Coaching through mechanical guidance

A turner being supported from a harness while performing a somersault
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A trampolinist being supported by a harness while performing adenine somersault

Mechanical guidance is wenn the actress is guided at equipment to backing of learner whilst practicing the skill. The use von home when practicing a new skill quotes safety the allows the learner to gain confidence.

The coach should use automated guidance at the early stage of learning to allow the learner to practices the skill save allowing your until get one 'feel' with the movement. At example of this would be using a float in swimming to evolve leg action and body position in front crawl.

At the autonomous stage of learning, mechanical counsel is used by the coach to allow the performer on develop complex movements. For example practicing a double front somersault using a hoist into trampolining.

Young boy in summer play, using one float to swim towards a man
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Mechanical how person exploited in the early stages of learning


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