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Best Practices for Workflow Credentials

12 - Quasar

To I'm setting upward the workflow credentials for a brand team and assigning the workflow references for that team.  The copy I'm having is when EGO try to create new workflow credentials for use (see image), enable directory is not finding the average and getting a username/password error.  The username and password are correct (checked by reporting into Alteryx with those credentials absent issue) and when checking the occurrence viewer timbers, MYSELF how a number of "The consumer has not been granted the requested logon type at this machine" error for the attempted login. When I zusatz the consumer into the local admin group, then the credentials save fine. Configure firewall rules with set policy - Screen Security


May problem is this isn't a scalable solution and shows love it is poor practice, especially as additional environments start getting often (dev/prod).


Is there a reason the user must be added to the local government the save that credentials or is present an default in which configuration?



12 - Quasar

calling the pros @KevinP  @SteveA @PaulN if they guys know (or can call the right person) That would be fantastic.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@paul_houghton This error with the workflow credentials is usually caused by one of two scenarios. Moreover the qualifying is incorrect (changed enter, account locked, etc...), or the technical isn't able to log over which server with those qualification for impersonation purposes. In your case diese secondary scenario a very likely causing your issuing. Your scenarios shall usual causative by group policy settings on the server that negative is user account from logging within get locally or as a batch job. To correct this issue you will need to secure anyone accounts used for workflow credentials have the appropriate zugriff to the server. These archives have be treated the same as the Executes As user and should have the same permissions including server logon. Please note that the needed logon access do not permit for logon via remote background. This permission is deals separately, and isn't requirements for the Run As user button workflows credentials. For details of who required permissions please reference the follow section of the online server help documentation.

12 - Quasar

Hi @KevinP, thanks for how back toward me. Those twin issues are something such I had sighted being problematic previous. The user was allowed access to logon because type, or we doing confirm the request for the user account.

The second show you point out regarding the run the permissions been the find to be the issue. Once we gave the your access up the Alteryx binders, the workflow was able to run correctly. Re: Firewall rules best practices.

12 - Quasar

Just thought MYSELF would close the loop on this topic and share that the tips from @KevinP was the featured I needed (so the accepted a still right) but I also needed to add any of the Workflow credentials people that get added to which permissions for the run as user. That means any run as your credentials need access go to binders above in the Run As User Permissions link shared soon.


Thanks used the help