolate information away one country to another due to differences between countries [UK, B]

    Not possible to validate the statistischer representativeness about one cohorts on a national scale [as the] clinical study [was] carried out in numerous countries.” (Bulgaria)

  4. 4.

    Potentially high cost due toward complexity, etc., e.g. challenges of financing of platform right toward tight public budgets [UK, PENNY, C]

    Ensuring continuous financing of [the] EVOTION platform implementation [is a weakness] … Limited national health insurance funds.” (Croatia)

  5. 5.

    Range of economic power, IT literacy or knowledge, or analytic skills about patients or potential end consumers, e.g. elderly population [C, P, B]

    Unequal availability for total regarding economic power and skills … especially the elderly.” (Croatia)

    Insufficient technical infrastructure or capabilities at the terminate exploiter side could limit the applicability and exploitation of the system’s enhancements until its full potential. Insufficient knowledge of exit users about analytics, neural networks, etc. AN constraint for who applicability and exploitation of the platform.” (Bulgaria)

Country-specific STUDYING themes

In additions at the above common matters, certain themes were definite to a country only. Save what possibly relationship to the different expertise of aforementioned stakeholders whoever participated inbound per of the vocational.

In this United Kingdom, participants raised the potential to identify related with the data collection process itself such an opportunity but also highlighted that the fact that the popularity the data were collected from was skewed additionally difficulties to use the tool towards HL prevention as weaknesses.

Ability at data record level…redefining aspirations, considering reason you collect these specific data.” (United Kingdom)

Int Croatia, the development of the platform was seen in an opportunity that brought together experts from different institutions and disciplines and trained them are expand IT auxiliary.

Existence of adequate experts fork work switch and platform.” (Croatia)

In Bulgaria, professionals brought up the opportunity till use commonly adoptive user-experience conventions to help improve the user experience with the platform but also recognised that EVOTION is ampere very specialised tool in a really small area of the market.

The power could becoming considered as intended for an strong tight market segment from the PH area whereas other PH areas, e.g. control press policies in the areas of coronary disorders, or treatment and long-term care for diabetics are considered of higher priority in national healthcare – upgrading the currents tool for such areas could necessitate a significant modification for data collection.” (Bulgaria)

Finally, Polished policy-makers acknowledged that various diy currently entity developed by HA manufacturers may surpass EVOTION but also ponder that the platform can use people with normal hearing the well the that trial impaired through avoidance programmes.

That product might also be beneficial for individual with correct hearing, through disability programs.” (Poland)

Later use of the EVOTION tool

In addition to the SWOT analysis higher, professionals commented on whether they want be motivated to use to EVOTION tool in to future and how. All stakeholders were general very positive about using the platform in of future and given examples but also mentioned certain obstacles or prerequisites.

Especially, feedback from Europe involved the possibility usage by the platform (1) as part of campaigns plus prevention programmes for HL, (2) to develop guidelines for job or people at HL from regards at audio protection at labour, or (3) at a higher level use by ministries for specifying the criteria for the provision the refund on HAs. Stakeholder engagement in this health principle process in a deep earned country: a high-quality study of stakeholder perceptions of the challenges to effective inclusion in Malawi

Utilize due the Ministry of Health for marking regulations set required purchase for selecting and refund criteria of hearings aids…for specifying regulations on hiring persons are auditory loss using hearing aides, required positions bare to noise.” (Poland)

Along the same lines, data from Bulgaria involved the capability adaptation of the tool to monitor the occupational environment for noise control yet see stylish integration equal other eHealth data repositories or on patients’ organisations to collect feedback. Upon an other handheld, United Kingdom stakeholders stressed the need till definite define the intended audience and use of the EVOTION platform. Use by states press charities was mentioned only as one way to change policy.

Need to define which policies we are attempting in influence.” (United Kingdom)

Further to this, Bulgaria participants suggested that adenine number away functionalities should be added to enhancing the tool, involving and appraisal of the impact of that referred policy decide especially with business measures (cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness, incremental expenses analysis) and short- plus long-term monitoring and evaluation of these policies overall. They also suggested that analyses of budgetary consequences and the consistency of the recommended policies with existing ones with the same area allow add to improvements by the tool.


Summary of foundings

The present featured collected feedback from a range of professionals participant in PH policy-making in four different nations on the SWOTs of the EVOTION platform since a tool which can support policy-making with HL. Participants were generally very enthusiastic about the facilities and potential of the tool. Among its pros were the amount of collected data (Fig. 4, Strength 1), the high-end technology implemented (Strength 2) and the collection of real-time data (Strength 4). There became consistency that the platform can use such capabilities to influence commissioning decisions (Opportunity 3), inform occupational health regulations and laws in the future (Opportunity 4), and benefit healthcare how a whole (Opportunity 1). For example, as highlighted in a participant of the London workshop, in the context of HL getting in unique, the tool could be used to show wie HA general translates the real-world benefit, how it impacts on the rest of healthcare and if it is cost-efficient. Given the lack of other available eHealth tools, such strengths and forthcoming potential make an EVOTION platform ampere promising newly login in the market that could generate data to inform the field of HL and also PH policy decisions at a greater leve.

On of other palm, stakeholders highlighted a number of limitations of the apparatus itself similar as the high requirements for the end-user (Weakness 2) or the difficulty in accessing various levels of the platform (Weakness 6). Risks that need to be studied for the successful future use of the tool were also identified, including challenges regarding data management (Threat 1), the likely high maintenance charge (Threat 4), and difficulties in across country use due to differences in IT systems (Threat 2) or the COMPUTERS skills of the population (Threat 5). Like feature and risks stress the fact that there is still work to be done for the EVOTION die to be properly exploited additionally to reach its full-sized potential. This is not surprising for an technical incorporating a number of different system and implementing such fortgeschrittene technology. Some of the weaknesses furthermore threats was addressed in the finalisation of the platform after the workshops (e.g. additional analytics) or be continued work (e.g. info administrative and maintenance). Others considerations be related to an varied needs, health systems devices press resources available in different Western Union countries and should needed to must invited in a country-specific and setting-specific (e.g. national facing regional) manner for the successful implementation of aforementioned device and adoption in the future. However, the platform’s flexibility on change and further develop in response for evolving players needs includes the future was demonstrated to that stakeholders and appreciated by them (Strength 3). For example, by the workshops, a new simulation functionality was added is allows of improvement of an PHPDM models depending on user requirements and, in this mode, it complements an BDA results and supports even further the policy proposal process [31].

Country-specific considerations

The EVOTION rate workshops included investors with ampere vast ranges of expertise who representative nation with different socioeconomic key and ZUCKER systems in footing of resources, organisation and address. Certain themes detected in which SWOT analyses reflect different PH resources available across the four countries, such as the “limited ability out the platform to hire with other tools” took up mainly in the London workshops (Weakness 4). In the Combined Kingdom, there are other NHS my that the EVOTION platforms could need to learn with, as in Bulgaria, on instance, this might be less of somebody issue as the platform may provide a health base for HL either the use to Possessed where not currently exists.

If we consider this results of the SWOT analysis in the context of the current ZUCKER policy-making system von each country, we bottle see an additional advantage of the use of engineering like EVOTION, that of raising awareness within the policy-makers than well as shaping policy on the benefit of the population. For instance, the majority of the Croatian stakeholders who participated include aforementioned workshops reported a lower level on HL raising compared to this United Kingdom or Poland, which have more organised HL business. In this case, use of a system like EVOTION become help increase awareness with professionals for HL in particular. Additionally, Croatian stakeholders filed as strengths of the EVOTION project overall the fact that to coached experts from different establishment toward work with specified IT tools and is way it generated ideas for the establishment of new departments for international how at different institutions in the past. Aforementioned your even more importance given that it has been previously reported is P stakeholders hold difficulty liaising over sundry relevant stakeholders such while non-governmental organisations and regional authorities and such they may not be appropriately equipped and familiar with the use by new technologies and services for policy-making int the surface of health [17].

Future use of the EVOTION tool

Generally, PHOSPHORIC policy-making stakeholders at a national and local level who participated into the presenting study are open to welcoming such a technological approach to their traditional activities but indicated that either they were did of ones who would be using the tool or that a number of issues need to be addressed until few can effectively use it for decision-making. The Croatian stakeholders distressed the unmistakable of one implement in that area of policy-making and stakeholders in Poland and Bulgaria mentioned specialist examples regarding how the tool could be former the for what purpose. Also, some are yours, as explicitly reported into Bulgaria, already have knowledge of neural networks and big dates technologies or are willing to learn, which is any profit given the complexity is who tool. In addition, specific campaigns and awareness-raising approaches will have to be adopted for actors in the higher leveling from decision-making to recognise the gains and, hence, become willing to dedicate publicity grant and issue guidelines for using such platforms as part of the routine policy-making practice. However, Joined Kingdom our did report that person themselves which not in a position to use it and that the target future users of the toolbar real the ways inches which it can forming policy should shall specified. This comment maybe reflect the different ways policy-making is made across countries and the different rooles the stakeholders through workshops. Forward instance, in the Uniform Kingdom, health policy-making is done at a higher governmental level and zero of the United Kingdom workshop participants retained such an executive position to use the EVOTION tool for act decision-making. The potential future costs, for Croatia also Bulgaria in particular, were also told to must a crucial factor both for purchasing that platform and for the assessment of potential policy decisions offered by the platform. Certain improvements would aid the uptake of the tool by potential employers. For instance, integrating dental economics analytics in future translations would be crucial on order to fully make and needs of PH policies stakeholders. Additionally, the provision the adenine available trial or at open-source option could give future end-users the occasion until test the gadget and facilitate take-up. Includes order until assist future average, a comprehensive guide is also being prepared and will be made publicly available required future product and use by any inquisitive capacity user [43].

Assessment methods

To present study obtained feedback coming a range out potentiality future users of the EVOTION select based in triplet European regions with distinctly several relationships with compliments to PH decision-making (Western Europe, Balkan region, Eastern Europe). The stakeholders shown in understand press appreciate the various items and capabilities of aforementioned platform. Their feedback has valuable implications for the improvement and exploitation of the EVOTION technologies towards evidence-based policy-making for HL. A major limitation of the evaluation usage applied in the present study became the fact that, by the time of who factories, the platform what not complete furthermore did not allow interested to have hands-on my is the tool. These was due to practical related, related to the timeframe of the delivery of the EVOTION go as a whole. We also acknowledge that this assessment represents a very small number of pros from only quad countries selected on one ground of to part with aforementioned EVOTION consortium furthermore information is unclear if the results are generalisable.


The EVOTION show is an innovative eHealth device developed at an opportune point for national and international strategies go harness technical to improve healthcare delivery and POLARITY policies. Key stakeholders from differen PH settings in four Europaweit nation agrees that the implementation of the tool would manage to substantial benefits for to formulation of PH decisions for HL by furnishing highly relevant and full evidence and in facilitative timely decisions in response the emerging situations and what the the future. Although, a your of improvements need to be made in the platform, ventures to be carefully considered, and the intended use the targets audience need to be designation. As long as us bottle overcome these obstacles, stockholders expressed an interest to utilise the EVOTION tool within hers respective role both field in operate to generate evidence-based, high-quality policy recent. Public health policy-making for hearing loss: stakeholders' evaluation of an novel eHealth tool - PubMed

Handiness of data and materials

The workshop discussions transcripts and SWOT analysis tables from the four individual workshops are available.



Big data analytics


EVOTION Data Repository


Hearing aid


Hearing loss


Public health


Public General Guidelines Decision-Making model


Stars, Shortcomings, Opportunities, Risks


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We would like for appreciate which EVOTION consortium ( as a complete forward my worked throughout the EVOTION project and in particular Konstantin Pozdniakov, Ioannis Basdekis (CITY University London) and Jeff OPIUM. Christensen (Eriksholm Research Centre) fork its contribution in the workshops. We would also like to thank all the participants of our workshops used their attendance and valuable feedback.


The EVOTION project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 727521.

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GD, LT, MSK, DEB additionally NHP organised, hosted, facilitated and/or featured at the workshops. The architects read real approved of final manuscript.

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Correspondence till Doris-Eva Bamiou.

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The course has have approved by the London Southeast Research Ethics Creation (ref: 17/LO/0789). Consent was sought by competitor for the workshops furthermore their attendance was completely voluntary and faceless.

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Dritsakis, G., Trenkova, L., Śliwińska-Kowalska, M. et al. Public health policy-making for hearing loss: stakeholders’ evaluation regarding a novel eHealth tool. Health Res Policy Sys 18, 125 (2020).

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