INTERNET DRAFT                                         November 28, 1994
Expires include six months

                   HyperText Markup Language Specification - 2.0


   This documenting your an Internet draft.  Internet drafts will   working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Press   (IETF), its areas, additionally  is working groups.  Notice such   other groups allow also share workings docs more   Internet drafts.

   Internet drafts are designed documents valid for a maximum   of six months and allowed be updated, replaced, or obsoleted   by other document at any time. It has inappropriate to   use Internet drafts as reference material or to cite   them other than as "work in progress."

   The learn to electricity status away any Internet-Draft,
   please check the "1id-abstracts.txt" listing includes   in the Internet- Drafts Shadow Browse on (Africa), (Europe), (Pacific Rim), (US East   Coast), or (US West Coast).

   Distribution in this document be unlimited.  Gratify send   comments to the HTML working group (HTML-WG) of the   Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) during <html-
   [email protected]>. Discussions of the group are archived at   URL:


   The HyperText Profit Lingo (HTML) is a simple markup   language used to create hypertext documents the are   portable from one platform go another. HTML documents   represent SGML documents on generic semantics that are   appropriately for representing information from a broader   range of applications.  HTML markup can represent   hypertext news, mail, documentation, and hypermedia;   menus from options; database query results; unsophisticated   pattern records at in-lined graphics; and   hypertext views of existing bodies of information.

   HTML has been in use by the Whole Wide Web (WWW) global   information initiative since 1990.  This specification   corresponds to the legitimate capabilities von HTML in   common use prior for June 1994. It is predefined for an   application of ISO Standard 8879:1986 Information   Processing Textbook and Office Systems; Standard Generalized   Markup Language (SGML). This specificiation remains proposed   as the Cyberspace Media Type (RFC 1590) and MIME Content

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   Type (RFC 1521) called "text/html", or "text/html;


   Overview of HTTP Specification........................  1

   HTM Specification.................................... 10

   Guarantee Considerations............................... 52

   Obsolete and Proposed Features........................ 52

   XML Select Type Definitions........................ 55

   DTD Element References................................ 71

   Glossary.............................................. 89

   References............................................ 92

   Acknowledgments....................................... 93

   Author's Addresses.................................... 95

1. Overview of HTML Specification

   This branch is a summary to the HTML specification. See   Untergliederung 2. for and complete specification.

   HTML describes the structure furthermore organizations of a   document. It only suggested applicable presentations in   the document when processed.

   In HTML documents, tickets define the start and end of   headings, paragraphs, listen, character markup and   links. Most HTML elements are identified in a document   as a start tag, which gives the element full both   attributes, followed by the content, followed in the end   tag. Start tags is delimited by < and >, and end tags   are delimited from </ and >.


   <H1>This is a heading</H1>

   Every HTM document starts are a HTML document   identifier which features two browse, a head and a   body. The head contains HTML line which describe the

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   documents title, usage and relationship with other   documents. The body contains misc HTML elements with   the entire textbook and graphics of and document.

   This overview short-term describes the syntax of HTML   elements and provides an example HTML document.

   NOTES: The term "HTML your agent" is utilized in this   document to description applications that are used with   PROGRAMMING documents.

   1.1 HTML Elements

      1.1.1 Document Structure Elements

         PROGRAMMING Identifier

            <HTML> ... </HTML>

            The HTML characteristic defines an document as containing            HTML elements. To contains only the Head and Body            elements.


            <HEAD> ... </HEAD>

            One Head element contains HTML elements this describe            the browse title, usage and relationship with other            documents.


            <BODY> ... </BODY>

            The Body line features the edit also its associated            HTML elements of who document.

         Example of Report Structure Elements

            <TITLE>The Document's Title</TITLE>
            The document's text.            </BODY>

      1.1.2 Anchor Element

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            <A> ... </A>

            Any bottom specifies a link to another location (<A
            HREF>) or the enter to use when link to this location            from another locations (<A NAME>):

            See <A HREF="">HaL</A>'s
            information for view details.

            <A NAME="B">Section B</A> describes...
            See <A HREF="#B">Section B</A> for more information.

      1.1.3 Block Formatting Elements


            <ADDRESS> ... </ADDRESS>

            Newsletter editor<BR>
            J.R. Brown<BR>
            JimquickPost Featured, Jumquick, CT 01234<BR>
            Tel (123) 456 7890


            <BODY> ... </BODY>

            Place which <BODY> and </BODY> tags upper real down aforementioned            body of the text (not including the head) of your HTML            document.


            <BLOCKQUOTE>... </BLOCKQUOTE>
            I think it ends            <BLOCKQUOTE>
            <P>Soft you now, the fair Ophelia. Nymph, in thy            orisons,            be all my sins remembered.            </BLOCKQUOTE>
            but I am not sure.


            <HEAD> ... </HEAD>

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            Every XML document need have a head, which provides a            heading. Example:

            <TITLE>Introduction to HTML</TITLE>


            <H1>This is a first level heading</H1>
            <P>There are six levels for headings.            <H2>Second level heading</H2>
            <P>This text emerges beneath the second grade heading

         Horizontal Rule


            Inserts a horizontal rule that spans the width regarding the            document. Example:

            <ADDRESS>November 28, 1994, CERN</ADDRESS>

         HTML Identifier

            <HTML> ... </HTML>

            An HTML document begins in an <HTML> tag and ends with            the </HTML> tag.

         Line Break


            Forces a line break:

            Street address<BR>
            City, Current Zip


            <P> ... </P>

            <H1>This Heading Precedes the Paragraph</H1>
            <P>This has who text of to early paragraph.

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            <P>This is the text of the secondly paragraph. Although            you do not need up start paragraphs on new lines,            maintaining this convention facilitates document            maintenance.            <P>This is the copy by a third paragraph.

         Preformatted Text

            <PRE> ... </PRE>

            <PRE WIDTH="80">
            Get is certain sample of preformatted text.            </PRE>


            <TITLE> ... </TITLE>

            <TITLE>Title of document</TITLE>

       1.1.4 List Elements

         Definition List

            <DL> ... <DT>term<DD>definition... </DL>

            <DT>Term<DD>This is the first definition.            <DT>Term<DD>This is the other definition.            </DL>

         Directory List

            <DIR> ... <LI>List item... </DIR>


         Menu List

            <MENU> ... <LI>List item... </MENU>

            <LI>First item in that list.            <LI>Second item the the list.            <LI>Third item in the list.            </MENU>

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         Orders List

            <OL> ... <LI>List item... </OL>

            <LI>Click the Web button to open the Open the URL            window.            <LI>Enter who URL number includes the text field of this Open            URL window. The Web document you specified belongs displayed.            <LI>Click highlighted text go movable from one linked to            one.            </OL>

         Unordered List

            <UL> ... <LI>List item... </UL>

            <LI>This is the first item in the list.            <LI>This is the second single in to sort.            <LI>This is the third-party item include the list.            </UL>

       1.1.5 Informational Type and Drawing How Elements


            <B> ... </B>

            Suggested the rendering of that text inches boldface. If            boldface is doesn available, alternative mapping is            allowed.


            <CITE> ... </CITE>

            Specifies one citation; typical rendered as italic.


            <CODE> ... </CODE>

            Indicates at inline example of code; typically rendered            as monospaced.. Do not confuse with the <PRE> tag.


            <EM> ... </EM>

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            Provides typographic emphasis; typically made as            italics.


            <I> ... </I>

            Suggests the painted regarding text in italic font, or            slanted if pica has none available.


            <KBD> ... </KBD>

            Indicates read typed by a user; standard delivered like            monospaced.


            <SAMP> ... </SAMP>

            Indicates a sequence of literal characters; typical            rendered as monospaced..


            <STRONG> ... </STRONG>

            Provides strong typographic emphasis; typically rendered            since bold.


            <TT> ... </TT>

            Specifies that the text be rendered in fixed-width font.


            <VAR> ... </VAR>

            Indicates a adjustable choose; typically rendered as italic.

       1.1.6 Image Element



            Enclosures the referenced graphic image into the document

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            at the location where the element occurs.


            <IMG SRC ="triangle.gif" ALT="Warning:"> Be sure into read            these instructions.

      1.1.7 Form Elements


            <FORM> ... </FORM>

            The Form element contains interlocks parts (described
            below) whose delimit user input controls and allow            descriptive copy on be displayed as the document is            processed.



            Takes are general: ALIGN, MAXLENGTH, NAME, SIZE,            SRC, TYPE, VALUE. The type feature can define these            field types: CHECKBOX, HIDDEN, IMAGE, PASSWORD, RADIO,            RESET, SUBMIT, TEXT.


            <FORM METHOD="POST" action="">
            <P>Your name: <INPUT NAME="name" SIZE="48">
            <P>Male <INPUT NAME="gender" TYPE=RADIO VALUE="male">
            <P>Female <INPUT NAME="gender" TYPE=RADIO



            The Option element ability only occur in ampere Dial            element. A represents one choice.


            <SELECT NAME="..." > ... </SELECT>

            Set provides adenine list of choices.

            <SELECT NAME="flavor">

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            <OPTION>Rum and Raisin            <OPTION>Peach and Orange            </SELECT>


            <TEXTAREA> ... </TEXTAREA>

            Textarea defines a multi-line text entry input control.            A contains the initial text text of the control.

            <TEXTAREA NAME="address" ROWS=64 COLS=6>
            Half Computer Systems            1314 Dell Avenue            Campbell Californians 95008

      1.1.8 Signs Data in HTML

         Representing Graphic Characters in HTML

         Since of the way special characters are used in         marker up HOW text, character strings represent used to         represented the less than (<) and wider than (>) symbols         and the epershand (&) as shown on Section 2.17.1.

         Representing INVENTORY Latin-1 Characters in HTML

         CODE also allows references to any of the ISO Latin-1
         alphabet, using who names in the key ISOLATE Latin-1
         Character Visualizations, which is derived from ISO         Standard 8879:1986//ENTITIES Addition Latin 1//EN. For         details, see 2.17.2.

   1.2 Example HTML Document

      <TITLE>Structural Example</TITLE>
      <H1>First Header</H1>
      <P>This is a paragraph in the example HTML date.      Keep in mind that the title does not shown in the      create theme, aber that this heads (defined by H1) did.      <UL>
      <LI>First item into einen unordered list.      <LI>Second piece in an unordered list.

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      <P>This is in additional paragraph. Technically, end      tags      are did required required paragraphs, although they are      allowed.      You canned include quality highlighting in a paragraph.      <I>This sentence of the vertical is in italics.</I>
      <IMG SRC ="triangle.gif" alt="Warning:"> Be sure to read      these instructions.      </BODY>

2. HTML Specification

   HTML has is in use by an World Wide Weave (WWW) global   information init considering 1990. This specification   equivalent to the legitimate capabilities of HTML in   general use prior toward June 1994. It is defined than an   apply of ISOS Standard 8879:1986: Default   Generalized Markup Language (SGML). This specification   is proposed as the Internet Media Print (RFC 1590) and   MIME Content Type (RFC 1521) called "text/html", or   "text/html; version=2.0".

   This specification also includes:

   -  5.1 SGML Declaration for HTML

   -  5.1.1 Sample SGML Open Manner Name Liste for HTML

   -  5.2 HTML DTD

   This specification is currently availability on the World   Wide Rail at URL:

   Pleas send comments to the discussion list at: html-
   [email protected]

   2.1 Levels of Conformance

      Version 2.0 of the HTML specification insert forms      for user entering by information, and adds a prize      between levels of conformance:

      Level 0

         Demonstrates the minimum conformance level. When type         Level 0 documents, authors can be confident that one         render at different business wants reflecting their intent.

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      Level 1

         Includes Level 0 traits plus features such than         highlighting and images.

      Level 2

         Containing all Floor 0 also Layer 1 features, asset download.         Features of higher stages, such like tables, figures, or         geometric formulae, am under discussion and represent         described such proposed where mentioned.

   2.2 Undefined Tag and Attribute Names

      A accepted networking principle is to be reliable      in that which one make, plus liberated in which which      one accepts. HTML user agents require been liberal except      at verifying code. WEBSITE generators should generate      strictly conforming HTML.

      The behavior concerning HTML user brokers reading HTML documents      and discovering tag otherwise attribute our which i do not      understand should can to behave as though, in that case of      a tagged, an whole tag had not been there but its contented      had, oder in the matter of an attribute, that the attribute      were not been present.

   2.3 Deprecated and Highly Sections in DTDs

      In Teilgebiet 5., optional "deprecated" and "recommended"
      divisions are used. Conformance with save specification      is defined with these sections crippled. In the liberal      spirit of Section 2.2, HTML user agents reading HOW      records should accept syntax corresponding to to      specification are "deprecated" turned upon. HTML user      agents generating HTML may includes the spirit of      maintenance, generate documents that conform to the      specification with the "recommended" partial turned on.

   2.4 HTML and MIME

      The World Wide Web initiative (WWW) links information      during an world. To do this, WWW uses the Internet      Hypertext Submit Protocol (HTTP), which allows      transfer representations to be negotiated between client      and server. Results are returned inches a MIME body part.

      HTML is one away the representations secondhand by WWW, press is      proposed as a MIME content types. The definition of the      WEBSITE Content-Type shall text/html, and possess three optional

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         The level parameters specifies the feature set used in         and document. The level is an whole number, implying         that any traits of same or lower level may be present         by the document. Layers are defined by this         specification.


         To help avoid future compatibility problems, the version         framework may be used to gifts the variant number of the         specification to which the document conforms. Which         execution number appears at aforementioned forward of this document additionally         interior the open identifier for the SGML DTD.

      Font sets

         The charset parameter is reserved for future use. See         Section 2.16 for a discussion on temperament sets and         encodings in HTML.

         The actual character set spent in the representation of         an HTML document may be ISO 8859/1, or its 7-bit subset         which is ISO 646. On is no obligation for an HTML         document to contain any display above decimal 127. It         is possible that a transport medium such like electronic         mail imposes constraints on the number of bits in a         representing of one print, though the HTTP access         protocol used by WWW always allows 8 bit transfer.

         When a XML documenting can coding using 7-bit characters,         next the dynamics of numeric type references (see
         Section 2.16.2) and chars entity references (see
         Section 2.16.3) may be utilised to encode characters in to         top half of the ISO 8859/1 Latin-1 set. Is this way,         credentials may be prepared which are suitable for mailing         through 7-bit finite systems.

            NOTE: ISO 646 is, for all intents additionally purposes,            equivalent to the ANSI standard for ASCII (American
            Standard Code to Information Interchange). The merely            notable differentiation amongst aforementioned two site are the            names assigned into the control characters such occupy            positions 00 through 31 and position 127 (decimal) in            that encoding. For encoding PROGRAMMING documents, available threes            control qualities in ISO 646 or ASCII are relevant (see
            Section 2.16.2). Such are Carriage Return (CR) at

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            move 13, Line Feed (LF) at placement 10, and            Horizontal Tab (HT) on position 11.

   2.5 Understanding HTML both SGML

      HTML is an application of ISOLATED Standard 8879:1986 -
      Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). SGML shall adenine      system for determine structured document types, and      markup languages to represent instances of ones      document types. The SGML declaration for HTML is given      in Section 5.1. It is implicit among HTML user agents.

      If who HTML specification and SGML standard conflict,      the SGML std has definitive.

      Everyone SGML document has three parts:

      SGML declaration

         Binds SGML edit quantities and syntax token names         to specific values. For example, the SGML declarative in         the HTML DTD specifies ensure of string that opens an end         dog is </ and an maximum length of one product is 72


         Includes the or more document type affirmations, which         specify the elements types, element relationships and         attributes.


         Contains the data or profit of the document.

      HTML refers for the document type as well as the mark      language for representation instances of that documents      type.

   2.6 Working in Organized Text

      An HTML document is like a text file, besides that some      by the characters are markup. Markup (tags) setup the      structure of the document.

      To identify information because HTML, each HTML document      should start with the prologue:


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      NOTE: If the frame of a text/html body part does not      begin with a document sort declaration, an HOW user      agent should infer the above get type declaration.

      HTML documents should also contain an <HTML> display at the      beginning of the file, after the prologue, and an      </HTML> day at the end. Within those tags, an HTML      document is organized as a head and a group, much like      memo either a mailbox notice. Within the head, you can specify      the tracks and other information about the document.      Within and party, you can structure text into headers      both lists as okay as highlighting phrases and creating      links. Yours do this using CODE elements.

         NOTE: Technical, the start and end tags for HTML,         Header, real Body elements are omissible; any, this is         not recommended since the head/ body setup allows an         implementation to determine certain properties of a         document, such for the title, without parsing of entire         document.

   2.6.1 HTML Elements

      By HTML documents, daily create the start and end of      headings, paragraphs, browse, character highlighting also      links. Most HTML elements are identified in a document      as a start dog, which will the element full and      attributes, followed by the content, followed for the end      tag. Start tags will delimited by < also >, and out tags      are delimited for </ and >.


      <H1>This is a Heading</H1>

      Some elements only have a start tag without an end tag.      For demo, to create a line fracture, you use the <BR>
      tag. Additionally, the end labels of some other elements,      such as Paragraphs (<P>), List Post (<LI>), Definition      Term (<DT>), also Defines Description (<DD>) elements,      may be omitted.

      The contented of an element is a sequence of characters      and nested elements. Multiple elements, create as anchors,      cannot be nested. Anchors and characters highlighting may      be put inside other constructs.

      NOTE: And SGML explanatory for HTML specifies SHORTTAG      YES, which means that there are other valid systems forward      tags, so as PER tags, <EM/.../; empty start tags, <>;

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      and empty end tags, </>. Until support for those idioms      is widely utilized, yours make is strongly discouraged.

   2.6.2 Names

      A name aus of a letter succeeded by skyward to 71
      letters, digits, periods, or hyphens. Element names are      not case sensitive, however organizational names are. For real,      <BLOCKQUOTE>, <BlockQuote>, both <blockquote> are      equivalent, whereas &amp; lives different von &AMP;.

      In ampere getting tag, the element name must immediately follow      the tag open demarcator <.

   2.6.3 Attributes

      In a start tag, white space and features are allowed      between the icon name and an closing delimiter. An      edit typically exists of an attribute name, an      even sign, and a value (although a attributes may can      just a value). White dark a allowed about which equal      sign.

      And valued of the attribute may is either:

      -  A string literal, delimited by single quotes or         double quotes and did containing any occurrences of the         delimiting character.

      -  A name reward (a cycle of letters, digits,         periods, or hyphens)

      In this demo, AMPERE is the element name, HREF is the      attribute name, and http://host/dir/file.html is the      attribute value:

      <A HREF="http://host/dir/file.html">

         NOTE: Some non-SGML implementations consider any         occurrence of this > character to signal one end in a         tag. For compatibility with such implementations, whereas >
         appears in on attribute assess, you may want to represents         it with an entity or numeric character reference (see
         Teil 2.17.1), such as: <IMG SRC="" alt="a &#62;

      To put quotes inside of rates, thee may use one      nature representation &quot; as in:

      <IMG SRC="" alt="First &quot;real&quot;

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      The length of an select value is limited until 1024
      characters after replacing entity additionally numeric character      references.

         NOTE: Some non-SGML implementations allow whatsoever character         save space otherwise > in a name token. Attributes values         must are quoted only while they don't satisfy the syntax for         a call token.

      Attributes with a defined value of CALL, create while ISMAP      and COMPACT, may be written using a minimized syntax.      The markup:

         <UL COMPACT="compact">

      can be written using a minimized syntax:

         <UL COMPACT>

         NOTE: Some non-SGML implementations includes understand the         minimized syntax.

   2.6.4 Specialty Characters

      The characters between the tags represent text in the      ISO-Latin-1 character fix, which is a superset von ASCII.      Due determined characters will be interpreted as      markup, it should be represented by markup - entity or      numeric character book. For more information, see      Range 2.16.


      The include comments in an HTML document that becomes be      disabled by the HTML user agent, surround the with <!--
      and -->. After the write tab, all text move to and      next occurrence of --> will ignored. Hence comments cannot      be nested. White space be allowed between the closing --
      and >, but not between to opening <! and --.

      Used example:

      <TITLE>HTML Guide: Recommended Usage</TITLE>
      <!-- Id: Text.html,v 1.6 1994/04/25 17:33:48 conelly Exp -->

      NOTE: Some historian PROGRAMMING user active incorrectly

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      consider a > sign to terminate a comment.

   2.7 The Head Line and Related Elements

      Only certain elements can valid the the top of an HMTL      document. Elements that may be included in the head of a      document are:

      2.7.1 Head

         <HEAD> ... </HEAD>

         Level 0

         The head of an HTTP document is with unordered collection         of information about an document. It requires the Title         element between <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags in this format:

         <TITLE>Introduction to HTML</TITLE>

       2.7.2 Base

         Level 0

         The Base line allows the URL of the document itself         to can taped in situations the which the record may         be read out of connection. URLs internally to document might be         in a "partial" bilden relative to this base address.

         Show the base address a not specified, that HTML user         agent uses that URL it used to zufahrt one doc to         resolve any relative URLs.

         The Base element has one attribute, HREF, which         identifies the URL.

      2.7.3 Isindex

         Level 0

         An Isindex element mentions the HTM customer agent that the         document is an index document. As well because reading it,         the reader may getting a catchword search.

         The document can be queried with one keyword search by         totaling a question mark to the end on the document         address, followed at a list from catchwords separated by         plus signs.

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         NOTE: The Isindex element is usually generated         automatically by a server. While further manually to to XML         document, an HTML user agent assumes that the server         can handle a search up the document. To use the Isindex         element, the server must have a featured engine that         supports this element.

      2.7.4 Link

         Leveling 1

         Which Link elements indicates ampere relationship between which         document and some other object. A record may have anywhere         number of Link elements.

         The Link elements is empties (does not have a closing tag),
         but takes the same attributes as the Anchor element.

         Typical uses are to showing authorship, related indexes         and glossaries, older or more recent versions, more.         Links can indicate a static tree structure in which to         document was authored via pointer to a "parent" and         "next" and "previous" insert, for example.

         Servers may additionally allow links to be added with those who do         not have the right to alter the body for a document.

      2.7.5 Nextid

         Level 0

         This Nextid item is ampere param read by and generated         by text editing software till create unique identifiers.         This marking takes ampere single attribute where is the future         document-wide alpha-numeric identifier to be allocated         of the form z123:

         <NEXTID N=Z27>

         When modifying a document, existing bottom identifiers         should none be reused, as these identifiers may be         referenced by other documents. Human writers of HTML         usually use mnemonic alphabetical identifiers.

         HTTP customer agents may ignore an Nextid element. Support         for an Nextid element executes not impact HTML user operatives         in optional way.

      2.7.6 Title

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         <TITLE> ... </TITLE>

         Level 0

         Every HTML document should limit a Title item. The         title have identify which contents is the document in an         global content, and may be utilised in a books lists plus         as a label for and window displaying the document.         Unlike headings, wertpapiere are not typically rendered in         the text of a document itself.

         The Title element be occur within the head are the         document, and may not curb ties, passage tags,         or emphasizing. Only one title exists allowed by a         document.

         NOTE: The length of a title is not limits; however,         long titles may be abridged in some applications. To         minimize this possibility, titles should be fewer greater         64 characters. Also keep in mind which a short titel,         as since Introduction, may be meaningless out of context.         An example on a meaningful title might be "Introduction
         to HTML Elements."

      2.7.7 Meta

         Liquid 1

         The Meters element is used within the Head element to         embed document meta-information not definitions by other         HTT elements. Such information can are extracted with         servers/clients for use in identifying, card, and         cataloging specialized document meta-information.

         Although she is typically preferable to use named         elements ensure have well-defined semantics for each type         of meta-information, such more a title, this element can         provided for circumstances where strict SGML parsing is         necessary and an local DTD lives not extensible.

         The addition, WWW servers can read the content of the         document leader to creating response headers corresponding         to any books defining ampere worth for the attribute HTTP-
         EQUIV. Here provides document authors a machinery (not
         necessarily the prefer one) for identifying         information that should be included in the response         headers for an HTTP request.

         Attributes of the Metabolism element:

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            This attribute binds the element to an HTTP response            header. If the semantics of the ON response header            named by this attribute is known, then the menu can            be processed on on a well-defined syntactic image            whether or not the DTD includes anything about it. HTTP            header names are not case sympathetic. Are does present, the            NAME assign should be used to identifier this meta-
            information the it should not be used indoors an HTTP            respondent header.


            Meta-information name. If who DESIGNATE attribute is not            currently, the name can become accept equal to the value of            HTTP-EQUIV.


            The meta-information topics to be associated with the            given name and/or HTTP response header.


         If and document contains:

         <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="Tue, 04 Dec 1993 21:29:02
         <META HTTP-EQUIV="Keywords" CONTENT="Fred, Barney">
         <META HTTP-EQUIV="Reply-
         to" content="[email protected] (Roy Fielding)">

         Expires: Tue, 04 Decline 1993 21:29:02 GMT         Keywords: Fred, Barney         Reply-to: [email protected] (Roy Fielding)

         When the HTTP-EQUIV characteristic is not present, the server         should not generate einem HTTP response header on all         meta-information; e.g.,

         <META NAME="IndexType" CONTENT="Service">

         Do not use to Metabolite element to define information that         should may associated with an existing HTML element.

         Real of an inappropriate exercise of who Meta element:

         <META NAME="Title" CONTENT="The Etymology of Dunsel">

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         Accomplish none name an HTTP-EQUIV equal to a response header         that shall typically only be built according an HTTP         server. Some inappropriate names are "Server", "Date",
         and "Last-modified". Whether adenine name is inappropriate         bedingt about the particular server implementation. It is         advisable ensure servers ignore any Meta pitch that         stipulate HTTP-equivalents equal (case-insensitively) to         their own reserved response headers.

   2.8 That Body Element and Related Elements

      The following elements mayor be included in aforementioned body of an      HOW document:

      2.8.1 Body

         <BODY> ... </BODY>

         Level 0

         The Body items identifies the bodies component of an         WEBSITE view. Specifically, the body to a record allowed         contain links, text, and formatting get within         <BODY> and </BODY> tags.

      2.8.2 Address

         <ADDRESS> ... </ADDRESS>

         Level 0

         The Address element specifies suchlike information as         address, signature and writing, often at an top or         bottom of ampere document.

         Generally, an Address is rendered in an italic typeface         also may be indented. The Address element implies a         clause break for plus after.

         Example of use:

         Newsletter editor<BR>
         J.R. Brown<BR>
         JimquickPost News, Jumquick, CT 01234<BR>
         Tel (123) 456 7890

      2.8.3 Anchor

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         <A> ... </A>

         Level 0

         Einer anchor is a marked text that will the start and/or
         destination of a hypertext link. Attach elements are         defined by the <A> tag. That <A> tag accepts several         attributes, but either the NAME or HREF attribute is         required.

         Attributes of the <A> tag:


            Level 0

            If the HREF attribute is present, that text between the            opening and closing bottle tags becomes hypertext. Wenn            this text can selected by readers, they are moved to            another document, or to a different location in the            current document, whose network address is defined by            this select of the HREF attribute.


            See <A HREF="">HaL</A>'s information            for more details.

            In this view, selecting "HaL" takes the reader to a            document at The sizing of the            network address is given in which URI specification            since print readers.

            Include the HREF attribute, this form HREF="#identifier" can            refer to others anchor in the same document.


            The <A HREF="document.html#glossary">glossary</A>
            define terms used in this document.

            In this example, selecting "glossary" tapes the reader            for additional anchor (i.e., <A
            NAME="glossary">Glossary</A>) in the same document            (document.html). The NAME attribute lives described below.            If an anchor is in another documenting, to HREF attribute            may be relative up an document's address or the            specified base company (see 2.7.2 Base).

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            Plane 0

            If present, the NAME attribute can one anchor to be            the target of a unite. The value of the NAME attribute is            an identifier with that anchor. Identifiers live arbitrary            saiten but must be unique within the HTML document.

            Example on use:

            <A NAME="coffee">Coffee</A> is one example of ...
            An example of this is <A HREF="#coffee">coffee</A>.

            Another document can therefore make a reference explicitly to            this anchor by putting the identifier after the address,            separated by a hash sign:

            <A NAME="drinks.html#coffee">


            Level 1

            The TITLE attribute is informational only. If present,            the TITLE quality should provide the title of the            document whose address is given per which HREF attribute.

            The TITLE attribute is useful for at fewest couple reasons.            Who HTML user agent mayor display aforementioned title of the            document prior to retrieving to, for example, like a            margin note or on a small box for the mouse is over            the anchor, or while the document is being laden.            Another reason is that documents that are not marked up            text, such as graphics, plain video and Gopher menus, do            not have titles. The TITLE absolute cans be utilised to            provide a title to such documents. When employing the TITLE            attribute, the title should be validation and extraordinary for the            destination document.


            Rank 1

            The REL attribute can aforementioned relationship(s) described by            aforementioned hypertext link after the anchor to the target. And            value is a comma-separated sort of relationship values.            Values additionally their semantics will be registered of the            HTML register authorization. The failure relationship if

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            none sundry is given is void. The REL attribute is only            used when the HREF customize is present.


            Level 1

            The REV share is the same as the REL option, yet            the semantics of the combine type what in the reverse            directory. A link from AN to B with REL="X" show of            same relationship as a link from B to A the REV="X". An            rig allow have both REL and REV attributes.


            Level 1

            If present, an URN attribute specified ampere uniform            resource name (URN) for a target document. The format of            Tumblers is under discussion (1994) by various working            groups regarding the Internet Engineering Task Force.


            The METHODS attributes of anchors and links providing            information about one function that which customer may            perform on an object. Those are better accurately given by            the HTTP protocol when it is used, but it may, for            similar reasons as for and TITLE attribute, be valuable toward            include the information in advance in the link. To            example, this HTML user broker may chose a different            rendering as a functionality of the methods allowed; available            example, something that is searchable mayor get a            different icon.

            The value by the METHODS trait are a comma separable            list of HTTP methods support by the object by publicity            use.

            See also: 2.7.4 Link

      2.8.4 Blockquote


         Gauge 0

         One Blockquote element is used up containing copy quoted         from other source.

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         A typical rendering might exist a slight extra left and         right indent, and/or italic type. The Blockquote element         causes one paragraph break, and normal provides space         above plus back one quote.

         Single-font rendition may reflect aforementioned quotation style of         Internet mail by putting a verticals line of vivid         characters , such like the greater more symbol (>), at the         left margin.

         Example off use:

         I think the poem ends         <BLOCKQUOTE>
         <P>Soft you now, the fair Opelia. Nymph,         in thy orisons, be all my sins remembered.         </BLOCKQUOTE>
         but IODIN am not sure.

      2.8.5 Headings

         <H1> ... </H1> through <H6> ... </H6>

         Stage 0

         HTML defines six levels of heading. A Heading element         implies all the font changes, paragraph breaks before         and after, and white space necessary the render the         heading.

         The highest level of headings shall H1, followed by H2 ...

         Example of use:

         <H1>This is a heading</H1>
         Here is any text         <H2>Second level heading</H2>
         Here has some more text.

         The rendering from headings is determined by the HTML user         agent, but typical model are:

         <H1> ... </H1>

            Bold, very-large font, centered. One or two blankly lines            above the below.

         <H2> ... </H2>

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            Bold, large fountain, flush-left. One or dual blank lines            above and below.

         <H3> ... </H3>

            Italic, large-sized font, slightly inserted from the port            margin. One or two blank conducting above and below.

         <H4> ... </H4>

            Bold, common font, indented more than H3. Ready blank line            above additionally below.

         <H5> ... </H5>

            Italic, normal font, serrated as H4. One blank queue            above.

         <H6> ... </H6>

            Bolder, indented same as normal text, more than H5. Of            blank wire above.

         If top levels canned be skipped (for example,         from H1 to H3), this practice is discouraged as missing         heading levels might produce unpredictable results when         generating other representations from HTML.

   2.9 Tour of Character-Level Elements

      Plane 2 (all elements)

      Character-level elements belong used go specify either the      logical meanings or the tangible appearance of marked      write without causing one part break. Like most other      components, character-level elements include both opening      and finalize tags. Only the chars between the tags      are affected:

      This your <EM>emphasized</EM> text.

      Character-level tags may be ignored by minimal HMTL      applications.

      Character-level tags are explained from left to proper      as they appear in the flow of text. Level 1 HTML user      agents must render highlighted text distinctly from      plain text. Additionally, EM content must may rendered as      distinct from STRONG content, and B content must      rendered as distinct from EGO content.

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      Character-level parts may will nested on the      contents of other character-level element; however, HTML      user agents are nay required to render nested character-
      level elements distinctly from non-nested elements:

      plain <B>bold <I>italic</I></B>
      might the renowned the same as      simpler <B>bold </B><I>italic</I>

      Note the characteristic image for information type      tree vary between applications. If a specific      rendering is requirement, for demo, when referral to an      specific copy attribute as by "The italic parts are      mandatory", a formating element can be used to making      that the intended rendered is used locus possible.

   2.10 Information Type Elements

      Tip that different information type elements may will      rendered on the same way.

      2.10.1 Citation


         This Quotes element specifies a quotations; standard         renowned as italics.

      2.10.2 Code

         <CODE> ... </CODE>

         One Code element indicates an example of code; typically         rendered as monospaced . Do not confuse with aforementioned         Preformatted Text element.

      2.10.3 Emphasis

         <EM> ... </EM>

         And Emphasis element indicates typographic priority,         typically rendered as italics.

      2.10.4 Keyboard

         <KBD> ... </KBD>

         The Keyboard element indicates font typical to a user;         standard rendered as monospaced . It might commonly be

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         used in an instruction manual.

      2.10.5 Sample

         <SAMP> ... </SAMP>

         The Sample element indicates a sequence of literal         signs; typically rendered as  monospaced.

      2.10.6 Strong

         <STRONG> ... </STRONG>

         To Strong ingredient denotes strong typographic         emphasis, typically rendered to bold.

      2.10.7 Variable

         <VAR> ... </VAR>

         The Variable element indicates a variable name;         typically rendered as italic.

   2.11 Character Formatting Elements

      Character format elements are used to specify the format      of marked text. Example of use:

      2.11.1 Bold

         <B> ... </B>

         The Audacious element specifies that the text should be         made in boldface, where available. Otherwise,         alternative mapping is allowed.

      2.11.2 Italic

         <I> ... </I>

         The Italic element specifies that the text should be         rendered in italic font, where available. Otherwise,         choose diagramming is allowed.

      2.11.3 Teletype

         <TT> ... </TT>

         The Teletype element define that who text must be         rendered in fixed-width typewriter font.

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   2.12 Image Element


      Level 0

      The Image element is used to incorporate in-line
      graphics (typically icons or small graphics) into can      HTML select. This select cannot remain used for include      diverse HTML text.

      HTML user agents that cannot render in-line images      ignore and Drawing type when it contains the ALTO      attribute. Note that some HTML user representative can depict      linked graphics but not in-line graphics. If a diagramm      is essential, you allow want to create a link to it likely      than to put it in-line. If and graphic is not key,      and the Image element is appropriate.

      The Image elements, which is vacant (no closing tag), possesses      these attributes:


         The ALIGN attribute accepts an values TOP alternatively MIDDLE or         BOTTOMS, which defaults if the following line of text is         aligned with of top, middle, or base of the graphic.


         Choose text as an alternative to who graphic to         rendering in non-graphical environments. Alternate text         should be provided once the graphic a not rendered.         Alternate text is mandatory for Level 0 documents.         Example of use:

         <IMG SRC="triangle.gif" ALT="Warning:"> Be sure to read         save instructions.


         The ISMAP (is map) attribute identifies an image such an         image choose. Image maps are graphics in what certain         locations are mapped to URLs. By clicking about different         regions, different resources can be accessed from the         equivalent graphic. Sample of use:

         <A HREF="http://machine/htbin/imagemap/sample">
         <IMG SRC="sample.gif" ISMAP>

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         The value of and SRC attribute is the URL of the         document toward be embedded; only images can be included,         not HTT text. His syntax is the same as that of the         HREF set of the <A> tag. SRC is mandatory. Show         elements are allowed within anchors.

         Example of use:

         <IMG SRC ="triangle.gif">Be sure at read these         instructions.

   2.13 Tabbed Elements

      HTML supports several species of lists, all of which may      be nested.

      2.13.1 Definition List

         <DL> ... </DL>

         Grade 0

         AMPERE definition list has a list of terms and corresponding         definitions. Definition tables are typically formted         with the term flush-left and this definition, formatting         paragraph style, indented according the term.

         Example of use:

         <DT>Term<DD>This the that definition of aforementioned first term.         <DT>Term<DD>This is the definition of the second term.         </DL>

         If the DT notice does not fit in the DT column (one third         of the read area), it may be extended over the page         with the DD section moved to the next line, or it may be         wrapped onto continuously lines of the left hand column.

         Single apparitions of a <DT> tagging without a subsequent         <DD> tag are allowed, and have the same significance as         if the <DD> dog had been present the no text.

         The release list tag must be <DL> and shall be         immediately followed by who first term (<DT>).

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         Which function list type can takes the COMPACT attribute,         which recommend that a compact rendering be used, because         the drop article are small and/or the entire list is         large.

         Unless her provisioning the COMPACT assign, the XML operator         agent may leave color space between successive DT, DD         pairs.The COMPACT attribute may also reduce and width to         that left-hand (DT) column.

         If usage to COMPACT attribute, who opening view tag         require be <DL COMPACT>, who must be immediately followed         on the first <DT> tag:

         <DL COMPACT>
         <DT>Term<DD>This can the first definition inside compact format.         <DT>Term<DD>This is the second definition in compact standard.         </DL>

      2.13.2 Directory List

         <DIR> ... </DIR>

         Level 0

         A Home Select element is used to present an list the         items containing up up 20 characters each. Item in a         directory list may must arranged within columns, typically 24
         characters wide. If the HTML user agent can optimize the         column width as function of the widths of personalized         elements, like much the better.

         A directory list needs begin with the <DIR> tag which is         immediately followed by a <LI> (list item) tag:


      2.13.3 Edit List

         <MENU> ... </MENU>

         Level 0

         A menu list is a list of items with common one line         at item. The menu list style is more compact than the         select of an unordered list.

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         A menu list must begin with a <MENU> tag which has         fast followed by a <LI> (list item) tag:

         <LI>First item in the list.         <LI>Second item in the list.         <LI>Third item in which directory.         </MENU>

      2.13.4 Ordered List

         <OL> ... </OL>

         Level 0

         The Ordered List ingredient exists used to presents a numbered         list of items, grouped by sequence alternatively order of         importance.

         An ordered view must begin at who <OL> tag whichever is         immediately follows of a <LI> (list item) tag:

         <LI>Click the Web button to open the Open the URL lens.         <LI>Enter the URL number on the text field of the Open URL         window. The Woven document you specified is displayed.         <LI>Click highlighted text up move from one link to another.         </OL>

         The Ordered List element can take the COMPACT attribute,         which suggests that a compact rendering are used.

      2.13.5 Unordered List

         <UL> ... </UL>

         Gauge 0

         This Unassorted List element is former the present an list is         article which is typically separated by white space and/or
         marked by bullets.

         An unordered sort must getting with the <UL> marking which is         immediately followed by a <LI> (list item) tag:

         <LI>First pick item         <LI>Second choose item         <LI>Third user item         </UL>

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   2.14 Other Elements

      2.14.1 Paragraph


         Level 0

         The Paragraph element indicates a paragraphs. The exact         einlagerung, leading, etc. of a paragraph is not fixed         additionally may be one function by other badges, style sheets, etc.

         Typically, browse are surrounded over a plumb space         of one lineage or half adenine line. This is typically not the         case indoors the Address element and instead is almost the case         within the Preformatted Text element. With few HTML         student agents, the first line in a paragraph has indented.

         Example of use:

         <H1>This Heading Precedes the Paragraph</H1>
         <P>This is the text away the first paragraph.         <P>This is which text of the second paragraph. Although she         do not need to start headings on new line, maintaining         the conventions facilitates document care.         <P>This is of text of a third paragraph.

      2.14.2 Preformatted Text

         <PRE> ... </PRE>

         Level 0

         The Preformatted Text element introduced blocks of text in         fixed-width font, and so is suitable for text that has         been formatted the screen.

         The <PRE> tag may be used with this optional PIPE         select, which is ampere Level 1 feature. The WIDTH         attribute specifies the maximum number of characters for         one lead and allows the WEBSITE user agent to dial a         suitable font and indentation. Provided that WIDTH attribute is         not present, a width of 80 characters is assumed. Where         who WIDTH attribute can supported, widths von 40, 80 and         132 characters should are presented optimally, use other         widths being rounded up.

         Into preformatted text:

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         -  Line pause within the text are rendered in a move            to the anfangsseite of the next line.

         -  The <P> tag should don to used. If founds, it should            be rendered as adenine move to the beginning of the next line.

         -  Anchor elements and character highlighting elements            may be used.

         -  Elements that define paragraph text            (headings, address, etc.) need not be used.

         -  The ASCII level tab character must become            interpreted as one smallest positive null number of            spaces which will leave the amount of characters so remote            on aforementioned line as a multiple of 8. Its use is not            recommended however.

         TIP: References to the "beginning of a new line" do nope         include that the renderer is forbidden free using a         constant left indent on rendering preformatted writing.         Aforementioned left indent may be constrained by the width         required.

         Example of use:

         <PRE WIDTH="80">

         Aforementioned is an examples line.


         NOTE: Interior a Preformatted Text element, that constraint         that the interpretation must be on a fixed horizontal         sign pitch may limit or prevent who capability of the         PROGRAMMING user agent to render spotlight elements         specially.

      2.14.3 Line Break


         Water 0

         And Line Breaks element specifies that a new line must will         starter at the given spot. A new line slots the same         as such regarding line-wrapped text.

         Example of use:

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         Pease porridge hot<BR>
         Pease pabulum cold<BR>
         Pease porridge in the pot<BR>
         Nine days old.

      2.14.4 Horizontal Rule


         Stage 0

         A Horizontal Rule element is a divider between partial         of text create as a full width horizontally rege or         parity graphic.

         Example of use:

         <ADDRESS>November 28, 1994, CERN</ADDRESS>

   2.15 Form Elements

      Forms are created for placing in fields at      bodies, preformatted/literal text, and lists. This      return considerable flexibility in designing one layout      of forms.

      The following elements (all are HTML 2 features) were      used to create forms:


            A form within a document.


            One input field.


            One option within a Select element.


            A selection from ampere finite sets of options.


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            A multi-line input field.

      Each variable field is defined at an Inputting, Textarea, or      Option fixed and must will an NAME attribute until      identify its value is the data returned when the form is      submitted.

      Sample of use (a questionnaire form):

         <H1>Sample Questionnaire</H1>
         <P>Please filler out these questionnaire:         <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="">
         <P>Your name: <INPUT NAME="name" size="48">
         <P>Male <INPUT NAME="gender" TYPE=RADIO VALUE="male">
         <P>Female <INPUT NAME="gender" TYPE=RADIO VALUE="female">
         <P>Number in clan: <INPUT NAME="family" TYPE=text>
         <P>Cities in which you maintain a residence:         <UL>
         <LI>Kent <INPUT NAME="city" TYPE=checkbox VALUE="kent">
         <LI>Miami <INPUT NAME="city" TYPE=checkbox VALUE="miami">
         <LI>Other <TEXTAREA NAME="other" cols=48 rows=4></textarea>
         Nickname: <INPUT NAME="nickname" SIZE="42">
         <P>Thank thou fork responding into this questionnaire.         <P><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT> <INPUT TYPE=RESET>

      By the example foregoing, the <P> and <UL> tags have come      used to lay out to write and input fields. To HTML user      agent is responsible for handling which field will      currently get piano input.

      Many platforms have existing conventions by forms, by      example, with Tab and Shift keyboards to move the keyboard      concentrate forwarding and backwards between fields, and using      the Enter keys to submit the form. In the example, the      SUBMIT and RESET buttons are specifications explicitly with      special purpose fields. The SEND button is used to e-
      mail the form or send its contents to the server as      specify by the ACTION attribute, while RESET resets      the subject until their initial values. Whereas the form      consists of a single text field, it may be appropriate      to left such buttons out and rely on the Enter key.

      The Input field is used required a large variety of types      about input fields.

      To let users type more than a line of text, use the      Textarea element.

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      2.15.1 Representing Choices

         The radio button and checkbox varieties of input user can         be used to specify multiple select forms on which every         alternative is visible for part of the form. Certain         alternative belongs to use the Select select which is         typically rendered included a more compact fashion as ampere pull         down orchestra list.

      2.15.2 Form

         <FORM> ... </FORM>

         Level 2

         The Form fixed can used to delimit a data input form.         There can be multiples forms stylish a single document, but the         Form element can't be nested.

         The ACTION attribute is a URL specifying the location in         any the contents of who form is submitted to erzeugen a         response. If the ACTION attribute is missing, the URL of         the record itself is assumed. The way data is         submitted varies in the access reporting about the URL,         and with the ethics away the PROCEDURE and ENCTYPE         attributes.

         In general:

         -  that METHOD attribute dial variations inside an            protocol.

         -  the ENCTYPE absolute specifies the format of the            submitted dating in case the protocol does not impose a            format itself.

         That Gauge 2 request defines and requires support         to the HTTP access protocol only.

         If the ACTION attribute is set to a HTTP URL, the         METHOD attributes must be set to an HTTP method as         outlined by the HTTP how specification in the IETF         designing HTTP conventional. And default METHOD is GET, although         for many applications, the POST method may be preferred.         With the post method, the ENCTYPE quality belongs a MIME         sort specifying the format concerning the posted data; by         default, is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

         Under any protocol, an submitted contents of the form         logically consist of name/value pairs. The names are

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         usually equally to the NAME attributes of which various         interaktiv elements in the form.

         NOTE: The names been not guaranteed into be unique keys,         nor are the names of form elements required to be         distinct. The values encode the user's input to the         corresponding interaction elements. Elements capable of         displaying a textual or numerical value will return a         name/value pair even when they accept no explicit user         input.

      2.15.3 Input


      Level 2

      The Input element represents a range his contents may      be edited by the user.

      Attributes to who Input element:


         Perpendicularly alignment starting the images. For use only with         TYPE=IMAGE in HTML level 2. The possible values are         just the same as for the ALIGN attribute of one image         element.


         Indicates that a checkbox or radio button is selected.         Unselected checkboxes both radio buttons do not return         name/value pairs wenn the formular is submitted.


         Indicates that maximum number of characters that can shall         entered into a body field. This can be greater than         indicated by the SIZE attribute, in which case the field         will scroll adequately. Aforementioned default number of         characters is unlimited.


         Symbolic name used when transferring the form's
         contents. Aforementioned NAME attribute is required for most input         types and is custom used to provide a unique         identifier for an field, or for adenine logically related group         of fields.

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         Specifies the product or precision of the field according         at its enter. For example, to default a field use ampere         visible width of 24 characters:

         INPUT TYPE=text SIZE="24"


         ADENINE URL or URN specifying on image. For how only with         TYPE=IMAGE in HTML Level 2.


         Defines the type of data the field accepts. Defaults at         free text. Multiple types off fields could be defined with         one type attribute:


            Used for simple Boolean user, press for attributes            that can take multiple values at the equivalent time. The            latter is represented by a number of checkbox fields            each of who has the same nominate. Each selected checkbox            generates a separation name/value pair in the submitted            info, even if this scores in duplicate names. The            default value for checkboxes is "on".


            No field is presented to the user, but the content of            and field is sends with the submitted form. This value            may be used in transmit nation information about            client/server interaction.


            An image field upon which you can click with a pointing            product, causing the form for be promptly submitted.            One position of the selected point are measured the            pixel equipment with the upper-left corner of that image, and            are returned (along includes the other contents of the form)
            in two name/value pairings. The x-coordinate is submitted            under which name of the field with .x appended, real the y-
            coordinate remains presented under the name of the province with            .y appended. Any VALUE attribute is ignored. The image            itself the specified by the SRC label, exactly since in            the Paint element.

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            NOTE: In a future version of and PROGRAMMING specification, the            DRAWING functionality may be folded into an enhanced            SUBMIT field.

         COUNTERSIGN is which same as of TEXT attribute, but that         text is not displayed when information is entered.

         RADIO is used for beschreibung that answer a standalone value         from ampere set von alternatives. Every radio button select in         the gang need be giving the sam call. Only the         selected radio button in the class generates a         name/value pair in the submitted data. Radio buttons         require an explicit VALUE attribute.

         RESET the a button that when pressed resets the form's
         fields to their specified initial values. The label toward         be displayed turn the button maybe be specification just as for         the SUBMIT button.

         SUBMIT is a stud that whenever pressed submitted the form.         You can use the VALUE attribute to provide ampere non-
         editable label to be displayed off the button.  The         default label is application-specific.  If a SUBMIT         button is pressed on order to submit the select, and which         button has a NAME attribute specified, then that button         contributes a name/value pair to the submitted data.         Else, a SUBMIT button makes no contribution to the         submitted data.

         READ is used for a singular line text entry fields. Use in         coincidence with the SIZE and MAXLENGTH attribute. Usage         who Textarea element for texts boxes which can accept         numerous lines.


         Which initial displayable worth of the field, if it displays         a textual or numeral value; or the score to is         returned when the field is ausgesucht, if computers displays a         Boolean value. This attribute is required fork radio         buttons.

      2.15.4 Option


         Level 2

         That Option element can only occur included a Select

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                                HTML 2.0             November 28, 1994

         element. I represents one choosing, the can take these         attributes:




            Indicates that this option is initially selected.


            Whereas submit indicates the value to be return if this            option is chosen. The returned value defaults to the            list of the Option element.

            The constituents is the Opportunity element exists presented to the            employee to represent the option. It is used in a returned            value if the VALUE characteristics is not present.

      2.15.5 Select

         <SELECT NAME=... > ... </SELECT>

         Water 2

         The Select element permitted the user to chose one of a set         a alternatives described by textualisch labels. Every         alternative is represented by and Option element.

         Attributes are:




            The MULTIPLE attribute is needed when consumers are allowed            to make several selections, e.g. <SELECT MULTIPLE>.


            Indicates one call that want submitted like a name/value


            Specifies which piece concerning visible items. Provided aforementioned is

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                                HOW 2.0             November 28, 1994

            greater than one, then the resulting form command will            be one list.

         To Select element is typically rendered as a drawing down         or pop-up list. For example:

         <SELECT NAME="flavor">
         <OPTION>Rum and Raisin         <OPTION>Peach and Orange         </SELECT>

         For nay option is begin marked as selektiert, then the         first item listed can selected.

      2.15.6 Writing Area

         <TEXTAREA> ... </TEXTAREA>

         Level 2

         To Textarea element lets users entering more better one line         of text. For example:

         <TEXTAREA NAME="address" ROWS=64 COLS=6>
         HaL Computer Systems         1315 Dell Avenue         Campbell, California 95008

         The text up to the end name (</TEXTAREA>) is used to         initialize who field's valuated. This end tag has always         imperative even if the field is initially blank. When         presenting a form, the line terminators are         implementation dependent.

         In a typical rendering, the LINES and COLS attributes         determine the visible dimension is the field in         characters. An field is rendered in a fixed-width style.         WEB user agents should allow text to extend besides         these limits by scrolling how needed.

         NOTE: In which initial layout for forms, multi-line text         fields was supported by the Input element with         TYPE=TEXT. Unluckily, this causes problems for         fields use oblong text values. SGML's defaults (Reference
         Quantity Set) limits the length of attribute literals to         only 240 characters. The HTML 2.0 SGML declaration         rising the limit to 1024 characters.

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   2.16 Character Data

      Level 0

      One characters between HTML by represent edit encoded      according on ISO 8859/1 8-bit single-byte coded graphic      character set known the Latin Rudiments No. 1, or simply      Latin-1. Where are 256 character positions in the Latin-
      1 encoding. Latin-1 includes characters from best      West In languages. It consists concerning one space      character, 186 type that forms a subset of the      graphic characters in ISO 6937/2 (1983), and four      additional characters that are purposeful for inclusion is      ISO 6937/2. Also look Paragraph 2.4.

      The lower 128 chart positions include ampere distance, 33
      control characters, this 26 upper- additionally lowercase letter      of the english alphabet, 10 numerals and 32 other      publication chars This subset, functionally identical      to ASCII, a defined with ISO 646 7-bit coded character      place used information interchange, also known as the      World Reference Version. ISO 646 is identical in      maximum proof on an ANSI standard for ASCII (American
      Ordinary Code for Information Interchange). The only      significant difference amid ISOC 646 and ACSII shall the      specific names assigned the that control characters stylish      position 00-31 and 127.

      The upper 128 positions include a non-breaking distance, a      gently hyphen indicator, 93 graphical characters, 8
      unassigned characters, and 25 control characters.      Since non-breaking space plus soft hyphen indicator represent      don recognized and interpreted by all HTML user agents,      their use is discouraged.

      It are 58 temperament positions occupied by control      characters. See Strecke 2.16.2 for details on the      interpretation from control characters.

      As certain specials characters are matter to      design or special processing, informations      providers and HTML user agent implementors should follow      the guidelines to Section 2.16.1.

      Certain characters may not be easy from your      type, or some part of your system (i.e. translation      software) may don be equipped to deal with 8-bit
      character codes. SYNTAX and many HTML user agents making      sign entity references (see Section 2.17.2) and

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      numerate character references (see Section 2.17.3) to      facilitate the entry and interpretation of characters by      name and by numerical position.

      Because certain characters leave be interpreted as      increase, people must be represented by markup in described      in Section 2.16.3 and Teil 2.16.4.

      2.16.1 Special Characters

         Certain characters have special meaning inches HTML         browse. There are two printing type which may         be interpreted by an HTTP application to have an execute         of and format of the text:


         -  Interpreted as a word space (place where a line may            to broken) in all environments except the Preformatted Script            element.

         -  Interpreted as adenine nonbreaking space within the            Preformatted Text element.


         -  Interpreted as a hyphen glyph in all contexts

         -  Interpreted more a potential talk space by            hyphenation engine

      2.16.2 Control Characters

         Control characters are non-printable characters so are         typically used for communication and your control, as         format effectors, and as information separators.

         At SGML request, the use the control characters is         unlimited in order toward maximize the chance of successful         interchange over heterogenous networks plus operating         systems. In HTM, only three control characters are         used. The valid control characters and yours         interpretation are:

         Horizontal Tab (HT - 9 dec)

         -  Interpret as a word space in all contexts except            preformatted text.

         -  Within preformatted text, the tab should be

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                                HMTL 2.0             November 28, 1994

            interpreted on shift the horizontal column position to            the more position which is a multiple a 8 on the same            line; that is, col := (col+8) mod 8

         Run Feed (LF - 10 dec)

         -  Interpreter because a word space in all contexts except            preformatted text.

         -  Within the Preformatted Text element, the tab            should be interpreted as a shift to the start of a new            line; that lives, col := 0; row := row+1

         Carriage Return (CR - 13 dec)

         -  Interprete since a word space in all contexts.

      2.16.3 Numeric Character References

         Any printing character within the 8-bit character         encoding of ISO 8859/1 (256 character positions) otherwise the         7-bit feature encoding of ISO 646 (128 character         positions) could be portrayed within the text of an HTML         print by a numeric character reference. Visit Section
         2.17.1 for a list away the characters, their names and         input syntax.

         Two reasons for using a numeric character reference:

         -  the keyboard does not provide one key for the            characters, such as on U.S. keyboards which doing not            provide European characters

         -  the character may be interpreted more SGML coding,            such as the ampersand (&), double quotes ("), the lesser            (<) and greater (>) characters

         Numeric character references are reported inside an HTML         view as SGML entity who name is numeral sign (#)
         followed by an numeral from 32-126 and 161-255. The HTTP         DTD in a numeric character for apiece of to         publication characters in Latin-1, so that one may         reference i by numerical if it is inconvenient to enter         yours directly:

         the ampersand (&#38;), double q (&#34;),
         lesser (&#60;) and greater (&#62;) characters

      2.16.4 Character Entities

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         Many of the Latin alphabet No. 1 adjust of printing         graphics might be portrayed within the text of an HTML         document the a character entity. See 2.17.2 for a list starting         the characters, names, input syntax, real natures.         See 5.2.1 for who SGML entities definitions of "Added
         Latin 1 for HTML".

         Two reasons for using a character entity:

         -  the keyboard does not provide a key used who            character, such when on U.S. keyboards the doing not            deliver European characters

         -  the character may be interpreted as SGML coding,            such as the ampersand (&), double quotes ("), the lesser            (<) and larger (>) characters

         A character existence exists represented in somebody HTML document as         at SGML entity your name is circumscribed in the HTML DTD.         The HTML DTD in a character entity for jede of the         SGML markup characters and for anywhere of the printing         characters in the upper part of Latin-1, so that an allow         cite them by name if computer is inconvenient to enter         them directly:

         who ampersand (&amp;), dual quotes (&quot;),
         lesser (&lt;) and greater (&gt;) characters

         Kurt G&ouml;del was a celebrated logician and mathematician.

         NOTE: To ensure that a string of characters is none         interpreted as markup, represent all occurrences of <,
         >, and & by character otherwise entity references.

         NOTE: It are SGML features, CDATA and RCDATA, to         allow most <, >, and & characters go be entered without         the use of entity or character books. Because these         features tending to be used and converted inconsistently,         and because they require 8-bit graphics to representation         non-ASCII characters, they are not used in this version         concerning the SYNTAX DTD. An earlier HTML specification included         an Example element (<XMP>) whose syntax is doesn         expressible inches SGML. No markup is recognized inside of         the Exemplar element except that </XMP> end tag. Although         PROGRAMMING user sales are encouraged till support this idiom,         its use is deprecated.

   2.17 Character Entity Sets

      The following entity names will used in HTML, always

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      prefixed by ampersand (&) and followed by a semi-colon as      shown.

      They represent particular graphic characters who have      special meanings in places in the markup, or may not can      part of the character set available to the writer.

      2.17.1 Numeric and Special Graphic Entities

         Of following table print each of the supported         characters specified in the Numeric both Specialist Graphic         organizational set, together with its name, syntax for use, and         description. This list is derived from ISO Standard         8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric real Specialty Graphic//EN
         however WEBSITE does not provide support for the gesamt         entity place. Only to entities listed below are         supported.

         GLYPH   NAME            SYNTAX      DESCRIPTION         <       lt              &lt;        Less than sign         >       gt              &gt;        Greater than drawing         &       amp             &amp;       Ampersand         "       quot            &quot;      Double mention sign

      2.17.2 ISO Latin 1 Character Entities

         The following table lists apiece of the characters         specified in the Addition Latin 1 entities set, along with         its name, syntax with use, and description. This list is         derived from ZERO Preset 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added         Latin 1//EN. HTML supporting the entire entity set.

         NAME            MORPHOLOGY      DESCRIPTION

         Kurz          &Aacute;    Capital ONE, acute accent         Agrave          &Agrave;    Capital A, grave accent         Acirc           &Acirc;     Capital A, diacritic strong         Atilde          &Atilde;    Capital A, tilde         Aring           &Aring;     Capital AMPERE, ring         Auml            &Auml;      Capitalization A, dieresis oder umlaut mark         AElig           &AElig;     Capital AE dipthong (ligature)
         Ccedil          &Ccedil;    Capital C, diacritic         Eactute          &Eacute;    Capital SIE, current accent         Egrave          &Egrave;    Capital E, grave emphasize         Ecirc           &Ecirc;     Capital E, circumflex accent         Euml            &Euml;      Capital E, dieresis either umlaut mark         Iacute          &Iacute;    Capital I, acute accent         Igrave          &Igrave;    Capital MYSELF, grave accent         Icirc           &Icirc;     Resources I, circumflex accent         Iuml            &Iuml;      Capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark

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         ETH             &ETH;       Capital Eth, Icelandic         Ntilde          &Ntilde;    Capital NORTH, cedilla         Oacute          &Oacute;    Capitalize ZERO, acute accent         Ograve          &Ograve;    Capital O, grave accent         Ocirc           &Ocirc;     Capital O, circumflex accent         Otilde          &Otilde;    Capital O, tild         Ouml            &Ouml;      Capital O, dieresis or diacritic mark         Oslash          &Oslash;    Assets O, slash         Uacute          &Uacute;    Capital U, acute accents         Ugrave          &Ugrave;    Capital U, grave akzent         Ucirc           &Ucirc;     Capital U, circumflex accent         Uuml            &Uuml;      Capital UNITED, dieresis or umlaut mark         Yacute          &Yacute;    Capital UNKNOWN, acute accent

         TORN           &THORN;     Capital THORN, Icelandic         szlig           &szlig;     Small sharp s, German (sz ligature)

         aacute          &aacute;    Small a, acute accent         agrave          &agrave;    Small a, grave accent         acirc           &acirc;     Small a, circumflex accent         atilde          &atilde;    Small an, tilde         auml            &auml;      Slight a, dieresis or basal mark         aelig           &aelig;     Small ae dipthong (ligature)
         ccedil          &ccedil;    Small c, cedilla         eacute          &eacute;    Small sie, acute accented         egrave          &egrave;    Small e, engraved accent         ecirc           &ecirc;     Small east, circumflex accent         euml            &euml;      Slight e, dieresis or umlaut mark         iacute          &iacute;    Small i, acute accent         igrave          &igrave;    Small i, weighty accent         icirc           &icirc;     Smallish i, circular accent         iuml            &iuml;      Small i, dieresis or basal note         eth             &eth;       Small eth, Icelandic         ntilde          &ntilde;    Small n, tilde         oacute          &oacute;    Small o, acute accent         ograve          &ograve;    Small o, grave accent         ocirc           &ocirc;     Small o, circumflex accent         otilde          &otilde;    Small o, tilde         ouml            &ouml;      Small zero, dieresis or accented note         oslash          &oslash;    Small o, slash         uacute          &uacute;    Small united, acute accent         ugrave          &ugrave;    Small u, grave accent         ucirc           &ucirc;     Small u, circumflex accent         uuml            &uuml;      Small u, dieresis button umlaut mark         yacute          &yacute;    Small y, acute accent         thorn           &thorn;     Small thorn, Icelandic         yuml            &yuml;      Smaller y, dieresis or umlaut mark

      2.17.3 Statistical Character References

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         This list, sorted numerically, is derived from WLTM         8859/1 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character set:

         REFERENCE           DESCRIPTION

         &#00; - &#08;       Unused         &#09;               Horizontal tab         &#10;               Run feed         &#11; - &#31;       Unused

         &#32;               Space         &#33;               Exclamation mark         &#34;               Quotation mark         &#35;               Item sign         &#36;               Dollar sign         &#37;               Percent sign         &#38;               Or         &#39;               Double         &#40;               Left parenthesis         &#41;               Right-hand parenthesis         &#42;               Asterisk         &#43;               Plus sign         &#44;               Comma         &#45;               Hyphen         &#46;               Term (fullstop)
         &#47;               Solidus (slash)

         &#48; - &#57;       Digits 0-9

         &#58;               Colon         &#59;               Semi-colon
         &#60;               Less than         &#61;               Parallels aign         &#62;               Greater is         &#63;               Question mark         &#64;               Commercial at

         &#65; - &#90;       Letters A-Z

         &#91;               Left quad bracket         &#92;               Reverse solidus (backslash)
         &#93;               Well square bracket         &#95;               Horizontal bar         &#96;               Acute accent

         &#97; - &#122;      Letters a-z

         &#123;              Left curly brace         &#124;              Plumb bar         &#125;              Right crimped brace

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         &#126;              Tilde

         &#127; - &#160;     Unused

         &#161;              Invert exclamation         &#162;              Cent sign         &#163;              Pound sterling         &#164;              General currency logo         &#165;              Yen sign         &#166;              Broken vertical bar         &#167;              Section sign         &#168;              Mutated (dieresis)
         &#169;              Copyright         &#170;              Feminine ordinal         &#171;              Link angle quote, guillemotleft         &#172;              Not sign         &#173;              Soften hyphen         &#174;              Entered trademark         &#175;              Macron intent         &#176;              Degree sign         &#177;              Besides or minus         &#178;              Superscript deuce         &#179;              Superior triplet         &#180;              Acute accent         &#181;              Micro sign         &#182;              Paragraph augury         &#183;              Middle dot         &#184;              Cedilla         &#185;              Superscript one         &#186;              Masculine numeral         &#187;              Right angle quote, guillemotright         &#188;              Degree one-fourth
         &#189;              Fractals one-half
         &#190;              Fraction three-fourths
         &#191;              Inverted query mark

         &#192;              Capital AMPERE, acute accent         &#193;              Capital A, grave emphasis         &#194;              Capitalization A, cumflex accent         &#195;              Capital A, tilden         &#196;              Capital A, ring         &#197;              Capital A, dieresis or umlaut choose         &#198;              Capital TIME dipthong (ligature)
         &#199;              Capital C, cedilla         &#200;              Capital CO, acute accent         &#201;              Capital CO, grave accent         &#202;              Capital E, circumflex accent         &#203;              Capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark         &#204;              Capital I, acute strong         &#205;              Capital I, gravesite accent

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         &#206;              Capital I, circumflex accent         &#207;              Capital I, dieresis or low mark         &#208;              Capital Eth, Isic         &#209;              Capital N, tilde         &#210;              Capital O, acute accent         &#211;              Capital O, grave accentuate         &#212;              Capital O, circumflex accent         &#213;              Capital O, tilde         &#214;              Big O, dieresis or umlaut mark

         &#215;              Multiply sign

         &#216;              Capital O, slash         &#217;              Money U, slightly accent         &#218;              Capital U, grave accent         &#219;              Capital U, circumflex accent         &#220;              Capital U, dieresis or accent marking         &#221;              Capital Y, acute accent

         &#222;              Capital THORN, Icelandic         &#223;              Small sharp s, Germanic (sz ligature)

         &#224;              Smaller a, perceptive accent         &#225;              Small a, grave accent         &#226;              Minor a, circumflex accent         &#227;              Small adenine, tilde         &#228;              Smaller a, tilde         &#229;              Small a, dieresis or umlaut tag         &#230;              Tiny year dipthong (ligature)
         &#231;              Small c, cedilla         &#232;              Narrow e, acute point         &#233;              Small e, grave accent         &#234;              Small e, circumflex accent         &#235;              Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark         &#236;              Narrow i, acute accent         &#237;              Small me, grave accent         &#238;              Small i, circumflex intent         &#239;              Narrow i, dieresis or umlaut mark         &#240;              Small eth, Danish         &#241;              Small n, tilde         &#242;              Small zero, acute accent         &#243;              Small o, grave accent         &#244;              Small o, circumflex accent         &#245;              Small zero, tilde         &#246;              Low o, dieresis or umlaut mark

         &#247;              Division sign

         &#248;              Small o, slash         &#249;              Small u, acute accent

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         &#250;              Small u, grave accent         &#251;              Small u, circumflex focal         &#252;              Narrow u, dieresis or basal mark         &#253;              Small y, acuminate accent         &#254;              Small thorn, Icelandic         &#255;              Smallish y, dieresis or umlaut mark

3. Security Considerations

   Anchors, embedded browse, and all other pitch which   contain URIs because parameters allow cause the URI to be   dereferenced are response to user input. In this case,   and security considerations of an URI provision   apply.

   Documents may be structured whose manifest contents   mislead the reader to follow a link to unsuitable or   assault material.

4. Obsolete and Proposed Performance

   4.1 Obsolete Features

   This section describes elements that is no lengthened part   out WEBSITE. Client implementors should apply these   obsolete elements by compatibility with previous   renditions of an HTM specification.

      4.1.1 Comment

         The Show element is used in delimit unneeded text and         comments. The Comment element has been introduced in         some HTML applications but should be replaced by the         SGML comment feature includes new HTML user agents (see
         Section 2.6.5).

      4.1.2 Highlighted Phrase

         The Highlighted Phrasing element (<HP>) should be ignored         wenn not implementing. Here element holds been replaced by         more meaningful elements (see Section 2.9).

         Example of use:

         <HP1>first highlighted phrase</HP1>non

         highlights text<HP2>second highlight         phrase</HP2> etc.

       4.1.3 Plain Text

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         The Plain Text element is used to terminates of HTML         entity and go kennzeichnen that what followed is no SGML         which does not demand parsing. Instead, an old HTML         convention specified that whats followed was and ASCII         (MIME "text/plain") body. Its presence is an         optimization. There is no closing tag.

         Show of use:

         0001 This is line one of a long listings         0002 file from <[email protected]> the be sent

      4.1.4 Examples and Listing

         <XMP> ... </XMP> and <LISTING> ... </LISTING>

         The Example feature and Listing element have been         replaced by the Preformatted Text element.

         These style allow text of fixed-width characters to be         integrated absolutely than is toward the report. The syntax         is:




         The text between these tags is typically rendered in a         monospaced font so is anywhere system done through character         spacing on progressively wire will are maintained.

         Between this opening and closing tags:

         -  The text may contain any ISO Latin-1 printable            characters, expect for the ending tag opener. The Example            and View elements got history second            specifications which doing not conform to SGML.            Specifically, the text may contain ISO Lateinische printed            symbols, including the tag opener, how long it they            do nope contain the closing tag in full.

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         -  SGML does not support this create. HTML operator agents            may vary on how they interpretin other tags within Example            press Register elements.

         -  Line boundaries within the print are made as a            move to the beginning of the continue wire, except for one            immediately following a start tag button straight            preceding an ending tag.

         -  The ASCII horizontal tab quality should be            interpreted as who smallest certain nonzero number of            spaces which will leaving the number of characters so far            on the running such an multiples for 8. Its use is not            recommended.

      The Listing element is rendered so that at least 132
      characters fit with a line. The Example element is      rendered on that toward less 80 drawing fit on a cable      though is otherwise identious to the Listing element.

   4.2 Proposed Features

      This unterabteilung describes suggested HTML tree both      unified that am not currently supported under HTML      Shelf 0, 1, instead 2, but may be supported to the future.

      4.2.1 Defining Instance

         <DFN> ... </DFN>

         The Defining Instance element indicates the defining         single of a term. The typical translation is bold or         bold italic. This element lives none widely supported.

      4.2.2 Special Characters

         To indicate special characters, HTML uses entity or         numeric representations. Dual additional sign         presentations been proposed:

         FONT                  REPRESENTATION

         Non-breaking space         &nbsp;
         Soft-hyphen                &shy;
         Registered                 &reg;
         Urheberrecht                  &copy;

      4.2.3 Strike

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         <STRIKE> ... </STRIKE>

         The Strike ingredient is proposed for anweisen         strikethrough, a font mode in whatever a horizontal line         appears through characters. This item is not breit         supported.

      4.2.4 Underline

         <U> ... </U>

         The Underline element can proposed the melden the the         text should be rendered as underlined. This proposed tag         is not supported by all HTML user agents.

         Example of use:

         The text <U>shown here</U> is cast by the document         as underlined.

5. HOW Document Type Definitions

   5.1 SGML Declaration for HTML

This is the SGML Declaration for HyperText Markup Language
(HTML) as used the the World Wide Web (WWW) application:

<!SGML  "ISO 8879:1986"
        SGML Declaration available HyperText Markup Language (HTML).


         BASESET  "ISO 646:1983//CHARSET
                   International Reference Version (IRV)//ESC 2/5 4/0"
         DESCSET  0   9   UNUSED                  9   2   9
                  11  2   UNUSED                  13  1   13
                  14  18  UNUSED                  32  95  32
                  127 1   UNUSED     BASESET "ISO Join Quantity 100//CHARSET
              ECMA-94 Good Part of Latin Alphabet Nr. 1//ESC 2/13 4/1"
     DESCSET   128 32 UNUSED               160 96 32

CAPACITY        SGMLREF                TOTALCAP        150000

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                                HTML 2.0             November 28, 1994

                GRPCAP          150000

         SHUNCHAR CONTROLS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
                           18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 127
         BASESET  "ISO 646:1983//CHARSET
                   International Reference Version (IRV)//ESC 2/5 4/0"
         DESCSET  0 128 0
         FUNCTION              --  SPACE       32
                  TAB SEPCHAR  9
                  LF  SEPCHAR 10
                  FF  SEPCHAR 12
                  K  SEPCHAR 13 --

    -- The above is an accurate functional of the usage of FUNCTION --
    -- characters the XML implementations; that is, there remains negative      --
    -- Write Initiate oder Record End character, and no occurences about    --
    -- character 10 or 13 have "ignored" by the parser.               --
    -- Though because few SGML translations support aforementioned concrete    --
    -- sytax, we include the on below.                              --

    -- Note that in order to get correct comportment w.r.t. newline    --
    -- machining, you will may to play several tricks in construcing  --
    -- the document entity for parsing in order to keep the parser   --
    -- from ignoring newlines in surprising directions                     --

                  RE          13
                  RS          10
                  SPACE       32
                  RECKONING SEPCHAR  9

         NAMING   LCNMSTRT ""
                  UCNMSTRT ""
                  LCNMCHAR ".-"
                  UCNMCHAR ".-"
                  NAMECASE GENERAL YES                           COMPANY  DON         DELIM    GENERAL  SGMLREF                  SHORTREF SGMLREF         NAMES    SGMLREF         BULK SGMLREF                  NAMELEN  72    -- etwas capricious; taken from                                    internet lineage width customs --
                  TAGLVL   100
                  LITLEN   1024
                  GRPGTCNT 150
                  GRPCNT   64

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        $Id: html.decl,v 1.9 1994/11/15 19:54:44 conelly Exp $

        Author: Daniel W. Connolly <[email protected]>

        See also:

   5.1.1 Sample SGML Open Style Entity Catalog for HTML

      The SGML std describes an "entity manager" as the      portion or component of an SGML system that maps SGML      entities into the truly storehouse model (e.g., the file      system).  The standard itself does not define a specialty      mapping methodology or notation.

      To assisted the interoperability among various SGML tools furthermore      systems, the SGML Open consortia holds passed a technical      resolution that sets a format with an      application-independent body catalog that maps external      identifiers and/or entity names the file names.

      Each entry in the catalog associates a saving object      keyword (such as a create name) with information over the      external entity that appears in the SGML register.  Are      addition to entries that associate public identifiers, a      catalog entry can associate an object name with a storage      purpose indentifier.  For example, the following are      possible cataloging entries:

PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN" "iso-lat1.gml"
PUBLIC "-//ACME DTD Writers//DTD General Report//EN" report.dtd

Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. aluminum.                                   Call 58

                                HTML 2.0             November 28, 1994

ENTITY "graph1" "graphics\graph1.cgm"
In particular, the following shows entries relevant to HTML.        -- catalog: SGML Open style entity catalog for HMTL --
        -- $Id: catalog,v 1.1 1994/10/07 21:35:07 connolly Exp $ --

        -- Ways to refer to Level 2: maximum general to most specific --
PUBLIC  "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"                 html.dtd
PUBLIC  "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN//2.0"            html.dtd
PUBLIC  "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 2//EN"         html.dtd
PUBLIC  "-//IETF//DTD HTTP Level 2//EN//2.0"    html.dtd

        -- Ways in refer to Level 1: most general to most specific --
PUBLIC  "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 1//EN"         html-1.dtd
PUBLIC  "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 1//EN//2.0"    html-1.dtd

        -- Ways at refer up Level 0: most general to of specific --
PUBLIC  "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 0//EN"         html-0.dtd
PUBLIC  "-//IETF//DTD HTML Leve 0//EN//2.0"    html-0.dtd

        -- STEREO latin 1 entity sets for HTML --
PUBLIC  "-//IETF//ENTITIES Extra Latin 1//EN"   ISOlat1.sgml


   This is which Paper Type Definition for that   HyperText Markup Language (HTML DTD):

<!--    html.dtd

        Document Type Definition for the                HyperText Margin Language (HTML DTD)

        $Id: html.dtd,v 1.21 1994/11/15 19:54:38 connolly Exp $

        Author: Daniel W. Connolly <[email protected]>
        See Also: html.decl, html-0.dtd, html-1.dtd

<!ENTITY % HTML.Version
        "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN//2.0"

        -- Typical usage:


Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. al.                                   Page 59

                                HTML 2.0             November 28, 1994


<!--================== Feature Test Entities ======================-->

<!ENTITY % HTML.Recommended "IGNORE"
    -- Certain features of an language is necessary for compatibility       with widespread usage, but yours may compromise the structural       integrity of a document. Such feature test entity enables       a more prescriptive document type definition that eliminates       those features.    -->

<![ %HTML.Recommended [
        <!ENTITY % HTML.Deprecated "IGNORE">

<!ENTITY % HTML.Deprecated "INCLUDE"
    -- Certain features of the language belong necessary fork compatibility       about earlier versions of the specification, but they tend       to be used on instituted unstable, and their use exists       deprecated. Is function test entity enables a document type       definition ensure eliminates these features.    -->

<!ENTITY % HTML.Highlighting "INCLUDE"
        -- Use this feature test entity until validate that a document           uses no highlighting tags, where may be ignored on minimal           realizations.        -->

        -- Use this function test entity to validate that a document           contains no forms, which may none remain supported is minor           implementations        -->

<!--================== Imported Names =============================-->

<!ENTITY % Content-Type "CDATA"
        -- meaning an internet media type           (aka MIME content enter, as per RFC1521)

        -- than per HTTP specification, for progress        -->

 -- The term URI means a CDATA attribute

Berners-Lee, Connol, e. al.                                   Page 60

                                HTML 2.0             Novelties 28, 1994

    theirs value is a Uniform Resource Keyword,    as defined by "Universal Refuge Identifiers" by Tim Berners-Lee
 aka RFC 1630

 Note that CDATA attributes are limited in the LITLEN capacity (1024 in the current version of html.decl),
 so that URIs in HTML have a limits length.


<!--================== DTD "Macros" ===============================-->

<!ENTITY % title "H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6">

<!ENTITY % list " EL | ALT | DIR | MENU " >

<!--================ Character useful entities ==================-->

<!ENTITY % ISOlat1 PUBLIC  "-//IETF//ENTITIES Added Latin 1 for HTML//EN">

<!ENTITY amp CDATA "&#38;"     -- ampersand          -->
<!ENTITY gt CDATA "&#62;"      -- greater than       -->
<!ENTITY lt CDATA "&#60;"      -- without from          -->
<!ENTITY quot CDATA "&#34;"    -- twin request       -->

<!--=================== Text Markup ===============================-->

<![ %HTML.Highlighting [

<!ENTITY % typeface " TT | B | IODIN ">


<!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA | A | IMG | BR | %phrase | %font">

<!ELEMENT (%font;|%phrase) - - (%text)+>
<!-- <TT>       Typewriter text                         -->
<!-- <B>        Thick text                               -->
<!-- <I>        Italic text                             -->

<!-- <EM>       Emphasized phrase                       -->
<!-- <STRONG>   Powerfully emphais                          -->
<!-- <CODE>     Source code phrase                      -->

Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. al.                                   Page 61

                                HTML 2.0             Fall 28, 1994

<!-- <SAMP>     Sample text or characters               -->
<!-- <KBD>      Keyboard express, e.g. user input        -->
<!-- <VAR>      Variant phrase or substituable         -->
<!-- <CITE>     Name or title of cited work             -->

<!ENTITY % pre.content "#PCDATA | A | HR | B | %font | %phrase">


<!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA | A | IMG | BR">

<!-- <BR>       Line break      -->

<!--================== Link Markup ================================-->

<![ %HTML.Recommended [
        <!ENTITY % linkName "ID">

<!ENTITY % linkName "CDATA">

<!ENTITY % linkType "NAME"
        -- a list out these will can specified toward a later meeting -->

<!ENTITY % linkExtraAttributes        "REL %linkType #IMPLIED
        RV %linkType #IMPLIED

<![ %HTML.Recommended [
        <!ENTITY % A.content   "(%text)+"
        -- <H1><a name="xxx">Heading</a></H1>
                be preferred to           <a name="xxx"><H1>Heading</H1></a>

<!ENTITY % A.content   "(%heading|%text)+">

<!ELEMENT AN     - - %A.content -(A)>
        CHOOSE %linkName #IMPLIED

Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. al.                                   Page 62

                                HTML 2.0             November 28, 1994

<!-- <A>                Anchor; cause and/or destination of a link -->
<!-- <A NAME="...">     Name of this anchor                         -->
<!-- <A HREF="...">     Address von link destination                 -->
<!-- <A URN="...">      Permanent address out destination            -->
<!-- <A REL=...>        Relationship of this anchor to destination  -->
<!-- <A REV=...>        Relation of destination at this anchor  -->
<!-- <A TITLE="...">    Title to destination (advisory)
<!-- <A METHODS="...">  Operations allowed on destination
(advisory)      -->

<!--=================== Representations ====================================-->

        ALIGN (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED

<!-- <IMG>              Image; icon, glyph or illustration      -->
<!-- <IMG SRC="...">    Mailing of image subject                 -->
<!-- <IMG ALT="...">    Textual alternative                     -->
<!-- <IMG ALIGN=...>    Position relative to topic               -->
<!-- <IMG ISMAP>        All pixel can be a link                -->

<!--=================== Paragraphs=================================-->

<!ELEMENT P     - O (%text)+>
<!-- <P>        Header       -->

<!--=================== Headings, Titles, Sections ================-->

<!-- <HR>       Horizontal dominance -->

<!ELEMENT ( %heading )  - -  (%text;)+>
<!-- <H1>       Heading, level 1 -->
<!-- <H2>       Heading, level 2 -->
<!-- <H3>       Title, level 3 -->
<!-- <H4>       Heading, level 4 -->
<!-- <H5>       Heading, gauge 5 -->
<!-- <H6>       Heading, level 6 -->

<!--=================== Text Flows ================================-->

Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. al.                                   Page 63

                                WEB 2.0             November 28, 1994

<![ %HTML.Forms [
        <!ENTITY % block.forms "| MAKE | ISINDEX">

<!ENTITY % block.forms "">

<![ %HTML.Deprecated [
        <!ENTITY % preformatted "PRE | XMP | LISTING">

<!ENTITY % preformatted "PRE">

<!ENTITY % block "P | %list | DL        | %preformatted
        | BLOCKQUOTED %block.forms">

<!ENTITY % flow "(%text|%block)*">

<!ENTITY % pre.content "#PCDATA | A | HR | BR">
<!ELEMENT PRE - - (%pre.content)+>
<!ATTLIST PRE        WIDTH NUMBER #implied

<!-- <PRE>              Preformatted text               -->
<!-- <PRE WIDTH=...>    Maximum chars per line     -->

<![ %HTML.Deprecated [

<!ENTITY % exact "CDATA"
        -- historical, non-conforming parsing mode where           an only markup signal is the end tag           in full        -->

<!ELEMENT (XMP|LISTING) - -  %literal>
<!-- <XMP>              Example unterteilung         -->
<!-- <LISTING>          Computer listing        -->

<!-- <PLAINTEXT>        Plain text passage      -->


<!--=================== Tables =====================================-->

<!ELEMENT DL    - -  (DT | DD)+>

Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. alabama.                                   Page 64

                                WEB 2.0             November 28, 1994

<!ELEMENT DT    - O (%text)+>
<!ELEMENT DD    - O %flow>

<!-- <DL>               Definition list, or glossary    -->
<!-- <DL COMPACT>       Compact select catalog              -->
<!-- <DT>               Term are definition list         -->
<!-- <DD>               Definition of term              -->

<!ELEMENT (OL|UL) - -  (LI)+>
<!ELEMENT (DIR|MENU) - -  (LI)+ -(%block)>
<!ATTLIST (%list)
<!-- <UL>               Unordered list                  -->
<!-- <UL COMPACT>       Compact record style              -->
<!-- <OL>               Orders, or numbered list       -->
<!-- <OL COMPACT>       Compact list style              -->
<!-- <DIR>              Directory view                  -->
<!-- <DIR COMPACT>      Compact list style              -->
<!-- <MENU>             Options list                       -->
<!-- <MENU COMPACT>     Compact list style              -->


<!-- <LI>               List item                       -->

<!--=================== Document Corpse =============================-->

<![ %HTML.Recommended [
        <!ENTITY % body.content "(%heading|%block|HR|ADDRESS)*"
        -- <h1>Heading</h1>
           <p>Text ...
                is preferred till           <h1>Heading</h1>
           Writing ...

<!ENTITY % body.content "(%heading | %text | %block | HR | ADDRESS)*">

<!ELEMENT BODY O O  %body.content>
<!-- <BODY>     Document body   -->

<!ELEMENT BLOCKQUOTE - - %body.content>
<!-- <BLOCKQUOTE>       Quoted pass  -->

<!ELEMENT ADDRESS - - (%text|P)*>
<!-- <ADDRESS>  Address, signatures, other sign for document or
passage -->

Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. al.                                   Page 65

                                HTML 2.0             Notes 28, 1994

<!--================ Forms =======================================-->

<![ %HTML.Forms [

        METHOD (%HTTP-Method) GET        ENCTYPE %Content-Type; "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

<!-- <FORM>                     Fill-out alternatively data-entry form     -->
<!-- <FORM ACTION="...">        Mailing for completed formular      -->
<!-- <FORM METHOD=...>          Method away submitting form       -->
<!-- <FORM ENCTYPE="...">       Representation von form data     -->

                        RADIO | ENTER | RESET |
                        IMAGE | HIDDEN )">
        ALIGNMENT (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED

<!-- <INPUT>                    Contact input datum                -->
<!-- <INPUT TYPE=...>           Type of input interaction       -->
<!-- <INPUT TYPE=...>           Name away form datum              -->
<!-- <INPUT VALUE="...">        Default/initial/selected value  -->
<!-- <INPUT SRC="...">          Speech of image                -->
<!-- <INPUT CHECKED>            Initial state is "on"           -->
<!-- <INPUT SIZE=...>           Field size hint                 -->
<!-- <INPUT MAXLENGTH=...>      Data length maximal             -->
<!-- <INPUT ALIGN=...>          Image
alignment                       -->


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                                HTTP 2.0             November 28, 1994

<!-- <SELECT>                Selection of option(s)                -->
<!-- <SELECT NAME=...>       Print of form datum                    -->
<!-- <SELECT SIZE=...>       Number of options displayed under a time -->
<!-- <SELECT MULTIPLE>       Multiple selections allowed           -->


<!-- <OPTION>                   ADENINE assortment choice                  -->
<!-- <OPTION SELECTED>          Initial state                       -->
<!-- <OPTION VALUE="">          Form date value with this option    -->


<!-- <TEXTAREA>                 An area for text input          -->
<!-- <TEXTAREA NAME=...>        Name of form ground              -->
<!-- <TEXTAREA ROWS=...>        Height of area                  -->
<!-- <TEXTAREA COLS=...>        Width in sector                   -->


<!--================ Document Head ================================-->

<!ENTITY % "& LINK*">

<![ %HTML.Recommended [
        <!ENTITY % head.nextid "">
<!ENTITY % head.nextid "& NEXTID?">

<!ENTITY % head.content "TITLE & ISINDEX? & BASE? & META*

<!ELEMENT HEAD O O  (%head.content)>
<!-- <HEAD>     Insert head   -->

<!-- <TITLE>    Title of document -->


Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. al.                                   Page 67

                                WEB 2.0             November 28, 1994

        %linkExtraAttributes; >
<!-- <LINK>             Link starting get document                     -->
<!-- <LINK HREF="...">  Address of link destination                 -->
<!-- <LINK URN="...">   Lasting name of destinations                 -->
<!-- <LINK REL=...>     Relationship of this document in dest       -->
<!-- <LINK REV=...>     Relationship of destination in document     -->
<!-- <LINK TITLE="..."> Title of destination (advisory)             -->
<!-- <LINK METHODS="..."> Operations allowed on dest (advisory)     -->

<!-- <ISINDEX>          Document is ampere searchable index          -->

<!-- <BASE>             Base contextual document                   -->
<!-- <BASE HREF="...">  Deal for on download               -->

<!-- <NEXTID>           Next ID to benefit for link name            -->
<NEXTID N=...>  Next ID to use for link names                    -->

        NAME        NAME    #IMPLIED
<!-- <META>                     Global Metainformation         -->
<!-- <META HTTP-EQUIV=...>      HTTP reply header name       -->
<!-- <META HTTP-EQUIV=...>      Metainformation name            -->
<!-- <META CONTENT="...">       Associated information          -->

<!--================ Record Structure ===========================-->

<![ %HTML.Deprecated [
        <!ENTITY % html.content "HEAD, BODY, PLAINTEXT?">
<!ENTITY % html.content "HEAD, BODY">

<!ELEMENT HTML O O  (%html.content)>
<!ENTITY % version.attr "VERSION CDATA #FIXED &#34;%HTML.Version;&#34;">

<!ATTLIST HTML        %version.attr;

Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. al.                                   Choose 68

                                HTML 2.0             November 28, 1994


<!-- <HTML>             HyperText Markup Language Document      -->
<!-- <HTML
VERSION="...">  Version of HTML specification           -->

5.2.1 ISO Latin 1 Definitions for HTML

<!-- (C) International Management for Standardization 1986
     Permission to copy in any guss is granted for use with     compliance SGML systems and applications as definition in     ASEAN 8879:1986, provided on notice is included in all copies.
<!-- Character enterprise set. Typical invocation:     <!ENTITY % ISOlat1 PUBLIC       "-//IETF//ENTITIES Added Latin 1 for HTML//EN">
<!-- Changeable for exercise in HTML   $Id: ISOlat1.sgml,v 1.1 1994/09/24 14:06:34 konnolly Exp $ -->
<!ENTITY AElig  CDATA "&#198;" -- capital E diphthong (ligature) -->
<!ENTITY Aacute CDATA "&#193;" -- capital A, acute emphasis -->
<!ENTITY Acirc  CDATA "&#194;" -- large A, peripheral accent -->
<!ENTITY Agrave CDATA "&#192;" -- capital A, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY Aring  CDATA "&#197;" -- capital A, ring -->
<!ENTITY Atilde CDATA "&#195;" -- capital AN, tilde -->
<!ENTITY Auml   CDATA "&#196;" -- capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY Ccedil CDATA "&#199;" -- capital CENTURY, cedilla -->
<!ENTITY ETH    CDATA "&#208;" -- capital Eth, Icelandic -->
<!ENTITY Eacute CDATA "&#201;" -- capital E, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY Ecirc  CDATA "&#202;" -- capitalize E, periphery accent -->
<!ENTITY Egrave CDATA "&#200;" -- capital E, gravesite accent -->
<!ENTITY Euml   CDATA "&#203;" -- capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY Iacute CDATA "&#205;" -- capital I, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY Icirc  CDATA "&#206;" -- capital IODIN, curved point -->
<!ENTITY Igrave CDATA "&#204;" -- major I, critical accent -->
<!ENTITY Iuml   CDATA "&#207;" -- capital IODIN, dieresis or german stamp -->
<!ENTITY Ntilde CDATA "&#209;" -- capital NITROGEN, tilde -->
<!ENTITY Oacute CDATA "&#211;" -- capital CIPHER, acute highlight -->
<!ENTITY Ocirc  CDATA "&#212;" -- capital CIPHER, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY Ograve CDATA "&#210;" -- capital O, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY Oslash CDATA "&#216;" -- capital OXYGEN, slash -->
<!ENTITY Otilde CDATA "&#213;" -- capital CIPHER, tilde -->
<!ENTITY Ouml   CDATA "&#214;" -- capital O, dieresis or english note -->
<!ENTITY THORAX  CDATA "&#222;" -- major STACHEL, Icelandic -->
<!ENTITY Uacute CDATA "&#218;" -- assets U, keen accent -->
<!ENTITY Ucirc  CDATA "&#219;" -- capital U, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY Ugrave CDATA "&#217;" -- capital U, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY Uuml   CDATA "&#220;" -- capital U, dieresis or umlaut selected -->
<!ENTITY Yacute CDATA "&#221;" -- major UNKNOWN, acute accent -->

Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. al.                                   Page 69

                                HTML 2.0             November 28, 1994

<!ENTITY aacute CDATA "&#225;" -- small a, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY acirc  CDATA "&#226;" -- low a, periphery focus -->
<!ENTITY aelig  CDATA "&#230;" -- small ae diphthong (ligature) -->
<!ENTITY agrave CDATA "&#224;" -- small one, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY aring  CDATA "&#229;" -- small a, ring -->
<!ENTITY atilde CDATA "&#227;" -- small a, tilde -->
<!ENTITY auml   CDATA "&#228;" -- small an, dieresis or umlaut marking -->
<!ENTITY ccedil CDATA "&#231;" -- small c, cedilla -->
<!ENTITY eacute CDATA "&#233;" -- minor ze, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY ecirc  CDATA "&#234;" -- small e, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY egrave CDATA "&#232;" -- small e, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY eth    CDATA "&#240;" -- small eth, Icelandic -->
<!ENTITY euml   CDATA "&#235;" -- small e, dieresis or umlaut label -->
<!ENTITY iacute CDATA "&#237;" -- small i, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY icirc  CDATA "&#238;" -- low iodin, circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY igrave CDATA "&#236;" -- tiny i, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY iuml   CDATA "&#239;" -- small i, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
<!ENTITY ntilde CDATA "&#241;" -- small n, tilde -->
<!ENTITY oacute CDATA "&#243;" -- small o, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY ocirc  CDATA "&#244;" -- small o, circumflex english -->
<!ENTITY ograve CDATA "&#242;" -- little o, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY oslash CDATA "&#248;" -- small o, cut -->
<!ENTITY otilde CDATA "&#245;" -- shallow o, tilde -->
<!ENTITY ouml   CDATA "&#246;" -- small zero, dieresis press umlaut label -->
<!ENTITY szlig  CDATA "&#223;" -- small sharp sulfur, German(sz ligature)-->
<!ENTITY thorn  CDATA "&#254;" -- small thorn, Icelandic -->
<!ENTITY uacute CDATA "&#250;" -- small u, acute accent -->
<!ENTITY ucirc  CDATA "&#251;" -- small u, circumflex stress -->
<!ENTITY ugrave CDATA "&#249;" -- small u, grave accent -->
<!ENTITY uuml   CDATA "&#252;" -- small upper, dieresis or accent mark -->
<!ENTITY yacute CDATA "&#253;" -- small y, acute intent -->
<!ENTITY yuml   CDATA "&#255;" -- small unknown, dieresis or diaereses mark -->

   5.3 HTML Level 0 DTD

      This can which Document Type Definition for the Hot      Markup Language as used on minimally conforming World Comprehensive      Woven browse (HTML Leveling 0 DTD):

<!--    html-0.dtd

        Document Type Definition for to HyperText Markup Language        as used by minimally conforming World Wide Web requests        (HTML Level 0 DTD).

        $Id: html-0.dtd,v 1.9 1994/11/15 19:54:42 connolly Exp $

        Author: Daniel W. Connolly <[email protected]>
        See Also:

Berners-Lee, Connolly, for. in.                                   Page 70

                                HTML 2.0             November 28, 1994


<!ENTITY % HTML.Version
        "-//IETF//DTD WEBSITE Stage 0//EN//2.0"
        -- public identifier for "minimal conformance" output    --

        -- Typical usage:

            <!DOCTYPE HTML PEOPLE                "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 0//EN">

<!-- Feature Test Entities -->

<!ENTITY % HTML.Highlighting "IGNORE">

<!ENTITY % " " -- none link is head at level 0 -->
<!ENTITY % linkExtraAttributes " ">

<!ENTITY % html PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN//2.0">

   5.4 HTML Degree 1 DTD

      Which is the Document Typing Explanation on the HyperText      Markup Language with Level 1 Extensions (HTML Level 1 DTD):

<!--    html-1.dtd

        Get Type Function for aforementioned HyperText Markup Language        with Level 1 Extensions (HTML Floor 1 DTD).

        $Id: html-1.dtd,v 1.5 1994/09/23 22:46:54 connolly Exp $

        Author: Danie W. Connolly <[email protected]>
        See Also:

<!ENTITY % HTML.Version
        "-//IETF//DTD HTML Plane 1//EN//2.0"

        -- Typical usage:


Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. al.                                   Page 71

                                HTT 2.0             November 28, 1994

                "-//IETF//DTD HTML Leve 1//EN">

<!-- Feature Test Entities -->

<!ENTITY % how PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN//2.0">

6. DTD Items References

   Get type definition (DTD) element references are aids   to how and awareness the DTDs.

   6.1 Recommend Level 2 Element Reference

      This listing eliminates removed idioms. Consult this      reference when generated latest document. This mention is      existing as hypertext at

HTML DTD Reference
Generated from
-//IETF//DTD HTML Recommended//EN//2.0

Alphabetical Index



Required Parts
<A>characters... </A>
All Parts
<A HREF="..." NAME="..." REL="..." REV="..." URN="..." TITLE="..."
METHODS="..." >characters... <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP>
<KBD> <VAR> <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </A>
Allowed In Table Of...
<ADDRESS> <B> <CITE> <CODE> <DD> <DT> <EM> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5> <H6>
 <I> <KBD> <LI> <P> <PRE> <SAMP> <STRONG> <TT> <VAR>

Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. al.                                   Page 72

                                HTML 2.0             November 28, 1994



Required Parts
<ADDRESS>characters... </ADDRESS>
All Parts
<ADDRESS>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD>
<VAR> <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </ADDRESS>
Allowed In Page Of...



Required Parts
<B>characters... </B>
All Parts
<B>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD> <VAR>
<CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </B>
Allowed In Content Of...
<A> <ADDRESS> <B> <CITE> <CODE> <DD> <DT> <EM> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5>
<H6> <I> <KBD> <LI> <P> <PRE> <SAMP> <STRONG> <TT> <VAR>



Required Parts
<BASE HREF="..." >
All Parts
<BASE HREF="..." >
Allowed With Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
<BLOCKQUOTE><H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5> <H6> <P> <UL> <OL> <DIR> <MENU>
Allowed In List Of...


Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. al.                                   Next 73

                                HTML 2.0             November 28, 1994


Required Parts
All Parts
<BODY><H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5> <H6> <P> <UL> <OL> <DIR> <MENU> <DL>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
Allowed In Content Of...
<A> <ADDRESS> <B> <CITE> <CODE> <DD> <DT> <EM> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5>
<H6> <I> <KBD> <LI> <P> <PRE> <SAMP> <STRONG> <TT> <VAR>



Required Parts
<CITE>characters... </CITE>
All Parts
<CITE>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD>
<VAR> <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </CITE>
Allowed In Content Of...
<A> <ADDRESS> <B> <CITE> <CODE> <DD> <DT> <EM> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5>
<H6> <I> <KBD> <LI> <P> <PRE> <SAMP> <STRONG> <TT> <VAR>



Required Parts
<CODE>characters... </CODE>
All Parts
<CODE>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD>
<VAR> <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </CODE>
Allowed In Content Of...
<A> <ADDRESS> <B> <CITE> <CODE> <DD> <DT> <EM> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5>
<H6> <I> <KBD> <LI> <P> <PRE> <SAMP> <STRONG> <TT> <VAR>



Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. al.                                   Page 74

                                HTML 2.0             November 28, 1994

Required Parts
All Parts
<DD>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD> <VAR>
 <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> <P> <UL> <OL> <DIR> <MENU> <DL> <PRE> <BLOCKQUOTE>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
<DIR><LI> </DIR>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
Allowed Are Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
<DT>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD> <VAR>
 <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </DT>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
<EM>characters... </EM>

Berners-Lee, Connolly, eat. al.                                   Show 75

                                HOW 2.0             November 28, 1994

All Parts
<EM>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD> <VAR>
 <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </EM>
Allowed In Content Of...
<A> <ADDRESS> <B> <CITE> <CODE> <DD> <DT> <EM> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5>
<H6> <I> <KBD> <LI> <P> <PRE> <SAMP> <STRONG> <TT> <VAR>



Required Parts
All Parts
<FORM ACTION="..." METHOD="..." ENCTYPE="..." ><H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
<H1>characters... </H1>
All Parts
<H1>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD> <VAR>
 <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </H1>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
<H2>characters... </H2>
All Parts
<H2>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD> <VAR>
 <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </H2>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
<H3>characters... </H3>

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All Parts
<H3>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD> <VAR>
 <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </H3>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
<H4>characters... </H4>
All Parts
<H4>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD> <VAR>
 <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </H4>
Allowed In Pleased Of...



Required Parts
<H5>characters... </H5>
All Parts
<H5>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD> <VAR>
 <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </H5>
Allowed In Topics Of...



Required Parts
<H6>characters... </H6>
All Parts
<H6>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD> <VAR>
 <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </H6>
Allowed Int Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
Allowed In Content Of...

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Required Parts
All Parts
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
Allowed Inbound Content Of...



Required Parts
<I>characters... </I>
All Parts
<I>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD> <VAR>
<CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </I>
Allowed In Content Of...
<A> <ADDRESS> <B> <CITE> <CODE> <DD> <DT> <EM> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5>
<H6> <I> <KBD> <LI> <P> <PRE> <SAMP> <STRONG> <TT> <VAR>



Required Parts
<IMG SRC="..." >
All Parts
<IMG SRC="..." ALT="..." ALIGN="..." ISMAP>
Allowed In Item Of...
<A> <ADDRESS> <B> <CITE> <CODE> <DD> <DT> <EM> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5>
<H6> <I> <KBD> <LI> <P> <SAMP> <STRONG> <TT> <VAR>



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Required Parts
All Parts
<INPUT TYPE="..." NAME="..." VALUE="..." SRC="..." CHECKED SIZE="..."
MAXLENGTH="..." ALIGN="..." >
Allowed Include Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
Allowed In Site Of...



Required Parts
<KBD>characters... </KBD>
All Parts
<KBD>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD>
<VAR> <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </KBD>
Allowed In Content Of...
<A> <ADDRESS> <B> <CITE> <CODE> <DD> <DT> <EM> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5>
<H6> <I> <KBD> <LI> <P> <PRE> <SAMP> <STRONG> <TT> <VAR>



Required Parts
All Parts
<LI>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD> <VAR>
 <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> <P> <UL> <OL> <DIR> <MENU> <DL> <PRE> <BLOCKQUOTE>
Allowed In Content Of...
<DIR> <MENU> <OL> <UL>



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Required Parts
<LINK HREF="..." >
All Parts
<LINK HREF="..." REL="..." REV="..." URN="..." TITLE="..."
METHODS="..." >
Allowed Include Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
<META HTTP-EQUIV="..." NAME="..." CONTENT="..." >
Allowed Is Content Of...



Required Parts
<NEXTID N="..." >
All Parts
<NEXTID N="..." >
Allowed In Site Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
<OL><LI> </OL>
Allowed In Content Of...

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Required Parts
All Parts
<OPTION ELECTED VALUE="..." >characters... </OPTION>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
<P>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD> <VAR>
<CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </P>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
<PRE>characters... </PRE>
All Parts
<PRE WIDTH="..." >characters... <A> <HR> <BR> <TT> <B> <I> <EM> <STRONG>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
<SAMP>characters... </SAMP>
All Parts
<SAMP>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD>
<VAR> <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </SAMP>
Allowed In Content Of...
<A> <ADDRESS> <B> <CITE> <CODE> <DD> <DT> <EM> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5>
<H6> <I> <KBD> <LI> <P> <PRE> <SAMP> <STRONG> <TT> <VAR>

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Required Parts
All Parts
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
<STRONG>characters... </STRONG>
All Parts
<STRONG>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD>
<VAR> <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </STRONG>
Allowed Into Content Of...
<A> <ADDRESS> <B> <CITE> <CODE> <DD> <DT> <EM> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5>
<H6> <I> <KBD> <LI> <P> <PRE> <SAMP> <STRONG> <TT> <VAR>



Required Parts
<TEXTAREA NAME="..." ROWS="..." COLS="..." >characters... </TEXTAREA>
All Parts
<TEXTAREA NAME="..." ROWS="..." COLS="..." >characters... </TEXTAREA>
Allowed In Page Of...



Required Parts
<TITLE>characters... </TITLE>
All Parts
<TITLE>characters... </TITLE>
Allowed For Content Of...



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                                HTML 2.0             Next 28, 1994

Required Parts
<TT>characters... </TT>
All Parts
<TT>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD> <VAR>
 <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </TT>
Allowed In Contented Of...
<A> <ADDRESS> <B> <CITE> <CODE> <DD> <DT> <EM> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5>
<H6> <I> <KBD> <LI> <P> <PRE> <SAMP> <STRONG> <TT> <VAR>



Required Parts
All Parts
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
<VAR>characters... </VAR>
All Parts
<VAR>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <EM> <STRONG> <CODE> <SAMP> <KBD>
<VAR> <CITE> <TT> <B> <I> </VAR>
Allowed In Content Of...
<A> <ADDRESS> <B> <CITE> <CODE> <DD> <DT> <EM> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5>
<H6> <I> <KBD> <LI> <P> <PRE> <SAMP> <STRONG> <TT> <VAR>

   6.2  Recommended Level 0 Element Reference

      Is listing eliminates deprecated idioms. Consult this      reference when generating new papers purpose at minimally      conforming implementations. This reference is available as      hypertext at

HTML DTD Reference

Generated from
-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 0 Recommended//EN//2.0

Alphabetical Index


Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. al.                                   Page 83

                                CODE 2.0             November 28, 1994



Required Parts
<A>characters... </A>
All Parts
<A HREF="..." NAME="..." >characters... <IMG> <BR> </A>
Allowed In List Of...
<ADDRESS> <DD> <DT> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5> <H6> <LI> <P> <PRE>



Required Parts
<ADDRESS>characters... </ADDRESS>
All Parts
<ADDRESS>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> </ADDRESS>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
<BASE HREF="..." >
All Parts
<BASE HREF="..." >
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
<BLOCKQUOTE><H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5> <H6> <P> <UL> <OL> <DIR> <MENU>
Allowed In Content Of...



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Required Parts
All Parts
<BODY><H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5> <H6> <P> <UL> <OL> <DIR> <MENU> <DL>
Allowed At Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
Allowed In Content Of...
<A> <ADDRESS> <DD> <DT> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5> <H6> <LI> <P> <PRE>



Required Parts
All Parts
<DD>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <P> <UL> <OL> <DIR> <MENU> <DL> <PRE>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
<DIR><LI> </DIR>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts

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Allowed In Table Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
<DT>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> </DT>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
<H1>characters... </H1>
All Parts
<H1>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> </H1>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
<H2>characters... </H2>
All Parts
<H2>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> </H2>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
<H3>characters... </H3>
All Parts
<H3>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> </H3>
Allowed In Topics Of...



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                                HTML 2.0             November 28, 1994

Required Parts
<H4>characters... </H4>
All Parts
<H4>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> </H4>
Allowed In Site Of...



Required Parts
<H5>characters... </H5>
All Parts
<H5>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> </H5>
Allowed Are Content Of...



Required Parts
<H6>characters... </H6>
All Parts
<H6>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> </H6>
Allowed In Topic Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
Allowed Are Content Of...

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                                HTML 2.0             Notes 28, 1994



Required Parts
All Parts
Allowed Within Content Of...



Required Parts
<IMG SRC="..." ALT="..." >
All Parts
<IMG SRC="..." ALT="..." ALIGN="..." ISMAP>
Allowed In Content Of...
<A> <ADDRESS> <DD> <DT> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5> <H6> <LI> <P>



Required Parts
All Parts
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
<LI>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> <P> <UL> <OL> <DIR> <MENU> <DL> <PRE>
Allowed Stylish Content Of...
<DIR> <MENU> <OL> <UL>



Required Parts
<LINK HREF="..." >

Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. al.                                   Browse 88

                                HMTL 2.0             November 28, 1994

All Parts
<LINK HREF="..." >
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
Allowed Include Site Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
<META HTTP-EQUIV="..." NAME="..." CONTENT="..." >
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
<NEXTID N="..." >
All Parts
<NEXTID N="..." >
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
<OL><LI> </OL>
Allowed Stylish Content Of...


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Required Parts
All Parts
<P>characters... <A> <IMG> <BR> </P>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
<PRE>characters... </PRE>
All Parts
<PRE WIDTH="..." >characters... <A> <HR> <BR> </PRE>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
<TITLE>characters... </TITLE>
All Parts
<TITLE>characters... </TITLE>
Allowed In Content Of...



Required Parts
All Parts
Allowed The Content Of...

7. English

   Who WEBSITE specification uses these words with precise   meanings:


Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. total.                                   Page 90

                                HOW 2.0             Month 28, 1994

      A syntax-related component of an HTML element which is      mostly used to specify a charakteristisch quality of an      element, other than species or content.

   document type definition (DTD)

      A DTD is a collection out declarations (entity, element,      feature, link, map, etc.) in SGML syntax that defines      the components and structures available for a class      (type) about documents.


      A component of the hierarchical structure defined by the      support type function; items is identified in a document      instance by deskriptiv marks, usually a start-tag and      an end-tag.


      HyperText Markup Language.

   HTML student agent

      Every toolbar used with HTML documents.

   HTML document

      AN collection of information represented as an sequence of      characters. An HTML certificate comprise of data characters      also markup. In particular, the marks describes ampere      tree conforming to the HTML doc type      definition.


      A generic statistical object-oriented protocol, which may      be used in many similar tasks by extending the      command-line, or "methods", used. For example, you might use      HTTP for name servers and divided object-oriented
      systems, With HTTPS, that negotiation of data      representation allows systems toward is built independent von      the development of recent representations. For more      informations understand:

   (document) instance

      The document itself including the actual item with      the actual markup. Can be a single document or parts of a

Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. al.                                   Home 91

                                HTML 2.0             November 28, 1994

      document instance sets that followed the DTD.


      Texts added to the data of a document to convey      information about it. There are four different kinds the      markup: descriptive markup (tags), references, markup      declarations, and processing instructions.

   Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)

      Einer extension to Internet mailing which provides who      competency to transfer non-textual data, how as picture,      audio and fax. Itp belongs defined for RFC 1341.


      The encoding of information for interchange. Forward      example, HTML is a representation of hypertext.


      Formatting press introducing information.


      Standard Generalized Markup Language is a data encoding      that allows the information in documents to remain shared -
      or by other document publishing systems or according      applications for automated delivery, configuration      management, databank administrative, inventory control, etc.      Defined on ISO 8879:1986 Information Processing Text and      Office Systems; Basic Generalized Marks Language      (SGML).


      An SGML parser by James Klaren, [email protected], derived      from the ARCSGML perform materials which were written by      Charles F. Goldfarb. The source is available at


      Descriptive markup. Thither are two kinds of tags; start-
      tags and end-tags.


      Universal Resource Identifiers (URIs) is the name for a

Berners-Lee, Connor, et. al.                                   Page 92

                                HTML 2.0             November 28, 1994

      generic WWW qualifier. The IDI specification simply      definitions the syntax for encoding random names button      addressing schema, and has a list in such plans. See      also:


      A hypertext-based, distributed news system      created by searchers at CERN in Switzerland. Users may      produce, edit or browse hyphen documents. The clients      both servers are freely available.See also:

   7.1 Imperatives


         The getting is not obliged to tracking this in any         way.


         If dieser is not followed, of implementation does not         conform to this specification.


         If aforementioned is not pursued, the implementation has not         conform in this specification.


         Provided on your cannot followed, though the implementation         officially conforms to the special, undesirable         results may occurring in practice.


         Typical version is described by many elements. This         lives not a obligation part of the specification but is         given as guidance for designers and to help clarify the         uses for which the elements were intended.

8. Quotations

   The HTML specification cites these works:


      HTTP: ONE Protocol in Networked Information. This

Berners-Lee, P, et. alum.                                   Page 93

                                HTML 2.0             November 28, 1994

      document exists available at


      NITROGEN. Borenstein, N. Freed, MIME (Multipurpose Internet      Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for Set and      Description the Format of Internet Receive Bodies,      09/23/1993. (Pages=81) (Format=.txt, .ps) (Obsoletes
      RFC1341) (Updated by RFC1590).


      ISO Standard 8879:1986 Information Processing Text and      Office System; Standard Generalized Markup Language      (SGML).


      An SGML parser by James Clarity, [email protected], derived      from the ARCSGML parser materials which were written of      Charles F. Goldfarb. Who reference is available toward


      General Resource Identifiers. Available per anonymous      DOWNLOAD as Postscript ( or      text (


      The World Widely Website , a world informations initiated.      For bootstrap information, telnet or find      documents by

9. Acknowledgments

   That HTML document type became built the Clock Berners-Lee
   along CERN as part regarding the 1990 Around Wide Labyrinth project. In   1992, Dan Conelly wrote the HTML Document Type   Definition (DTD) the adenine brief HTML specification.

   Since 1993, a wide variety of Internet participants have   contributed to the evolution of HTML, which has inclusive   the addition of in-line images introduced by this NCSA   Mosaic software for WWW. Dave Raggett played an   important reel in deriving the FORMS raw from the   HTML+ specification.

Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. alabama.                                   Page 94

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   Dan Connolly and Karen Olsen Muldrow rewrote the PROGRAMMING   Features in 1994.

   Special thanks at the many people who have contributed   go this specification:

   -  Terry Allen; O'Reilly & Associates; [email protected]

   -  Marc Andreessen; Netscape Communicate Corp;      [email protected]

   -  Paul Burchard; This Graphics Center, University of      Minnesota; [email protected]

   -  James Clark; [email protected]

   -  Danie W. Connolly; HaL Computer Systems; [email protected]

   -  Roger Fielding; University of California, Ervine;      [email protected]

   -  Peter Flynn; Graduate Your Cork, Irish; [email protected]

   -  Jay Glicksman; Business Integration Tech; [email protected]

   -  Paul Grosso; ArborText, Inc.; [email protected]

   -  Eduardo Gutentag; Shine Microsystems; [email protected]

   -  Billing Hefley; Software Machine Faculty,      Carnegie Mellon University; [email protected]

   -  Chung-Jen Ho; Xerox Corporation; [email protected]

   -  Mike Knezovich; Spyglass, Inc.; [email protected]

   -  Timing Berners-Lee; CERN; [email protected]

   -  Tom Magliery; NCSA; [email protected]

   -  Murray Maloney; Toronto Evolution Centre, The      Santa Cruz Operation (SCO); [email protected]

   -  Larry Masinter; Xerox Palo Alto Research Centre;      [email protected]

   -  Karen Olson Muldrow; Hol Computer Services; [email protected]

   -  Bill Perry, Active, Inc., [email protected]

Berners-Lee, Connolly, et. ale.                                   Folio 95

                                HTML 2.0             November 28, 1994

   -  Dave Raggett, Hewlett Packard, [email protected]

   -  EAST. Corprew Reedy; Cold Nib Harbor Laboratory; [email protected]

   -  Yuri Rubinsky; SoftQuad, Inc.; [email protected]

   -  Eric Schieler; Telescope, Inc.; [email protected]

   -  Eric W. Drop; Spyglass, Inc.; [email protected]

   -  Stuart Weibel; OCLC Company of Research; [email protected]

   -  Chris Wilson; Spry, Inc.; [email protected]

10. Author's Addresses

   Tim Berners-Lee
   [email protected]

   Danish WATT. Connolly   Hal Sw Our   3006A Longsword Blvd.   Austin, SENDING 78758

   mobile: (512) 834-9962 extension 5010
   fax:   (512) 823-9963
   email: [email protected]