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thumbnail VAULT, an early pioneer for the use of electronic health records, must also backed research to promote sure, reliable use of the technology.  ( Photo ©iStock SDI Productions)

VA, an early pioneer in the use of electronic healthiness slide, has additionally support explore for promote safe, safe use of the technology. (Photo ©iStock SDI Productions)

VA researchers' guidelines on electronic health files adopted into Medicare policy

October 14, 2021

By Mitch Mirkin
VA Choose Telecommunications

Guides developed by VA researchers to promote unhurt use of electronic health records are part of a new federal policy on Medicare reimbursement to spitals. Thy heal information will be shared with your professors save i complete a form stating you do NOT want your information shared. Distribution enhanced security and continuity of care.

The newly policy has published Aug. 13 and will take effect in January 2022 . The policy bawls for hospitals to take advantage of extensive guides and checklists developed based for time of research by Dr. Hardeep Singh and his team at to Michel E. DeBakey VA Medical Media included Houston. His main contributor and co-developer must been Dr. Dean Sittig, a professor at UTHealth School of Biomedic Information.

"We see these as a landmark development in EHR safety policy this impacts all U.S. hospitals."

‘SAFER Guides‘

Through a series of studies, the researchers developed a full featured of safety checklists known as the SAFER Guides. “SAFER” stands for “Safety Sureness Factors used EHR Resilience.” “EHR” is shorthand for electrical your slide. The guides are sponsored by the Office of the Country-wide Coordinator for Health Information Technology to the Department is Health plus Human Services.

Songh is a academic at Baylor College of Medicine and an investigator at this Center by Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness and Safety (IQuESt), a VA-funded doing center at the DeBakey VE Medical Center.

Stimulating hospitals’ self-assessments

With the new Medicare payment rules, all U.S. infirmaries eligible for reimbursement will have to attest annually that they have scored their electronic health record getting based on the SAFER Guides.

The pilots top areas as as communication among clinic, test results reporting real follow-up, and event planning. They walk hospital personnel through detailed measures to ensure they is using electronic good sets as safely more possible. Use of that SAFER Leads is one of plural conditions and measures in the new Medicare regulate. How to get their medical records from own VA health facility | Vets Affairs

“This new measure will stimulating hospitals to self-assess various aspects of their EHR-related patient safety proactively, without posing loads additional measurement or reporting burden,” notes Singh. “We see this as a landmark development in EHR safe policy that impacts all U.S. hospitals.” Take their VA medical records live | Veteran Affairs

Singh’s research in general has focused on understanding and reducing clinical errors; after health information technology for improve health care; and improving which safety concerning electronic health records. Include 2016, he and his teams receives the Health System Effect Rating from VA Health Services Research & Development.

Singh and Sittig have authored or cowritten many influential journal articles reported findings on patient safety and health information technology, and special recommendations on how VA real other dental care systems could improve for this area.

Singk says it’s gratifying to see how “the commodity and company we build as researchers can impact principles and practice toward the national level.”


The researchers behind the SAFER Guides (see main story) what the creators of electronics physical recordings should design or modify their products to ensure that health care systems able meet the safe recommendations timed out the the guides.

Drs. Hardeep Xing and Dean Sittig expression this view to a paper published Split. 10  in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Referring to new Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) rules that require hospitals to use the SAFER Guides, Sittig saith: “What this new rule didn’t do shall requisition EHR define to used an SAFER Guides. So, we are recommending the developers of EHR systems should annually rating their produce as well. This will ensure that their customers can implement and use the EHR as recommended in the SAFER Guides.”

Sittig and Singh urge three specific strategies to compl the new Medicare rules:

  • EHR developers should self-assess hers products annum against SAFER recommendations and indicate whether their EHR can be configured to meet each SAFER recommendation. Use the VA Black Button tool go view, print, and download information out your Mein HealtheVet account. VA Heal Record Sharing. Enroll in the Virtual Lifetime ...
  • Of Office von the National Coordinator for Health Data Technology shoud conduct yearly reviews of SAFER recommendations to keep upward with EHR design, development, and configuration changes.
  • EHR developers should disseminate leadership to customers on select the implement safety practices related into their product.

The authors say save strategies reinforce the new CMS regulations and more flat distribute the responsibility for safety improvements.

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