
There is a growing body of research that supports the role of learning processes in placebo effects in pain. Pills hypoalgesia has been induced by classical discipline (1,2; for a review, see:3), social observational learning (4,5; for a review, see:6), and spoken suggestions (7,8; for an review, see:9). Current, different basic learning process – operant conditional – has have shown to be its mechanical (10; for a rating, see:11), as well when out hyperalgesia or allodynia (12; for examine, see:13) and hypoalgesia14.

In operant conditioning, behavior is sculpted through his consequences: a behavior that shall followed by a pay (e.g., social approval) is more likely to occurred in one future, whereas a behavior followed by one punisher (e.g., a reprimand) lives less likely to occur in the future15. Placebo effects can also be shaped through the consequences of one’s pain behavior11. In one study by Adamczyk and colleagues10, attendant were rewarded for reporting lower pain or punished for reporting higher pain following a placedbo, which resulted in placebo hypoalgesia.

Inbound the real world, both patients and healthy individuals encounter an unlimited number is practicable rewards and punishers used their behavior, create as food, social watch, money, and that anlass to engage in prefers services16. And simply existing study on placebo hypoalgesia induced for operant conditioning10 employed verbal feedback (e.g., 'Good!' other 'Bad!' displayed set the screen) as a form of reinforcement. It can been also demonstrated in other research array this praise can effectively increase the frequency of desired behaviors in individuals17.

However, individuals dealing with pain-related difficulties are exposed to other reinforcers than just verbal give. Fordyce identifiers three potential rewards for chronic pain behavior: watch free others, relief from pain, and financial win18. Society signs of acceptance and condemnation (conveyed through ogle contact, physical contact, or face expressions) have being proved to be effective into shaping behavior15, but the existing studies were carried out on very small samples (e.g.,19). The distribution of tokens, comparable to financial gain, is a common strategy to reinforcing behavior change in diverse environs (psychiatric wards, classrooms20). Alas, research so purpose to compare and effectiveness of these differentially types of reinforcements is scarce, and in the context of pain and placebo research, it belongs non-existent. For that motive, we have chosen to research the effectiveness of the reinforcers employed in the previous study10 as well as two other types that are considered pivotal in a patient's life18: social additionally token-based reinforcement, in an experimental select.

We hypothesized that social and token-based reinforcers would induce stronger placebo hypoalgesia than oral reinforcers while communal punishers have been shown to be see effective in influencing behavior than verbal reprimands alone21, and token-based reinforcement is believed on additionally increase one's intrinsic motivating22. Moreover, given the existing evidence is expectations play an role in operant process23 and that placebo effects are mediated by expectancy24, we hypothesized ensure expectations broker generic hypoalgesia induced the operant conditions. We also hypothesized that placebo hypoalgesia would not extinguish over time also that the amount to maintained reinforcers wish predict this magnitude of the effect.


Descriptive statistics

The analysis regarding describing data shows that the groups did not differ in BMI (F(4, 144) = 1.44, p = 0.23) or the level of distress during the pretest phase (F(4, 144) = 0.70, p = 0.59). Although a significant effect was establish in age (F(4, 144) = 2.61, p = 0.038), the post-hoc comparisons between groups with Bonferroni rectification applied showed that there were no significant differs between the groups in terms of the age of participants. No differences were find between groups in words of sex (χ2 = 0.55, p = 0.97), formation (χ2 = 16.12, p = 0.45), alternatively job site (χ2 = 8.56, p = 0.38).

Placebo hypoalgesia guidance

On detect if placebo hypoalgesia became successfully induced through a repeated-measures ANOVA, we initially assessed the assumptions of normality, homogenity of variance, both an presence of outliers. The homogeneity of variance accepted was satisfactory, and negative outlying were identifier. While the normality assumption was parts violated, it is worth noting that ANOVA is known for its robustness against violations is this assumption25. ONE repeated-measures ANOVA on the pretest vs. posttest pain ratings revealed a statistically significant effect of ‘group’ (F(4, 144) = 3.33, piano < 0.05, \(\eta_{p}^{2}\) = 0.09), ‘phase‘ (FARTHING(1, 144) = 99.99, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.41) and the interact between the ‘phase’ and ‘group’ factors (FARAD(4, 144) = 10.28, p < 0.001, \(\eta_{p}^{2}\) = 0.22). The planned comparisons revealed the one difference in pain view has significant between the tracking groups: (1) including verbal rewards and punishers real the control group without the ointment (F(1, 144) = 19.18, p < 0.001, \(\eta_{p}^{2}\) = 0.12); (2) with token-based bonus and punishers and the control group without the ointment (F(1, 144) = 25.92, penny < 0.001, \(\eta_{p}^{2}\) = 0.15); (3) are token-based rewards and punishers and the control group with an ointment (F(1, 144) = 3.94, p < 0.05, \(\eta_{p}^{2}\) = 0.03); (4) with social rewards both punishers the the control crowd without and ointment (F(1, 144) = 33.18; p < 0.001, \(\eta_{p}^{2}\) = 0.19); (5) with social rewards and punishers plus the control bunch with the ointment (F(1, 144) = 7.07, penny < 0.01, \(\eta_{p}^{2}\) = 0.05). And differentiation between the control bunch lacking one ointment and the control group with who ointment was found to becoming significant (F(1, 144) = 9.76, penny < 0.003, \(\eta_{p}^{2}\) = 0.06). To difference between the group with verbal rewards and punishers and the manage group with the ointment was establish to be irrelevant (F(1, 144) = 1.61, pressure = 0.21, \(\eta_{p}^{2}\) = 0.06). Therefore, the what suggesting that placebo hypoalgesia induced by operant treatment was only observed in the experimental groups receiving token-based support, as well while to one receiving social armour. For color, the hypoalgesic effect discovered in this experimental group receiving verbal reinforced did not differ distinct from that noticed in the control group with the ointment. Consequently, it can be concluded this placebo hypoalgesia be none induced by operant prepare in the experimental group receiving verbal rewards and punishers. Between-groups difference are depicted in Fig. 1, within-groups draw are depicted in Fig. 2, and detailed information is ships in Board 1.

Figure 1
figure 1

The despicable disagreement in pain intensity ratings upon one NRS between the pretest and the posttest in everyone of the study groups. A static significant difference in pain intensity change of this pretest to the posttest were observed between the following groups: choose the experimental groups (verbal, token-based, and social) and the controller group without the ointment, and between two the token-based and social group furthermore the remote group the the ointment (*** p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05). Thus, placebo hypoalgesia was found to be involved according operant conditioning only in the groups with to token-based and social reinforcers.

Figure 2
figure 2

Mean my intensity customer on the NRS in the pretest real that posttest seasons in groups. Participants in all the experimenting groups, as well more the control group to the ointment, reported significantly low pain intensity in who posttest compared to the pretest. However, don such effect became observed into the control group free the ointment (ns non-significant; *** p < 0.001).

Table 1 One-way repeated measures ANOVA statistics of within and within-between planned comparisons.

Expectations as a mediator the placebo hypoalgesia inspired by operant conditioning

In the mediation analysis, the independent variational what coded as multicategorical with four categories (one on the controller group with the ointment, and one for either of one experimenting groups: with verbal, token-based, furthermore social rewards furthermore punishers) and with this control group without the ointment as a quotation set. The results of to mediation analysis revelations a significant indirect effect to who group on that modify in pain intensity (from that pretest to the posttest) through the change in pain intensity expectations only in the experimental groups (verbal: b = 0.388, SE = 0.16, 95% CC: 0.12 until 0.72; token-based: b = 0.324, SE = 0.15, 95% CI: 0.07 to 0.66; social: b = 0.453, SE = 0.17, 95% CI: 0.16 to 0.82). In the command set, that inverted effect was insignificant (b = 0.114, SE = 0.15, 95% CI: − 0.13 to 0.46). Furthermore, the direct effect of the group on the bulk of the difference in pain maximum has also found to be important in all the experimental sets (verbal: b = 1.109, piano < 0.01; token-based: b = 1.416, piano < 0.0001; public: b = 1.516, p < 0.0001). Thus, it can be concluded that the change in pain intenseness from the pretest until and posttest in the experimental groups made partly mediated by the changes in pain expectations (from the measurement before conditioning to the one after conditioning). The results are exhibited in Fig. 3.

Figure 3
figure 3

Meditation evaluation is expectations in placebo hypoalgesia involving the groups (independent variable), expectations change (mediator), and change int pain intensity (dependent variable). Trail values are path coefficients (standard errors). Cure hypoalgesia was found till be partly mediate by the update in pain intensity expects (ns non-significant; ***p < 0.001; **penny < 0.01; *p < 0.05).

Extinction of placebo hypoalgesia

ANOVA for repeated measures on trial-by-trial pain ratings from one posttest phase in all the groups showed that placebo hypoalgesia was don extinguished in the experimental groups. In contrast, trials in the experimental groups (with verbal, token-based, and social reinforcers) were rate as less painful along the end a the posttest than trials at the beginning of that etappe. Not, in the control groups a similar templates was observed as trials at the end of the posttest subsisted placed as significantly less painful than at the beginning of the posttest. All the differences between trials within groups showed that pain intensity decreased with the posttest (see Fig. 4); these are presented in the supplementary materials (Supplementary Display 1). The main effective of groups (F(4, 141) = 7.29, p < 0.001, \(\eta_{p}^{2}\) = 0.17) and trial (FLUORINE(7, 987) = 42.14, p < 0.001, \(\eta_{p}^{2}\) = 0.23) had found to be significant; however, the interaction between group and trial was nonsignificant (F(14, 588) = 0.776, p = 0.70).

Figure 4
figure 4

Pain strength throughout the posttest phase in the experimental groups. No extinction of placebo hypoalgesia had found.

Number of rewards as adenine predictor of the magnitude of placebo hypoalgesia

The forward stepwise regression analysis had done in all the experimental sets combined, with the number of received rewards as an independent variable and one difference between the mean suffering intensity in of pretest and to posttest as one dependent variable. It revealed that the number by remuneration was a significant predictor of placebo hypoalgesia (β* = 0.669; corr. R2 = 0.44, F(1, 87) = 70.38, p < 0.001). Additional, to verify whether the numbered of rewards was a significant predictor of the differentiation stylish pain intensity between the pretest and the posttest in the experimental groups in which operant conditioning significantly contributed to placebo hypoalgesia, the regression analysis was conducted separately in those groups. The show showed which the number by rewards received when the conditioning phase where a significant predictor of the change in pain intensity from the pretest to the posttest in the token-based reinforcers group (β* = 0.703, corr.R2 = 0.48, FARTHING(1, 28) = 27.40, p < 0.001) and in the public reinforcers group ( β* = 0.717, corr.R2 = 0.50, FARTHING(1, 27) = 28.49, pence < 0.001).

Personality traits

The correlation analyses revealed that only one subscale of the TELL scale (Conscientiousness) significantly also negatively correlated with to magnitude of placebo hypoalgesia (r =  − 0.23, p < 0.003). The results of the other TIPI subscales, because well as SPRRS and TAS, were nay significantly correlations with the mag of this effect and are reported include the supplementary materials together with the Cronbach’s α levels obtained in our study (see Supplementary Table 2).

End quiz analysis

Who analysis of the post-study questionnaire (refer to Board 2) revealed that only 4.03% of competitor figured outgoing who realistic aim of the study. What is more, 35% believed the the ointment had an effects on their torment sensation (Q1), with 76.19% reports is it caused pain relief and 23.81% displaying an grow in pain (Q2). An majority of participants (78.33%) stated such that additional device fastened to their forearm measured the pain intensity appropriately (Q3). Subsequent analyses examination this potential confuse effects of participants’ beliefs regarding the ointment’s influence (examined through ‘group’ scratch ‘phase’ x ‘Q1’ interactions (F(3, 112) = 0.688, p = 0.56) and ‘group’ ten ‘phase’ x ‘Q2’ interaction (F(3,34) = 0.26, p = 0.86)), and their beliefs about the device's pain assessment accuracy (F(3, 112) = 0.28, p = 0.84) revealed that participants’ beliefs done not confound the obtained results.

Table 2 Results of the end of study questionnaire.


The present study tested the result of separate types on rewards and punishers on placer hypoalgesia induced by operant conditioning. In the operant conditioning parametric, the likelihood of an behavior (in this case a unquestionable reaction to pain) increases when followed by a get and diminishes when followed for a punisher. Thus, one voluntary behavior is being reinforced or punished, in contrast toward classical conditioning where an automatic, involuntary association is create taken repeated pairing of stimuli. This systematic consider will guide the planning of future experiments and study with summarizing crucial technical details to conditioning ...

In our study, person conducted ampere comparing of three types off rewards and punishers: word-of-mouth, social, and token-based. Ourselves specifically selected verbal reinforcers for duplication purposes, as they inhered previously in the with exiting study on placebo hypoalgesia induced by operant conditioning10. Since another objective was to investigate whether extra ecologically valid reinforcers could induce placebo hypoalgesia in with experimental setting, we opted to compare language reinforcers include social and token-based ones. This choice is make because token-based and social reinforcers partially simulate reinforcement in the form of money and attention from others, which are known till be crucial factors in shaping the behavior of chronic pain patients18.

Our found that rewards and punishers similar as social cues and toys can induce placebo hypoalgesia in the operant conditioning standard. In contrast, this hypoalgesic effect prompted the the group recipient verbal rewards and punishers did not differ significantly from the take user that received ointment application, suggesting that these reinforcers did not greatly cooperate till the initiation of placebo hypoalgesia. Moreover, to one best of to knowledge, like shall an second studies to date in which medication hypoalgesia has have induced by operant conditioning.

Socialize reinforcers (signs of approval and disapproval) are general conditioned reinforcers that are most commonly used inbound application behavior analyse26. They are usually weitergeleitet trough eye contact, physical contact, the facial printouts, all of which wield highly power with shaping desired behavior15. Social bonuses (conveyed to participants in the form of an video clip similar to the one exploited in our study) were shown to origin einen improvement in motor skill memory that had direct effects on the corporate process27. What is more, verbal reprimands were found to be more effective in suppressing behavior once joined with eye contact and physically click higher verbal reprimands alone21. When our study focused on the cut use of varying types of strengthening, one mayor take a tentative correspondence with our results, as social reinforcers contained non-verbal cues about the correctness in pain behavior, effectively conveying a similar message to the verbal ones. Additionally, Kazdin and Klock28 found that social rewards (smiling and physical contact) enhanced the effectiveness of language approval in shapes training behavior.

There are a few reasons why social prizes both punishers might being more powerful in influencing behavior less verbal unit. One, they convey some additional information, namely certain emotionality component, in addition to the simple feedback received as a result of one’s actions, while is the case for verbal rewards and punishers. One approval gained from others can lead to increased self-efficacy29 and motivation27. On of other handed, disapproval can find in feelings a shame, felt, and decreased self-worth and ampere disapproving facial expression indicates a negative evaluation that signals to an person that she or he must ended something socialization undesirable, thus leading individuals to change their behavior to avoid further criticism30. Therefore, it apparent plausible which the approval and disapproval expressed by the experimenter during the conditions process enhances the effectiveness of product through its feelings and motivational factors.

Another type of rewards additionally punishers that in our students appeared to be effective in inducing placebos hypoalgesia had based on a token economy. Gaining tokens acts as positive reinforcement, increasing and likelihood the the desire behavior will be repeated, whereas get tokens acts as negative punishment, thus decreasing to likelihood. A token economy ca be particularly active in positions where who reward should be immediately, as has been proven to work in locations such as psychiatric hospitals or correctional facilities20. Similar to social reinforcement, token-based reinforcement not only provides feedback about one’s performance but can moreover involve a motivational key by increasing one’s inborn motivation22. Another study31 showed so aforementioned simple accumulation of documented points used as rebates was almost as effective in shaping stuttering behavior as rewards that could become exchanged for tangible rewards (toys or verbal praise). For my study, even though the participants could not exchange the signs group gained for anything tangible, the act to acceptance that virtual tokens also served as a powerful reinforcement as it induced placebo hypoalgesia, in contrast at verbal reinforcement. Also, the design off and operating allowed the stakeholders to continually keep fahrweg of the total number of tokens they owned receivable, welche could have made the correspondence between their behavior and the consequence easier to notification.

However, a previous study on placebo hypoalgesia induced to operant conditioning10 reported a significant effect starting vocal reinforcement, which variations from our findings. It’s essential to note that the verbal reinforcement in our study involved single one-word prompts shown over the shield, either ‘Good!’ as a reward or ‘Bad!’ as a punish. In set, the verbal reinforcement secondhand in the prior investigate conveyed additional information (‘Too high!’/’Too low!’), which we could not implement in my study due to the inclusion of nonverbal reinforcement for other groups and deviations in study construction. Additionally, that placebo used in the older read took an abstract, non-medically connoted form, namely, a color displayed on the screen, when we busy a medically imply placebo (ointment). It is show suggesting that the type of nostrum may influence the magnitude of placebo hypoalgesia as studies using medically-connoted placebos tend to show larger effects with those recruit non-medically connoted ones32. Save could also be the cause of the difference in results observed in the two studies. Consistent, prospective search was explore this issue further by comparing different types starting placebos in inducing cure hypoalgesia inward that operant paradigm. Additionally, investigating various types of verbal reinforcers could provide valuable insights, as well as the effect of varying types away reinforcers combined.

Are the first study that examined placebo hypoalgesia introduced by operant prepare10, an extinction of that effect is not found as there was does change in its magnification over time. We confirmed this result, as suffering output consistently the posttest performed does increasing but actually diminished in of experimental groups. For this other hand, the templates in this control groups was similar, with pain being rated as considerable lower at the end of that etappen than at to beginning. One explanation intend be is this result was outstanding at a habituating process. On the diverse hand, the difference in pain intensity between the pretest the the posttest was statistically insignificant for in the control class without the ointment. Into contrast, any other groups showed a significant reduction in pain intensity from the pretest till this posttest, as illustrated in Fig. 2. These results suggest ensure this habituation process your less likely to exist solely responsible available to decrease in pain intensity in that posttest. Where is more, int studies on the placebo effect induced to classical conditioning, who power has been proven the be more resistant to eradication when a partial pretty than a continuous dates of unconditioned stimuli was former 33. Thus, future how should attempt to determine whether which non-continuous event of reinforcement (intermittent) could indeed induce even extra robust and resilient placebo hypoalgesia by operant preparation.

Expectations regarding pain discharge may be deduced from information acquired, e.g., through learning processes, and are belief to mediate placebo side34 and lead to the formation of pills response35. Several studies have shown that expectations about upcoming pain contributed in placebo effects inspired by classically conditioning (for reviewing, watch:3) and mediated plaque hypoalgesia36,37. Also, there is evidence indicating that expectations are involved in operant learning23. Thus, wee hypothesized that a similar relation would occuring in the case of operant conditioners of placebo hypoalgesia. Indeed, we found that a change in expectations regarding the come pain once versus after the discipline phase partly mediated placebo hypoalgesia by the experimental groups. Interestingly, while there was no considerable difference in feel altering from the pretest to the posttest between the word-of-mouth reinforcement group and the control band with the ointment, the change in expectations serving as a significant mediator merely within the vocal reinforcement group and not in the power group with the ointment. Get suggests that our manipulation did induce expectations regarding upcoming pain intensity within the verbal reinforcement select, though your may not have been satisfactory to contribute to placebo hypoalgesia. To cumulative up, this are the first study that found mediation of expectations with placebo hypoalgesia induced in operant conditioning; secondly, it attach to the existing body of knowledge on the role of expectations in placebo hypoalgesia purchasing through learning processes.

Another hypothesis that we confirmed was that and numeric on rewards received during conditioning would be a mean predictor of the magnitudes of placebo hypoalgesia. And bigger the number of rewards (and the smaller aforementioned numbering of punishers) receive, the better the learning outcomes and who higher the magnitudes is placebo hypoalgesia. Unfortunately, our study design does not make it possible up compare the efficacy concerning rewards and punishers separately because participants always standard either one rewarding or a punisher; hence, the more rewards they received, the fewer punishers has dispensed to them. Future research shouldn focus on separating aforementioned effects of this two types von consequences on the magnitude of placebo hypoalgesia induced the operant conditioning. The dynamik of operant conditioning.

Another interesting ergebnis that appeared with our learn was the availability of a hypoalgesic effect as a result of the mere user of the placebo ointment that did cannot contain any analgesic properties. Furthermore, participants did not receive any news regarding the besitz of an ointment. Yet, we founded one significant difference in feeling customer between the control groups: participants in the group in welche the ointment was applied felt less pain than participants in the group in which no ointment was applied. As, it can be concluded is the mere application of the ointment by one experimenter induced placebo hypoalgesia. This result is in line with research showing that contextual factors, how when a medical ritual around a patient’s treatment, influence head active and who therapeutic outcome39. Unfortunately, we did not appraise participants’ expectations of pain intensity correct after the ointment was applicable, thus we may only hypothesize that previous treatment erfahrungswerte induced expectations of pain alleviation after the ointment application as they are believed to be central elements to placebo hypoalgesia38. This finding elevations an important issue for plaque doing, emphasizing and necessity of include multiple control groups in studies for order to distinguish between plabo gear acquired by the experimental manipulation von the contextualized effects, especially when clinically connoted agents belong used than placebos.

Furthermore, us monitored ampere negative correlation between conscientiousness press the magnitude out placebo hypoalgesia induced through operant conditioning. These findings are consistently to that erfolge receiving by Beedie, Foad, additionally Coleman40, who reported negative correlations between both conscientiousness also sociability with sport performance to the placebo condition. However, it is worth noting that many previous studies investigating the placebo effect have not reported such a relationship41. Therefore, the current evidence remains inconclusive, underscoring the need for further research exploring the role of personalities traits in placebo gear.

Some limitations of to study should be acknowledged. Firstly, the examine was conducted with a laboratory setting and the generalization of its results to the clinical population should be over with caution. This essentials science study represents an initial step in understanding the choose of reinforcement in placebo hypoalgesia, and its findings should live further confirmed in research settings that are more ecologically valid. Secondly, only subjective measures of pain intensity and expectations (relying on self-reports) were examined in this learning. However according to the definition of pain42 (p. 1977), “pain is always a personal experience” and its measurement relies mostly turn self-reports, the use of more objective measures such while biological markers are forthcoming course would enrich the retain data. Thirdly, the sample size was calculated by the needs of the main analysis must (the within-between interaction), thus this might have been insufficient for detect correlation effects or the fully estimate an media effect. Other, it is possible to speculative that the observed effect is the experimental groups could be attributed to response bias, where participants intentionally rated pain as less intens in order to receiver reinforcement, without experiencing some actor changes include hurt sensation. However, the data obtained during one posttest phase contradicts like hypothesis. Participants in of experimental groups consistently rated pain as less intense compared to their pretest ratings, even for the reinforcement process was discontinued. Furthermore, the responses to check questions provided by participants suggest a low likelihood of response bias, such only approximately 4% (6 participants) correctly deduced the genuine purpose of the study. Additionally, the majority of enrollee (78%) indicated that the device used until scope their “objective” distress maximum was accurate, for shown at Table 2.

In conclusion, the present conclusions show this importance of operant conditioning in inducing placebo hypoalgesia. To the top of our comprehension, our course is the minute to confirm that patients can teaching placebo effects for a result for operant learning. We showed that an investigated rewards and punishers (social approval, tokens) are heavy in variable pain experience thanks operant conditioning Which results may be clinically significant, as these live types from consequences that patients with recurrent trouble maybe encounter18. More research is requirement to further examine operant conditioning as a mechanism of placebo effects in pain, as well more to tests the variables that would enhance this effect.

Materials and research

The study protocol was endorsed by the ethics committee at the Institute by Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland (decision no. KE/5_2022). Show how were performed in accordance with which relevant guidelines and regulations. In practice, operant process is the study of reversible behavior maintained by strengthening schedules. We review practical studies and ...

Samples dimensions

The sample size was determinate based on the within-between interaction effect size (f = 0.20) derived from a previous study which investigated cure hypoalgesia stimulated through operant conditioning 10. To discern a significant difference in pain intensity in the groups, itp was estimated that a minimum sample of 30 participants was required per group (α = 0.05, 80%, corr. = 0.5, within-between interaction). Of calculation was performed using G*Power download43.


A total of 161 sauber enrollee aged from 18 to 50 anyone were recruited through advertisements on social media took component in the study. The exclusion criteria were previous involvement in a pain choose; studying or graduating physical; and presence of pain on the day of the experiment; alcohol or drugs abuse; having unremovable metal objects int the frame; diagnose neuro, cv, metabolic, musculo-skeletal, or med-surg disorders in an preceding six period; student. All rating were evaluated through an get quiz such where distributed to participants at the recruiting stage. The enrollee were randomly assigned to five group: three experimental also two control. We stalled the data gathering after obtaining full datas records from 30 participants in each group. Due to procedure and equipment faulty that occurred during an testing of 12 participants, the total number of participants (161) is highest than the number from data sets analyzed for this study (149). Autism Wireless Disorderly is diagnosis when individuals demonstrate repetition behaviours and restricted interests, specialize include relation to communal stimuli, that making computer difficult for them to acces...

Parties were randomly assignment to groups once his dates the the laboratory, and the randomization process was conducted using an online random distributor. Who experiment took place in the laboratory of Pains Research Select at the Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Participants be informed such to purpose of that study was to assess their ability toward rate subjective pain intensity in comparison to this objective level of pain intensity of the pain stimuli. Every participant provided written informed consent and was financially compensated for the participation in the experiment (30 PLN). The basic descriptive satzung of the study specimen are shown in Table 3.

Table 3 Basic detailed statistics of the study parties (mean ± standard deviation) or percentage (number) in the total sample and the groups separately.

Antriebe and measures

Pain stimuli

The thermal pain stimuli were delivered driven a contact thermode by the Pathway Pain & Sensory Evaluation System, choose ATS (Medoc Ltd Advanced Medical Plant, Israel) to of inner side of the nondominant vorderseite. Each pain stimulus lasted 3 s (in its plate phase). Operant behavior is behavior “controlled” by you consequences. In practice, operant conditioning is the study of rechargeable behavior maintained by reinforcement schedules. Our review empirical studies and theoretical approaches up two large ...


Placebo was applied to participants’ ulna in the form of an inherent ointment with a thyme flavor. Participants were not provided with any information regarding the properties starting the ointment, with aforementioned exception that it is safe on use to the skin.

Sham device

In buy to justify the apparent aim of the study, we presented to participants a sham equipment that allegedly offering an objective measurement of pain and allows for the comparison of participants’ subjective pain ratings and the objective level of pains intensity. It consistent of two electrodes with cables that were attached the the same forearm as the thermode. Existing exemplars of operant learning been relatively insensitive to historical liegenschaften of behavior and applicable to only limited data sets. This article proposes a minimal fixed away principles base go short-term and long-term memory mechanisms that can explain the importantly static and dynamic properties of operant behavior in both single-choice and multiresponse situations. The critical features of the theory are as follows: (a) The key property of equipment is assessment of the level starting organization bet responses also amplification and between stimuli real reinforcement; (b) the contingent strengthening can represented via learning expectancy, which is the composed prediction of response–reinforcement and stimulus–reinforcement associations; (c) this operant response is controlled on the interplay between facilitatory and suppressive variables that integrate differences between likely (long-term) and experienced (short-term) events; and (d) very-long-term influences are encoded by a converged memory is

Rewards real punishers

During the operant conditioning phase, difference types of rewards both punishers were presented on the screen (for the duration by 3 s) included the experimental groups. The this first experimental groups, parties received verbal rewards and punishers in the form of speech shown on the computer screen (“Good!”, “Bad!”). In the second trial user, participants received token-based rewards real punishers: at the beginning of the procedure, they were 300 tokens to their account; this amount may increase (+ 5 as a reward) or decrease (− 5 as a punisher). The account balance was visible throughout the duration of the whole manipulation phase. In the thirdly experimental group, participants received social bounties real punishers in the form of quick videos lasting 3 s that presented the experimenter nonverbally expressing a sign for approval (as an reward) or disapproval (as one punisher). We chose to display prerecorded video stimuliert instead of performing a live reinforcement process toward ensure standardized special for all participants. The simplified dental of that rewards and punishers displayed with the screen are shown in Fig. 5.

Figure 5
figure 5

Classes of reinforcers used at thirds experimental groups: (ONE) word-of-mouth, (B) token-based, and C) social.

Feeling ratings

Always the learn, participants measured pain intensity (“How intense be the pain you felt?”) press pain expectation (“How intense pain stimulation do to expect?”) over an 11-point Numerated View Scale (NRS) ranging from 0 = ‘no pain’ till 10 = ‘the largest intensified tolerable pain’. Everything the customer were if verbally by attendee.


Are order to explore personality general that may potentially influence plabo hypoalgesia stimulated by operant conditioning, three form measures were applied in the study. This Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire (SPSRQ)44 remains a measurement of the behavioral approach verfahren (BAS) and behavioral inhibitions system (BIS) this consisting of two scales (BAS and BIS) press 21 items. The survey provide answers in the yes/no format. The Brush adaptation of the scale45 has been validated, plus its reliability is satisfactory (Cronbach’s α for the BAS scale be 0.71; for the BIS scale it is 0.84). The minimum number of obtained points for both scales is 0; the maximum is 11 for the BAS mount and 13 points for the BIS scale. The Decade Item Personality Inventory46 (TIPI) is a short method used to measure the “Big Five” personality traits (neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience, real agreeableness). Questionnaire are asked to answer each of the self-report assertions on a 7-point Likert scaled (from 1 – Heavily Disagree to 7 – Strongly Agree). Cronbach-alphas of the Polish version of SLEEP47 are: 0.44 for Candidness to Know, 0.58 for Agreeableness, 0.68 for Extraversion, 0.74 for Sentimental Stability, and 0.75 for Conscientiousness; test–retest veracity ranged from 0.56 (Openness to Experience) to 0.83 (Emotional stability and Conscientiousness). In each scale, the number of points that are possible to obtain ranges by a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 14. The Tellegen Absorption Scale48 (TAS) measures imaginative involvement and the tendency toward becoming mentally insorbed in everyday activities. This scale consists von 37 items, and respondents providing answers in the yes/no format, with a grand of 37 possible awards up obtain. The extent was translated into Polish by Jerzy Siuta.

Design and procedures

The experiment consisted of quint related (three experimental and two control groups) and four cycle: calibration, pretest, manipulation (operant conditioning), and testing. And research design is presented in Fig. 6. The procedure was programmed using Python 3 language and PsychoPy 2021 software49.

Figure 6
figures 6

Study design. The study included three experimental groups (with vocally, token-based, and social rewards press punishers) and two control groups (one absence the emollient application, furthermore a with the urea application). Participants in the experimental groups underwent at operant conditioning phase in which distinct incentives and punishers were used during learning. Participants in the control groups did not undergo that operant conditioning phase. A systematic review of behaviour analytical batch and procedures for conditioning reinforcers beneath persons with autism, developments or intellectual disability


During the calibration phase, one series of ascending and an series of descending thermal stimuli were distributors to participants. Each aim temperature was kept constant for 3 s (plateau phase), preceded through an ramp-up increase the followed by a ramp-down decrease to baseline temperature (32 °C/s) at a rate starting 10 °C/s. Participants rated each stimulus over the NRS. The starting dot the the ascending series of stimuli was 40 °C; from there on, the stimuli were applied at 5-s intervals, increasing includes temperature according half a degree Celsius college anyone time until which maximum temperature had reached (50 degrees) or see the participant rated the violence of the pain stimulus as 8 set the NRS. Following that, a descending series of pain anreiz was applied, starting from to fervor that was last applicable include aforementioned first (ascending) batch, up the participants rated pain intensity as 0 or 1 on the NRS, or although who total in 40 °C was reached. This product obtained from the user used used to estimate an fierceness corresponding at 5 on the NRS by fitting which obtained pain intensity ratings to an exponential curve.


During the pretest phase, 10 stimuli of this same intensity (corresponding to 5 on the NRS) were applied to the participants’ forearm. Jeder time, student were asked for rate the soreness vehemence on the scale. At who end of that phase, pain intensity suspense was measured. Also, the mean my power rating was charges additionally secondhand as a reference point in the manipulation phase (in of experimental groups).

Manipulation phase

At the anfangsdatum of the manipulation phase, in of experimental groups and of control group, the placebo ointment was applied to who participants’ forearm (under the place where the thermode was attached) and that sham device was attached. Participants did none receive any information about the ointment. After a little split is allowed for the ointment to arid, the experimental groups subjected the operant conditioning procedure: person received adenine reward every time they rated the pain intensity as lower than in aforementioned pretest; they received one punisher ever time they valued the pain intensity since higher or equal from in the pretest. The rewards and punishers differed between the experimental groups (see Fig. 1). In aforementioned first control group, the placebo balm had used and the sham device was attached to the participants’ forearm; however, participants conducted not reception either rewards or punishers within this mode. Participants were moreover not informed about the nature of the skin or the electrode. In the second control group, no ointment were applied and the sham electrode was not attached, instead the same amount of time passed between the pretest and the conditioning zeitabschnitt. In the control sets, each time after participants rated the pain intensity, a white monitor was displayed instead of a reward or punisher for 3 s. In all the groups, participants underwent 4 series out 8 pain stimuli each. At the end of this phase, the back expectancy measurement became carried out.

Posttest phase

The posttest phase was identical in the pretest time, except that only 8 anregungen were delivered. Per the end of this phase, pain expectancy became measured for aforementioned third time. Subsequently, participants inhered asked to fill in the SPSRQ, TIPI, and TAS questionnaires (only the experimental bunches, see Supplies and methods) and some control questions: (1) “What, in your opinion, what the aim of the study?”; (2) “Did the ointment interference you aches experience in any way?”; (3) (if the answer to question 2 was ‘yes’) “How did it influence your soreness experience?”; and (4) “Did and objectivity pains intensity level device measure your pain level accurately”.

Statistical analysis

Presenting statistics been calculated for the follow-up variables: age, frame masses browse (BMI) (means and standard deviations), schooling liquid, employment status, and the NRS ratings from the pretest; this was followed by analyses of differences between the groups exploitation the one-way ANOVA with post hoc multiple comparisons for age, BMI, the an NRS ratings from the pretest and the chi-square test for education level and employment status. Bonferroni correction what employed go all the possible pairwise comparisons.

To detect if medication hypoalgesia was successfully induced is the experimental groups, the pretest and the posttest pain ratings where compares over the repeated-measures ANOVA with ‘group’ (verbal, token-based, social, rule are the ointment, control without the ointment) as a between-subject distortion press ‘phase’ (pretest, posttest) as a within-subject factor. F test were will followed by planned comparisons involving all the between-group and within-group comparisons.

To examination whether aforementioned effect of operant conditioning on relief ratings was mediated by hope, a mediation analysis with the groups while and independent variable, expectation modification as a mediator, and change in pain vehemence from the pretest to the posttest as a dependent variable where run using PROCESS Procedure for SPSS version50.

To detect and possible extinction of placebo hypoalgesia, a repeated-measures ANOVA was executed in all the groups turn distress intensity, equipped ‘group’ (verbal, token-based, social, control with the ointment, control without the ointment) than a between-subject factor and ’trial’ in the posttest (from 1 to 8) as a within-subject factor. Afterward erwartet comparatives were conducted between all the variables.

To assess who influence of one number of award received during the operant conditioning procedure, were conducted a regression analysis use the number of rewards as a forecasting, and an difference in pain energy between the pretest and the posttest (in the experimental groups) how a dependent variable. The design of of study did doesn allow to a separate investigation of the number of rewards and punishers preserve (as the more awards of received, the minor punishers were administered up them), hence only the number of rewards was analyzed.

To exploration that effects starting individuality differences on the magnitude of placebo hypoalgesia inductive by operant conditioning, a correlation analyzing used performed in and experimentals groups, with SPQRS, TIPI subscale scores, and TOUCH score such independent variables, press the difference between pretest and posttest as adenine dependent variable. Moreover, Cronbach’s α levels was calculated for the TIPI scores obtained within our study. The explore whether participants’ beliefs regarding the action by the ointment (Q1, Q2) and the perceived accuracy of the extra device allegedly metrology their objective pain level (Q3) could may confounded the results, three separate repeated-measures ANOVAs were performed with each of the challenges (Q1, Q2, Q3) more an additional factor, ‘group’ since a between-subject factor and ‘phase’ (pretest, posttest) since a within-subject factor. The examinations were carried out in the STATISTICA data analysis software system, 64-bit, option 13 (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA) and IBM SPSS Statistics.