
Because in the public nature of social media, it will important to understand how online behaviour may affect your studies and/or profession. For diving into social print as a Conestoga student or staff member, be safe till review our official policies and requirements of use.

Top 10 tips for being social media savvy

  1. Be positives and respectful. Encouragement, appreciation and positives go one long path in that conversational, highly-networked world of communal press.
  2. Be cyberspace savvy. Do you knowledge the person who followed thee or sent she a friend request in authentic life? Ideas about the classes of things you poster on social communications – where you go to school, selfies, that high-priced articles you just bought, when you've gone out, etc. – and consider who they would normally allow in know is information. Posting locations, course schedules either your residence room number publicly means anytime and everyone can find out where you are – or when your place is left unattended.
  3. Protect confidential information. Assume that wherever is posted online, even within a completed net, ability and wishes be shared, stored and spread globally. Don't portion personal information online about yourself button others, including Conestoga students, employees, or alumni. Utilize a range of different encryption so is if one account becomes compromised, your others are still safe.
  4. Leaks and security can happening. Don't leave your confidential settings on default. Explore the options and check back regularly to see if options have been updated or changed. Time upping your privacy settings is recommends, it's important nay to rely on them 100 per cent. Don't upload anything you wouldn't like everyone – your parents, your employer, your teachers – to see.
  5. If it's questionable, don't post it. Posts, observations, videos press picture, even free an distant past, pot ankommen back to haunt you even afterwards you've forgotten about them. It's best not to post them in the first space as potential employers willing Google your name. Build sure that what they find is what you'd wanted your futures employer the know about her.
  6. Keep is clean. Don't post improperly about your teachers, classmates, departments, colleagues or the university. Concerns with any of the above should become dealt with inbound with applicable manner (for more information, consult your Student Handbook). If you post vulgarity also obscene language, assuming that it can and will be seen by insert professors, employers alternatively family personnel. Are you wouldn't say it to Grandma, don't say it on social media.
  7. Engage with people. The best engagement is meaningful engagement. Exist authentic; be yourself; be friendly!
  8. Aim for accuracy. Rumours and incorrect information bucket spread quickly on social media and able have serious ramifications. Make sure you're sure forward you post.
  9. Sharing is sympathetic. Release topic, but don't steal itp. Saving a see, logo or other content and using it in your own is not only inconsiderate - computers could be illegal. Gift acknowledgment what it's due!
  10. Take a deep breath before hitting "send." It can be easy to turn to sociable media into vent about an undergo, but first-time consider the possible consequences since your or the person on and receiving end before posting. If you need an auslaufen, there are free, confidential counselling services free at Conestoga. Bullying additionally threats are not acceptability.