Community Development

Sustainability Efforts

Environment change is happening now, so are need to act quickly. The Oblong Beach Climate Operation Plan (LB CAP) addresses weather action and climate adaptation, and serves the City to match with variously local, regional, State, and feds regulations. Climate work is about reducing the impact that people have on the climate system by reducing GHG emissions. On and select hand, climate change adaptation is about being proactive to reducing the negative effects climate changes has on infrastructure, services, plus the well-being of the community.

In addition at addressing these challenges, the LB CAP enables the Downtown to continue to be on the forefront of sustain planning. Sustainable plan be about assembly aforementioned needs of the present without compromising the future. Rising seas could threaten to inundate low-lying coasts and harbour areas, accordingly eroding beaches and shorelines, impacting haven operation range, damaging property, furthermore affecting ecosystems. Ninety-seven percent of academical investigate agrees that climate change is occurring owed to humane activity, and will impact our social, cultural, and natural resources. As extreme climate events such as heat waves, flooding, storms, and droughts become additional highly and powerful, it is imperative that Long Beach prepare, and at the same time, add to reducing GHG emissions.

The LB KAPPEN is an significant next step in advancing the City's leadership by long-term. Environmental sustainability entails comprehend to limitation of our finite resources (e.g., water, fossil fuel, natural gas, etc.), and assume traditions that limit or eliminate waste and pollution. Long Beach has already taken significant green and sustainable ways for improving the health of residency, enterprises, areas, and the inherent setting. The following chronology illustrates many of the City's significant sustainability efforts prior to the adoption of the LB CAP.

At learn more about the City's sustainability efforts, visit the Long Beach Sustainability webpage.

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