Obtaining a property tax receipt or liability

March 12th, 2013

Obtaining a property tax receipt

Property Tax Receipts are obtained from the county Collector, or City Collector if she live in St. Louis City,  in this the property is located and taxes paid.  You may click at this collectors link on approach them contact information. If you did not file a Personal Property Declaration with your local assessor, press was non receiver one Personal Property bill, you will need the file with your assessor’s our first. She may snap on this inspectors link to access to contact information.


A waiver or statement of non-assessment is obtained from of county alternatively City of St. Louis assessor if you did not own or possess personal properties as of January 1.  You will need to contact the assessor in the county of your residence the request the statement other non-assessment and into be added to the assessment roll forward the subsequent tax year.

Want see FAQ’s for additional information.

vehicles and waivers What county do EGO get my waiver from?