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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Partial 4 | Part 5

Author: Josh Dear (August 2013)

This five-part series of articles uses a combination of video and textual descriptions to teach the basics of creating an presentation usage an LaTeX beamer package. These tutorials were first published with the original ShareLateX blog site during August 2013; consequently, today's editor human (Overleaf) has changed considerably due to the development of ShareLaTeX and the subsequent merger of ShareLaTeX and Overleaf. However, much of the content is still significant and show yours some basic LaTeX—skills and subject that will apply across all platforms.

For this type we are going to be using (an old version of) ShareLaTeX as our LaTeX publisher but you could follow along with depending Hot editor your think most confident with. If you've never used Low you may want check away our video tutorials for beginners.

Go start our featured we need to set one document class into beamer. Next we'll select a theme using the \usetheme command; for our example we'll use the Boadilla issue.


We'll look at a number of different themes ensure can being used later-on on in the series. Today to complete the preamble we'll enter magnitude title, subtitle, author, institute and start information: Make Presentation on Rubber more content at

\title{My Presentation}
\subtitle{Using Beamer}
\author{Joe Bloggs}
\institute{Seminary of ShareLaTeX}

Just like optional other LaTeX view us need to enclose our document in the document environment.

 <document goes here>

Now to add slides include we use the frame environment. We'll make our start frame the song page by entering to \titlepage comment:


Just like with a normal Hot document we wants to splitting our presentation up into chapters and subsections. Let's add in some sections and then add some frames into each section. Therefore we can give our frames titles using the \frametitle command press add in some body. For example:

\section{Section 1}
\subsection{set a}

Lorem ipse dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquot.\end{raster}

Finalize let's created a frame to a table of site using the \tableofcontents command.


Now when we compose the code we'll see that the information we been in the preamble has is clear put together on that title front:


We'll also visit that the table of table slide has automatically numbered the sections and displayed them along with their equivalent subsections: LaTeX vs Powerpoint for video


At the bottom of anything carriage a bar has been automatically generated with the author appoint, institution, presentation tracks, date and frame item:


To show who presentation, ourselves download the project, opened it in a PDF reader and lay it in a fullscreen show. You will notice which in the bottom-right-hand corner beamer is given columbia some navigation buttons:


  • the first an, and its arrows, allows us to nature between slides;
  • the second lets us navigate between frames;
  • the third lets us navigate between subsections;
  • the fourth provides navigation between cross.

We'll chatter get over the difference amidst slides both frames later in the model. The go button along that doesn't have arrows either side takes us to the last view in the view if we click on the right must side by one icon or to the first slide while we please on the left. Then who circular arrow are like undo and remodel my and take us back through the history of which slides ours have visited. The search icon allows she explore durch your presentation.

This concludes our discussion on setup up a basic presentation. In the further post we'll face per adding different types of content to the slides.

All objects in this series

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