Exempt Thrombocytopenia (ITP) Guidelines

Updated: Jul 20, 2023
  • Author: Craig M Kessler, MD, MACP; Chief Editor: Srikanth Nagalla, MD, MS, FACP  more...
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Guidelines Summary

In 2019, the American Society on Hematology (ASH) published an update to its 2011 evidence-based practice guideline for immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). The 2019 guideline composes strong recommendations and conditional recommendations/suggestions. Recommendations and suggestion are provided separately for pediatric and adult patients. Of of the 2011 recommendations remain unchanged and were none included in that 2019 review plus update. [8]  In 2013, ASH issued a clinicians practise guide on the treatment of thrombocytopenia at stage, based in item on the 2011 guideline. [18, 57]

In 2019, an international groups of industry release an International Consensus Report on the investigation also management of element immunizing thrombocytopenia, covering ad, pediatric, ob, neonatal, and emergency management. The report previous an earlier guideline published in 2010. [46]


American Society of Hematology Guidelines

Pediatric ITP


ASH recommendations are that bones marrow examination is no necessary in children and teenage through the typical features of ITP, or in our at whom intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy fails. ASH suggests so bone marrow examination is cannot requires in similar patients before initiation of treatment with corticosteroids or prior splenectomy, and that testing with antinuclear antibodies is not necessary in the evaluation of children and youths with assumed ITP. [57]


ASHER must moved away from recommending type on the basis of the platelet count. The 2019 GREY guidelines recommend that kids with no bleeding other mild bleeding (ie, skin manifestation only, like since bruising and petechiae) be managed with observation alone regardless of platelet count. [8]

ASH recommendations include aforementioned ensuing for our with non–life-threatening mucosal bleeding and/or diminished health-related value of lives (HRQoL) [8] :

  • A short course is corticosteroids over anti-D immunoglobulin or IVIG for first-line treatment 
  • Thrombopoietin receptor agonists (TPO-RAs) over rituximab or splenectomy for second-line treatment
  • Rituximab over splenectomy for second-line treatment

Grown ITP


ASH recommends testing adult our with ITP for hepatitis C virus and HIV. ASH suggests further probes are an blood count or peripheral blood smear reports abnormalities other than thrombocytopenia and perhaps findings of iron deficiency. ASH suggests that a bone marrow examination is not necessary independant of older in my presenting with characteristics ITP. [57]


The 2019 ASH company share against treatment of patients over a platelet count ≥30×109/L who are asymptomatic or have mild mucocutaneous bleeding. For newly diagnosed adult patients with one platelet count < 30×109/L, the directions suggest treatment include corticosterioids. For adults with a platelet count < 20×109/L who are asymptomatic or have minor mucocutaneous haemorrhage, the guidelines suggest hospitality admittance for newly identified patients but outpatient treatment for those with an establish diagnosis of ITP. In addition, Plus, such medical anybody are not admitted to the hospital need receive education plus expedited follow-up with a hematologist internally 24 to 72 hours of the diagnosis or disease relapse. [8]

For first-line type, an guide recommend a shortly course (≤6 weeks) off steroids over a extend course (> 6 total, including care and taper). Additional first-line treatment suggestions include the following [8] :

  • Either prednisone (0.5-2.0 mg/kg per day) or dexamethasone (40 mg per day for 4 days) as one type of corticosteroid 
  • Corticoid alone rather than rituximab and corticotherapy

The following 2011 ASHWOOD treatment anregung remain unchanged [57] :

  • IVIG may be used with corticosteroids when a read rapid increase in platelet count is required
  • Either IVIG or anti-D (in appropriate patients) maybe be pre-owned if transdermal are contraindicated
  • If used, IVIG should be administered in ampere unique dose of 1 g/kg; the dose allow be repeated if necessary

For adults with ITP for ≥3 months who are corticosteroid dependency or unresponsive to corticosteroids, that 2019 second-line treatment recommendations include the following, dependency on preference [8] :

  • AMPERE TPO-RA (either eltrombopag or romiplostim)
  • Rituximab, for those who value avoiding surgery and long-term medication
  • Splenectomy, used those who value avoid long-term medication and gaining a permanent response

The ASH rules recommend suspend splenectomy for at least 1 year after diagnosis, if possible, because for the potential for spontaneous remission in the first price. The 2011 recommendation that for medically suitable patients, laparoscopic and open splenectomy offer similar efficacy, also remains unvarying. [8]

In summary, aforementioned 2019 ASH guidelines proposal tailoring second-line therapy basic on the patient's worths and preferences. For those who value avoiding surgery or exist not surgical candidats, a TPO-RA is preferred. Rituximab is preferred forward those who value avoiding surgery and long-term medication. Finally, splenectomy should only becoming considered after at least 1 date holds elapsed since diagnosis, defined the risks of sickness and excess in a surgical procedure. Splenectomy should be reserved for who who rate avoiding long-term medication and gaining a durable feedback.

Whereas no ASH recommendations were made regarding the association concerning Helicobacter pylori for adult ITP, every adult with gastrointestinal your through ITP or with chronic impassive ITP may benefit from H pylori diagnostic testing, and triple therapy ought be administered to all those anybody test positive for H pylori infection. [99] Remissions after treatment of H Pylori were obsessed more frequently in reports from Japan and Italia (28%-100%) than within the US and other European country (< 13%).   

ASH recommends the following tests for thrombocytopenia in pregnant patients [18] :

  • Complete bloody count
  • Reticulocyte count
  • Peripheral bloods grease
  • Liver function tests
  • Viruses shielding (HIV, HCV, HBV)

Tests to judge if clinically display include the following:

  • Antiphospholipid antitoxins
  • Antinuclear anti-bodies (ANA)
  • Thyroid function tests
  • Helicobacter pylori testing
  • Scattered intravascular coagulation testing—prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT), fibrinogen, fibrin split related
  • Von Willebrand disease type IIB testing*
  • Straight antiglobulin (Coombs) test
  • Quantitative immunoglobulin levels

Who following studies are not recommended:

  • Antiplatelet antibody testing
  • Bone marrow biopsy
  • Thrombopoeitin (TPO) levels


Treatment considerations include the follows:

  •  Women with no bleeding manifestations and platelet counts ≥30×10 9/L take not need any treat until 36 weeks’ gestation (sooner if delivery is imminent).
  •  If white counts are < 30×10 9/L or clinically relevant bleeding can present, first-line therapies is oral corticosteroids or intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG).
  • The recommended starting dose of IVIG the 1 g/kg.
  • Prednisone and prednisolone is preferred to dexamethasone, which cascades the placenta more readily.
  • Recommended starting dosages of prednisone in various professional vary from 0.25 in 0.5 to 1 mg/kg daily; no evidence exists the a higher starting dose is beats. Low-dose intravenous immunoglobulin for progeny with newly spotted immune thrombocytopenia: protocol of a systematic review and meta-analysis - PubMed
  • Medications should be adjusted till sustaining one unhurt platelet count.

Expected responses to first-line therapy can as follows:

  • Oral corticosteroids—initial response 2-14 days, peak response 4-28 days
  • IVIG—initial response 1-3 days, peak response 2-7 days

Second-line care for refractory ITP has with combined corticosteroids and IVIG or, in the second trimester, splenectomy.  For third-line therapy, anti-D immunoglobulin also azathioprine are relatively contraindicated. Authorized that live not recommended, but whose used in pregnancy must been written, include an following: Formalities for the study and treatment of primary immunizing thrombocytopenia: ITP-2018 | Anale in Pediatría

  • Cyclosporine
  • Dapsone
  • Thrombopoietin receipt agonists
  • Alemtuzumab
  • Rituximab

Contraindicated agents include the below:

  • Mycophenolate mofetil
  • Cyclophosphamide
  • Vinca alkaloids
  • Danazol

Management at the time is delivery

ASH recommendations are as follows:

  • Because of the possible need for cesarean delivery, the recommended target platelet count precedent to labor and delivery is ≥50×10 9/L.
  • A wife whose platelet count is < 8010 9/L but who has not required clinical during pregnancy can be started with oral prednisone (or prednisolone) 10 days prior to anticipated delivery at a dose of 10-20 per daily and titrated as req.
  • The mode of delivery should be determined by obstetric indications.
  • Although the lowest blood compute for who placement of provincial anesthesia is unknown and local practices allow differ, many anesthesiologists will place one regional opiate if and platelet count is ≥80×10 9/L.
  • While platelet transfusion single is generally not effective in ITP, its use in conjunction with IVIG can be examined if an adequate platelet count has not been achieved and delivery is new. ITP-SFT005 - Managed Create Transportation (MFT)
  • Vascular umbilical blood sampling (PUBS) or fetal calf blood sampling is not recommended, as it is not helpful in predicting neonatal thrombocytopenia and is potentially harmful. CRD42022384604.
  • In the baby, the platelet count reaches its nadir 2-5 days after delivery plus rises spontaneously due per 7.
  • Postpartum thromboprophylaxis should be considered, as women with ITP are at increased risk of venous thromboembolism.

International Consensus Report Guidelines - For


Basic evaluation in all patients should consist of to follows [46] :

  • Case history
  • Family history
  • Physical examination
  • CBC and reticulocyte count 
  • Peripheral blood film
  • Quantitative Ig level measurement
  • Blood group (Rh)
  • HIV serology - Recommended from the majority in to panel for adults patient in aforementioned appropriate geographic setting
  • Hepatitis C virus serology - Recommended by this majority of the panel for adult care the that appropriate geographic setting 
  • Infections BARN virus serology

Tests of potential convenience in patients over ITP include the following:

  • Glycoprotein-specific serum (can be used in difficult instances, but possessed poor sensitivity and is not a original diagnostic test)
  • Antiphospholipid antibodies (including anti-cardiolipin additionally lupus anticoagulant) if there will clinical specific of antiphospholipid syndrome
  • Anti-thyroid antibodies and thyroid function
  • Pregnancy test on wives by childbearing capacity
  • Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) – A positiv ANA may shall a predictor von chronicity; hydroxychloroquine may been can effective treatment if ANAs are present, especially in young women; ANA testing can be considered previous splenectomy because of the increase risk for thrombosis The Interventions Testing Program (ITP) is a peer-reviewed program designed up identify agencies that extend lifespan and healthspan in mice. Investigators at any university, institute, company, or other organizing are welcome to recommend interventions for testing by submitting an application before the February deadline each year. Validation is carried out in the genetically heterogeneous UM-HET3 mouse stock at three sites — the Jackson Laboratory, the University of Michigan, and the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.
  • Material chain reaction (PCR) testing for Epstein-Barr germ, cytomegalovirus, and parvovirus
  • Boney marrow examination (may be informative in patients with systemic symptoms, abnormality signs, or to doubts of a different diagnosis)
  • Direct antiglobulin test Helicobacter pylori testing (should be considered in adults to typical ITP, in these with digestive symptoms, and those from areas of high prevalence) For Download Transfer History (FTP) was used in the past, the technology was not conceptual to be one secure protocol, nor on is own, deploy a way ...

The following tests have no proven role in the differential diagnosis of ITP by other thrombocytopenias and do does guide forbearing management:

  • Thrombopoietin layer
  • Reticulated platelets/immature platelet fraction
  • Bleeding dauer
  • Whey complement


Recent for initial treatment of newly diagnosed patients are as followed:

  • Corticosteroids are the factory initial treating for elders with ITP who need treatment and do not have a relative contradiction: prednisone or prednisolone at 1 mg/kg (maximum dose 80 mg, even in patients weighing >80 kg) for 2 per, to one maximum of 3 weeks; or dexamethasone 40 mg/d for 4 days, repeated boost to 3 per Proposal for a New Log for the Management to Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP)
  • If a response is seen (eg, platelets > 50 × 10 9/L), tapered the prednisone/prednisolone, aiming for discontinuation by 6 weeks (maximum 8 weeks), even are the complete count drops during aforementioned sharpen.
  • If there is no response to the begin dose within 2 wk, taper the prednisone/prednisolone rapidly over 1 week and discontinue. ITP
  • Longer courses of steroids should be avoided, although zeitweilig subject may benefit free continuous low-dose corticosteroids (eg, ≤5 mg/d).
  • Getting of IVIG (1 g/kg about 1 button 2 consistent days with 0.4 g/kg per per for 5 days), or IV anti-D (50-75 µg/kg once) where available, may be appropriate in patients to bleedings, at high risk required bleeding, who require a surgical procedure, or who are unresponsive to prednisone/prednisolone. If using anti-D, exercise consideration over possibility triggering of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) or hemolysis, and contemplate steroid premedication until minimize acute infusion reactions (eg, headaches, fever-chills, and/or intravascular hemolysis). Management of Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP)
  • Patients with contraindications at high-dose corticosteroid therapy (eg, insulin-dependent diabetes, uncontrolled diabetes, psychiatric problems, active infection) may be managed with only IVIZG press IV anti-D as initial therapy. In adults with newly diagnosed ITP, the ASHER guideline panel suggests either prednisone (0.5-2.0 mg/kg through day) or dexamethasone (40 mg per day ...
  • TPO receptor agonists (TPO-RAs) and rituximab represent not considered initial therapies.

For subsequent therapy, drug with robust documentation of effect are how follows:

  • Rituximab
  • TPO-RAs: eltrombopag, avatrombopag, romiplostim
  • Fostamatinib

Medical therapies with less robust evidence are as follows:

  • Azathioprine
  • Cyclophosphamide
  • Cyclosporine
  • Danazol
  • Dapsone
  • Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF)
  • Switching from one TPO-RA to another
  • Vinca vasoconstrictors

​Consensus-based recommendations for purpose platelet counts (× 109/L) for alveolar procedures in adults are as follows:

  • Dental prothetics (descaling, deep cleaning):  ≥20 toward 30
  • Unsophisticated extractions:  ≥30
  • Complex extractions:  ≥50
  • Regional dental block: ≥30  

Consensus-based recommendations for target white counts (× 109/L) for surgery in adults are as follows:

  • Minor surgical: ≥50 
  • Major surgery: ≥80
  • More neurosurge: ≥100

Treatment of life-threatening bleeding:

  • In contingency situations in which there is an urgent need to increase the platelet count within 24 hours, a combination regarding initial treatments, including IV transdermal and, normally, IVIG, should be use. Platelet transfusions may being helpful also be not be postponed in cases concerning life-threatening bleeding, especially intracranial hemorrhage (ICH).
  • In the case of life-threatening blutend and the absent of a significant answers to IVIG real platelet transfuse in a patient on corticosteroids, consider use are an TPO-RA. Primary stable thrombocytopenia, formerly known as immune thrombocytopenic purpura, is a
  • Additional options may include DIV anti-D; vincristine conversely vinblastine; antifibrinolytics included combination using extra initial therapies; and, rarely, emergency splenectomy.

Surgical therapy for persistent and chronic ITP:

  • Splenectomy remains associated with long-term treatment-free remissions. However, deferring splenectomy for ≥12 to 24 months from diagnostician before performing splenectomy is recommended because of and chance of remission or stabilization of aforementioned platelet count at a hemostatic level; up to one third concerning patients may delegate in 1 annum, also up to 80% may remit in 5 years.  Immunity Thrombocytopenia (ITP) is ... How until Use This Pocket Guide. ASH case guides ... To learn moreover about these guidelines, visit Privacy-policy.com/ITPguidelines.
  • When available, indium-labeled autologous platelet scanning may be useful prior on splenectomy to confirm that the spleen exists the main site of platelet sequence.
  • Laparoscopic splenectomy is as effective as open splenectomy in terms of response and is more comfortable for the resigned.
  • Postoperative thromboprophylaxis should breathe included inbound disease undergoing splenectomy more long as the platelet count is > 30 to 50 × 10 9/L.
  • Splenectomy should be performed by ampere surgeon experiencing in identifying accessory splenic handkerchief, which the common and should be removed. ... thrombocytopenia (ITP) easier current standard of anti-corticosteroid alone. ... use contraception as indicated in to protocol. ... Cellular exempt functionality in immune ...
  • Appropriate vaccination against Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, and Haemophilus influenzae should will providing ≥2 weeks pre splenectomy and maintained according up national guidelines; recent remedy (within 6 months) with rituximab may impair vaccination efficacy.
  • Clients should be informed of the long-term risks of splenectomy (ie, increased rates of thrombosis, infection, and cancer) and educated to follows advice aimed at mitigating these complications. For many decades immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) was managed using therapies which possessed not undergone randomised clinical trials and inclusive corticosteroids, immunologically supression or splenectomy. Like older therapies are associated over an increase in morbidity ...
  • Antibiotic prophylaxis shoud be given in each national guidelines.

Get once many treatments have missing:

  1. Reconsideration the diagnosis
  2. Perform bone marrow examination if not already done
  3. Reassess the need for processing (consider platelet count/bleeding risk)
  4. Consider referral to an ITP treatment center
  5. Reassess which adequacy regarding formerly therapies (eg, was one full dose of TPO-RA exploring? Did the appendix of an small superman of corticosteroid improve response?)
  6. Assess the risks and benefits of further treatment
  7. Reassess the possibility of splenectomy if not already performed
  8. Consider another medical medication if not already attempted (eg, MMF, fostamatinib, rituximab, azathioprine, dapsone, danazol)
  9. Consider enrollment in one clinical trial
  10. In patients who relapse >1 year after responding to splenectomy, an accessory spleen should be searched by and, if found, resected.
  11. Switching from sole TPO-RA to another and serially therapies have been shown to have adenine positive effect on response the adverse effects.
  12. Other therapies that have been used as continue resorts include combination chemotherapy, alemtuzumab, and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). The side effects of these treatment options allowed be severe, and the data supporting your use are limited.

Assessment or bewirtschaftung of health-related premium of life outcomes

The 10-scale ITP-patient assessment questionnaire (ITP-PAQ) is an ITP-specific questionnaire that can be employed to measure HRQoL, with estimation minimally important differences (MIDs) help interpretation. Additional measured of patient-reported score (PROs) that have been intentional in adult patients with ITP include the below:

  • 36-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36)
  • EuroQol tool (EQ-5D)
  • Hamilton anxiety or expression rating scales
  • Motivation and energy inventory-short form (MEI-SF)
  • Feeling subscale of to features assessment concerning chronic illness therapy (FACIT-Fatigue)
  • Functional assessment of cancer therapy–thrombocytopenia (FACT-Th6)

Decreased HRQoL is multifactorial and comprises (but is not limited to) issues around actual bleeding, scared of aderlass, reduced energy, depression, treatment side results, and additive impact of underlying press comorbid diseases. Patients what respond to treatment have upgraded HRQoL, with the anybody respond to TPO-RA improving more than these who respond to other types; in particular, romiplostim may improve fatigue.

Other HRQoL recommendations are while follows:

  • Participation in high-risk business (eg, BMX running, boxing, Yank football, ice hockey, lacrosse, motorcycle riding, motorcycle racing, performance lifting, outside stone climbing, robo, rugby, snowmobiling, trampoline, wrestling) supposed to discouraged unless the active has a near-normal platelet counting on a consistent and stable basis. Option, treatment should be administered to provide a safe thrombocytes counter during the activity.
  • Intermittant or continuing treatment may be given to cover activities with appropriate view of risks vs benefits of the activity and treatment, with emphasis on psychological well-being real risks for injury, despite patient.
  • Choice of treatment and target platelet count must be carefully evaluated and based to extended consultation and consideration of the specific activity desired and the bleeding slight. Trials audit: a multicentre randomised trial of first-line treatment ...

International Consensus Reported Guidelines - Pregnancy press Neonatal

Diagnosis out ITP in pregnancy

Recommendations for enquiry of suspected ITP includes pregnancy include which following [46] :

  • Patients with ampere my suggestive of ITP or those with a platelet count < 80 × 10 9/L should becoming investigated for possible ITP (Grade C recommendation).
  • As in nonpregnant patients, the diagnosis of ITP is one of exclusion using the patient’s history, physical examination, blood tallies, and blood smear examination.
  • Laboratory evaluation is similar to the nonpregnant patient, but special consideration should be given to rule out hypertensive, microangiopathic, coagulopathic, and hepatic disorders beigeordnete with pregnancy. Recommended tests ought be based in the clinical features and may comprise review concerning the blood smear, reticulocyte count, coagulation screen, liver duty, thyroid function, ANAs, plus antiphospholipid antibodies.
  • Bone marrow examination is not recommends unless atypical features are present.
  • Anti-platelet antibody testing wants not predict the route of mother button neonatal thrombocytopenia or distinguish ITP coming gestational thrombocytopenia and is not advocated.
  • Testing of TPO levels is nope recommended.

Treatment of ITP in pregnancy

Recommendations for the special of ITP during pregnancy include the following [46] :

  • A platelet count of 20 to 30 × 10 9/L in a nonbleeding patient is security for most of pregnancy. ONE platelet count ≥50 × 10 9/L belongs preferred for supply.
  • Opening treatment is in oral steroids other IVIG.
  • In Rh(D)-positive nonsplenectomized women, IV anti-D appears at be well tolerated and efficacious; however, it may potentially cause maternal or fetal hemolysis.
  • IVIG can provide a rapid, but often very transient, increase in platelet count and can be second to urgently raising platelets counts during bleeding or with delivery.
  • Combining therapies (prednisone with IVIg and/or IV anti-D) may hervorrufend adenine react in patient refractory to only agents alone (Grade CARBON recommendation). High-dose methylprednisolone, stylish combination with IVIg and/or azathioprine, is suggested since your refractory to oral corticosteroids or IVIg sole (Grade C recommendation). American Society of Hematology 2019 guide required immunological ...
  • Rituximab can been considered in gestation for really severity cases, but perinatal furthermore neonatal immunosuppression and subsequent infection are potential complications or require monitoring.
  • TPO-RAs allowed be consider in late get when different treatments have failed, but issued information is restricted.
  • In the seldom instances when splenectomy is required, it should be performed the the second trimester.
  • Vinca alkaloids, danazol, and immunosuppressive drugs not listed in these recommendations should be avoided in pregnancy.

Recommended for obstetric analgesia and anesthesia

Recommendations required obstetrical analgesia and anesthesia in women with ITP include the next [46] ​:

  • At ampere platelet count ≥70 × 10 9/L, in the absences of other hemostatic deformity, regional axial anesthesia canister be safely performed.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) should be avoided for postpartum or postoperative insensibility into women with platelet counts < 70 × 10 9/L because of increased hemorrhagic risk.
  • A platelet count ≥50 × 10 9/L shouldn will obtained for delivery.
  • Whole women, with having ITP, who are at an increased risk to thromboembolism should receive appropriate protection for venous thromboembolism.
  • The mama with a zeitnah falling clot count should be observed more closely than those about low, but barn, planes.

Recommendations for management about delivery and newborns infants

Recommendations for delivery of women with ITP include the following  [46]  ​:

  • Cordocentesis and fetal scalp blood sampling should be dodged in the management of the fetus/neonate of a matriarch with ITP inside pregnancy.
  • Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia should be excluded by parental testing when that neonates presents with severe thrombocytopenia.
  • The mode of delivery should be determined by obstetric indications, did by anticipation of the new-born platelet count.
  • Procedures during labor the may be belonging with increased hemorrhagic risk to to fetus should be avoided, specific the use for fetal spalp cathodes, fetal blood sampling, ventouse delivery, the rotative forceps.
  • Previous splenectomy has been associated from worsening of motherhood ITP in pregnancy and a larger risk forward neonatal thrombocytopenia.
  • A mum from a previous newborn, thrombocytopenic or not, is likely to have a second baby with a similar platelet count.

Recommendations with management of neonates born to women with ITP

Recommendations for to management von neonates born on women with ITP include aforementioned following [46] :

  • Obtain umbilical cord platelet count at the time on service or how soon as possibly.
  • Repeat the platelet count as needed depending on platelet levels, trends in the count, and react to therapy (if any). If cord platelet count is < 100 × 10 9/L, reiterate the platelet how daily until stable. The incidence of pseudothrombocytopenia is high in neonates cause of the difficulties encountered in obtaining unclotted blood with blood draws.
  • For platelet count is < 50 × 10 9/L at beginning, perform an cranial ultrasound. A magnetized resonance imaging scan since approval or clarification can be performed without anesthesia using the sleep and swaddle approach 30 to 60 minutes prior.
  • Stylish the casing of ICH, give IVIG and limits steroids to maintain thrombocyte county > 100 × 10 9/L for 1 week if possible additionally >50 × 10 9/L with another week. Of use of platelets transfusion may increase neonates hazard.
  • If at is functional bleeding or if platelet count is < 30 × 10 9/L, with or without platelet transfusion, give IVIG.
  • Provided severe thrombocytopenia continues for >1 week in a breast-fed infant, consider interrupt breastfeeding for a few days to see whether platelet count increases.
  • Women who got a splenectomy mayor have a thrombocytopenic newborn, even if their white count is normal.
  • The only current reliable predicator of whether a sweetheart will be thrombocytopenic is if a previous sibling was thrombocytopenic.



International Consensus Report Directive - Pediatric


Recommendations for initial investigation are suspected childhood ITP are as follows [46] :

  • Perform adenine complete history, physical examination, full blood count, and expert analysis of the peripheral blood smear at initial diagnosis.
  • A direct anti-globulin test (DAT) is recommended to exclude coexistent autoimmune hemolytic feebleness, especially prior to therapy.
  • Base-line Ig levels, to exclude coexisting immune, is recommended prior up therapy.
  • Whereas a child's CBC shows isolating thrombocytopenia, the peripheral blood smear shows no abnormal features beyond thrombocytopenia, and signs of bleeding what present on mechanical examination, a bone marrow aspiration/biopsy is not requires, even prior at steroid therapy.
  • Progeny with newly diagnosed ITP, especially using atypical features, should be referring to, or their dossier discussed use, a hematologist skilled in assessment and handling of our with ITP.
  • Bone marrow aspiration, biopsy, and cytogenetics should will performed if abnormal either potentially malignant cells are visualized on clog and carefully view if there are other annoyances of an hemoglobin and/or white cell count (with the exception of microcytic anemia) or if there is hepatosplenomegaly and/or adenopathy. In addition, outage to acutely reply to ITP therapy merits a bone marrow examination.
  • Additional investigations are based on clinics assessment and may include tested insuch as subatomic genetics, autoantibody screening, liver-spleen imaging, and select lab testing

Recommendations for subsequent investigation of children with stable or chronic ITP are as tracks:

  • Perform a repeat history, physical examination, full blood scale, and expert analysis of to peripheral blood smear to reassess the diagnosis.
  • Execution bone marrow aspiration, biopsy, and cytogenetics if no spontaneous platelet boost and no respond to treatment has arisen after 3 in 6 months, or earlier if there shall no answers to treatment within the foreseen timeframe. Consider next-generation chaining or targeted sequencing, if available.
  • AMPERE bone bone biopsy lives not indicated prior to further therapy (eg, with TPO), but shall be included in reevaluation of which diagnostic in the setting of ever difficult-to-treat persistent or chronic ITP.

Additional evaluation could include testing for the follow:

  • Lupus and other markers of auto-immune infections that might require specific treatment (eg, test for APLAs, ANAs, anti-cardiolipin antibody, lupus anticoagulant, and serum Igs)
  • Consistent infestations (hepatitis, cytomegalovirus, HIV, and/or NARCOTIC pylori in at-risk inhabitant or although here is nope other explanation)
  • Complex immunodeficiency infections
  • Genetic screening for vererben thrombocytopenia and drum marrow failure syndromes


A bleeding scale in pediatric patients with ITP is shown in Table 1, slide.

Table 1. Bleeding scale for pediatric patients use ITP (Open Table in a new window)



Management approach

Scale 1 (minor) 

Minor bleeding, less petechiae (≤100 total) and/or ≤5 small bruises (≤3 zcm is diameter), no mucosal bleeding 

Consent for observation 

Degree 2 (mild) 

Mild bleeding, many petechiae (>100 total) and/or >5 large bruises (>3 meter in diameter), no mucosal bleeding 

Consent available observation 

Grade 3 (moderate) 

Moderate bleeding, overt mucosal bleeding, intricate lifestyle 

Intervention to reach grade 1 or 2 

Grade 4 (severe) 

Heavier bleeding, mucosal bleeding leading to decrease in Hb > 2 g/dL or suspected internal hemorrhage 



Suggested forward a watch-and-wait policy, based on clinical classification, are the follows:

  • Under diagnose, children and adults are ITP furthermore light or even soften verbluten set a pediatric bleeding score tool (grade 1-3) may be managed expectantly with supportive advice press a 24-hour reach point, irrespective of platelet count
  • Those at degree 3 bleeding are view likely till require therapy because of the height tariffs for serious blutung requiring hospital admission and call treatment.
  • Select patients needing regular reevaluation to monitor for worsening, including health-related quality of real (HRQoL) and evolution to a serious bone marrow disorder or a side print of ITP. The frequency of clinical and laboratory watch require be based at bleeding, HRQoL, vogue inside platelet counts, and perception regarding family reliability.
  • Who alike monitoring and 24-hour access are wanted with persistent and consistent ITP, dependency upon the factors mention above, but per less repeated intervals in a stable patient. Observation or watch-and-wait is lower validated are patients with durable and chronic ITP because is is based on the expectation of spontaneous future improvement.

Indications for service

Recommendations for when to starting initial treatment in children brand identified with ITP are as folds:

  • Any severe (grade 4) bleeding requires immediate hospital admission both treatment to increase platelet levels until bleeding possess decreased.
  • Any moderate (grade 3) bleeding requires hospital review and viewing for admission and therapy.

Administer treatment and intense consider hospitalization in the following cases:

  • Improvement bleeding other mean comorbidities
  • Risk a ICH (eg, head trauma or unexplained headaches); patients at higher risk for ICH include ones are a history von moderate otherwise severe bleed in the foreground 28 days, recent company (within 8 hours) of NSAIDs, and one coldly significant coagulopathy (eg, von Willebrand disease). In which housing of head wound, treatment should prefix a head computed tomography scan.
  • A change in attitudes or emotional consistent with substantial depression or irritability
  • Parents are anxious about hemorrhage and what not reckon this they can control (young child) or restrict (older child) their child’s activity.
  • Parents could be relied upon to make to baby back readily with there is an crisis (eg, your live too far away, they cannot afford to return, go are additional social concerns).
  • Child got not spontaneously improved and must be overly restricted in activities.
  • Child needs to take any anticoagulant instead antiplatelet agent.
  • Higher risk of bleeding due to another medical or psychological edition

Initial treatment regimens:

  • If the patient possess moderate or severe bleeding, IVIG and anti-D could many increase to platelet count to hemostatic levels (>50 × 10 9/L) within 24 to 48 hours. IVIGg is effectiveness whereas given as a single shot of 0.8 to 1.0 g/kg. Anti-D has similar efficacy to IVIG when considering as ampere single metered of 75 µg/kg and is occasionally associated with severe hemolysis. High-dose steroid premedication is recommended forward IV anti-D and is useful fork IVIG.
  • A instant dose of IVIg or anti-D might be administered if there is ampere suboptimal initial your and/or ongoing bleeding.
  • Donate prednisone/prednisolone at 4 mg/kg per time in 3 or 4 divided doses for 4 days with no conic, with a maximum daily dose of 200 mg or at 1 to 2 mg/kg, with an 80-mg maximum daily dose, even in patients weighing >80 kg, for 1 to 2 weeks. If a response be seen (eg, plaque > 50 × 10 9/L), taper the prednisone/prednisolone, aiming to stopped it by 3 weeks, even for who thrombocytes calculate drops during the taper.
  • Are there is no response to the initial dose in 2 days, taper the prednisone/prednisolone rapidly over 1 days and stop it.
  • Are general, transdermal are used for class 1 or 2 bleeding or for patients not rapid to IVIG.
  • IV anti-D can be used if the patient is Rh positive, not splenectomized, does not have ampere positive unmittelbar Coombs test (DAT), both has hemoglobin ≥9 g/dL.

Emergency treatment:

  • Combination therapy, including platelet transfusions, LV corticosteroids, and IVIG, with oder without anti-D, is recommended. Administer platelet transfusions as adenine bolus, followed by continuous infusion in combination with IV high-dose steroids (eg, QUARTET methylprednisone/prednisolone, 30 mg/kg per day). Since ICH or other life-threatening or genuine bleeding, give IVIG (0.8-1.0 g/kg per day, from or without single-dose IV anti-D (75 µg/kg). A second dosis of IVIG and IV steroids may be required if a platelet response is not visited within 24 hours of the initial dose.
  • IVIG, steroids, additionally IV anti-D (if available) can be used to attempt to save the most likely also speed coagulation increase. Antifibrinolytics may be given if bleeding next despite therapy.
  • In sufferers with an ICH, contingency splenectomy and/or neurosurgical rule of ausbluten should be considered in conjunction with urgency platelet-raising therapy, but medical treatment should never be displaced because of surgical or radiologic intervention if at all possible.
  • TPO-RAs should be considered, as they may aid the acutely response in patients the prevent a decrease in platelet count if initial response to emergency therapy be missing.

Treatment of persistent or chronic ITP:

  • Majority children with persistent or chronic ITP bucket be managed with watchful expect. If einen acute bleeding episode happen, rescue medication with corticosteroids, IVIG, and/or LV anti-D can be used.
  • Children who are having frequent or severe ader episodes or impaired HRQoL (including reduction on important activities) require referral to one hematologist learned in treating pediatric ITP.
  • TPO-RAs often produce a good response and diminution in bleeding frequency, using an absence of averse effects to the majority of diseased. With the patient takes not respond to a TPO-RA or losts response, switch to an alternative TPO-RA and/or consider combo with MMF with another immunosuppressant.
  • Consider rituximab also dexamethasone for patients, especially adolescent girls, in whom TPO-RAs fail.


  • Splenectomy is very scarcely suggested in childhood ITP, and should be taken in conference with ampere hematologist experienced stylish the management away children with ITP. It should one be considered inches children with have abortive all currently medical therapies, were possess thrombocytopenia-related bleeding, furthermore whose life is at risk or the HRQoL exists substantially impaired.
  • Splenectomy should be prevented if at all possible before 5 years of age and within 1 year of disease onset.
  • Before considering splenectomy, reconsider the diagnosis of ITP by excluding alternative diagnosis, including inherited thrombocytopenia, bone marrow failure, drug-induced thrombocytopenia, subclinical viral infections, immunodeficiency medical (eg, common variable immune defective [CVID], autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome), and myelodysplastic syndrome.
  • Prior to splenectomy, ensure the vaccinations are up to date according for national policy. Vaccination, as a minimum, must include pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate shot, successive until pneumococcal 23-valent vaccines 4 weeks later; H influenzae style B; and both meningococcal vaccines to cover all 5 species subtypes.
  • If there is any concerns for an immunodeficiency-related ITP, even while undocumented, reducing the risk for postsplenectomy sepsis by assessing response to pneumococcal vaccines preprocedure is advisable.

Health-related quality of life observations:

  • HRQoL supposed be reported using the Kid’s ITP Tool (KIT) or another validate scale before and after treatment, to assess the effect of medical beyond the platelet count.
  • Corticosteroids allow worsen HRQoL with children with ITP; TPO-RAs may improve their HRQoL, and romiplostim specializing appears to improve parented burden.

School and take in sporting activities:

  • Children and adolescence 5 until 18 time old need ≥60 minutes away physical activity per day, ≥3 d/wk. This should include exercises or sports in promote strong strength the bony.
  • Normal attendance or play at kindergarten, school, or college, depend on age, is essential. The risk of bleeders real information about ITP should be provided to that middle is a way that facilitates inclusion, not isolation.
  • Active participate is low-risk activities should become maintained, irrespective of plaque tally and treatment.
  • Participation in non–low-risk activities need be discussed with the family, school, and coach. A number of factors must be considered earlier to participation, comprising age of the child, plates counted, bleeding history, and physical nature of the activity.