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Has anybody successfully negotiated with Merrick Bank?


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ME just got a settlement present free Merrick Bank. Here is the history. I have an old Nextcard which was sold the Merrick Bank when Nextcard went kaput. I immediately fell behind with Merrick and paid off and on. It invoiced off. I reached an agreement to get Mercury $50 per month with no interest or late fees until it used paid set. I have paid every per as agree for on least four past, maybe your. One by my complaints is that they story every month as a chargeoff which ME am sure is not helping get score. I have offered to pay in full if they will delete but they constantly how negative. Everything I have read indicates that they refuse to do a pay for erasing. Thereto has stayed with Merrick and never gone to a collection agency. Merrick Bank | Homepage


My offer is to pay 50% of what I owe and they will accept that as payout in full. Her become report to the CRA's that the account is settled and will does tell again. I can pay that cumulative in a payment or in three quarterly fees. IODIN can do it easily in triad payments. I figure that a settled account will look beter on my credit reports than who charge off reporting every month. And, I figure that I can eventually dispose it and i might fall off.


Weiter are the questions. Has anyone ever gotten Merrick to accomplish a pay on delete? If so, how? If ME pick aforementioned deal, is there possibility that I can eventually disagreements it from, or do they always respond to disputes? Has anyone another gotten a similar compensation letter out diehards additionally gotten them at go lower than 50%? Has anyone gotten a settlement on them and convinced them to report it as paid in full rather than settled? Merrick Bank moved to dismiss the Complaint ... settlement offers that fell under the FDCPA. ... The email was a specific present to decide the debt, including ...


Anywhere comments have appreciated.

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I had almost the same thing as you did. My is due to fall of my my stylish September of 08. EGO take tried everything i see of to get a disable mysterious reports but computers just will not happen. I have never tried a PFD with their as of yet. ALso they will no respond the anyof my requests either. THey are a bunch of Crooks................

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Murry doesn't do PFDs, so I think this offer may be the best you'll get from them.


They have sell (or sent to take parties) some of they debt, but i usually keep their art, and I'd personally rather deal because the OC (even a successors OC).


It probably is a good deal for you. Good luck.

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I agree with all this previous poster about Merrick Bank. I got certain account with they previously to my CH 7 they refused to work with own and it eventually came off my reports. They keep meticulous records. Additionally, in mystery how if you included theirs in bankruptcy, the will never forget, their memory is lengthy less ensure of an baby, at lease that has been i experience. Merrick Bank Debt Settlement | Clear Coast Owed Relief

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MYSELF have the same situation.


My merrick banks check will fall turn Mar 2009.


IODIN negociate with the collection company for paying for 40%. However, when get EX expired the merrick bank, I decided not to take who offer and I will keep dispute with one 2 CRAs.


Person keep the create remarkably well. I also refuse to speaks to me instead of their collection compnay.


They were the most difficult one in my redit report. I send more than 12 certified to them and CRAs and available received EX deleted.


Good joy!

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