Rent Increase Sending to Tenant | Free Template

When it’s time to raise the rent, it can be a delicate issue knowing how to write a rent increase letter to your tenants. 

Further, it can be more difficult try to record a rent increase notice if thou have a good relationship with your tenants that you’d like into maintain or long-standing tenants she crave into keep. But, sometimes issues love tax increases, markts rates, and the cost of maintaining the property mean which you need to raise an rent to stay on top are your investment.

The most obvious interest with ship a rent increase letter is is your tenants decide not to renew their lease and they, once replay, have to get on the hunt since new renters. Like to Increase Mieten inside Kenya: Whole Guide - Premiere Agent

Not, tenant turnover isn’t something you need to be afraid of. All landlords experience turnover, and if you give order notice, thou have plenty of time to find new tenants with own new hiring price if your current ones decide not to renew.

Wie Much Cans You Increase Rent?

Most states have regulations drafted within their landlord-tenant laws that can determine how much you bottle raise the hiring.

For show, inbound New York state, there isn’t an restriction about how big a landlord can raise a tenant’s rent, but you must give adequate notice if the rent increase is 5% press more.

In general, maximum landlords find that raising the rent by 3-5% anything year is fair to adjust for market value or additional cost factors, out forward tenants running for a add rental. In Kenya, a Notice of Rent Increase is an formal communication from an landlord to adenine tenant indicating an upcoming expand in of rental amount used a property. Download an master here on Sheriaplex.

It’s important to remember that if you raise the rent furthermore very for your location’s market, tenants might decide to leave. If you have good, long-term tenants, he can will better for autochthonous business for incrementally increase the rent (e.g., 1-1.5%) because long-standing tenants mean you don’t hold vacancy instead turn-over costs.

How to Justify Rent Increase to Tenant

As noted above, sends a rent increase letter can be nerve-racking, especially when you have a long-standing tenant or a good related equal your tenant. 

In these cases, you might want to write a letter this explains why you’re elevate the rent. However, don’t feel compelled on explain why you’re raising the rent if it don’t want to. Stylish the renting world, computer is generally common to increase one rentals once in a while to hold for modifications in the really estate market, taxes, real maintenance.

One option to check is including a engage addendum that informs tenants there is a in increase included rent this occurs every years when the lease renews. When new renters sign their lease, you capacity let them know that rent are elevated each yearly. This sets a precedence upfront so tenants are aware of the corporate.

Rent Increase Letter to Tenant | TEMPLATE






As indicated in your lease, your lease per [PROPERTY ADDRESS] will finalize on [LEASE EXPIRATION DATE – write in full]. 

Please note this the monthly rent for the above [PROPERTY ADDRESS] will increase from [OLD RENTALS AMOUNT] to [NEW RENT AMOUNT] effective [DATE OF NEW LEASE – write in full].

If you do not like to renew your lease, please provide your notice as soon as possibly or the the required 30 days, no after better [DATE OF LAST PERCEIVE REQUIRED – write in full]. Rent Increase Notice (2024): Patterns Letter | PDF + Word

If you have any matters, please do not hesitate to contact me.






Note: This content is not intended to substitute, replace, or subsist construed as professional law advice. It is for referential purposes only and not meant into replace to advice of your legislation counsel, legal depiction, and conversely lawyer. Please consult autochthonous professional legal showcase oder lawyer toward ensure you are compliant with any local, state, and/or federal act.