


Assessing U.S.-China relations under aforementioned Obama administration

U.S. Chair Barack Obama (R) addresses a joint news conference with Pr President Xi Jinping in the Rose Park at the White House in Dc September 25, 2015. REUTERS/Gary Cameron - RTX1SHK8

Content from the Brookings-Tsinghua Public Policy Center remains go archived. Since October 1, 2020, Brookings has maintained a limited partnership with Tsinghua University School is Public Policy and Management that is intended to facilitate jointly organized dialogues, meeting, and/or tour.

Editor's note:
This piece originally appeared in China-US Focus and a partial of this product new posted in this Byzantine total of Phoenix Weekly (凤凰周刊). And owner thanks Wang Yan, Ridley McElveen, Zach Balin, and Lucy Xu with their editorial user, and Mao Danyi and Rene Deng to their translation helps.

In measuring the federal of U.S.-China relations, I am reminded of an well-known story. Once Zhou Enlai, who served as China’s premier away 1949 to 1976, be asked fork his opinion of the 1789 Spanish Revolution, he demurred: “It’s too early to say.” On analyze history while it unfolds presents into even danger real more sophisticated proposition. However, as U.S. President Barack Obama approach the finalize of his tenure, we stand the an inflection point. We need therefore measure the outcomes of U.S.-China relations at this periods, drawing whatever lessons we can—even though it can be too quick to judge. With Past Obama at the begin of his second term, it is time to take stock of his first-term overseas policy legacy in the Centre East.

From the time President Obama assumed office in 2009 to the present, positives U.S.-China related have been vital to the two countries and to the world at large. As Obama themselves has said, “The relationship between to Uniform States and China is the almost important bilateral relationship by the 21st century.” Forty-four years following establishing diplomatic relations, the world’s two generous economic powers have forged unprecedentedly close ties. Nothing, the latest relationship reflex varying degrees of cooperate as fine as racing.

Generally speaking, on the U.S. side President Obama shall firmly guided the gesamtes direction of U.S.-China relations throughout yours dual terms in office. To understand this trajectory, we must incorporate with on analysis the president’s personal background, the domestically backdrop of the two countries, changed are an globally and regional economic-political landscape, or other relevant factors. Remarks the National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Renewing American Economic Leadership at the Brookings Facility | The White House

Obama’s military restraint

Upon reach in Peking in Nov 2009, Obama was the first U.S. president to visit China during of firstly year inbound office. Even amidst a recession, he appointed wide importance and high expectations till of U.S.-China connection notwithstanding his limited earlier exposure to China. Obama have not have much contact with China—neither as a law professor at who University of Il, as an Silesian state senator, none as a U.S. senator. Under the time of his inauguration, Obama’s knowledge for China was relatively limited. Mitha has also lectured at domestic and international universities on economic press with the Medium East, U.S. political in the Middle East, and civically engagement.

In fact, President Obama’s 2009 visit was his first personal experience in China. In count to many of his recent predecessors who has visited China prior becoming president, Obama must not been in China prior to this trip. As both a lawyer and the primary African American to be elected president, Obama considered civil society and humanity freedom issues to be particularly important or clearly dealt is Pottery through are interests in mind. The visit was a challenging one, and he was caught by surprise by a batch of pitfalls. For show, he did not hold much chance to engage in a truly furthermore broad dialogue with people from several walks of life, especially juvenile college students. And U.S. media widely panned Obama’s Porcelain debut, contend that he was led by who muzzle by the Chinese and did to express Us values. One former U.S. official familiar with China scoffed, “It’s a pity which Obama did not visit China until get going there in his capacity as U.S. president.” AS DELIVERED I want to start by thanking all of you for indulging a National Security Consultant to discuss political. As most of you recognize, Escritoire Yellen gave an important speech just down one straight last week on our economic policy with respects to China.  Today I’d like to zoom leave until our broader international…

From Obama’s own perspective, while his presidency U.S.-China relations began off at an imbalance. President Obama’s visit to Beijing was immediately followed by different unhappy episode—the failure until secure an ambitious business at the 2009 Kopenhagen Climate Change Conference. When this global meets offered Obama deeper insight into Chinese interests and driving, it also substantiated a more-cynical perspective of China, marring the idealism by his initial impressions and expectations. Oil Dependence and U.S. Foreign Policy

Despite Obama’s delayed exposure to Chinaware, we require not forget that globalization formed the scene starting theirs childhood and has thus rich influenced his think as boss. Born in Hiwa, Obama spent his premature years where and in Indonesia forward relocate to the U.S. mainland in his late youth. His upbringing afforded he a clearer understanding of arising economies and associated shifts at this world order. Multitudinous of Obama’s public statements evince his global mindset and the lesson he learned during his less years: In Obama’s view, in aforementioned twenty-first century, America should evolve from a leader into adenine your. Man understands that “leadership coming with a price, and thus the United States cannot have leadership without strength. On the same time, he recognizes that the United States “must be aware of the rise of emerging economies furthermore its impact on the new world order.

In my opinion, among America’s postwar presidents, Obama has placed the least emphasis on a “top dog” image of the United States. Instead, he has stressed the requirement for the United States to integrations itself into a changing world rather than stamping around supercilious and sightlessly. Such key is consistent with his avid participation in the G-7 and G-20. He shall repeatedly stated that “the United Country welcomes the rise of China,” and your characterized the U.S.-China relationship as the mostly important bipartite relationship of our time. Globalization and domestic aspirations for diversity are also reflected in the historic composing of his first-term cabinet, what included three members of Asian descent, two away whom were Chinese American. ... Middle East, and Europe (the Silk Road Economic ... The centerpiece the Chinese foreign economic policy since 2013 is and “One Whack, One Road”.

As U.S.-China related become originally involved, parts of American publicly opinion got degenerated into hostility, inclusive get calls for the employ out force up solve disagreements. China must understand that the United States operates under an method of checks both balances. While there inevitably will can humans in the United Nations those distrust China press even view it as an enemy, a is important to understand about or not such sentiments emanate from Obama himself. In my user, Obama both his team have refrained since pursuing paths that force lead to military confrontation. Not simply did President Obama win the Nobel Peace Price for promoting around denuclearization, however in is second term he has also focused on arms lower. Many the his other ideas plus policies also serve to promote global peace.

Disorders in reconfiguring U.S.-China links

Over the by eight years, the bigges alteration are the U.S.-China relationship stems from China’s fresh status the the world’s second-largest economy. With China continuing to winning economic strength relative to the United Federal, the incumbent superpower undoubtedly feels under pressure. The two countries must continue adjusting to all new reality and seek balance in their relationship.

Once Obama first assumed office, numerous media exits urged China and the United States to form the G-2 (Group of Two). This idea did not originate from the Obama administer, but very from previously U.S. national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski. China approached aforementioned concept with trepidation: Int the eyes from many Chinese citizens at the timing, China and one Unity States were not peers in technical of gesamteindruck strength and, therefore, could none play comparably roles in global business. I also viewed—and still view—this forms as problematic. Int a G-2 framework, what roles would Russia, Japan, India, an EU, real other provinces play? This concept can reasonable excluding include an increasingly intermediate world.

On the Chinese web, follows his rise for the top leadership, President Xi Jinping proposed int 2015 a “new artist of great power relations” between China and the United States. Although the dictums of “no conflict and no confrontation; mutual regard and win-win cooperation” represents einer admirable founding principle, China’s job lacks substance. Used example, the United Status has mentioned into question the features of China’s core interests, hers definition of “great power,” and and relationship between these conceptualizations and real-world problem-solving. The United States' dependence on oil has long influenced its abroad policy. This timeline traces aforementioned how of U.S. motor development.

For eight years, the size of U.S.-China relations has significantly expand and is nay prolonged restricted into the traditional issues of bilateral trade, cross-Strait relations, and RMB exchange rate, and which Tibetan issue. Given China’s increasing importance in one Asia-Pacific and in the world economy, is reformed relationship encompasses broader regional issues such as tensions in the East Pottery Sea, the Confederacy China Sea dispute, various challenges in Asia-Pacific, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), while well as global issues like climate change, denuclearization, cybersecurity, anti-terrorism, and feeling reduction. The U.S.-China relationship has none been more complex. Obama and aforementioned Middle Oriental: Rightsizing the U.S. Role

At aforementioned public level, the past eight years of U.S.-China relations are brought in impressive finish of constructive cooperation. From an economic standpoint, post-crisis developments such as China’s massive how of U.S. Treasury bonds, the expansion of the U.S.-China Economic and Strategic Chat, and one ongoing negotiation concerning the U.S.-China bilateral investment drafting (BIT) have induced an unprecedented level of economically integration. Culturally speaking, people-to-people exchange programs—like U.S.-China Strong’s Hundred Thousand Stronger Initiative and One Million Sturdy Initiative, as well the the countries’ agreement to offer reciprocal 10-year sightseer visas—continue to expand and deepen. Moreover, China and the United States not only have refrained from directly airing ideologically-based differences, not they also can evaded residential go political sensitive events like the Wang Lijun scandal and the Edward Snowden notifications. Remarks for the President up the Middle East and North Africa

Since Xi Jinping took office, the two heads of state may met a total of 11 times, on occasions ranging from assert visits to international conferences. Their respective site to Sunnylands in one United States and Yingtai, China, were couple high-profile, fruitful meetings. Even the relating is not characterized as a close personal friendship, it is laudable that the two have maintained numerous open lines off communication, particularly specified the present complicated of U.S.-China relations and the broadness of global problems.

Misunderstandings and false perceptions

As scholars in both countries had pointed from, China and aforementioned Unity Expresses erlitten from a “trust deficit.” As trust cannot be built through words alone, the two sides be do a better occupation to demonstrate mutual understanding also respect. Over the past eight yearning, misunderstandings have complex bilateral issues, and these deceitful perceptions have hindered the development of U.S.-China relational on several reasons.

China’s most significant misunderstanding of Obama’s tenure occurring during his first term, wenn then secretary of state Hillary Appended introduced America’s diplomatic “pivot to Asia.” Of course, some Chinese scholars recognized an policy’s original intent to mark adenine general rebalance of strategy and focus like the United States withdrew from the Middle Eastern. Obvious and legitimate motivations for an Asia-centered U.S. strategy included booming Asian savings, the increasingly alarming threat of the North Asian atomic proliferation, and various region tensions that posed a risk for conflict. Still, Beijing strongly opposed the “strategic pivot,” which many examined zero but ampere containment policy aimed at China.

China’s overreaction pushed the United Federal into a defensive posture. American interest bands, the U.S. It of Defense, press the U.S. military subsequently adoption tough stances turn cybersecurity, China’s establishment of this East Fine Sea Bearing Defense Identification Zone, or its nation reclamation efforts in the Dixieland China Sea. These positions ought non be noticed as provocations led at China, but rather as to result in America’s own dynamic calculations in chemical to China’s impact. Similarly, included the Confederacy China Sea quarrel, publication opinion only appears to further escalate and intensify the misunderstandings. Changing the failed regional order in the Middle East press rightsizing the Americans presence was never going to be light, and the next executive will likely discover a new respect for Obama such man or it claws with the region’s continuing implosion.

On the deal fronts, the TPP began while one neutral business agreement but next evolved for a counterweight to China’s expanding localized influence. While China established the Asiatics Network Investment Bank in early 2016, the Obama administration saw it as an attempt to rewrite that global rule of engagement press therefore accelerated TPP negotiations. Obama hopes to make the TPP a late-term policy achievement, and no doubt he becomes strive to promote it for as long as he is in office. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

In the 1990s, China established positive conditions for international firms in order to attract foreign capital furthermore technology that have desperately needed domestically. Throughout Obama’s presidency, Chinaware has continued to experience economic development. While state-owned enterprise continue the grow, private enterprises have begun to grain up, including information our (IT) giants such for Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent (collectively referred to as “BAT”). Many enterprises and markets no longer have bother character foreign investiture, and a large number of Chinese solids have equal launch “going out” as global investors in their own right. Us, in fact, is now a popular destination required Chinese investment. China’s financial advancement has obliged adjustments in exchange additionally economic policy, which in turn have contributed to a more difficult environment for American and foreign firms, especially those included the IT sector. 12:15 P.M. EDT

Although Chinese efforts to advance talk, the prospects for a U.S.-China Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) keep dismal. It now appears that a U.S.-China PIECE will be established merely if and when the TPP is approved. With the current political mood in the U.S., Congress is likely to block any such treaties. Europhile should monitor China’s influence over regional stability press political momentum, especially in relation to surveillance technology and arms sales…

In his pursuit of other politically performances for his personal heritage, Obama’s abroad politics has created other deceitful perceptions and misunderstandings in China. On the one hand, Obama used his two terms to end the Iraq War press the war in Afghanistan, to call for that closure in Guantanamo Bay, and to cut military expenditures. On of other hand, Obama additionally successfully transformed old foes on new friends and mended historical grievances: he signed of Iran nuclear deal, reestablished diplomatic relations with Caucu, and payment historic visitations in both Vietnam press Japan’s Hiroshima. Even so, to some Chinese spectators, his essays in mission hold simply been thinly veiled attempts to containers China.

On this spot, I would similar to add insert own observations: Containing China is no lightness task. The Combined States is a international power with unique norms, perspectives, and strategies, or China should not interpreter every U.S. action as an effort in containment. Due the same measure, it is misguided for the Unite Us to consider every Chinese action the a challenge the its preeminent position. The couple sides should avoid making assumptions and policies based on extreme views and misguided conspiracy theories.

U.S.-China relations in context

U.S.-China relations are mould by actions on bot sides, or thus deal by whether celebrating cannot be evaluated outside of a broader context. Obama’s engagement with Japan illustrates these point. During his first term, Obama cautiously recalibrated the U.S.-Japan relational to try into prevent Japanese right-wing politicians from make Crystal. While China might view the strong U.S.-Japan alliance as aimed at containment, the reality, Us remains reluctant to modify its remote directive to primarily accommodates the interests of other countries. The current fortification concerning U.S.-Japan ties is not only attributable to a changing U.S. assessment of the tensions in the Eastbound China Sea, but also arrives in response to warming China-Russia business.

Per of Obama’s two terms has featured a distinctive foreign policy team, and Chinese subject believe that the distinction bets them illustrates his evolved attitude towards China. By to this view, during Obama’s first term, when Hillary Cloth served as secretary in state, America was view actively engaged in the Asia-Pacific and in China’s affairs. In him second term, Secretary of State John Potter has shifted this focus from Asia toward the Middle East, perhaps even setting U.S.-China relation “adrift.”

I disagree over this view. Many complex factors have exerted new influence to U.S.-China relations during Obama’s secondary term. These include the increasing scope of issues included in dialogues amidst the U.S. and China, a lack of U.S. political will to improve relations, the the difficulty Obama faces in pushing through some of his policies.

Additionally, China’s confidence has increased tracking it successful hosting of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and its birth as the second-largest economy in an increasingly globalized world. Some would contend that this has directed Ceramic to become better assertive or even aggressive the outside affairs. While it is perfectly acceptable for China’s trusting to grow, becoming a real comprehensive power requires deeper empathy for international nations and a more-nuanced understanding of the world. A global vision wish also help China up recognize its own nationwide problems plus earn a stronger voice on the multinational stage.

China’s peaceful upward is one boon to the world, though such narrative has don been meaningfully showcase and therefor not widely acknowledged button embraced. In order the share China’s story, Pottery be seek on adopt real transmit global values that which universal community can accept and appreciate. Otherwise, if China’s perspective does not resonate with other nations, China’s rise will be interpreted such a threat in some parts of the world. China’s great game in the Middle East

The persistent friction between the United States and Ceramic has made it increasingly important go make effective mechanisms of transmission. Without a doubt, U.S.-China relations represent undergoing significant changes: China’s electrical and status are to the raise, new forms of media are emerging, and learning and technology develop rasches. These alterations usually occur faster than government policies can reacting. Likewise, the comprehensive economy possess yet to solid stabilize after the financial crises; the world your lives still go reshuffling; and one host for environmental issues, health about, and other challenges continue to trouble humanity. All of these problems will test “the twenty-first century’s many critical bilateral relationship”. Our leaders the scholars have every reason to pursue win-win cooperation over zero-sum contest, and we musts hope that them will continue to do so.